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Jordan Peterson's goal is to strengthen the individual. Each person faces tragedy and evil. The hero's journey justifies the burden of being by pursuing truth, making order out of chaos. The alternative is deceiving yourself with ideology and nihilism. So, take yourself seriously, know the monster within you, and become a responsible person with an integrated character.

This forum is dedicated to work associated with Jordan Peterson (u/drjordanbpeterson), a public intellectual, clinical psychologist, and professor of psychology at the University of Toronto.

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As we all know. Plenty of people think you support genocide, if you’re even any spectrum of pro Isreal or even anti Hamas. We all know what Israel is doing is not genocide. But even if I were to concede to genocide, and steel man that. Wouldn’t all pro Palestine people be pro genocide as well? The Palestinian population voted for Hamas in 2006. The Hamas charter during that time called for the genocide of all Jews in Isreal .Even their revised 2018 charter still calls for the removal of the Zionist state which will have to happen by genocide. So I’m confused. Not only is what Isreal doing NOT a genocide, but the country of Palestine they support are the people who elected a government who had a charter that calls for wiping out the Israel state. And here’s your Palestinian civilian reaction to a dead Israeli civilian

04:09 UTC


Darth Dawkins (Christian Presuppositional Apologist) Debates Atheists

03:02 UTC


I'm often told I'm a "good guy", but I don't feel it

I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction for something I can read or watch about this.

It seems like all my male friends say the same thing to me to build me up and I kind of believe it. Like ok the whole I'm a pretty good dude. But I do feel a bit hollow when I hear it. I do my best to not step on toes and be there for people when they need it. I do need to be more assertive in certain circumstances though. I don't view it as negative liek the connotation of being called a nice guy

I'm interested in why I feel this way. And what describes this feeling from a psychological perspective

01:52 UTC


Why do we only hear of Muslim and Jew persecution and problems?

01:50 UTC


Free speech? What am I not getting here?

Regardless of your personal opinion of Candace Owens, the Daily Wire put out a gag order on her in secret. DW staff seem to be allowed to discuss her, but Owens is no longer allowed to discuss them.


How is this relevant to JP? Well, I am struggling with why Peterson continues his relationship with the folks at DW. Peterson has sacrificed his license in Canada to stand up to a violation free speech, in a sense. Freedom of speech is a value he holds dearly. So why is he in bed with these conservatives who claim the same values, but so clearly do not uphold them by their actions?

I hope JP parts ways with them when his contract comes to an end. It's just baffling to me that he's not protesting this situation with Owens.

For context, Jordan Peterson has all my respect, his lectures and writings have improved my life for the better, I owe him so much. It think very highly of him. I am not trying to throw shade on him.

01:17 UTC


Dr. Peterson talks about Limits to Growth (Degrowth)

00:47 UTC


Life, Death and the weakness of Evil

Until the human mind is liberated , it can only experience life through a dualistic lens. This makes writing about It more challenging, because the mind will want to categorize, catalogue and frame it based on what it regards as relatable. To someone who has been mind-locked their entire life, to contemplate a world outside the mind can feel daunting. To such a person, mind is the only reality and perhaps even love is an unknown feeling.

When love emerges within you, it is as if a fire is suddenly stoked within your chest. You find yourself falling, tumbling out of your mind and into your heart. Falling out of your mind this way is why they call it "falling in love." You realize at this point that you are more than the useful tool called mind. This is not enlightenment, but you have taken an important step toward authenticity and experiencing your deeper nature.

After you arrive at love, you may celebrate it, at first. But then you may discover empathy and feel the pain of others. Also, being lovestruck, you may play the fool guided by the whims of the heart, untethered to Truth. In such a way, you can be manipulated as a pawn in another's game. Heartbroken, you may find yourself in a different sort of cage. Retreating back to the mind, you may proclaim that you "don't care", and you would be right as minds don't care. But, you realize now that there is something more and so your mind is receptive to discovering more secrets about yourself. Or perhaps instead you turn toward temporary fixes and chase other highs. Why ? Because you feel incomplete. This is when evil enters you, making you feel its weakness and you, the chooser is tricked into believing this alien weak thing is you. Life is short, it says, so get what you can while you still breathe.

Such is this game of life and death before crossing the threshold to bornless Whole, the One. You learn that it was never you that was weak, for only the choice can be that, never the chooser.

23:42 UTC



22:45 UTC


I’m in my late 20s, uneducated and know close to nothing about the world. How do I go about educating myself?

I watched Jordan Peterson’s video where he referred to his reading list on his website as a starting point for self education; works he deems to be by some of the greatest writers such as Dostoevsky, Solzhenitsyn, Huxley, Nietzsche, and Jung.

The problem is however that I’m quite limited in my reading comprehension skills and these writers are very deep so I’m quite intimidated by the depth and breadth of their work as someone who has barely read anything.

The only book I’ve read is 1984, the most difficult part of that book was the section designated to describing the intricacies and developments of how the fascist tyrannical ideology of big brother came to power and the ways in which the government has control over the people with using concepts such as double think. Most of the details of that section went well over my head, and overall, it wasn’t an enjoyable read for me.

I tried reading the laws of human nature by Robert Greene but I’m taking a break from it after having read the first 100 pages, from which I don’t think I’ve learned much, though perhaps it’s too soon to judge or read too little to expect increased knowledge and insight?

There are a few books that caught my interest; Behave by Robert Sapolsky, The Righteous Mind by Jonathan Haidt, and The Dawn of Everything by David Graeber and David Wengrow.

I’m interested in learning more about psychology; particularly about human nature, our commonalities and differences, and why we adopt certain beliefs and values which vary across different societies, cultures, and eras.

Politics: I know nothing about this subject. For this I found an accessible book called “Chomsky for Beginners” by David Cogswell. I chose Chomsky because he’s known to be the greatest intellectual alive, and is an erudite figure in the political sphere.

Economics: my least favourite topic but it’s essential to learn about to understand how the world works in terms of money, financing, banking, production and buying/selling of goods, and how it plays a major role in the GDP of a country and how developed they are.

History: particularly grand history which tells the story of how we humans emerged out of the savannas of Africa 200,000 years ago, how our ancestors lived as hunter gatherers and eventually settled with the development of agriculture, forming organised societies over thousands of years. This leads me to evolutionary biology which I’d also like to educate myself in.

Philosophy : it’s a broad and daunting subject, but learning logic and logical fallacies are important to form good arguments and identify bad ones. And critical thinking is essential.

TLDR; Is Jordan Peterson’s reading list worth ploughing through as a complete beginner to reading who knows close to nothing about the world, or is there a better approach? If so, I’m open to hearing your suggestions.

21:36 UTC


It's ok to hate Communism. (James Lindsay)

20:09 UTC


How The US Is Destroying Young People’s Future

18:52 UTC



l NEED HELP. l FEEL TERRİBLE. Guys, when l was 19 l have started to meet with a guy who is 29. Firstly , l didn’t know his age . We became to flirt and everything was going okay. But suddenly he said l am engaged . When l learned l felt terrible and although l already was felling love and kiss him while knowing that, after that l felt guilty and left him with swearing to his face. During his engagement hi told a lie to me and wanted to have sex with and l did not let him to do. Then we seperate and after one month he texted me “l broke with my fiance’ and want to get into relationship. “ but l ignored l want to get a revenge on him . And everything destroyed . After a couple of month l have decided to give a chance to him and we started relationship. We were kinda good , but we did not have any trust to each-other. Anyway , after some time he decided to go a trip to France and suddenly l saw some girls (eskort) on his telephone . He asked how much anal and bla bla , l shocked and ask him , what the hell is this. He said it is just my interest . İt costs moren that 500$ , that’s why of course l am not gonna pay that money.”l answered if it costs 5$ , you will do?) and We argued everyday while he is on trip , he sent live location and every minute texted me to make believe him. But l was feeling terrible . Anyway , after coming back we tried again . We had in a good relationship ,plus we have decided to get marry too and l told my parents and my dad liked it( because he graduated with red diploma and he has a good outlook) and next year l mean this year at march 9 we had heri( traditional day like engagement) and our relationship got really strong . No break -up chats , no argue . But today l gelt terrible and l checked his telephone , l saw his sex videos with his ex girlfriends . l feel nausea , he , sex , everything about him irritates me right now. Although he says it is just past and cannot change , l am in love with you, but l feel terrible . And after one month we will have engagement. What should l do???😢😢😢

18:38 UTC


Progressives have Finally Found their Religion

18:10 UTC


Gender-Inclusive Sticker in Germany proving Jordan right, it says: "Language is power/might"

18:02 UTC


Sleeping Beauty and Monster Drawings

In one of Jordan’s lectures he talks about how he worked in a daycare I think it was, and he used to draw pictures of monsters and show them to the children. He says they loved it, but he doubted that he could get away with it in today’s environment.

I think this story is emblematic of Jordan’s entire life in general, because he is still doing the same thing today, just with adults instead.

It’s sad but it seems like much of our society now would rather be in a drug induced coma than face the reality of our world. Maybe it’s always been that way, more or less, but the opioid epidemic is definitely a huge problem. If you’re familiar with the story of sleeping beauty, and it’s archetypal significance, it’s easy to recognize that we are under the spell of a complex. A psychic epidemic.

As Jordan says, there is no way to make your children invulnerable to the tragedy and malevolence of the world, all you can do is make them strong enough to try and overcome it. His new book, An ABC of Childhood tragedy is exactly like those monster pictures. He’s trying to get us to see the evil, face the monster in us, but too many would rather close their eyes to it, remain asleep, and pretend he is the problem.

18:01 UTC


Evil Bloody Well Exists - Prof. Jordan Peterson

1 Comment
16:23 UTC


The Algebra of Wealth: A Simple Formula For Financial Security

13:30 UTC


Deleting reddit and most here are complete hypocrites turning a blind eye and silence to right wing govs mass murdering in the present BTW.

13:15 UTC


The Black J. Peterson: "Our purpose is to rebuild the family, by rebuilding the man."

04:09 UTC


Dr. Jordan B. Peterson: We Who Wrestle with God Tour May 15 • 7:30 PM - YouTube Theater - Inglewood, CA

Two tickets are available: Sec 101, Row D, Seat 5-6
$250. please message me

03:39 UTC


Like Amish illness rates, how reliable are the low crime rates of Asian "High Trust Societies"?

I have to keep reminding myself that different countries have different standards for what is and isnt a crime.

02:18 UTC

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