Dedicated to Superman's super pet, Krypto: The Superdog!
Post images, videos, news articles, artwork, stories, or anything else related to Krypto
Dedicated to Superman's super pet, Krypto: The Superdog!
Post images, videos, news articles, artwork, stories, or anything else related to Krypto
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Posts must be relevant to Krypto the Superdog | If the post does not directly relate to Krypto the Superdog, please find a more suitable community |
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Indicate the source when submitting artwork or other fan content | Make sure to include the name of the creators. If you created it yourself, indicate as much and use the OC tag if submitting a post. If you don't know the source you can state as much, but at least try. Google's image search is a good method. |
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Refresh me of what Krypto‘s powers are throughout the decades of Superman comic issues.
give me all his appearances in everything plz need to read all of the dog
In the Cartoon Network show, not once did Kevin and Mechanikat have any interactions with each other. Do you think there should have been episodes of that? Like an episode of Mechanikat kidnapping Kevin and Krypto having to save him?
I mean Kevin is shown in season 2 (at least I think this started in season 2 because I don't remember him doing it in season 1), that he can mess up, reprogram, and even fix (and probably make) Kryptonian and lex corp tech, yet he rarely used those skills. Even more irritating is that he and krypto still got trapped in lex corp (seriously you can screw with advance tech including I'm pretty sure a time machine at one point, and yet you can't rewire a padlock.). Not to mention having access to a lot of Kryptonian and lex corp tech (especially considering the comics and yes this show had comics, we also met zod's dogs.).
I still love this show a lot for its amazing characters and stories, especially Streaky, my favourite of the lot.