
Photograph via snooOG

There was a radical change in the nature of astrology a little over 100 years ago. This subreddit is devoted to the state of astrology before the change.

Traditional astrology refers to astrology as practiced before 1900. Classical astrology is astrology as practiced just before the Enlightenment, between 1400 and 1600. Both have major differences with astrology as generally practiced today.

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Electional Astrology Help!!!

Hello hello. I’m a Pisces Mercury/Venus and I love to build context but I’m just gonna cut to the chase. I am not versed in electional astrology at all. I’m trying to help someone pick the best day and time for a job interview (they get to choose). Does anyone know any planets, houses, or aspects to look at?

I have a basic idea. I looked at the 10H, 6H, and 9H (job is in higher education). I looked at the chart ruler, the lords of the houses stated above, and Mercury. Am I missing anything? I choose a date/time but they’re looking for something next week (dates/times are very limited) and now I’m unsure and beyond stressed. Any tips would be appreciated. Thank you 😭

P. S. I feel like someone is gonna tell me to read a book. I am an avid reader but for whatever reason, I cannot digest astrology books to save my life. I’m a hands on learner

18:49 UTC


Triplicity questions

This will be long, as I will add what I didn't receive responds to.

But I will start with Triplicity - I see no logic in it! (I am into traditional astrology, not the modern one)

The day planets are Sun, Jupiter and Saturn. The night planets are Moon, Venus and Mars. Okay, what planet is Mercury??

Now I realised that certain signs are in happiness: Scorpio is in happiness with Mars, because they both are a night sign and a night planet. And so Taurus is in happiness with Venus and Aquarius in Saturn. (Each planet rules one daily and one night sign, but it can be in happiness only with the one that is like the planet). I read that Virgo is in happiness with Mercury, not Gemini, Virgo is a night sign, like all water and earth signs, so that makes Mercury a night planet?

Back to the triplicity:

For Aries, Sagittarius and Leo: Daily ruler - Sun (Makes perfect sense) Night ruler - Jupiter Co-ruler - Saturn. These three planets are daily, Mars is a night one. I realised that things with the rulers sit that way because both fiery signs are in happiness. Leo is in happiness with Sun and Sagittarius with its Jupiter. We cannot put Mars as a ruler because it is in happiness with the watery sign Scorpio, NOT the fiery Aries! In Triplicity fiery and air signs are ruled by daily planets and earth and water signs - by night planets, as by triplicity.

For air signs: Libra, Aquarius and Gemini Daily ruler is Saturn Night ruler is Mercury And Co-ruler is Jupiter (Although no airy sign is actually ruled by this daily planet, it is put as a co, because it is a daily one, same logic goes for Saturn as a co-ruler of the fiery signs) But I am not sure that I understand Mercury, like how it is a night ruler? When we have Virgo in happiness with it, that makes it a night planet, where is the logic?

Earth signs: Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo Daily ruler is Venus Night ruler is Moon Co-ruler is Mars My beliefs are that having a planet that rules only one sign i.e Cancer, sits better as a Night ruler. While Mars rules both water and fire sign, it doesn't seem right to be the night ruler, because there is some fire: of course it will be a co-ruler.

My greatest wonders come now: Water signs: Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer Daily ruler is Venus (HOW? It is a planet that rules an air sign and an earth sign, that makes no sense at all! )

Night ruler is Mars (WHY? It is better as a daily ruler instead of Venus, because it rules fire BUT also one water sign - Scorpio)

Co-ruler - Moon (It is better as a night ruler)

So this is how it goes for water signs by my beliefs:

Daily ruler - Mars Night ruler - Moon Co-ruler - Venus

What do you think?

15:56 UTC


Reading chart request

I occasionally worry about something and either go back in time and miss something or am sorry, plus I fear moving from my family (I'm 16). Could you tell my future?

Whole sign tropical chart:


Sidereal KP Whole sign chart:


15:06 UTC


Are there any exceptions in the daily and evening phases of the planets?

So I was reading about the phases of the planets (stars) and for the daily phases it goes that way:

*When a star is rising high but it doesn't reach its culmination (the highest point of its path) and disappears in Sun's light, it is considered a morning star. However, Sun "moves faster" thus within some time, the star reaches its culmination and then, with the rising of the Sun, it disappears in its light. Now this is its first and morning 1/4. In the sky, after this 1/4, the star reaches its morning station and stays there for a few days, almost like it isn't moving... and ever since it becomes retrograde. Now, after a while we see it on the west side of the horizon, in its downfall while the Sun rises in the East. This is "The Cosmic Fall" of the Star... And later on it becomes a evening one.

As I said above, in the beginning of the text, the star disappears in the Sun's light before her culmination and after a while the star actually reaches its culmination and THEN disappears in the sunlight. Is this considered a conjuction? These two times of disapearance?

For the evening phases, the second part of a star's journey:

Now, we've seen the star on the eastern horizon during the night, but we consider it an evening one when it goes a little higher and we see the downfall of the Sun on the western horizon. After a while it reaches its second stations and stays there for several days, again, like it is not moving... and starts again moving. Till the second station which I now mentioned, the star has been retrograde, but from now on it is normal. Later or it reaches its highest point, the evening culmination (Could it reach it even without us seeing the Sun's west downfall? Like later in the night? Thus the star is in culmination without "disappearing" in the west sunlight? Again, is that a conjuction?) In its final state, the evening star is in downfall WITH the Sun, both in the west.

Could any of these phases have exceptions? Is one star straight five days an evening one and after that straight another a morning star? Or is it both an evening and a morning star, depending when in the 24h you look at?

1 Comment
08:25 UTC


Why there isn't an option for posting pictures and screenshots?

Posting parts of a book and asking about the meanings of images could be one reason for that option in this sub.

17:05 UTC


1. Daily and Night planets and signs.

I decided to write parts of a book I am currently reading.

Mars ruling Scorpio and Aries Saturn ruling Aquarius and Capricorn

Needed to point that out.

Now, the important part:

Daily Planets: Sun, Jupiter, Saturn

Night Planets: Moon, Mars, Venus

Daily signs: 1,3,5,7,9,11 i. e. Aries Gemini Leo Libra Sagittarius Aquarius

Night signs: 2,4,6,8,10,12 i. e. Taurus Cancer Virgo Scorpio Capricorn Pisces

So Mars would act far worse in a daily chart than a night one, because it is not in its own sect.

07:59 UTC


Does Traditional astrology use the fixed zodiac or it's like Vedic?

14:07 UTC


Begginer/ Looking for help

Hi. Im a begginer student of traditional astrology. Im having a little trouble understanding the way the planets, signs and houses work together.

I have horary astrology by john frowley and althought the bases are well explained the pratical aspect i find lacking. Does anyone know any resources or authors i could look into?

Thanks :)

15:59 UTC


Releasing from fortune

When releasing from spirit you look for peak periods according to fortune, when releasing from fortune do you consider its own angles or another lots angles? Thanks

14:04 UTC


Astrology Collection

I found a very good collection about astrology. It contains all ancient tradition's astrological beliefs and system like babalon, chinese, celtic, vedic, tibetian and of couse western tradition. You can find all about of astrology like everything.

Astrology 13.000 E - books


23:38 UTC


Book recommendations?

I'm looking for more information on the archetypal significations for the individual planets and signs, specifically from a hellenistic perspective.

The astrology podcast has a series of deep dives into these topics but I'd like something to read when listening to podcasts isn't feasible.

Could anyone share some recommendations for what they consider quality sources?

13:58 UTC


Cancer Rising Characteristics - From My Perspective

00:00 UTC


What is the importance of the Lot of Spirit in a Natal Chart?

Hi, I have Lot of Spirit in my 8th House. I really have interest in those house topics, is it supposed to be like that or there exist another effects?


1 Comment
17:34 UTC


Timing the Crash of the US $ Dollar & Other Events - Made Using Mundane Astrology Techniques like Vernal Equinoxes/The Great Conjunction of Jupiter-Saturn/Upcoming Trigger to this Conjunction

1 Comment
22:53 UTC


Horary Interpretation: Will My Trip Be Safe?

16:56 UTC


Does A Strong Venus Esp A Dominant One In The Chart Indicates A Person Has A Calming And Charming Presence To Be Around?

Audrey Hepburn's natal chart has Venus dominating around 16% of her chart. The lady's beloved for her charming soothing presence to be around.

I just learned Alan Delon has Venus as a distant 3rd place in one post and the man's fame for making a woman lose her guard. Ian Ziering also has Venus dominating at nearly 20% and despite playing a dumb egotistic bully jock for most of his career, the same jock even when he's being a jerk has a funny personality with charm and even feels at ease to watch onscreen despite him beating someone up for refusing to give lunch money.

So I am curious if Venus with a significant presence is a great sign a person would be mesmerizing to be around and the type to flatter you without even trying. And the type to calm down angry and nervous people because of an aura of warmth and serenity, even loving?

06:46 UTC


The Astrology Podcast x Esoterica

1 Comment
02:31 UTC


Do you guys see any decent electional window in this year at all?

Okay sooo...I can't find any good Jupiter election window for talismans in May and June. They're either not in planetary hour or have other afflictions (like the one I posted here yesterday and in other groups):

  • Moon in 12th House and in mutual reception with Mars (which is in Cancer, its detriment)
  • 1st House ruler (Mercury) will be in retrograde by that election period.

Soooo even though Jupiter was culminating and dignified by sign (Pisces) and Moon was in Taurus, and Venus trine Jupiter, the general recommendation was to not use it.

And I read about Mercury situation in another topic here, about how it is gonna have an aspect with Saturn, and that Mercury is now slowing down. A slow planet is one affliction as far as I read.Do you guys see any good election windows or periods in this year for any of the 7 planets? I have recently made 3 smooth-surfaced silver coins to do engraving (gonna go with laser) for talismans. But I don't want to do them in a wrong election window and have them turn my life upside down 📷

07:48 UTC

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