
Photograph via snooOG

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Trouble with Deep Sleep

Hi All,

I'm looking for something a little more high tech than my Apple Watch SE22 to track my deep sleep. What I am finding is that it appears to be accurate for REM, but pretty much every single night it registers 0 minutes deep sleep. Now, I am aware that it is just an assumption based on heart rate and breathing, so that should be taken lightly (even though studies have been done that compare it favorably to EEG devices in terms of accuracy).

I also lift weights 5 days a week, so I find it especially difficult to believe that I'm getting no deep sleep, which is supposed to be where physical restoration occurs. My resting heart rate while awake is also about 50-55 bpm, so I am wondering if that is playing a role. I'm assuming the slower your heart beats while asleep, the more likely you are in deep sleep, but if it already beats slow while awake, it can't be dropping all that much lower during sleep, which might be why it doesn't register as deep sleep?

I eat dinner at 8pm on most nights, then I have one and only one alcoholic beverage a night, around 9pm, and I generally go to sleep at midnight. I eat a caloric deficit of about 10% daily. I'd be very surprised if one beer 3 hours before bed is the difference between normal and zero deep sleep, but who knows. I have been tested for sleep apnea as recently as one month ago and I do not even remotely have it (no registered breathing interruptions). I have tried magnesium and glycine before bed - doesn't make a difference. I sleep in the pitch black, with nothing but a fan for slight white noise (I even put black tape over my alarm clock and any surge protector lights). I also wear extreme blue light blocking glasses from 8PM onward.

Anyway, now that the dreem2 is no longer made, does anyone have any recommendations for a good consumer-grade EEG headband so that I can try to measure my sleep cycles the right way?

13:30 UTC


sleep idea

i like the night and i go to school what if i slept as soon as i got home (5pm) and woke up at 12-1 and just stayed awake

13:23 UTC


Low sex drive, weak morning erections, lack of motivation, feeling tired

I've been facing some problems with my sex drive and energy levels lately. For the past nine months, my sleep schedule has shifted from 2 a.m. to around 8:30 a.m. I go to the gym around 11 p.m. and maintain a healthy diet. I have a good physique (6ft 2in, 86kg). I'm not sure if these issues are due to my poor sleep schedule or if there are other factors I'm not aware of.

btw I'm 24 years old.

13:18 UTC


Interesting Hallucinations after waking up

For context, I’ve been having hallucinations after waking up more and more often, and there’s been nothing scary so far since it’s usually obvious when i know something is not real - eg: the first time there was a human sized spider floating and spinning infeont of me super fast, which I knew wasn’t real of course. Other times have been rotating patterns on the ceiling after waking up that last for a few seconds before phasing out.

However today’s hallucinations (2 times) were quite cool. The environment I was in was in a pitch black cruise ship hotel room alone. And here is my log:

Had some insane hallucinations / sleep paralysis today.

For the first one when I woke up from my nested dream I couldn’t move and was so confused what was going on cause it felt like I could see the environment I was in (cruise hotel room in complete darkness alone) with my eyes closed. Then all of a sudden there was a sudden calmness n coldness and I felt like I was melting into my bed. From that point onwards for a while, it was actually insane cause I could hallucinate anything I wanted. I looked at my bed and there was a pigeon on it, and I’m like what the fuck. N I was like nah this ain’t real so I decided to try to move n touch it to see if it was real. And yo I grabbed that thing 💀💀 like I could feel my fingers indenting into its feathers.

So it was quite hard to decipher if this was real but I knew it wasn’t cause a pigeon in the room?? Then an intrusive thought was like if I’m hallucinating this then lemme try hallucinating something else. I chose a chicken and when I looked back, there was an entire chicken there 💀 I also did hallucinate a bunch of other things before I could finally properly move and then everything was gone.

I then went to the toilet to shit myself literally (I had stomach upset) n headed back to bed. I fell asleep relatively fast and had normal dreams and “woke up” to my normal bedroom late at night at home, which felt insanely real. I had my monitor in front of me in bed and I opened chrome, which accidentally played some Disney plus ad, and I heard my mom from the other room yelling at me for playing things out loud late, and I could hear her walking towards my room so I tried to put my monitor to sleep, and just waited for her to walk in, where I would pretend to be asleep, as one does. She opened the door, and it was at this point where I actually opened my eyes in real life unable to physically move and my mom was actually there 💀 and I didn’t even know whether I was hallucinating her because she looked VERY real.

Then she started to walk towards me and I’m like what the fuck. This entire time im not even scared because i was geneuinely trying to figure out whether she was actually real or whether I was hallucinating her. She then stopped infeont of the bed, and then she turned into a man with a fanny pack leaning against something looking at me. I was still confused as hell and tried to move a bit to get a better look at him (keep in mind this was in almost complete darkness) and I was just making eye contact with him for a few seconds before he phased out and the hallucinations stopped.

Overall I’d say this was a cool experience, nothing scary as the things I was hallucinating wasn’t too bad. But it was quite interesting that I was able to feel the pigeon, any thoughts on that?

12:49 UTC


Mind racing whenever I wake up

I wake up every morning with my mind immediately just going 10000 mph. Haven’t woke up to my own alarm in ages. Can’t stop and can’t get back to sleep 3 hours before having to leave for work . I’m sleepy with a good 2 hours before having to be up but the mind is racing.

I’ve tried breathing exercises, chores, and other things to just get my mind on one task versus 1000 at the same time. Nothing works. I’m told not to watch tv or even be on my phone. Tried that too.

Any tips to help calm the brain down so early in the morning would be immensely helpful and appreciated.

12:49 UTC


Waking up constantly through the night and severe nightmares

So I’ve been having issues with my sleep for a long time now - a few years at least although I’m not sure on the exact time frame.

I don’t struggle whatsoever in falling asleep - it’s the staying asleep that’s the issue for me. I wake up at least 3 times in the night and this is every night without fail. I’m also finding that im suffering with sleep paralysis and having nightmares often, too.

For context - I was a smoker and would often wake up to smoke/vape through the night but sometimes I wake up and eat in the night too. I’ve stopped smoking now, (around two weeks ago) but I’m yet to see a difference.

Could anyone help me? Perhaps some of you have had similar experiences?

It’s really affecting my life - I feel so tired all of the time and feel as though I have no energy and a short temper 🙁

Any help would be massively appreciated!

12:18 UTC


I hallucinate when trying to sleep nightly. How do I stop this?

I'm a 30F who for the past few years hallucinates while falling asleep. This normally wouldn't be a problem, however more than half the time, I'm not conscious enough for my brain to realize I'm hallucinating and it's disturbing my partner. In my half-asleep state, I'll see the hallucination, it freaks me out, and I wake my partner up telling him about the freaky thing I'm seeing. It takes my partner to tell me it's not real for me to just eventually fall back asleep. The other problem, sometimes it scares me so much, my heart rate picks up and it gives me a boost of energy. To the point it takes me a long time to settle down and sleep again. Anyone else have this problem?

12:15 UTC


I’m so sleep deprived. Should I ask my doctor for sleeping pills?

I work 48 hours a week doing shift work (12 hr shifts each: 2 days starting at 5am and 2 days starting 5pm). For the day shift I have to wake up at 3:30am to be on time. There have been days where I’ve worked on 2 hours of sleep. But I literally walk around like a zombie. I just don’t know what to do, when I try to go to sleep early for the early starts I just lay in bed trying to fall asleep but I can’t. Should I ask for sleeping pills? Are they really bad?

11:48 UTC


sleep and aging

i am 16 and my sleeping has gotten really fucking bad recently like 3 hours a night and i'm terrified i'm going to look 40 in my 20s i'm hoping to fix my sleep soon but how long a period of sleep deprivation will start to really age you? i think it pnly really got this bad like this year

1 Comment
11:48 UTC


I sleep 6 - 6:30 hours most nights but feel awake all day ans night is this a concern?


I sleep at say 2:30am and I woke up at 8:45am

I feel 100% awake and clear minded from it

One night tho I slept 7:30 hours and felt kind of groggy all day

When I sleep the 6 hours it’s in a light room

When I sleep the 7 it’s in a dark room

10:55 UTC


hypnic jerk / vivid dreams

This is kind of like a rant but i was searching up online about me reacting to my dreams but for the most part it says its a hypnic jerk but from what i read (2 mins of researching) says its natural but for example if i get hit in the head in my dream my head will jerk and wake up or if im kicking a soccer ball in my dream my leg jerks and wakes up (i wake up easily) so is this normal? any way to fix it ... i was just asking since usually one flinch doesnt bother me much and go right back to sleep but i flinched 4 times and i wasnt even fully asleep yet just kinda day dreaming i guess (the 4th time scared tf outta couldnt sleep after that) i also have constant nightmares almost everyday ik that correlates to pstd, anxiety, or stress any tips? or am i just cooked ;( (dont mind my grammar)

10:21 UTC


¿Dificultades para dormir?

🌙 ¿Dificultades para dormir? La Melatonina 1,8mg de HSN puede ser tu aliada para una noche de descanso. ¡Prueba la diferencia y despierta renovado! 💤 #Descanso #Salud #melatonina


10:05 UTC


3am wake up again

Back up again at 3am. Tried lost of things suggested in my early post. Deep breath, meditation, backwards counting, exercising 2 hours before bed etc. I'm not gonna take melatonin again like I did last night this late again. I'm gonna go straight up the living room since I'm wide awake.

09:47 UTC


Alternative to inositol?

Inositol helps me sleep so much, however it gives me ongoing acne. Is there an alternative to inositol that might help me sleep? I've tried melatonin (helps a bit but no where near as well as inositol), magnesium glycinate, 5-htp, GABA, CBD oil, herbal sleeping pills. Nothing compares to inositol, but I don't think I can cope with the acne (sounds silly I know).

1 Comment
09:45 UTC


Insomnia cured by COMPLEX CARBS + tryptophan before bed?

Hello, I am 35yo male, with no health issues and in pretty good shape. I am eating healthy but last couple of years i have terrible insomnia.. Well, it started 5 years ago after some time and some advices I got antidepressant druh (mirtazapine) which helps and I was sleeping pretty good last 2,5 years. but.. Mirtazapine is drug that changes your metabolism and makes pus*y from you.. Gaining weights despite a lot of training, crazy gaining of fat in abdominal area by just looking on some sugar etc.. Well i tappered it off few months ago. So insomnia comes back.

I have tried EVERYTHING in various doses - Theanine, glycine, all forms of Magnesium, melatonin, valerian root, apigenin, chamomile, tryptophan, bacopa, 5-htp, ZMA, taurine, B1, B6, B complex, C, E, D, well all vits.., Ashwagandha, PSerine, Lemon Balm, Omega 3, emodin, cortisol blockers and many many more..

I still use some of these in my sleep stack but it mostly works only to get me calm and helps with initial falling into sleep, it also has problems with tolerance/cycling or saturation where it after some time actually makes other thing (excitement instead of sedation), because inbalance in some vits etc.. So it is not that reliable unfortunatelly.

one of things that helped me before was Tryptophan, but again it was not reliable, it was possible to get pretty good sleep or does not work at all no matter how high dose i take.

so long story short, I have recently discovered the importance of having high carbs, low fat and low proten meal with tryptophan, ideally complex carbs to work longer. And it somehow works..

I eat (150g) of parboiled rice and kiwi 1-2h before sleep + 500mg to 1 g of Trypto.

these evening carbs seems to work not just with making serotonin (melatonin prec)itself, but even in lowering that high night cortisol which seems to be reason for night waking up.

Unfortunatelly I am not sure about this approach because of higher night insulin - insulin resistence, weight gaining, potential prediabetes etc.

It looks like I have to switch from fitness recommendation - eating carbs in the morning-afternoon and lower them towards evening and do it in opposite way, to eat low carbs during the day (to not eat more than 150-250g/daily) and eat higher amounts of them in the evening.. What do you thing about this?

09:18 UTC


Fellow awake people

Hello 👋

I’m tired.

Its 5 AM.

I’ve been awake for 3 hours, after 2 hours of sleep.

1 Comment
08:55 UTC


Struggling to sleep

I’ve been getting enough sleep but still am tired. I take naps after school and dance practice And then I can’t fall asleep at night even though I’m still exhausted. I know taking naps every day isn’t the best but I’m too exhausted to stay awake. What are your thoughts or advice because this is frustrating.

08:50 UTC


Would I be a good candidate for a sleep study?

I'm not sure if I have an undiagnosed sleeping disorder or if I might actually be a good candidate for a sleep study.

I have had incredibly vivid dreams ever since I can remember. They always happen every night and I can't recall the last time I didn't wake up remembering what I dreamt.

Vivid doesn't feel like a strong enough word to describe them. I have dreams where I get attacked and I can feel the pain where the wounds would be the next morning. I can taste, smell, read and tell time in my dreams. I can also recall full conversations, songs and vividly recall details of artwork that doesn't exist.

I'm not sure if all of this is normal, but recently it's becoming harder to remember what was a dream and what was reality. Sometimes I'll think full conversations happened when they didn't, or think I've already done the grocery shopping when I never did.

All of this keeps me incredibly exhausted as well. I wake up multiple times a night and always wake up tired. I nap when I can and it takes me about a week to recover from one late night.

It's gotten to the point where I'm so exhausted, I lose my train of thought often when speaking. I'm starting to forget words more often and forget what I was doing.

I don't go out with friends at night or stay up past 11pm because I'm scared of how tired I'll be the next day. I currently work part time, and I'm scared to return working full time because of how tired I'll be. Everyone around me seems to have more energy than me, even people twice my age.

Could the heavy dreaming be related to this?

08:11 UTC


Neck pain

Just woke up about 20 minutes ago and my neck is basically frozen in place. I cannot move it at all to the right and it's the most pain I've felt in a while. What do I do to make it go away? Also any reassuring comments are welcome lol

07:35 UTC


How do I wake up when I sleep very very deep?

My problem is that I want to wake up earlier and sometimes need to for things like activities or outings. However, I cannot wake up so easily. I tried alarms, couldn’t work and I overslept, water sprayed on me, couldn’t work I overslept. It’s like when I sleep I hear nothing and I can’t feel anything light sleep or not. So how do I wake up without oversleeping with this issue.

07:33 UTC


I keep waking up too early no matter what, I'd like to fix this. please help! (14f) It is affecting my school life and other things

I am 14f and Since around the start of the school year, I've been waking up at one time, no matter what (6am). I will sleep at 10pm and wake up at 6, or sleep at 1am amd wake up at 6am. keep in mind I don't use alarms. other friends have it different though; let's say it's a school break, they sleep late (eg. 1am), they'll usually wake up at 10am or around that. when I wake up early, I feel extremely tired and I can't go back to sleep (I go on my phone then... should I not?) and I feel tired the entire day. also, on the weekends I have activities which I wake up early for but I don't think that's the reason. and there was a point in this school year where I had heavy stress which made me wake up at 4am every night(and I did my homework at this time), and this stopped because of the daylight savings which made the time move by an hour, so I woke up at 6am. a friend said I'm so used to sleeping such a small amount of time that this happened(though when I it searched up, you csnt get used to a small amount of sleep). and another thing I'd like to say is that 3 days ago, I took a 3 hr nap in the day and i coudnt sleep till 2am. I woke up at 6am, and was extremely tired the entire day. since I was tired, I slept early, at 9pm. I ended up getting 8 hours sleep that night. it made the next day happy (that was yesterday. it was relieving to have a good sleep.(I haven't been getting enough lately due to exam preparation) and yesterday i slept at 12am and I woke up at 5am today; i think this says a lot about my situation. if i sleep even earlier (eg 8pm) ill wake up even earlier(3am) and more sleep deprived. I'm typing this right before school and I really need help. how can I fix this? does this relate to my circadian rhythm? should I remove my phone? any advice would be helpful as this has been HEAVILY affecting me for a while and can improve me mentally and get ready for exams at the end of this month.

1 Comment
06:52 UTC


Lack of sleep and memory loss?

Hi, (22 M) I have always been a bad sleeper, sleeping 6-7 hours a night during high school , and since I’ve been in college (almost 4 years now) that has gone down to 56 hours. I recuperate by sleeping longs hours at the week end. Its something that has never bothered me (apart of being exhausted most of the time lol) but I’ve been reading recently about lack of sleep and how it increases the risk of dementia/alzheimer and it’s been terrifying me (not to mention that my maternal great grandmother had alzheimers) . Like I can’t seem to advance in life atm because the thought of memory loss is obsessing me. Any advice on how to deal with this? And how bad of a situation am I in?

Note: I’m an extreme overthinker.

1 Comment
06:15 UTC


Vivid Dreams? scared to sleep

Is there any possible way to at least control vivid dreams occurring? These last few days I have been getting these very realistic nightmares to the point where it is extremely hard to wake up from no matter how hard I try.

And whenever I do end up managing to wake up, I'm like frozen in fear and unable to even fall back to sleep because I'm so terrified. I just really want to be able to sleep properly without being terrified in going back to sleep.

Any advice or suggestions to help in some way?

04:39 UTC


I’m ready to drop some money on a very high quality pillow. Is there any that you recommend? I’m in the $150-$200 range

1 Comment
04:19 UTC


I can't fall asleep with a clear mind

I meditate every night to try to decompress from my day, but when I try to sleep afterwards i'll just be laying in my bed with clear thoughts just not falling asleep. i feel like it's kind of a lose lose situation because i can't fall asleep the nights that i meditate and i can't fall asleep the nights i don't. I take melatonin when i need it but i don't want that to be a permanent solution + it doesn't always work.

03:57 UTC


Wake up fight or flight

I have never posted on reddit before.

About twice a year for the last 10 years, i’ve woken up sweating heart rate flying and instinctually I get out of the room asap. Cold slumber to hallway as fast as physically possible. Usually going through the doorway breaks my state and I start to calm down, but i’ll be standing in the hallway heart going full speed, sweating like I just finished a 400 m dash.

Last night, I woke up and in five seconds:

  • punched a hole through the wall (with my non dominant hand????)
  • got my window open
  • got the screen halfway off and head out
  • realized what was going on and went back to sleep

What is this sleep disorder called?

03:26 UTC


Afternoon Slump

Does anybody else here suffer from this? Either I'm really sleepy or really energetic by noon, there is barely an in between 🫤 and it's getting in the way of work.

I sleep around 9pm to 4:30 or 5am (including weekends). Most days I wanna snooze on my desk before lunch, but some lucky days I make it through the day without ever needing a nap.

It's so weird it's like playing a sleep roulette every 11am or so.

I eat a hearty breakfast at 6, next coffee or tea midmorning along with a biscuit, then a typical balanced lunch, then just a smoothie late in the afternoon. (In case diet matters)

03:05 UTC


How do I change my sleep schedule?

I'm (28 M) and my lack of sleep is destroying my brain and my life. My job entails that I work the midnight shift from 11:30PM-7:30AM, and without going into specifics, it allows me to sleep a little while clocked in and at best I get 4-5 hours of interrupted sleep, 5 nights a week. I only get a full 7 1/2 hours on my days off. This has been going on for at least 3 1/2 years and at first I thought not much of it, but now I realize it's probably my biggest obstacle and I've never been more miserable. My biggest fear is that the lack of sleep up til now has significantly damaged my brain and that the neurological damage is irreversible. Bottom line, I have to fix my sleep schedule so I can get at the bare minimum 7 1/2 of uninterrupted sleep. I can't quit my job because it pays for my health insurance and it prevents me from becoming homeless but I need to get longer, healthier, sleep. How do I change my sleep schedule so I fall asleep the second I get home and sleep during the day? Any advice is welcome.

02:49 UTC


Need help fixing my messed up sleep schedule after working graveyard shifts

For two years, I worked the graveyard shift in a work-from-home setup, with my schedule running from midnight to 8 AM. After my shift, I wouldn't immediately sleep. Instead, I'd browse TikTok or YouTube, often getting hooked on videos and swiping for more until I eventually dozed off, usually around 9 or 10 AM. Consequently, my new "morning" would be around 5 or 6 PM.

Tired of the graveyard shifts, I resigned from the company, hoping my sleep schedule would reset itself. Unfortunately, it didn't. I tried various solutions, but none worked: drinking chamomile tea (even 2-3 cups per day), exercising, melatonin, and abstaining from coffee.

A security guard friend confided that he'd occasionally drink himself to sleep, especially during graveyard shifts. Desperate, I gave it a shot, downing a few beers before bedtime. Surprisingly, I managed to fall asleep around midnight, a stark contrast from my usual 8 or 9 AM bedtime. However, I'd wake up around 1 or 2 AM, unable to drift off again. While the beer method helped me fall asleep earlier, I'd start feeling sleepy around 11 AM and snooze until 5 PM or 6 PM, effectively shifting my "morning" to that time.

I also experimented with melatonin, trying different dosages from 3mg to 10mg, sometimes combined with chamomile tea. Alongside these experiments, I exercised for 30 minutes a day, typically jogging, followed by chamomile tea and melatonin before bed, sans coffee. Still, nothing worked.

A potential solution lingered in my mind: depriving myself of sleep for 24 hours. The last time this tactic worked was in my early twenties, and I had to do it three times – a total nightmare. I'm not sure if I could bear that torture again in my early thirties.

Interestingly, my sleep schedule did "fix" itself when I got really sick with the flu. I had to sleep more than 8 hours a day because I couldn't get up. After a week of being ill, my schedule shifted from 9 AM to 5 PM to a more regular 12 AM to 8 AM. However, when I returned to my graveyard shift work, my schedule reverted to the 9 AM to 5 PM pattern.

I also have a feeling that looking at YouTube and TikTok videos before trying to go to sleep is another factor. Sometimes I just get hooked on some of the videos that I end up swiping for more.

While depriving myself of sleep or getting sick might reset my body clock, they're extreme measures I'd rather avoid. If someone could suggest a more sustainable solution, that would be greatly appreciated.

02:23 UTC


Panic attack at night or heart issues?

This started happening within the past year. I’m basically waking up to my heart beating at a pretty high rate. Sometimes up to 170 bpm. It usually last for varying lengths of time. Never really longer than 10 mins I’d say. Most just a few minutes long. This usually happens around 2-4am. More so around 3am. I wake up with a dry mouth usually also.

I’ve tried different things to alleviate the problem. I usually take Xanax .25 at night. I also have taken antacids in case it was reflux. I had a sleep study and I’m right on the cusp of being able to have a cpap or not have one. I have one and wore it for awhile then stopped as I didn’t notice a difference. Tried it recently and had the issue I’m posting about. Q

I don’t really drink, but I’ll take a Xanax and have a sip of some alcohol while it’s happening and that kind of usually aids in things. Also chugging water as well. But I’m not dehydrated as I throughly drink water through the day into the evening.

It’s just weird since I’m not waking up and then having a high heart rate, I’m waking up with the high heart rate. My mind goes to more nefarious things such as I’m have an arrhythmia due to prolonged qt interval and I can’t escape that worry.

Does anyone else suffer with this problem and what did you do for it?

1 Comment
01:49 UTC

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