
Photograph via snooOG

For everything McDonald's!

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Just use the edit link above and you can add anything from Crew Trainer to McCafé Addict after your name.

For everything McDonald's!:

Big Macs, McRib, Chicken McNuggets, McChicken, McCafé, Egg McMuffin, etc., plus McDonald's international restaurants and menu items.

Posting rules:

  2. Do not even think about doing a fortnite borger/burger post or comment! You will get banned.
  3. Basic sub rule: Be civil.
  4. No Text posts.
  5. Please follow redditquette and reddit rules.
  6. Posts should only be about McDonald's food news and services. No posts about happy meal toys, employee or customer freakouts, arrests, crimes, accidents, offbeat news, celebrity news, or other things that just happen to occur at or near a McDonald's restaurant.
  7. No videos, podcasts, streaming, or animated GIFs.
  8. No recipes
  9. No profanity, bigotry, racism, sexism, homophobia, trolling, insults, incivility, etc. Nothing that is rude, vulgar or offensive. Nothing gross or disgusting.
  10. No editorialized, vague, misleading, or clickbait titles.
  11. This sub is a politics-free zone for both posts and comments.
  12. This sub is primary for McDonald’s customers. If you have questions or comments or posts about McDonald’s employment or for fast food employees, try r/McLounge and/or r/mcdonaldsemployees.
  13. This sub is not tech support for the McD’s app. Use the link in the sidebar.
  14. No fast food employee rants — about customers, other employees, managers, etc. Post those to /r/TalesFromFastFood.
  15. No customer rants — about fast food employees, bad food, missing or added items in an order, etc. Complain directly to the store or corporate headquarters.
  16. McDonald's is a large international company. Please put the country in brackets like this: [Japan]. Often there are regional differences as well, so add the region, state, or city in the title as well if it might be important.
  17. No posts that are just McDonald's business or stock news.
  18. If you have a question about applying, interviewing, orientation, the different work positions, etc. at McDonald's, check /r/McLounge or /r/mcdonaldsemployees, but search those subs first because it's very likely your question has already been answered multiple times.
  19. Especially for any questions that might involve labor laws, mention the country, state, and county.
  20. No memes or image macros. No spam, or off-topic posts.
  21. NO rumors.
  22. No infographics.
  23. No posts using the redd.it shortlink and no links to other posts or threads on reddit.
  24. Only or mostly posting one website is considered self-promotion and is banned from this sub.
  25. Original sources only. No blogspam or rehosted/republished articles.
  26. No monopoly or contest posts. No promotion codes.
  27. No polls, surveys, petitions, fundraising, school projects
  28. No Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Tumblr, blogs, or other social media.
  29. No hoaxes, pranks, parody or satire nor AI-generated content.
  30. No ALL CAPS words or text, no bold text, and no #Headline text formatting! This is like SHOUTING and is considered rude. No ALL CAPS TITLES, even if the original headline was in all capital letters. No emoji. 😟
  31. Reddit is not Twitter or txt messaging. Complete sentences and proper spelling are expected.
  32. All posts must be in English.
  33. If your post is a question, please end with a question mark.
  34. No URL shorteners, archive links, bookmarking links, redirectors, link disguisers, or other websites that hides or changes the final destination URL or source of the original article.
  35. Do not post links to articles as a text post.
  36. No paywalls or websites that require registration.
  37. No slideshows or multi-page articles.
  38. Additional posts on the same topic with no new info will be deleted.
  39. No joke answers for serious questions. You'll likely get temp banned.
  40. Questions that can easily be answered by a Google search or visiting the McDonald's website will be deleted.
  41. Don't modify article titles except to add the location in brackets unless the title is excessively vague or clickbait-ish

Warning for McDonald's employees: This subreddit, like most of reddit, is publicly viewable and searchable through search engines such as Google. Please don't post anything or make comments in this sub that might violate any employment agreements, or that might help identify you or your store and lead to any discipline or firing.

Plus some viral websites have harvested comments from this sub (and elsewhere on reddit) for their articles such as "Here's what McDonald's [or fast food] employees say about ….", so don't make any comments in this sub you wouldn't want spread around the interwebs.

This subreddit is unofficial and has no direct connections with McDonald's. If you have any complaints, compliments, comments, questions, etc. for McDonald's, you should contact them directly.

Interested in joining the McDonald's family

McDonald's employee exclusive sites:

Problems with McDonald's mobile app?

If you're having troubles with the app:

  • Delete the app
  • Clear your cache
  • Reinstall the app

If you are still having troubles, here's the US feedback link.

US McD's mobile app feedback

Wiki pages

general labor law resources

A few related reddits:


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