
Photograph via snooOG

Posts and discussion about insomnia and sleep disorders.

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Day 4 went to bed later still same problem

I keep waking up at 3 am with these sweats no matter what I’m taking the stay asleep gummy’s wich are not working but idk what to do atp guys what do I do ?? Because just waking up this once seems to be the only thing that ruins my sleep

14:28 UTC


Sleeping when you get tired regardless of time of day

I was getting my sleep somewhat under control, but then it started to spike anytime I had anxiety problems that generally came up when I had to go to work. Then in December I lost my job. It's been 5.5 months and I noticed that my anxiety started to spike again and my insomnia came back.

I've been wondering if anyone has gotten to a point where they just sleep when they want to, regardless of the time? I did this in college and it worked for a bit.

This isn't a long-term strategy, but I'm just wondering if taking away some of the guilt and anxiety around when I should be sleeping would be a good idea.

Any thoughts?

12:19 UTC


Alcoholic Insomnia

Hi there, I've been a moderately heavy drinker the past 2 years (off and on over the years as well), but very heavy drinking the past 3 months. Finally decided to quit 4 days ago and now am experiencing the effects of alcohol induced insomnia 😑 Think I have gotten a total of maybe 4 hours of sleep over the past 3 days. It's not like I fall asleep and wake up at 3am, I can't fall asleep AT ALL. It's like my brain has forgotten how to fall asleep on its own. I've tried magnesium aspartate with zinc combined with other multivitamins the past couple nights, but didn't make a dent - not sure if it needs to build up in my system or whatnot.... I'm also not drowsy the next day, like I had a full nights rest, which is alarming as well. I'm scared. I can't live a life on no sleep. Any suggestions?

12:07 UTC


I feel like my body battery is charged to 200% and doesn't discharge

Hi there,

lately I really struggle to sleep. Every night I go to bed I toss and turn for a while, feeling wide awake and my my thoughts slowly start racing. It feels like they become so fast that I can't even keep up with my own thoughts after a while and it's mentally exhausting just to think. Then it's kind of spreading and my body is telling me to MOVE. I feel like I have way too much energy. So I usually start pacing, doing squads, dance etc. for 2 to 5 hours during the night. Moving definitely helps to slow down my thoughts again. Once I feel like it is at a bearable level I manage to lie in bed relatively calmly by listening to a youtube video or podcast etc. I usually manage to get between 1 to 4 hours of sleep, depending on how long it takes to calm my body down and at what time of the night this surge of energy comes.

When I wake up I feel like I have too much energy again but it is not as bad during the day. Today I did a HIIT workout after waking up, then I went for a run, then I did another HIIT workout and then I did a dance workout. Now it's bearable. I will probably do a walk in the evening because I don't want to do a workout routine so closely before bed time (I would need to shower again) and it's not like it is doing much. And then rinse and repeat.

I already had this kind of energy surge about a year ago and it lasted about two months. So I know my mind will become more and more tired because of sleep deprivation but my body will not really feel exhausted. At one point the sleep deprivation will get so great that my body will feel too exhausted to function but my body will still try to drag me forward. And when I lie down to sleep my body will just slowly go to 200% again, keeping me up.

Last time I couldn't go to a doctor. This time I'll definitely see one if it lasts longer. But I was wondering if someone else experienced something like this and maybe has some tipps on how to deal with it? Or a tip about an underlying cause?

11:57 UTC


Trazodone weaning?

Has anyone successfully weaned off of Trazodone? I’ve had sleep-maintenance insomnia for 13+ years and have been on 100mg for the last 2.5 years (and Ambien before that) I want to wean off of it to re-address my insomnia. I’ve taken it every night so my brain is quite dependent on it. I once tried weaning off by cutting just 1/10th from the pill and after 2 days I was having horrible withdrawal symptoms.

1 Comment
10:35 UTC


Long term insomnia


My insomnia has been going on for a solid 16 years (since I've been a 6 year old), so I'm not sure if I should even make a post on it.

I have to say, I'm extremely done with the insomnia every night. I don't want to be taking meds every night not to get addicted, but every time I don't take them I can't sleep again. Always falling asleep in the AM and having to wake up an hour later to go to class.

At this point, I'm like a walking zombie and hopeless about ever becoming better. It feels like my anxiety is getting worse, I feel like I'm going to pass out from heart palpitations at night or randomly on the street while walking. I can't even handle certain types of lights, or flashing lights because they make me feel sick and dizzy.

I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety 6 years ago. I don't know if that's even the cause of it because ever since I've had consciousness, I've had insomnia too.

I do not want to live in a victim mentality ever. That's why I punish myself with as much physical activity as possible, in order to make myself tired by the end of the day. Nothing works.

I am a very hyper person, my mind works at a fast pace no matter how tired I am. Even on 1 hour of sleep or less. Because of this, relaxation methods don't work on me.

Used to love sunsets, now I dread them because of the incoming battle with trying to sleep.

Please give me all the advices you can give in order to help myself. I want to fix this on my own because getting professional help where I live doesn't help at all due to the doctors not listening fully and just wanting to slap a diagnosis on you as fast as possible to give you meds. I don't care about meds or diagnoses, I care on how to help myself by my own.

TLDR; insomnia going on since early childhood, extremely done because it's affecting me physically; hyperactive nonetheless so relaxation methods don't work on me, neither does intense physical activity. Seeking advice!

10:18 UTC



It's 2:30am and I'm up so frustrated thinking about how much I hate my life because my boyfriend left me

09:26 UTC


DAE get a very strong manic type “high” when its late and they’ve been without sleep for awhile?

So I am 18 yrs old and have suffered with insomnia since I was like 5, I am up for days sometimes, I wouldn’t describe myself as a completely depressed person but my mood tends to not be that great at times, but every single night as it gets later and I go without sleep, I’ll start to get extremely euphoric and high energy and I get great clarity on how to solve every issue in my life and get extremely giddy about all of the plans I have, but as the night goes on and the day gets brighter my mood starts a slow decline before I’m back to baseline, Ik the “3 am motivation phenomenon” but this is like a full blown overwhelming sense of energy and euphoria, has anyone else had any similar experience?

08:45 UTC


Sleep Schedule

i have completely fucked my sleep schedule, i'm 13 and i got to bed at 5-6 am everyday, no i don't go to school i haven't gone in 4 months because of my anxiety disorder, i wake up at 12-2 pm every day and i can't do it anymore its so annoying. i eat two meals a day, one of them being a singular peanut butter sandwich. i would fix it by not going to sleep at all but i can never last, i've been trying for a few days but i always fail and it always makes my sleep schedule worse. wtf do i do???

07:43 UTC


It got to 4 am then I gave in and had a mirtazapine

No sleep till 4 am, I was just lying there from 11 pm onwards then at 4 am I had enough and took 7.5mg mirtazapine and after a while maybe 30 minutes I got to sleep and woke at 7 am

How is everyone else getting on with their sleep ?

07:41 UTC


Need advice

I’m 18 and for the past four months I have had severe insomnia. It’s related to mental health and it could have been completely avoided if my parents allowed me to go to therapy. Instead I’m four months in and my insomnia AND mental issues got worse. My mom still believes “ I have to get myself out of this and be strong”. I get 2-3hours I of sleep only and this has been going on for a long time. If I was back in college it would be better but im a stuck at home for three more months with no socialising and nothing to do. I don’t think I can do this for three more months and hope that going back to college will fix it. I don’t wanna die or something😭

06:06 UTC


Just starting taken Dayvigo (Lemborexant) and had severe sleep paralysis episodes soon after taking it.

Anyone else had this? I took it before bed, and for about an hour, every 30-50 seconds I’d feel this strange impulse in my brain, almost like an electrical shock and it would go through my body Every 5-8 times I’d experience this, one would be so intense that my whole body shuts down, and I’m fully paralysed for 5-10 minutes.

Horrifying experience and if I knew it was a common and safe side effect, I’d feel a lot better about it. Not sure if I should take it again lol.

Any help or insight is much appreciated

05:41 UTC


Every night is just repeating everyday

I’ll probably play on my Xbox until around 2-3 am which is late but I only play it so late because I know I won’t be able to sleep anyways and I have tried getting to sleep earlier like at 1am ish and I just can’t I’ll be up until around 7 am where I can finally sleep but only because I’m exhausted what will happen is I’ll get into bed ready to sleep feeling tired and comfortable then I’ll be in bed for about 20-30mins in the dark not being able to sleep(I’ve also tried having some backround noise on)my mind for some reason is just active when I’m trying to go to sleep then I’ll get frustrated and stressed out because I’ve been lying down for ages not being able to sleep which will make it even harder so then I put on something to watch for abit and then try again and the same thing repeats until 7-8am when I usually finally get to sleep I have no problems staying asleep it’s just falling asleep I just go from being tired to feeling wide awake

I feel like it’s because how active my mind gets I start thinking about everything making scenarios in my head or having a song stuck in my head and I’ll think to myself I feel tired maybe I can actually get some sleep then I feel wide awake again

And something that keeps me awake that I think about is waking up like the transition from sleeping to waking up I feel like it’s impossible to explain it

Like when you fall asleep and you wake up it’s like an instant transition and I think about the transition of sleeping to waking up like opening my eyes and realising I’ve slept

I don’t know how to word it in a more understandable way but I hope someone understands

05:21 UTC


Severe Insomnia

Hello all - a quick recap - I’ve had hours of insomnia over the years. Some that have lasted months at a time.

I don’t get 8 hours of sleep anymore naturally. Haven’t for years. I’m lucky if I get 6.

My issue isn’t falling asleep - it’s staying asleep.

I was on a good sleep schedule until 2 weeks ago and of course I began using my phone before sleep. The ultimate no no. Sometimes I would wake up at night and just look at my screen for a minute.

My precious insomnia episodes involved me sleeping 3-4 hours and then tossing and turning the rest of the night. This new Insomnia is 100x worse as I only sleep 1-2 hours and toss and turn. I’m waking up feeling like my head is going to explode. I can’t go in like this.

I took some Advil PM for a few days in a row to try and see if I can get my schedule back. Didn’t work. Stopped it for a night and the same thing happened. This is completely ruining my brain function and my mood. I’m having headaches and I feel like I can barely do anything. I feel like a zombie.

I’ve taken ashwaganda and magnesium in the past but stopped. Recommended to start again? Any other ideas? I desperately do not want to get on heavy meds for this.

And for the record I’m going no phone at least one hour before bed again and reading a book to sleep but not sure what else to do. Please help me. I’m miserable.

1 Comment
02:37 UTC


I am moving to the US soon do these sleeping pills require a prescription if so can you guys recommend some that don't require a prescription?

I take Eszopiclone, Mirtazapine and Quetiapine they require no prescription where I am. Will they require a prescription in the US?

01:20 UTC


Day 3 my anxiety messed me up last night

(M20) I took my magnesium and fall asleep gummy around 9 15 - 10 and I did a meditation that worked with relaxing my body but not my mind my mind wouldn’t let me get off the phone and when I tried my mind would still be racing my body becomes uncomfortable for no reason so I fall asleep close to midnight and what do ya know I still wake up at 3 and I wake up hot and wheezing so I just wanna know has anyone else experience this ? Do you think this is underlying issues that are waking me up can yall not relax once you get to bed or close to bed time?? I really don’t want this to affect my social life but I feel like I will I’m scared to do a sleep study I don’t know what it’s like how do I fall asleep during a sleep study should I go in ? What should I do I just want to stay asleep am i dying? What’s happening? This has happen for the past 3 days

1 Comment
00:14 UTC


Do I have insomnia?

I'll just get right into it.

I've been sleeping extremely badly. I can't fall asleep. And when I do I wake up 2-4 hours later.

I've always had trouble falling asleep, but usually I stayed asleep

I feel like it's been around 2 years ago since I actually had a good sleep. (I think it started around exams? But obviously those exams are long gone so I don't know why I'm still having trouble.)

I've tried almost every trick I can find online to fall asleep and stay asleep. Staying of my phone, exercising, podcasts... etc...

I've been complaining a lot about how my lack of sleep has been giving me constant headaches and have been making me really unproductive. So a friend pointed out I might have insomnia and I should try taking medication for it.

But I don't like self diagnosing and I definitely don't want to take any medication just like that.

So if anyone could give some insight and maybe some more tips that would be great.

22:53 UTC



Like many of you I have tried many sleeps meds. At my last appointment I had to get off Mirtazapine because it would make me dizzy upon standing and left a huge hangover the next day. My PCP referred me to a sleep specialist but they are booking 6 months out. In the mean time my doctor offered me Ambien. It will be the 5th prescription I've tried for sleep.

I'm starting tonight. Crossing my fingers

22:47 UTC


What's your magnesium type, dosage and brand for sleep?

I heard that magnesium glycinate 200mg works best for deep sleep, but I'd like to hear from the community. Consider USA and EU brands. Thank you all!

21:26 UTC


Not feeling tired

Am I alone? Like I know I’m tired but I’m so anxious that I just don’t really feel it. I’m scared something is really wrong with me?? I’m scared! Is this normal? Like to not get much sleep or any at all and not be tired?

21:08 UTC


Success story both on and off Trazodone (middle insomnia)

Hey guys, thought I'd share my story. I've been on Trazodone for 4 years, started in during 2020 for horrible middle insomnia (those 3/4am wakeups where I'm wide awake but feel like crap, and then get tired again as daylight hits, and then go back to sleep from 7am-10am which is a schedule that sucks ass and is unrealistic for many). It took about 3 weeks to work, but then it became my miracle drug and most nights, it's given me a nice 7-8 hours of sleep with no wakeups for years now. However, I'm super dependent on it to say the least 😂

I needed to come off Trazodone in plans of getting pregnant via IVF, so I weaned off of it over the past month (really, the year). I was taking 50mg for years and then dropped it to 25mg last year and got used to that after a few weeks. Finally for the month before the planned pregnancy, I did 12.5mg and then did that amount only every other night the final week.

I slept like shit that last week, same thing as pre-Traz, and continued to. I then bought Magnesium Glycinate, and while the first few nights it didn't help a ton and I had disturbing dreams, I'm now sleeping my 7-8 hours again and it feels like I replaced my Trazodone. I am shocked. I've tried this before and it hasn't helped in the past. Previously I purchased the Now brand, this time I purchased Nature Made, I'm not sure if that made a difference or not. I only take one pill at 200mg.

I'm not sure if it's totally mental/placebo, if it'll stop working, if it's other factors, etc.; but I thought I'd share how things have panned out! (And how Trazodone worked well for me in the past, if you're curious about taking it).

18:50 UTC


Muse headband has helped a lot

About a month ago I bought a muse headband to help with sleep tracking and meditation, and it has helped a lot with my insomnia and I want to share and see if anyone else also has had similar experience.

I found the digital sleeping pill (an app feature that adjust music volume depending on your brainwave) extra helpful to fall asleep. Compared to trying to go to sleep without it, I found that I can usually focus my mind better. It also give me a good indication of when my mind is trying to sleep, which also relaxes me.

Sometimes I felt like I didn't sleep for hours but the tracking tells me I did sleep, which ironically make me feel better rested

18:37 UTC


Paradoxical insomnia

Hey everyone, is anyone experiencing paradoxical insomnia? For the last three years, on and off, sometimes I would feel like I didn't sleep at night at all, and I was up thinking about random stuff the entire night. This went on for so long, I would be like yeah I didn't sleep at all it was a bad night. Recently I have realized that sometimes I indeed do sleep in that time, but wake up feeling not refreshed and having woken up multiple times at night. Has anyone gone through this? I need help 😢

17:55 UTC


Swing shift

I took a new job last October and the swing shift is killing me. I work overnights for a week from 8pm-7am, then I get a week off. I really like the job, but I don’t know how to make it manageable. I usually try to switch back to a somewhat normal schedule on my days off. So I’ll try to wake up at 5 am on days I don’t work.

On my days on I usually try to go to bed at 12 pm - 8pm but lately I’ve just been falling straight asleep after work for 4 hours then waking up. My sleep’s all over the place and I can’t seem to keep a schedule which then effects when I eat/shower etc, it’s a mess and I don’t feel good.

I was thinking of just sticking to keeping my work schedule even on my days off but that’s so depressing…i’ll become a vampire. Any tips to make this manageable (without quitting)? I could also try to wake up super early ~3 am on my days off so at least it’s decently close to my work schedule, and I’ll at least have some sun throughout the day?

17:50 UTC


Temazepam headaches?

Hi! Has anyone experienced bad headaches (migraine headaches) and dizziness from using Temazepam daily for sleep?

17:18 UTC


Trouble falling asleep for past week

So last Thursday I was at my college dorm and got pretty bad sleep(slept around 5.30am-10am). I wasn’t too concerned since I occasionally get bad sleep at college. I normally go home on the weekends and I usually get great sleep at home so I went home the next day on Friday. Sometimes, but not consistently, I’ll take a pill of 120mg magnesium glycinate expecting it to work but deep down I know it doesn’t really change my sleep positively. I took a pill that friday night at home, only to fall asleep again at 5.30-6am.

Took two magnesium pills on Saturday night, didn’t do jack either. I got off the magnesium pills on Sunday night and still the same outcome. On wednesday night, I took Nyquil for congestion and I actually fell asleep around 2am but woke up at 5.30, only to fall back asleep at 7am-10am.

Yesterday night till this early morning was by far the worst. I decided to split a natrol 3mg melatonin pill, intending to take only 1.5mg. This rebounded on me and I could not fall asleep for the life of me till this morning at 7am. Whenever i would fall asleep I would also have weird ass dreams so idk what tf is going on. I’ve never had this problem before, so if anyone could offer any advice or suggestions I’d greatly appreciate it.

I am really not sure if this is all in my head or it’s just a temporary thing. I’m just feeling bummed and frustrated especially since I got finals next week. I’ve never had this problem before, so if anyone could offer any advice or suggestions I’d greatly appreciate it. Thanks for listening to my vent….

P.S. I am usually on my laptop and phone right before I head to sleep but I am not sure if that is a contributing factor since I have been doing this for years and it hasn’t impacted my sleep.

1 Comment
16:16 UTC


Sinking/breathlessness in chest/abdomen/fast heart rate on brink of sleep during night or day - on repeat the whole night. 0 sleep for 4 days.

Will try not to make this long but basically I can't sleep a single minute in the night nor day, not because I'm not sleepy or anxious and I wouldn't even call this insomnia. My body is physically (with physical symptoms) preventing me from sleeping. I think I'm either going to become disabled or die from sleep deprivation. Currently writing this from Hospital due to not sleeping a single minute for 4 days and was put on lorazepam. Only thing that works to give me 4-5hrs is lorazepam but I'm well aware of benzos and how bad they are long term and do not want to take this long term. I recovered once before for 6 years without meds and feel I can't do it again. I'm embarrassed to say I'm scared.

Prev Dx: POTs / long term history of digestive issues that were usually in control but have ramped up again.

What I'm about to describe below I've had before for 8 months in 2018 and it was a painful process to get better and it completely went away. It has suddenly returned after 6 years and seems worse this time.

Main symptom:

  • every single time I am about to drift off to sleep at night - literally just seconds before entering the first phase of sleep - on the cusp of being awake and just about entering sleep - I will get a sudden breathless sinking feeling/sinking in chest and upper abdomen/dropping sensation in chest like when you go down a hill really fast with a car. I'll open my eyes, it goes and I'm awake. Then I'll close my eyes turn over and try again - same thing. This happens all night on repeat throughout most of the night. It's like my body doesn't want me to sleep although I'm drowsy and could fall asleep if these sensations didn't happen.

Then in the morning I try to sleep out of desperation. The same sensation occurs. It jue does not go away. Basically 24hrs around the clock if I sleep, I will get this happening in my chest/abdomen all nignt long and if I try in the day time, the same thing. - on rare occasions it will happen a few times and I'll be able to sleep 4 hours max. - Is this adrenaline? Sleep apnea? I don't know. But going 3-4 days without sleep over and over again while I'm sleepy is turning me insane.

I also have digestive issues and take a beta blocker (nebivolol) for POTs.

I'm reaching out to anyone who has been through the same and also would go 3 or 4 days without sleep at a time due to symptoms like this.

I admit this started again after a highly stressful event and happened the first time in 2018 after an EP study (which was normal).

My concerns: -Adrenaline spikes (common in hyperadrenergic POTs) - body is in constant fight or flight - which is also ramping up digestive problems? - I have SIBO and usually eat low carb/low fodmap. I wanted to try propanolol as I know this is not cardioselective and can hamper adrenaline in the body.

-Sleep Apnea (people have described these sensations but I'm assuming they can eventually fall asleep? Whereas for me it keeps happening all through the night).

  • loud growling sounds from abdomen and chest (trapped gas - I found out there's something called rhomeheld syndrome where stomach issues can cause the heart to play up).

I'm at loss. It's like my body wants me to die. Sounds dramatic but that's exactly what I feel like. I have a wife and two little girls and genuinely cannot even be there for them due to sleep deprivation. They have to watch me hallucinate and become mentally unwell by the third day.

I cannot for the life of me find anyone who goes all nignt long with these symptoms. I know people have had similar sensations but eventually they can sleep. I can't. Mine happen on repeat the whole night no matter what I try.

14:40 UTC


Watch shows no sleep. Thought I slept 5 hours cold turkey last night

Remeron stopped working for me so last night I went cold turkey.

I was also placed on Nadolol in the hospital which helped me sleep beautifully but I’ve stopped taking it because I’m afraid I’m not going to get a refill at the cardiologists office (POTS symptoms are intermittent and I never get an accurate reading when I’m in the doctors office).

I was elated because I thought I slept 5 hours this morning with just one Benadryl and listening to Guy Meadows’ Sleep Book. (Not sure if I should lean into not sleeping for 48 hours, which is a side effect of the incredibly high Synthroid dose I’m taking)

My watch shows I didn’t sleep at all. It recorded accurate sleep the night before.

Did I really sleep?

14:05 UTC


Sleeping too much or too little, never just enough

I can't sleep for over 24 hours and then when I finally take a Tenox to fall asleep I sleep over 15 hours and wakeup so fricking late!! And when I'm at work I'm exhausted even when I sleep the "normal" amount!

I struggle with alcohol and right now I'm going through a bad time I'm drinking a lot and alcohol so fucking ruins my sleep!

12:18 UTC


This shit is unfair and is ruining my life. I don’t know what to do

I’m a 25 year old male and I’ve now had insomnia for almost 3 years now. Each year it seems to have gotten worse and worse. I don’t understand I used to sleep 8+ hours a night easily and now I always struggle every single damn night. I probably average about 2-3 hours a night and it’s always fragmented. I’m currently on day 3 of 0 sleep.

My insomnia is severe and it makes every day feel like a chore and that I have to “survive the day” as opposed to being able to enjoy things. It makes my job 20X more difficult. I can never be in the moment when being social with my friends and family because I’m always thinking about how I need sleep. I’ve tried medications melatonin, Benadryl, trazodone, Dayvigo, and none have done anything except trazodone helping a tiny bit.

I just feel so hopeless and sad and don’t know what to do to get better. Thanks for reading.

12:05 UTC

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