Photograph via snooOG

A subreddit for permanent night owls.

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Maybe of interest for DSPD: being able to have a stable 24 cycle with biphasic siesta sleep

I will also post this here in DSPD because i feel it can also applied to the problem of DSPD, originally posted in N24


I come from a place of having 28 hour days, so pretty intense non 24. I tried light therapy, melatonine, decaf, rigid sleep routine and hygiene. I tried free running and different kinds of polyphasic sleep.

The first time i feel remission is by adopting a siesta / biphasic sleep. I sleep around 5 hours at 12 midnight, and around 1:30 at noon / midday (12 am its called?)

It seems natural to me. It seems like humen slept like this back in time. Maybe we are a special branch of people that cant adopt to monophasic sleep? Our sum of waking time and sleep is just longer than 24 hours, and it seems that biphasic compresses it with the nice beneftis that come with it.

It gives me more time obviously, but also insomnic tendencies are blown away by the intense sleep pressure. The sleep pressure is really high, the sleep on the other hand is more efficient. I harnest the beauty of early risings while kepping the late evenings. My productivity and quality of life is supercharged.

Its just good stuff, i know many of you suffer. I urge you to try it. You have to start by initial sleep restriction obviously. F.e. pull up an all nighter, than sleep 5 hours, than supplement the nap. There are different schedules for siesta, the 5 + 1:30 is believed to be the most stable.

TLDR: Siesta sleep cured my non 24, try it

11:41 UTC


Any success stories with Orexin inhibitors?

I have been prescribed Daridorexant (Quviviq) for DSPD. What is your experience with this class of drugs, have they helped you with your DSPD? Did you experience any side effects?

22:13 UTC


Imagine if we could build DPSDville, our own incredible community-envisioned, town, running on DPSD time. What specific thing would you most look forward to it having?

I pick weekly midnight social potluck picnics with frisbee, kicking soccer balls about, playing board games, chatting and laughing with delight - all the things I see people doing that look fun, but I’m too bleary-eyed tired to partake in if I actually ever make it to a day picnic.

btw the nights in this dream town are always perfectly warm summer nights for these potlucks. 🙌

08:22 UTC


My brain CLICKS on late evenings

And it’s not only my brain but my body. During the day I feel like I am in a constant battle With GI issues, inflammation, water retention, basically all my hypothyroidism symptoms are 100% worse in the day time then the evening. Once the day is over, I’ve gotten my movement in, sauna session, done work if I have to work that day, I feel back to my “normal” self. Even though normal is never real for me. My brain clicks on, I’m alive, I have drive, I have creative flow, I feel more positive. But just a few hours prior I was an inflammed swollen, miserable mess. Making social interactions or social plans is literally impossible. Because no one wants to hangout between 1130pm and 5 am. I am fucked. I make plans with someone but when the weekend comes, I no way what so ever want to hangout in the daytime or even early evening. I just can’t. I don’t want to. I have to get through the day and take All my herbs and supplements and movement and detox protocols in order to feel alive and good in the evening and then by that time, I have no life to live anyway because I’m alone in my apartment. The cycle continues. It’s Groundhog Day everydsy

02:50 UTC


Can’t fall asleep until like 11 am help??

I’ve always had an issue with being unable to sleep until the early morning but recently I went to visit my family who lives in a different time zone. There of course a week in my schedule shifted to falling asleep around 5-6 am and waking up at 2-3 pm. However now I’ve come back to my original time zone… which is 5 hours ahead of them. 11 am here is when it’s 6 am there. And now I can’t fall asleep until 11 am, and I’ve been waking up at 6 pm, missing the entire day. How can I fix this?

21:33 UTC


3 Sleep study shows i get all REM sleep at the tail end of my sleep..

Im trying to figure out what i need to do... I was told I have DSPS... however i dont know what the main culprit is...

If i sleep 7.5 - 8 hours, I feel HORRIBLE. If I sleep 8.75 - 9 hours, I feel much better...

Basically, I need 9 hours of sleep I day... I really hate this... working a morning shift, 9 hours a day, with hour commute each way, I have no time to live life...

If i work night shifts I generally feel much better, but thats because i dont need to set an alarm... when i get home from work, i just go right to bed. But with morning shift, i have to force myself to go to sleep early, which is so hard because its easy for me to stay up late... and then even if I get 8 hours of sleep, i feel TERRIBLE... i need to get atleast 9 hours to make it through REM sleep..

Is there a way to get REM sleep sooner? Shift REM sleep torwards the middle of my sleep phase? :((((

I already do ALL of the hacks... maybe some drug can help with this? Cbd? Meds? ( * im also very Adhd, but Adhd meds always messed me up )

Thanks 🥺

13:12 UTC


Why is it ALWAYS when you need to be up early that you can't sleep worth a damn? (Rant)

I have a 9+ hour drive tomorrow later this morning, I took extra sleep meds tonight (not prescription) at 1am instead of 4ish like usual, and I slept for a couple hours but now it's 5:30am and I've been awake for a couple hours. Damnit. I hate this so much.

Rant over.

10:33 UTC


please f*cking help me: drugs & medication

mods please dont take this down; im desperate

TLDR: does anyone have experience with medication and, if so, what worked for you?? please go into detail if u can

i am at my wits end. i am so tired of this disorder. i am sure i don't need to explain how debilitating it can be. it has made me very depressed. its affected my studies, my social life, my health, everything really. sleep is everything. i have other issues going on in life and this makes everything so much worse. the past few days have been especially bad, i feel like im going crazy.

i really want to fix things, and ive resorted to looking to buy medication via the dark web. from what i gather its very difficult to get sleep meds from doctors here and the nhs has failed me before.

i was just wondering if any of you guys are on sleep medication, what ones are you on? and how do they help?

my plan was to use benzos to help me fall asleep at an earlier time and (hopefully) get up earlier. usually i can hold a new routine for a week if i really, really try before it starts to shift badly again, so i was only planning to use the benzos maybe once a fortnight. i dont want to be dependant or abuse them.

however, even when i do get up at an earlier time i struggle with excessive daytime sleepiness and fatigue most of the day until like 6 or 7pm. also i feel like i might be a bit of a hypersomniac. i can often sleep/stay in bed for 12ish hours. im worried the benzos might just worsen these things.

does anyone have any experience with them?

or maybe another drug that might be better?

and just fyi, i plan on trying to get CBT through the nhs and also try light therapy and improve general sleep hypgeien even more along side things too. im trying everything, but if we're being real, drugs are the best short term fix.

thank you in advance.

19:33 UTC


How effective is zaleplon?

Has anyone tried zaleplon and is it effective for use long term?

15:55 UTC


Difference between DSPD, Non-24 Hr Sleep Disorder, and Sleep Delays Due to C-PTSD?

Hi, everyone! Can anyone share what the differences are between these three disorders? Does anyone struggle to sleep at a normal hour due to C-PTSD, or is it unlikely that's the main cause of a schedule like this? Has anyone had C-PTSD cause or perpetuate their DSPD? If you did find that PTSD was the cause of yours, have you found any relief or treatments/tools that helped restore a normal schedule? Thank you so much for any insight.

17:00 UTC


Falling asleep at sunrise but needing to prepare for morning appointments

7am here now. Therapy in 6 hours (remotely thankfully) I've started sleeping 8am-4pm for some cursed reason. Am I better staying up now with the sun and just roughing it today? The sun's already rose and has been shining into the living room since I got out of the shower (to wind down for bed lol)

I kinda urgently need to figure out a way to be up at 9 cos I've got a hospital appointment next week, and it's impossible to get stuff with NHS right now so it'll be weeks to wait otherwise...I need answers. I either sleep through and miss appointments or have debilitating anxiety from running late/last minute. If I miss this then the doctors will just write my whole 2 year review off as another hypochondria bout. :/

06:05 UTC


Sleeping 10-12 hours Doctor is sure it's DSPD

Hey all, I'm seeking some advice.

So I fall asleep on average around 11-2am and end up sleeping through all my alarms no matter what. (I can solve those puzzle in my sleep now...) if I wake up I often fall back asleep immediately. I end up sleeping until 12pm-2pm. needing an average of 10+ hours of sleep each night.

melatonin has a weird effect where I might fall asleep quickly or not at all. then wake up at 4am or still sleep until 12.

I've done 2 sleep studies and 1 day time sleep study. the doctor says I only slept during one of the 4 naps, even though I thought I slept through all of them. and they are sure it's DSPD.

I kinda just want some advice on if this sounds like DSPD or if I should get a second opinion? I'm sick of being tired all the time. if this is DSPD will the sleepiness ever go away?

02:26 UTC


I'm thinking about moving across the country to handle this disorder (rant)

Hello night owls! I have DSPD, my natural schedule is from around 3am to 11am. I have always been this way, even as a little kid. I'd always get in trouble for dozing off, but I'd never be able to fall asleep before 2am at the earliest.

I have tried literally every "trick" there is. Light, no electronics, no food, etc. Nothing changes my schedule. And what is crazy is that no matter what, even if I manage to sleep a bit earlier I will be exhausted all day. I've had every type of schedule imaginable, no matter what I fall into my default times and am exhausted if I fall outside of that.

Anyways, flash forward to now... I am lucky enough to have a fully remote job headquartered on the west coast (US). However, I am expected to be online at 8am and often have early meetings and deadlines. Besides the early mornings, I love this job.

All of this got me to thinking that I could maintain my sleep schedule if I moved to the east coast,where they are 3 hours ahead. I keep having this thought, even tho it is batshit insane to uproot my entire life just so I can stop being sleep deprived. It sounds so appealing to me, but I also can't get over that I'm literally thinking about starting my life (almost) completely over because I'M TIRED. It's fucking wild! But I worry that chronic sleep deprivation is ruining my health, my mind... ugh have any of you ever thought about something like this?

03:57 UTC


Light therapy glasses (another post)

Looking into light therapy glasses.

AYO, luminette etc. What I can't seem to find information on is the effectivness of them for mood and circadian rythym. I can only find studies which are funded by the companies, are there any independent ones?

There's plenty of research of you vanilla light therapy like 10,000 lux etc.

The glasses claim that because it's blue light that it does not require a higher lux (such as 10,000 lux etc where is the glasses have much less lux).

04:57 UTC


I feel like this disorder has stolen my life and passions. support please.

Pats on the back and possible solutions are welcome.

I want to work providing services to people with developmental disabilities. Specifically I’d love to work as a rehabilitation counselor or in special education. Well unfortunately these jobs and like jobs that pay bills are during daylight hours. I think about what else I could do. I could work in mental health, my skills and personality would lend itself well, but thats not what I want, I feel burnt out thinking about it. I thought about becoming a respiratory therapist - not my first choice, but I’d consider it if I could find a night school for it. I don’t want to be a nurse and I don’t want to be a lab tech. I don’t want to work in IT, and I don’t want to do factory work. I want to work as a rehabilitation counselor (disability counselor).

Combine this with the fact that most of my friends work daylight hours m-f and I feel like I’m treading water in the middle of the ocean. I’m 32 and drawing blood on afternoons at the local hospital. It doesn’t pay, and I don’t get to use my PTO because they’re so short staffed (and they will always be too short staffed) Further there’s nothing to do in the middle of the night except to go to the gym by myself. I’m sick of trying to get people to understand I will never wake up early DoNt YoU WaNt A fAmIlY SoMeDaY I don’t care if I can’t have a family. I am done wrecking my health to try and live a normal life. I’m just tired and frustrated and I feel stuck because of this.

01:29 UTC


Every day I have to get up at 6-7 AM to go to work, and every day I have a headache until 1PM, no matter how much sleep I got

My body does NOT WANT to be awake at 7am!!!!! The 6:30 headache is crazy

06:03 UTC


Anyone have a valid link to either discord?

Neither are working for me

17:10 UTC


Well kids, it's 4AM

...and it's not like I was going to be asleep anyway, but for the 15th night in a row my gallbladder has decided that I must suffer, so here I am, unable to move from this single position, tired AND bored. How are we all doing tonight? Any good snacks? Movies? Stories? I am hereby lighting the metaphorical campfire and handing out marshmallows. What's up?

02:10 UTC


26M with ASPD pls help

My boyfriend has been struggling with sleeping for the past three months. He’s in the military so he’s used to waking up pretty early (5 AM) but as of recently he’s been waking up around 3 AM. On top of that he’s been waking up throughout the night (at least 2 times a night) and has trouble falling back asleep when he wakes up at 3. He’s tried sleeping later and reducing his caffeine intake but nothing seems to be working. He exercises daily and eats clean. I don’t believe he has any depressive or anxious disorders either.

Does anyone have any experiences like this? Is this simply a more severe case of ASPD or is this an entirely different issue?

02:03 UTC


working in front of a window

I used to live in a house where I worked on my computer in front of a window the entire day and naturally woke up before 9 and got tired around 11. I'd also eat breakfast in the sunroom every morning. now I do not have a sunroom and eat breakfast in a less sunny spot and work in a corner of my room that faces away from the window, but there is some sunlight coming in from one side and have been sleeping and waking between 1-2 am to 11 am. Could working in front of a window have helped regulate my circadian rhythm significantly? anyone else have a similar experience?

21:36 UTC


Anyone have experience with Abilify/ Aripiprazole?

Read a few studies that mentioned in low doses Aripiprazole could advance sleep onset and decrease total sleep time which without impacting depression. All of that would be great for me to cope with work better so I'm trying it. Curious if anyone has tried it for dspd before and what your experience was.

19:51 UTC


What is DSPD?

Hello everyone I am new here. I have had a life long rare and unknown sleep disorder that I am still trying to figure out and manage. I just saw this subreddit and was curious, I never heard of it. What are the symptoms?

02:06 UTC


Seeking advice on melatonin/light therapy

I have finally made it to sleep clinic, and while I am waiting for a sleep specialist to start a program to shift my cycle, I wanted to try adjusting a few things based on the conversation with the doctor. Patience is not my virtue.

I used CBT-i + morning light, and I managed to get my sleep times to about 12:30-1am to 7-8am. I need to wake up at 5:30-6am most nights, and I am absolutely stuck here - any more CBT-i attempts just cut my sleep time to 4-5 hours a night. I lasted for 3 weeks on sleep deprivation then came down with bad cold.

Melatonin: I tried 1.25mg at 9:30 and this dose has completely knocked me out until 9am. How many hours before desired sleep time is melatonin? What is the dose that works for you?

Light blocking glasses: I am lost at choices on amazon and they are not cheap. What should I be looking for in the glasses? Any specific glasses/brands that worked well for you?

Quviviq: my doctor mentioned this for sleep cycle. Does anyone have experience with this medication?

Thank you for your advice!

15:54 UTC


Stuck between a rock and a hard place

I am being evaluated for a suspected sleep disorder and they suspect that I have DSPD, but it can't just be DSPD. I came there because I wanted to get tested for Narcolepsy, since the overwelmingly major problem for me is the excessive sleepiness. Not something that could be caused by DSPD if you do follow your normal schedule, which I do and have done for a while.

The problem is the diagnostic procedure. They don't want me to do an MSLT, because they can only do it during the day (which is when I normally sleep) so they want me treated for DSPD first. But how could I be treated for DSPD when my extreme sleep drunkenness makes it nearly impossible to wake up and stay awake, not to mention the daytime sleepiness which means that I either have to get my 12 hours of sleep per night or take multiple naps throughout the day. Plus the inconsistency of my sleep patterns (the result of the sleep drunkenness and naps) makes it difficult to actually predict a proper sleeping pattern for a DSPD diagnosis.

In other words, they don't know what to do with my and I don't know either. Any suggestions?

00:22 UTC


recommendations for sleep vitamins?

I have had problems with sleep for as long as I can remember. If I didn't have school or work, I would go to bed at 10 am and wake up at 10pm. This happens a lot when I have a school break or something. I sleep through alarms going off in my ear, across the room, shocking me, etc. I will sleep the entire day if I am not forced to get up, and even when I need to get up, I often just skip out on commitments to sleep. I also have a terribly difficult time going to sleep at night. I get a lot of energy at night, but even if I am tired, my brain doesn't shut off. I've stayed awake for 36 hours straight and still had a hard time shutting my brain off to let myself go to sleep. Typically, when I eventually go to sleep at night, it's because I eventually just kinda passed out. I have ADHD and adderall has helped me with waking up. However, a lot of its effectiveness to help me focus on completing tasks throughout the day is messed up because my mind/body is just exhausted. I've been prescribed several sleeping pills including standard ones (ex: trazodone), medications to calm me down to help me sleep (ex: Xanax or diazepam), medications to help with ADHD that also have a sleepiness side effect (ex: clonidine), etc, but they've never really worked or I've had other negative reactions to them.

Today, my doctor just said that maybe we should start back with the basics and try taking sleep vitamins around dinner time and see if taking them earlier in the day on a regular basis could help correct my circadian rhythm maybe? Types she suggested: melatonin, magnesium glycinate, L-theinine, or GABA. I definitely need help with turning my brain and body off and being able to relax so I can actually sleep, but also need help with feeling tired too.

Does anyone have any experience with any of these types of vitamins? What did it help with in relation to sleep problems? Do you have a certain brand you suggest?

Thank you!

05:02 UTC


Experiences with chronotherapy

Hi everybody! I've had sleeping issues for years, trying different sleep medications, but nothing was working. I just recently found out about DSPD, and got a sleep study done, which confirmed I have it. I currently fall asleep around 5-6 AM, sleeping through several alarms in the morning and waking up around noon. (This is a slight improvent since the dark winter, where I would fall asleep around 7 AM and wake up around 3-4 PM.)

My somnologist recommended chronotherapy, combined with light therapy. If that would not work, we will start looking at other treatments (possibly melatonin, but they would prefer me not having to take medications for the rest of my life). My somnologist unfortunately does not have time to guide me in my chronotherapy, and recommended looking for a sleep therapist (I don't know if that's the official term in English).

I've had difficulty finding a sleep therapist near me that actually has knowledge about DSPD and chronotherapy, so in the meantime I've been doing some research myself on the topic. Looking through this subreddit, I found mostly negative experiences with chronotherapy, so I got a little scared. Since this is still the standard treatment in my country, recommended by specialists, I don't want to just dismiss it, but I was wondering if there are some people here that would like to share their experiences with chronotherapy? What did your schedule look like? With how many hours would you advance your sleep each night? Did you manage to keep the new sleep times? Did you experience any negative consequences, other than it just not working for you?

23:00 UTC


I slept through the eclipse

I had to get up at 8am yesterday for work. I was so exhausted by 11am I completely forgot about the eclipse and took a three hour nap. I live right in the path of totality too. All I had to do was walk outside at the right time and I would have seen a once in a lifetime event. But no. Once the sleepiness creeps in, I become an automaton incapable of any thoughts other than "must sleep now".

(I work from home. Not sure how I haven't been fired yet.)

15:22 UTC


My eyes teary and itchy after 1h of uvex glasses

I never wore any glasses, my sight seems okay, maybe i'm doing something wrong. What could be the reason? Scratches seem to not really exist yet. It's difficult to wash them though properly, I use soap and water, maybe that's the culprit. I don't recall having teary eyes from sunglasses though


link to glasses

14:51 UTC


Cortisol Saliva test

My sleep doctor diagnosed me with DSPD. My PCP wants to test my cortisol with the 24 hours saliva test. Anyone who did this, if your cortisol was high/low when it should be the opposite, what supplements/medications/next steps were there? I don’t think it’s worth doing because i already have a diagnosis but open to learning more.

22:25 UTC

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