
Photograph via snooOG

Research, resources, and information for those interested in behavioral medicine.

What is behavioral medicine?

Behavioral medicine is the interdisciplinary field concerned with the development and integration of behavioral, psychosocial, and biomedical science knowledge and techniques relevant to the understanding of health and illness, and the application of this knowledge and these techniques to prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation.


Welcome to BehavioralMedicine. A forum dedicated to answering your questions about non-pharmacological approaches to physical and mental health.


1. This subreddit is not for psychological diagnosis or treatment. It is for sharing information, and for education. No one on this subreddit can accurately diagnose your condition, or give you accurate treatment advice - it would be dangerous for both the providers and the patients to expect otherwise. As a result, answering a question does not create or constitute a psychologist/patient relationship.

This subreddit is not, and was not designed to be, a substitute for an in-person evaluation by or a discussion with a healthcare provider.

2 Asking if you should be seen for certain symptoms also qualifies as psychological treatment. We cannot tell you if or when you should be seen by a provider. If you have questions along those lines, you should contact your healthcare provider to seek further guidance.

3. Be civil to each other. We are all here to help others, or seek help ourselves, in understanding medicine and health. Occasionally, people will be wrong, including the moderators. If you disagree, say why. Mocking, name-calling, or using profanities will not be tolerated.

4. Have an idea for the subreddit? Want flair? Message the moderators!

Please note: Flair is not used as professional verification.


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New research: Investigating the predictors of COVID-19 vaccine decision-making among parents of children aged 5-11 in the UK

10:27 UTC


Any UK based healthcare workers here willing to share their views in our short survey on healthcare professional wellbeing?

Hello, I hope this is ok to post here. I am part of a group of researchers from the University of Westminster. We are looking to hear from UK based healthcare professionals on their opinions about yoga as a wellbeing intervention for the health and wellbeing of HCPs (no yoga knowledge or experience needed! All views welcome - positive and negative!) The survey is completely anonymous and it is hoped the results will inform ways in which yoga can be used to support healthcare worker wellbeing. You can participate using the following link:


All participation is very much appreciated.

15:52 UTC


Behavioral Science PhD programs?

I have a BSc in Clinical Medical Sciences and an MSc in Counseling. I got both qualifications from my country in Africa. I am considering applying for a public health PhD in the states, concentrating on behavioral science. My country and region doesn't have a lot of behavioral scientists. My undergrad results are not competitive,I got average grades as I was dealing with mental health issues at the time. My grad results are not excellent but pretty good. I have experience working in NGO sector dealing with HIV and I also have some experience as a college tutor. I have also worked as a psychotherapist at a teaching hospital. Can I get any advice on universities to consider for my studies and anything I would need to know to stand out as an international applicant and during my studies too .

1 Comment
12:22 UTC


Mental help please

So I’m in my 30’s and I’m more and more curious about myself everyday. Recently I’ve begun to try to understand myself but I’m fairly stuck with this one. What is it called when one day you feel like you’re proving yourself at work, your girlfriend is happy, and everything is good. But the next day you seem to sense people talking about you at work. I feel like I’m sluggish and not performing as well at work. I feel like people aren’t conversing with me as much. I go home and my girlfriend doesn’t seem to have as much physical touch. She doesn’t seem as happy as usual. Is this just a coincidence? Is it me? Am I bipolar or something?

23:34 UTC


Insights and advice for possible ADHD in my toddler


1 Comment
01:14 UTC


Seeking Participants for Undergraduate Capstone Survey on Inpatient Behavioral Health Unit Design!


I hope you're all doing well. I'm a senior interior design major at RIT, and I'm reaching out to this community because I need your help with my undergraduate capstone project.

I'm conducting an anonymous survey to gather insights from staff and post-occupancy patients who have experience with inpatient behavioral health units. I aim to understand the prevalent issues in these units and gather perspectives on how design can contribute to a more therapeutic environment.

Your participation in this survey would be immensely valuable in shaping the direction of my project. It's completely optional, but it would mean the world to me if you could spare 15 minutes to provide your input.

Whether you're a staff member with firsthand experience working in these units or a post-occupancy patient who has insights to share, your perspectives are critical in helping me design a space that fosters healing and well-being.

If you're interested in participating or know someone who might be, please follow the link below to take the survey.

Thank you in advance for considering this opportunity to contribute to my project. Your support would be greatly appreciated, and together, we can work towards creating better environments for those needing behavioral health care.

I am looking forward to hearing from you all!

Emily : )

LINK TO SURVEY: https://forms.gle/QZRvWqYk82SRw7ZDA

14:37 UTC


RBT Experience

I’m an RBT at a school with no set system, as of today, I’m the only real behavioral support in that school, we have other people but they’re not registered with CPI (Crisis Prevention Intervention), nor do they have any other experience aside from kindergarten. I’m working with 4th grade and some students in other grades aswell, completely alone, and this is my second day at a new school. It’s heartbreaking seeing a system that lacks any consequences or rewards for behavior, I am left with nothing to do besides words, I can’t remove them from recess, nor can I change their activities, and because of no consequences, they have no respect or idea of authority, I can’t affect their lives at home but trying to be supportive at a school is even harder with no true system or consequences. I watch a girl continuously hit, hurt, bully, and distract the entire classroom, especially girls around her, and unfortunately I can’t even separate her, the principal let me walk straight in my first day, didn’t care about meeting me, and that’s extremely telling to the type of people they truly are when it comes to furthering the education of the students going there.

19:57 UTC


Landmark papers in harm reduction?

I'm an OMS-1 getting involved in research in addiction medicine/harm reduction (and the stigma surrounding addiction), and wanted to know if there are any must read papers regarding these topics. I do have some experience in this area, but it has been in the field, and not research-wise.


03:28 UTC



I have been having issues with my 6 year old daughter’s behavior. She has been Diagnosed with Intermittent explosive disorder (IED) , ADHD, ODD. She has been having major issues with school. She will be fine one minute and then a complete mood switch, and then she is on 100. It seems like almost nothing will calm her until she is ready. It can last up to 3 hours. Her behavior is hitting , throwing things, eloping, saying mean things. If I tell her no she will say she hates me , or try to run out of the house. She has been hospitalized 4 times for this behavior. The school has made it a crisis situation so she was sent in and they admitted her. She has been put on ADHD medicine ( Intuitive - Extended release) and a mood medicine ( Abilify) at night. It seems like it’s not working. I do notice when she’s tired these explosions happen fast because she’s irritable. She also fights her sleep. It’s getting to the point where I don’t know what to do. I do not want to keep hospitalizing her because she’s also learning behaviors there, but it’s very draining and I have a newborn at home. Nobody wants to watch her if I have anything to do because her behavior is so extreme. When she is calm she is the sweetest child but when something doesn’t go her way she goes to 1,000. I’m open to any suggestions for other parents who are going through something similar. If anybody needs any elaboration to help I can. She is in therapy. And does have an IEP at school now. She also has a behavior coach at school. We did relocate 5 months ago to a new state so it got worse when she started school here. Her behaviors were just happening at school but they have progressed to home as well. I really just need some advice. I’m feel like I’m doing everything I can but it seems like nothing is working.

05:14 UTC


Fetish Question

What intervention would be appropriate for a 16-year-old boy with a hair fetish?

20:18 UTC


Research paper on biological and social approaches in child and adolescent psychiatry

This article on how to articulate biological and social approaches to child and adolescent psychiatry discusses the concept of pluralistic approaches, multimodal interventions, and how to provide articulated mental health care and training.

Read the study

14:18 UTC


Childhood Amnesia: Testing the geometry of Space-Time

New research offers a better understanding of childhood amnesia. The groups suggests that the inability to form memories in early childhood is linked to the level of supervision required, from complete caregiver guidance to modified supervision. This transition towards independence prompts the development of an internal 3D map to navigate the world. The resolution of this internal image is seen as crucial for better future action potential, akin to refining illustrations from early scribbles to coherent representations. The parallels between developing drawing skills and mental image formation are drawn, indicating the importance of detailed impressions. The Folk-Daniels group also touches on the need for a biological learning model, emphasizing the balance of actions and velocity as a continuous metric for orientation. This model is framed within the context of childhood development, aligned with the phase of dependence on a caretaker and the subsequent construction of an individual interpretation of the surroundings as one matures.

Further reading on memory formation: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8678329/

02:09 UTC


Help The Future of SUD Counselors Mental Health | Research Outreach

Hi All,

I hope this message meets you all well. My name is Stephen Bryant, and I am a clinical psychology doctoral candidate at The Chicago School . Dr. Robert Switzer is supervising my dissertation research on the perceptions and experiences of substance use disorder counselors (SUDC) regarding working with alcohol and other drug issues and how they relate to burnout.

I invite you and any staff member who actively does therapy with people with Substance Use Disorder to participate in a study on SUDC lived experience, burnout, and education. Participants must be between 18 and 65, currently employed as an SUDC with an active SUD caseload, practicing and residing in the United States, and have at least one year of experience directly treating SUD patients in clinical practice in the United States. Additionally, all participants must provide care in facilities with the highest concentration of Substance Use Disorder workforce employment (Outpatient Care Centers; Psychiatric and Substance Abuse Hospitals; Residential Disability, Mental Health, and Substance Abuse Facilities; Other Residential Care Facilities; and Offices of Other Health Practitioners). If you are interested and qualified, you will be asked to complete a survey that will take 15-20 minutes.

If you are interested and would like to join, please click the link below. Also, please share with anyone in the field who may be interested.



If you have questions related to the survey or the procedures, please do not hesitate to reach out to either contact:

Stephen W. Bryant
Doctoral Student

Dr. Robert Switzer, PsyD
Dissertation Chair

IRB Study Number: IRB-FY23-182

If you have questions concerning your rights in this research study, you may contact the Institutional Review Board (IRB), which protects subjects in research projects. You may reach the IRB office Monday-Friday by calling 312.467.2335 or writing: Institutional Review Board, The Chicago School, 325 N. Wells, Chicago, Illinois, 60654.

04:02 UTC


How I Learned to Breathe to Sleep

17:49 UTC


Behavioral issues due to chronic sleep deprivation and narcissistic abuse?

What are some common behavior issues related to these factors and cures?

Getting sleep and getting around good people, for a start.

13:04 UTC


Teen with Behavioral disorders

I don't know if this is the right sub, but I'm looking for any help I can get.

I've got a sister that's 13 as of this October, she's neurotic, violent, and borderline sociopathic. she was born with an anxiety disorder and aversion to touch, my whole family is mildly autistic, I'm atypical myself but she is by far the most afflicted, diagnosed with a behavioral disorder early in life. she has no ability to moderate, or control any impulse she has, she is mentally just above a toddler and though I feel like she has a logical sense for right and wrong, you cannot argue logistics with her. it's like talking to a brick wall, she has no concept of fairness, goodness, or empathy or at least any to be shown. she's smart in some aspects, but I'm often baffled when I see other kids her age acting so fluidly and intelligently albeit not "smartly". she's been abused by her schools so she's homeschooled but refuses to learn anything, any kind of interaction with strangers sets her back months of personal development. it's heartbreaking, she lives like doctor Jekyll and Mr Hyde. one moment she's plying for attention of a drawing or something a cat is doing, she often seeks attention and has developed an attraction to furry paraphernalia after a long standing obsession with animals, likely in relation to feeling more like an animal than a person. but then the next she's glaring you down with vengeance from getting in her space and uses the full force of her overweight body to stab you with a pen. once when she was 8, she attacked my brother, who pushed her away, sending her into a rage where she smashed a window with both fists lacerating her wrists and fingers to the bone. my mother gets no sleep, barely any more than a few hours a night because my sister's sleep schedule is so erratic. I can see her life slipping away and her mental functions becoming inconsistent from years of mental and physical abuse, it effects my siblings and my life as well. we do everything in secret from her to avoid triggering her anxiety attacks, I have no childhood memories of going out of making friends or leaving my house because my single mother can't manage. we can't work and scrape by to be schooled, my schooling requires handling dangerous materials from 6am into the afternoon but I cannot sleep over the sounds of my sister's screaming and mother's defeated cries because she wants Ramin and mayonnaise at 4 in the morning. we can't live like this, my mother tried everything, all the autism groups, behavior disorder groups, she's tried medicating but my sister would starve herself before taking medicine. the only option left would be institutionalization, but that would destroy my mother and ruin my sister's life forever. we're the only people she will ever know, and she's emotionally dependent on my mother for everything. she's often cried and pleaded to die without any exposure to anything conveying those themes but it often comes across as begging for sympathy after acting out.

this part is venting if anything, ignore it.

I'm at my wits end, I'm not stupid or ignorant, I know how these people work, I'm patient as a saint, I'm respectful, I'm an advocate for the understanding of people with mental disorders and disabilities. but my families life is falling apart because of her, she's getting too old and isn't responding to treatment, I feel trapped, she's the daughter of my molester, I've attempted suicide because of this. I don't bare any hatred for her, I love her, from the moment I held her in my arms as an infant I'd swore I'd always love her, but I don't think I have much left in me. I was recently dumped from an extremely toxic relationship, I feel pathetic and alone. she's like a monster that keeps me in a cage, stay in my room forever or go out and tip toe around her and I might not get stabbed and pummeled by her, I can't defend myself, I can't speak out, I have no life.

please somebody give some kind of advice, anything.

08:45 UTC


Lost all confidence in doing my job.

I’m a CBHT and work for 4 general hospitals as a “sitter” for behavioral patients. About a month ago an ER nurse reported me for excessive force after I restrained a patient for swinging on me. After a week long suspension without pay the investigation concluded I did not use any excessive force. today once again I had a combative patient and then he tries to say I hit him in the face as soon as a few nurses walk in. To this point I had done nothing but keep him in bed because he would fall otherwise. I had to leave, I went to the house supervisors office where I was immediately reprimanded for leaving the patient. He wasn’t alone at least, there were 5 staff members in the room with him when I left. I used to be the tech they could depend on at this facility with the most difficult patients, but now I can’t even go into a patient’s room without fearing I’ll lose my job. Ive just completely demoralized since the suspension. I used to love my job.. For the first time in years I had a legit panic attack. I can’t have another suspension/investigation against me again. My wife is pregnant and I’ve been working 60 hour weeks for the past month just to save money for when the baby comes. Has something like this happened to anyone else. How can I do my job without fearing that I’m gonna potentially lose it for doing what I’m trained to do.

02:42 UTC


Interview with a Pain Specialist, Dr. Jeffrey Mogil (McGill University)

Hi Everyone,

I am the host of the R-Academy podcast, and I hosted a Pain Specialist/Researcher for my Second episode, Dr. Jeffrey Mogil. Here are the links to the episode: YouTube, Spotify, Apple Podcasts

In this episode, we discuss a wide array of topics; most of which are centered around the nuances of Pain. These nuances include the discussion of How to Define Pain, what are current pain treatments and how effective (or ineffective) they are, what is the placebo effect and how can it be used ethically (or unethically), what are the common pain sex differences, the opioid crisis and its relation to pain, and we conclude our episode with a discussion about the nature of science and research.

I thought I would share this interview since behavioural medicine is definitely a topic that we discuss in this episode and is a specialty of Dr. Mogil. :-)

Let me know if you have any questions, and I hope you enjoy the episode :)

18:42 UTC


Studying the Effectiveness of a 4-Week Online Mindfulness Program for Stress, Anxiety, and Depression in Younger and Older Adults [Repost]

Hi everyone! :)

I'm still looking for participants for my master's thesis. If you're interested in participating, feel free to fill out the screening surveys below!

I am a graduate student researcher from the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs (UCCS; IRB #2023-056-ONLINE) studying the helpfulness of a 4-week online mindfulness treatment for anxiety, depression, and stress in younger (18-30) and older adults (50+) for my master's thesis.

Participation will involve completing online surveys and learning and practicing mindfulness exercises introduced in the online intervention program. After completion of the program, participants will be entered to win a $25 Amazon gift card (raffled).

Approximately 1.5 hours of your time each week is required.

All in all, through this study, I hope to better illuminate the effects of brief mindfulness programs in both younger and older adults, along with promoting awareness and future research for these types of programs! 😊

In order to participate you must:

*Be 18-30 or 50+ years of age

*Have access to the Internet and email

*Be willing to answer questions about your mood and memory

*Not have prior experience with mindfulness/meditation

*Not currently be receiving therapy

If you're interested in participating, please fill out these two screening surveys below:

First survey; 2) Second survey

**After completion of the surveys, you'll be directed to this page that says "invalid survey_code". Simply ignore it as this is for UCCS students only; your response has been recorded!

If you don't believe you qualify to participate, please feel free to share this information with other people who might be able to participate.

Thank you so much for your time and have a beautiful day!

17:43 UTC


Looking at the Effectiveness of a 4-Week Online Mindfulness Program for Depression, Anxiety, and Stress in Younger and Older Adults

Hello everyone! :)

I thought this subreddit might be a good place to find individuals who are currently struggling with anxiety, depression, and/or stress and would like to try mindfulness! To be clear, this is a research study for my master's thesis, and I am not affliliated with any third-party company, website, or app. If this is not allowed, please feel free to remove it.

I am a graduate student researcher from the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs (UCCS; IRB #2023-056-ONLINE) studying the helpfulness of a 4-week online mindfulness treatment for anxiety, depression, and stress in younger (18-30) and older adults (50+) for my master's thesis.

Participation will involve completing online surveys and learning and practicing mindfulness exercises introduced in the online intervention program. After completion of the program, participants will be entered to win a $25 Amazon gift card (raffled).

Approximately 1.5 hours of your time each week is required.

All in all, through this study, I hope to better illuminate the effects of brief mindfulness programs in both younger and older adults, along with promoting awareness and future research for these types of programs! 😊

In order to participate you must:

*Be 18-30 or 50+ years of age

*Have access to the Internet and email

*Be willing to answer questions about your mood and memory

*Not have prior experience with mindfulness/meditation

*Not currently be receiving therapy

If you're interested in participating, please fill out these two screening surveys below:

First survey; 2) Second survey

**After completion of the surveys, you'll be directed to this page that says "invalid survey_code". Simply ignore it as this is for UCCS students only; your response has been recorded!

If you don't believe you qualify to participate, please feel free to share this information with other people who might be able to participate.

Thank you so much for your time and have a wonderful day! :)

21:09 UTC


Would it be harmful to take amphetamines as sleep aid for a person who is experiencing strong paradoxical reactions?

How could it affect the circardian rhythm if I'd decide to only take amphetamines (vyvanse, prescription for adhd) before going to sleep because of tiredness and sleep inducing paradoxical reactions? Could it be harmful for the circardian rhythm to take them only before night sleep or mess up with neuronal activations or would it rather be regulating in a positive way? If it would be harmful, are there any sleep medications for people with strong paradoxical reactions?

I have very heavy sleep problems and I've tried kinda all other methods (sleep hygiene, relaxation techniques, other sleep medications), but absolutely nothing helps as much as sleeping with vyvanse, it's letting me sleep like a baby for the next 8 hours. The thing is, that I'd rather take even a bit more before night and skip the moring dosage (because I don't want to get tired during the day) if I knew that it couldn't have any negative effects on my health.

12:43 UTC


I’m extremely irritable, angry, restless, bothered, and idk why.

I’ve been borderline abusive to my boyfriend with my emotional aggression lately. I just bite back with every word and I have no idea why. My self esteem is levels lower than 6 months ago. It’s like a walked through a door and I’m everything I disliked about myself when I was mentally I’ll a few years back. I just don’t know why now.

03:29 UTC


Substance Use Questionnaire

Content in this survey may be intellectually or emotionally triggering, please do not feel the need to participate if there are feelings of discomfort when discussing substance use disorder.  Please refer to SAMHSA's National Helpline if you/someone you know is struggling with substance use disorder. Its free, confidential, 24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and information service (in English and Spanish) for individuals and families facing mental and/or substance use disorders.

1-800-662-HELP (4357) 

Hello all! I am an Occupational Therapy Doctorate Student. Next spring, I will be completing my capstone project and I have a Google Form I would like participants to answer to determine the need for a program I would like to begin.

I am interested in creating an occupational therapy-based program for clients recovering from substance use disorder. If you have a family member, son, daughter, or are an individual yourself with substance use disorder, I would greatly appreciate your responses. Thank so much! 

*This is an anonymous survey*

Link to survey:


16:55 UTC


ketamine for tinnitus treatment?

Just curious if anyone has or know anyone that has undergone ketamine treatment to combat tinnitus?

1 Comment
03:16 UTC


Any substance use professionals available for a short interview?

Hey all!

I am a behavioral health student finishing up their AA degree this spring and need to conduct a 15 minute interview with a substance use professional or trainee in the field who works at an agency (No private practices sadly). This interview will be via Microsoft Teams, anytime after 1pm pacific time before March 3rd. The questions will consist of the services you provide, who you collaborate with regarding services (systems and clients), the benefits and drawbacks of collaboration in this field, and what makes your approach to care and working with clients unique. Video is not required, although I will need your permission to use the audio recording as a reference for an essay. I have found it difficult to find professionals in my area to engage in this kind of interview due to high workloads.


01:14 UTC

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