
Photograph via snooOG

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329,735 Subscribers


having a fun one on first train ride in over a month

15:50 UTC


What’s the pen you’ve currently got your eye on?

It doesn’t have to be your grail pen - I doubt I’ll ever be able to afford mine without feeling guilty about spending that kind of money on a fountain pen. But what pen has you revisiting that webpage or looking for reviews? If you’ve got a pic, I’d love to see it!

This is the pen that’s been consuming my free time lately: Pineider Avatar UR Twin Tank Touchdown Fountain Pen - Graphene Black

15:48 UTC


What's the fountain pen in Netflix's The Madness?


A fountain pen is somewhat prominent in the recent Netflix series The Madness and I'm astonished I haven't been able to find it ID-ed anywhere online. Anyone recognize it?

1 Comment
15:22 UTC


Off to Yoseka Stationary today in Brooklyn. Wish me luck!😬

15:21 UTC


My collection for 2025

1 Comment
15:02 UTC


Advice on eBay seller

Has anyone purchased from "shiba-pen.shoten".

How should I properly vet an eBay seller?

14:57 UTC


Some more Visconti nibs

All Homo Sapiens, clockwise, starting on top left: Bronze Swirl fine Dark Age stub Bronze Age medium Earth Origins Water medium Bronze Age Travel Edition broad

Not pictures is my Opera Master Polynesia because I send it to Visconti for a damaged cap.

1 Comment
13:45 UTC



Purchased my first sailor : Sailor Tsuzu Adjust. (Translucent Blue)

Here are my thoughts who might be planning to buy one.

  1. Among all its siblings this Pen is the most Good Looking, no doubt about it.

  2. I have bought a fine , the pen is smooth , I might be wrong but the line width is tad similar to Pilot fine (from what I remember, as I don’t have my Pilot metro with me anymore)

  3. I felt the rotating grip is kinda gimmicky , my opinion, it might be helpful to you .

  4. Now the bad part which I fear the most, God only knows for how long the snap cap would fit tightly to the pen. I mean it gives vibes of Platinum Preppy feel, which gets loose after regular capping/uncapping. I hope I am wrong about my assumptions of this pen cap’s durability , coz it’s ten times costlier than preppy(which I can easily replace).

So there you go.

Edit : Siblings in the sense I meant among all Tsuzu Adjust. Again my view , you might find others better looking than this.

13:37 UTC


I did it.

I had a rough week and today I was in my most favorite stationary shop. I thought, I need this now.

13:27 UTC


I found the perfect bulb syringe for lamy pens

13:01 UTC


Please, help me find #5 nibs made of thinner metal and available on AliExpress

Comparison of metal thickness. Top - Diplomat Traveller, bottom - Jinhao 992

Pelikan M150 corroded nib

Hello there! I mostly read this subreddit, but now I need the power of its amazing community!)

I have two pens for which I wish to replace the nibs - Pelikan M150 and Diplomat Traveller.

Pelikan has a nib damaged by corrosion (on photo). This hole interrupts the ink flow, so the pen feels more like a dip pen when you can write several words, but then you need to shake the pen to fill the slit with ink.

There is nothing wrong with the Diplomat's nib, but it has a "Western" fine that is too thick (I prefer "Japanese" F or EF nibs). I can grind it to a finer nib by myself, but otherwise, it's a good nib, so I don't want to mess with it.

I know I can buy replacement nib units or even nibs from eBay and similar sources, but they are unavailable in my country without proxy services, which raises the price of delivery too much (I really like the feel which gives Pelikan's tipping material tho).

The nibs in both pens look like #5 nibs, but they are definitely made with a thinner metal in comparison to my other steel German, Chinese or Japanese nibs (on photo comparison with Jinhao's 992 nib. Diplomat - top, Jinhao - bottom), which gives them a bit of springiness. And because of that thicker nibs won't fit Pelikan M150. Some nibs fit Diplomat, but pretty tight and I'm afraid of section cracking because of that.

So I am trying to find a replacement for them on AliExpress, which is easily available in my country (yet). From some posts I have found, that some Hongdian nibs have springiness and a bit of flex in them (like Hongdian M2). I believe it is because of the metal thickness.

I have no calliper, so I can't measure the exact thickness required to fit my pens. But if someone can compare the thickness of your springy #5 steel nibs with "hard" ones it would be great. Or if you have Diplomat Traveller and can compare its nib - I'd be happy!)

Also to anyone who wants to replace the Pelikan M150 nib - it's a bit shorter (24mm - 24.3mm) in comparison to most #5 nibs (26mm) so you will need to cut/grind it down a little.

EDIT: added photos.

12:59 UTC


Best place to shop for Montblanc 149 or Visconti Homo Sapiens in Dubai

Hi everyone,
I'm visiting Dubai in Feb 2025,
I need your help to figure out the best place that sells authentic pens at an authentic price :)

P.S. Spoke to a person who said he would get me a discount, but instead he ended up pitching me an even more expensive pen which was very expensive.


12:47 UTC


Working toward opening a pen shop, what do you want to see in stock?

I'm working toward opening an online retailer with a rented local booth. What products do you want to see available? I was thinking about doing a subscription ink sample, 5 inks a month on a set rolling list with a couple collections available. This is very much a passion project about wanting to spread the hobby so I'm really hoping to learn some new ideas.

12:41 UTC


All my sheens

All are Diamine if not stated otherwise. LCDC are old exclusives for La Couronne de Comte. Swatched on tracing paper.

First row: Little Becks - Grotto - Sleigh Ride - Communication Breakdown - Pain d’Epices (LCDC) - Cranberry

Second row: Scribble Purple - Little Pip - Purple Rain - Medusa (Octopus) - Syun-gyo (Pilot) - Yama-budo (Pilot)

Third row: Bleu Cuivre (LCDC) - Little Mo - Cosmic Glow - Quink Blue (Parker) - Mysterious Blue (Waterman) - Bleu des Profondeurs (Herbin)

Fourth row: Vibe - Smoke on the Water - Aurora Borealis - Vert Sapin (LCDC) - November Rain - Violet Blackberry (Lamy)

What color-sheen combinations am I missing?

11:40 UTC


Recent purchases

Since Christmas these are all I’ve bought. I’m a big fan of pens with multiple nibs. The manuscript one is used daily. Couple vintage pieces; Platignum music/2b and an Osmiroid nib that I paired with a barrel. Even the dremel. Waiting for my Shaefer and Jinhao Dadao to arrive. No more pens until I get a storage case for all. I have more. I love it

11:39 UTC


Platignum fountain pen

Got this vintage pen a month ago and it was listed as a “music” nib that prompted me to get it. Come to find out it’s a double broad! Otherwise it does work fine for a vintage. Most interesting about this is that it’s a squeeze filler bladder-fed. I’m not disappointed about the mis-advertising at all it is close to a music nib I’m assuming. It’s a very cool piece

11:19 UTC


New nib and Ink flow Problems

I recently got a new premium steal b nib for my Kaweco Liliput because the original m standart nib wrote a bit dry for my Taste. But i do have a problem with the new nib. It can be quit inconsistent with the ink flow. Where often lines will not be written at all ( Like the How in the Picture ). This effect changes by paper used. On some Notecards i have it works quite fine, but for some reason on my good Midorie Paper in my Notebook it can be truley terribel where every second letter will have problems with ink flow.

I already flushed the pen multipel times even with sopy water and changed the inks ( Gone through Waterman Paris Intense Black Ink; Color Veres Schrödinger; Herbin Vert Empire and at the moment Pelikan 4001 ) all with very similar Problems.

Any tips maybe ?

( Sorry for my grammer, English isn't my first language )

11:07 UTC


What are these dots beneath the breather hole in my Lamy safari

10:32 UTC

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