
Photograph via snooOG

/r/Journaling is a subreddit dedicated to those who keep a written Journal.

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  • This sub is for handwritten journal entries, whether it's in a physical notebook or an app.
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  • If you want to use your Reddit as a diary (typed entries) please check out r/DiaryOfARedditor

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  • Pictures need to include writing to be considered a journal, or it needs to be obvious there will eventually be writing (before-the-pen is allowed).
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may 4, 2024 says "im just trying to keep this shit going"

08:27 UTC


Privacy...and fear of discovery

Ever thought about creating your own language/secret code so that anyone who attempts to read your journal won't understand it?

1 Comment
06:03 UTC


Fancy notebooks make me write nicer

Anyone else notice themselves automatically taking more care as they write as soon as they start writing in a nice notebook. I've been using cheap hardcover notebooks meant for school children up till this thing and without making too started writing much more carefully when I started on this one.

1 Comment
05:06 UTC


Advice on how to be honest?

I used to journal ALOT as a child. Like, religiously. I’d write every single day and I’d down whatever was on my mind. Thoughts, feelings, hopes, dreams. You get the picture.

Well, my mother found my journal and read it. Long story short, she confronted me about what I wrote and I got in trouble. When I got upset over it, she gave me the whole “it’s my house I will read what I want.” speech.

At the risk of sounding dramatic, this was sort of traumatizing. My privacy was violated and I quit journaling all together for many many many years.

I miss this hobby a lot and I’m trying to get back in the habit of it again. My issue though, due to health reasons I still live with my mother.

She doesn’t snoop in my room like she did black when I was younger and I have my journal hidden away in a place it wound be discovered. But that said, I’m still having trouble being honest when I write. I find myself not writing down fully everything I want to say, or editing things heavily.

Any advice on how I can get back to using this like it’s supposed to?

Also sorry if this is the wrong flair; but it kind of technically is the first journal I’ve tried to keep in nearly 20 years so I thought it fit.

04:33 UTC


Daily journal prompt: What type of videos do you like to watch on Youtube?

I have varied interests. From funny reaction channels to journaling, calligraphy and watercolour channels, fitness people channels (COVID workout from home era) and crime scene investigation documentaries.

I have always been interested in True Crime videos that are focused on the Science of how the criminals were brought to justice. It’s very interesting to me how the puzzle is solved with one single piece that may be insignificant to the untrained eye and I always think “thank God someone paid a close enough attention”. And I’m also interested about how Attorneys make their case for example how they carefully curate their opening and closing statements.

What about you?

Journal prompt and emoti washi from The Coffee Monsterz Co.

04:20 UTC


Does anyone have to resist the urge to toss entire journals?

I have journaled off and on for my entire life. The idea is always the same when I begin. I think “I’m at a time in my life I might later want to look back on. Let me journal about my daily life and the struggles I’m facing right now, and one day I can look back and appreciate how far I’ve come!”

Y’all. I can never read a journal from my past without cringing. I’ve thrown away several from high school and middle school having found them a few years later and feeling too terrified at the thought of anyone else seeing how cringey I was.

Well, I recently found an old journal I kept ten years ago when I was in my early twenties. And omg. Dating and skipping from boyfriend to boyfriend and swearing this new one was “the one.” Wondering when I can get my hands on some alcohol soon which I only discovered around that time and REALLY liked. Giving the bare minimum to my college classes and not even caring about how I do as long as I pass.

I’m not throwing it away because as stupid as I was, it was still a time in my life that contributed to becoming the person I am now. But geez does it hurt.

My current journal was actually started with the intention of leaving something for my kids to look at one day. But now I’m not so sure if I can handle it if I look back at it in ten years and feel similar to how I feel now looking at old journals. 😩

01:15 UTC


My journal has been used for about three months, and is almost done. Very exciting!

01:11 UTC


Journaling again, & it feels so good.

Just came here to say that after a years-long hiatus I got a new journal and wrote my first entry today. It’s been an excruciatingly difficult time & I really let it all out in the page & wow does it feel good!

1 Comment
00:51 UTC


can you guys read this cuz if so I'mma make it tinier

Let's see if my mother can read this even with specs

23:35 UTC


The evening light hitting my journal in the most perfect way 🖤📚💭

1 Comment
21:40 UTC



Time flies. Our daily schedule can get in the way of so much that we lose track of not only our time, but those goals and dreams we had not too long ago. Today, I'm reminded by the laughter shared with friends and treasured milestones shared, that I cannot make it out by myself.

Month's have gone by since I have reached out and I cannot help but think that I would be somewhere different if I were in touch with them. It takes a team, call them.

1 Comment
21:23 UTC


How screwed would you be if someone read your journal?

Putting aside the obvious privacy violations and immorality of the snooper, what stuff would you be most embarrassed to have others read? Any secret crushes? Spice or NSFW? Weird hobbies or controversial opinions? Rants? A secret life as a foreign spy?

Just thought this could be interesting :)

20:46 UTC


Journals for my children

I’ve recently started journaling, and I’m quite enjoying it - but there are days when I don’t have the motivation, or where it’s just another workday with nothing of note happening. For those blank spaces. I’d really like to fill them in with questions and answers that will help my children (now adult) get to know me better. I intend for these journals, warts and all to go to them on my unfortunate demise in a skiing accident in the switzerland with my billionaire husband.

I’m looking for some ideas for questions that aren’t as broad as tell me about your parents/childhood that would provoke memories long since lost to time.

Also, any tips for landing said billionaire husband also welcome.

20:20 UTC


Growth-Centered Self-evaluation

I've seen a lot of the partner hype (I think it's a great way to hold yourself accountable!) and was inspired to doodle this last night. It was really helpful to write my goals instead of my flaws. Any suggestions for the empty bottom section?

19:22 UTC


Therapist told me to do daily check ins and I started today (late)

These r my usual habits so I figured this could be it! She’s more talking about emotions, but I did the check in on the previous page so she will be okay with that lol my emotions r far too explanatory to jot down in a list (I have BPD so emotions r really huge)

1 Comment
16:22 UTC


Over two decades of journaling, finally trying one with dark pages. I’m a fan, but I need pen recs!

Stickers and washi really pop, as well as these acrylograph pens. Main complaint is finding good pens—the acrylographs have a scratchy feel, and none of my gel pens have consistent ink flow.

Anyone have good pen recommendations for writing on dark pages?

14:21 UTC


An excerpt from a few weeks ago.

14:13 UTC


Ain’t journaling good for the hard times?

Anyone watch “Won’t You Be My Neighbor?”?

09:18 UTC


My diary of my activities and training related to small and large projects

I decided to write a diary because of some training diaries on ArtOfMemory, and I have started one there also focusing on memory-related projects, but I have many more projects that are not so memory-related. It seems strange to me to keep a diary of activities not related to something memorizing in the diary I have on the ArtOfMemory forum, so here I will write in more detail and other projects and some common activities, but I will not write "at 20:00 I put the glass full of water on the table" or "Then I placed my arms and feet under the floor, with my body straight I bent my arms until my belly touched the floor then went up again and repeated the push-ups until I completed 10, push-ups, after that I did 5 more sessions", so don't expect anything as exaggerated as this description.

On the ArtOfMemory forum I have already started "Day 1" and presented some small projects

Project 1 — Memorize 1 palace per day/or spend a number of hours per day to memorize, yesterday I spent 1 hour, but there will be days when I spend 2 or more hours

Project 2 — As I don't know English I use Google Translate to translate my texts, in this project I will start memorizing a list of the 5,000 most used words in English with IPA, the file I have is already organized in alphabetical order so no I'm going to have a lot of problems, I'm going to start this project next week, aah it's already Sunday so this week, maybe around the 10th.

on Days 1 I spent 50 minutes memorizing 2 new palaces, and on average they will probably have around 300 loci, I spent 10 minutes interacting with the palace (breaking things, burning, smelling, passing my hand to feel the texture, crossing my eyes to try to duplicate the images as it would work in real life, licking the carpet, and other things hahaha).

I'm going to start with simpler and smaller projects so I don't end up giving up on nothing because my memory skills are slow or inefficient to complete projects the way I wanted, I have bigger and more complex projects that I found interesting but I need to have a good amount of luggage/stock of palaces available, and I also need to have a good English vocabulary to understand texts and read and study some important books for future projects, but it will also be good to memorize a little Spanish and Japanese vocabulary, and a little grammar, structure of phrases, words in certain contexts, expressions, abbreviations and in English I will at least have to learn some things they use in speech when adding some sounds to words or removing others at certain times.

08:53 UTC


When you want to document your past for your own memories, where the heck do you even start?

I’ve unfortunately had Covid a few times, despite vaccination and masks—I have no immune system. It left me with some pretty shitty memory loss and I’m afraid I’m going to lose my favorite memories and even my worst memories forever if I don’t find a way to put them on paper, but it’s hella intimidating.

Where or what would you start with?

04:13 UTC


calling it quits on this beauty, ready for new journal energy

01:03 UTC


Getting in the mood to Journal

How do you get ready to journal? Maybe this is just a me thing lol, but i feel like i can only get something written when im in a very specific mood. So how do you experience that or get in that headspace?

01:02 UTC


New Commonplace Book 🌲🌿

23:17 UTC


Need some of your ideas on how to solve a journal dilemma.

Hi everyone.

I have been journaling for a while now, mainly to cope with stress, to express myself without being judged and to vent. Also the memories... sometimes.
I would appreciate your help with a problem I have. This year I started a journal with the intent of having the whole of it in one notebook. So I went ahead and bought a notebook with a dedicated page for each day, size A5. Welp, turns out one tinny-tiny page is not enough to contain my thoughts. Who would've thought.

I need to start writting in another notebook as well, but how to I combine writting in two notebooks? I cant abandon the one that I have been using for the past 4 months but I cant just let the information start in one notebook and end in another. Maybe you can provide some ideas for different uses of each? Or how to smoothly transition from A to B without ruining the flow of days.

I hope Im being clear. If its confusing, but you want to offer advice, please ask for clarifications.
For me to submit a post about it here, means it causes a lot of mental distress.

Thank you.

17:07 UTC

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