
Photograph via snooOG

This subreddit is dedicated to Magick in all its forms. This is a community that practices, researches, discusses and embodies various esoteric paths and philosophies. While beginners are welcome here, this is not a beginners subreddit (see Rule 4).

Magic With a K

This subreddit is dedicated to Magick in all its forms. This is a community that practices, researches, discusses and embodies various esoteric paths and philosophies. While beginners are welcome here, this is not a beginners subreddit (see Rule 4).

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Were practitioners of black magic and worshipers of dark gods and goddesses (particular the equivalent of Satanic archetypes) not necessarily welcomed by the mainstream folks in pagan religion and possibly even openly persecuted?

I read Fushigi Yugi which is heavily based on Chinese mythology and ancient religions. The antagonist of the story comes from an ancient tribe of worshipers of demon Gods and they were wiped out by the governments of the lands they live in for engaging in a taboo religion.

In addition I also seen Sony Chiba's Ninja Wars and in the movie Buddhist Warrior monks were sent to raid a temple of people who worship Akuma, Japanese equivalent of demon lords, and mass fighting ensure between the dark cult and the Buddhist militants.

In the early Prince of Persia games not only is Jafar shown as evil for using dark spells, but I remember at least one installment showing he worships Ahriman or some ancient evil Zoroastrian god and the Prince fights his way to stop his ritual.

In Asterix the Gaul a few chapters of comic book stories has Asterix stopping some druids who were abusing the Celtic magick to summon a powerful creature or casting curses on people and other cliched use of black magic shown in modern TV programs like Supernatural. Despite Asterix as a Gaul worshipping Celtic gods himself.

So it makes me wonder....... Were witches and other people who practised black magic not necessarily accepted in contemporary society and same for pagans and polytheists who worshiped dark gods who were evil spirits esp those who were the equivalent of Satan in their religion?

Were they possibly even persecuted? Sure these are all works of fiction but Ninja Wars was explicitly revolved around on Buddhist cliches in Japanese culture and Fushigi Yugi was specifically based on various sacred customs of Chinese B.C. The fact that even non-Christian non-Western cultures are showing the persecution of devil-worshipers and black magick is really making me curious.

14:41 UTC


Ritual of Hexagram and Ritual of Pentagram practical applications?

I know this is a beginner topic and I could just find and read more books all day but I want to hear other practitioners in their own words.

What are examples of situations and practical applications you'd use these rituals for? How have you used them in your day to day practice and why? What are the results you sought and did you get them?

And for the LRH specifically, why would you want to banish macrocosmic influence, would this be useful for overcoming unfavorable astrological transits e.g. mercury retrograde that everyone is always scared of? Would I want to use it day and night like the LBRP?

And for invoking, how or why would I invoke? I've used the LIRP (earth) invoking variant before to little effect outside of a purposeful ritual with circumnambulations to charge something within the circle a la Damien Echols but wanted to know in the words of other practitioners when/how/why.

As a side note, has anyone gotten much use of Echols' addition of Metatron/Sandalphon to LBRP? I'm going to experiment with it some more but haven't found it to be as helpful as the original.

Background: I've been practicing LBRP daily and consistently now for a few months to great effect and began incorporating Middle Pillar. I've always been more of a reader and dabbler in mqgick than a serious practitioner over the years but have finally began seriously studying and practicing ceremonial rituals. I have done chaos sigil work to mixed results but am finding ceremonial to be more my speed, but may revisit sigils later. I'm looking at incorporating LRH next but I suppose the purpose and application of it are not as talked about online as the LBRP. I feel I'm just at a crossroads and want to figure what I should work on and experiment with next in my practice. I need homework!

Thank you!

1 Comment
07:28 UTC


An Idea For Witches Who Don't Want Or Can't Use Smoke

Just had a quick thought that might help those who can't or don't want to smoke cleanse their crystals. I was doing some research and found that the dried flowers of Horehound can be used as a way to charge and purify your crystals. Horehound is also used to amplify scrying and used as a part of grounding rituals. Don't know if this will help any of you, but just thought I'd share.

00:47 UTC


Undoing blood binding spell

Recently an accident occoured: Instead of causing seperation between two parties, I put the clients' blood on top of the one who client is to be seperated from. I assume this caused the two to form a blood bond of some kind. I declared the spell nihilated by word but am not certain whether it truly is, as it is blood magick, which is involved.

Do you have any idea on reversing and/or undoing the effect?

Also thinking in direction of curse by third party, as client had mentioned a magickal battle in the past. Not (directly) related to the seperation spell, mentioned, though.

04:33 UTC


Who is the true archangel of the sphere of Mars?

I did a brief research and found out that there are 3 superior angelic entities linked to the sphere of Mars that generate doubts:
סַמָּאֵל (Samma'el): This one is of aggressive nature, his name even means Poison of God, apparently whoever conjured him had very unpleasant sensations with his energy;
כַּמָּאֵל (Kamma'el): A name that appears in some grimoires, but I think it's incorrect, I couldn't find an exact meaning for his name;
חַמּוּאֵל (Chammu'el): A name that I believe to be of the true archangel linked to the sphere of Mars, his name means the Wrath of God.
Does anyone have any clue about who the true Archangel of Mars is?
I haven't conjured any of them yet, I'm going to evoke the Olympic Spirit Phaleg next Tuesday on the waxing moon, and then I'll research more about these archangels. I haven't summoned any entity from the martial sphere yet, I'm afraid because of what they say about it. They also say the same about the Saturnine sphere, however, my conjuration to that sphere was calm despite the "weight" I felt during the rite. Conjuring the solar sphere was impactful, I hadn't seen or heard anyone report about its effects yet. To this day, I feel a psychic "pressure" from the entity in my daily life, and I have to reconnect with this solar force and still don't know what to expect next time, but I know I'm preparing myself.

03:19 UTC


Anyone knows how to dissolve blood magick?

Anyone knows how to dissolve blood magick without using blood? I had a bad time when two drops of blood from different persons mixed. So I need to undo any or some of the effects.

23:35 UTC


Different sources of magic

After studying a few different paths it seems to me that witches/magicians/sorcerers only have a few resources for magic:

  1. Spirits (gods, angels, fae, the dead, etc.)
  2. Astrology
  3. Elements
  4. Ingredients (herbs, crystals, mixtures, etc.)
  5. Numerology
  6. Universal energy (runes, qi, polarizing forces etc.)
  7. Personal energy (kundalini, enlightenment, etc.)

I'd like to learn about as many different forms as possible. Can anybody think of any that don't fall into one of those categories?

22:23 UTC


“The Sorcery of Solomon” by Sara Mastros

Recently I picked up a copy of this book. For those that don’t know, it is a guide to the 44 Planetary Pentacles from the Key of Solomon. It’s a great book, and by working through it you end up making a “magic book of pentacles”. While the magic in this book is easy to understand and straightforward, I’m a little unsure about some of the methods and was really hoping someone could direct me to some background info regarding them. I’ll list them below.

    • contacting/ invoking Solomon

One of the first things Mastros encourages you to do is to begin building a relationship with the spirit of Solomon. One method that she provides is the setting of a meal where you “invite Solomon by name” and speak to him. Another method she recommends is dream incubation, or intentionally dreaming about him/contacting him through said dreams. It is then recommended that you “acquire knowledge and conversation of Solomon” before doing the invocation of Solomon, which is “I invoke Solomon, Djinn Master and temple builder. I invoke Solomon, magician and the King”. She also recommends chanting this rhythmically with drumming or clapping. Here’s my question. Is this really enough to contact and connect with the spirit of Solomon? I just haven’t seen any kind of invocation or method of contacting spirits this “simple”. I also fail to understand how I am supposed to acquire knowledge and conversation with the spirit of Solomon through these methods alone.

  1. Consecration

Some of her ritual methods for consecration have me a little confused as well. In addition to the book, there is a scarf and ribbon that must be consecrated and named. She also recommends talking to these items as if they were a person. These methods just seem a little strange to me. There’s the typical petitioning and praising to names of god in the consecrations, which I am familiar with, but the naming of the objects and speaking to them in a conversational manner is new to me and I don’t really understand it. If anyone could shed some light on where these methods come from, I’d be super greatful.

3- kissing?

Some of the rituals include kissing the consecrated scarf and book. She also recommends speaking to the seal and explaining why you have activated it. This is similar to the previous question but I am just having trouble understanding how this casual and conversational magic is supposed to work and where it comes from.

18:07 UTC


Whisper method what is it exactly?

Hi everyone I’ve been seeing online for last couple of months this so called whisper method. Is this type of black magic and does it actually work. Has anyone found any results in it and how did you personally do it?

15:59 UTC


Are seals of solomon safe?

I was reading online and researching, I am aware that some people claim it to be effective. But is there any dark side of this? How do you use it and what's your personal experience? I saw it has names of spirits as well. I'm talking fourth pentacles of Mercury, second pentacle of Mercury and fourth pentacle of Venus.

00:21 UTC


Grandiosity from successful endeavours: how do I deal with it?

I have this problem when I do some successful magick. I view it as individual power rather than universal granted power. I am aware of this, but it still persists.

For example, someone dies. I pray to Azrael that he would kindly act as a psychopomp. I’ve received some mindblowing synchronicities as a “message received” from the universe. Then, I start feeling like some kind of hero just for praying. The problem happens when my kneejerk ego response says “look what I DID” and not “look at the powers that are available.” This response is as though I am in some way “special” that allows these incredible things to happen, rather than life itself being incredible.

Can anyone point me towards what I can do to properly attribute the power to the universal rather than the particular?

22:17 UTC


Novel Esoteric Knowledge?

Recently, I came across a verse ( below) in the Quran discussing a form of occult knowledge. The verse mentions that evil ones taught magic to some among the people of Israel, along with another knowledge revealed to two angels, Harut and Marut, in Babylon. This knowledge, distinct from magic, was meant to be neutral but was misused by people to harm rather than benefit. It's intriguing because it suggests there was a knowledge beyond conventional magic, originating from Babylon. This parallels with Zoroastrianism ( which originated in Babylon) where two similar beings, Haurvetat and Amretat (corresponding to Harut and Marut in the verse ) are mentioned. I'm curious about the nature of this knowledge—divinely revealed for good but often twisted for harm. It hints at an occult science with potential for both positive and negative applications, prompting speculation on its essence and potential impact. The only thing I'm sure is that it can't be anything involving an invoking or evoking any kind of entities because Quran is very strict on it. Any guesses what this knowledge could be? What traditions might have a hold of it?

" It was not Solomon who disbelieved, but the evil ones disbelieved, teaching people magic and that which was revealed to the two angels at Babylon, Harut and Marut. But the two angels do not teach anyone unless they say, "We are a trial, so do not disbelieve ." And they learn from them that by which they cause separation between a man and his wife. But they do not harm anyone through it except by permission of God . And the people learn what would harm them and not what would benefit them."

21:17 UTC


Radionics - Spirit Sigils vs Sacred Geometry?

I want to preface this by saying I never really for into the traditional magick of working spells in grimiores and using spirit sigils, etc. When I first started getting into my own practice, I just went straight into radionics , got a machine and started using various geometric shapes & crystals on my input plate to boost the energy.

Curious if there's any radionic practitioners here? For those of you that have/currently do incorporate radionics - do you incorporate traditional spells that you would normally use outside of radionics? Or do you take a more 'chaos magick' approach and just use what you feel is fitting?

From what I am understanding, dowsing is such a big part of this process, and it is rather difficult for me to feel confident in my dowsing abilities, so I am trying to increase my ability to use a pendulum efficiently.

20:13 UTC


Finicial spells never working enough

I purposely astral projected at the beginning of this year. My guides told me if I keep talking them and doing rituals I would win the lottery. The deal was I do what my ancestors ask with the money and they give it to me. I felt the energy. I have been playing ever since with no luck. I have done so many different rituals over the past 3 months. In february I got my sigil tatted on me after my guides told me to in a dream. I thought it would immediately charge because of the pain I indured while getting it (size of two palms) The place I got the sigil is hidden under ny arm so when I do sex magick I cannot look directly at it and focus (Huge mistake) I can only think of my desires and hope my guides will catch on. My sex magick has half results. I get little money opportunities and find money in places i know I did not put it in my room, but I need to win the lottery. I dont know what im doing wrong

15:48 UTC


Low energy after sigil work and manifestation

I’ve done sigil work for a short time now and manifested several desires. Recently, I performed a simple work with a sigil and the full moon. The manifestation occurred within hours but now—days later—I feel very tired and low on energy.

I’ve had this experience before. It’s as if the work drains my energy, especially when I am able to manifest a desire successfully with it.

Any recommendations on guarding against this kind of “hangover” in the future? I’m open to all thoughts and suggestions. Thanks in advance. 🙏

23:06 UTC


How is illusion magic cast or is it even real?

So I've been reading how people cast illusion magic on others altering their perception of things, and somebody talked about its Technique that : basically you have to amplify your belief about an object's appearance moulding it in your mind as you see it and then cast this belief on the perception of the people or person you want to confound, idk how do you do this.

Do you people have mechanisms to do this which is less intuitive and more explicit? Also do you have theory how these spells might work, cuz to me the starting process is the same as normal intent convergence magic ( you start by altering your belief about something) then why does it remain an illusion rather than becoming real?

13:08 UTC


How could you improve this daily routine?

I’ve been using the same magickal routine for the past 3 months now, and whilst it’s been very effective I’ve also occasionally had trouble managing the invoked energy and it’s leading to extreme bursts of awareness and power followed by a period of tiredness and fatigue which I have to recover from and rebuild.

Everyday: LIRP + LIRH (Invoking field) + Middle Pillar

Working through the elements / planets as given in the golden dawn.

Every 3rd evening: LBRP + LBRH

I do this at the end of every 3rd day to maintain balance and banish any potential negative energy.

Whilst the invocations are being effective, I’m worried that I’m having trouble managing the energy and I find they often overspill into negative manifestations which immediately cause fatigue and burnout. Since I have devised this routine myself I’m wondering whether I’m doing anything wrong / missing something?

20:53 UTC


Such a thing as southern based magick?

Hello, I was looking to see if this exist and if so if anyone knows some good references. My parents are adopted so as such I don't have a large connection with a certain culture, thing is I WAS raised into the South. I've always loved southern Gothic aesthetics since it highlights the more unknown and naturey parts of the South over the to be desired parts... I thought I'd be only natural to tap into that and see if there's such thing as southern based magick. I've tried to find some books but all I've managed to pick up are folk magic books which to my understanding is a closed practice from the Appalachians, not the whole South in general. If anyone has sources for what I'm looking for please let me know!

17:47 UTC


A healthy approach (to Magick) according to a Rinpoche

I am reading this book called The Tibetan Yogas of Dream & Sleep by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and I found this paragraph to be both very accessible, accurate and inspiring about how to approach Magick that I had to share it with you guys. While he is actually talking about Dream Yoga, I think the message is very relevant to Magick nonetheless.

Proposed adjustments by me in bold:

The question arises: "If ultimate reality is empty of distinctions, and if liberation is to be found in the realization of this empty nature, then why should I do practices aimed at relative results?" The answer is simple. Because we live in a dualistic, relative world, we do practices effective in this world. In samsaric existence, dichotomies and polarities have meaning; there is right and wrong and better and worse ways to act and think based on the values of different religions, spiritual schools, philosophical systems, science, and culture. Respect the circumstances in which you are bound. When living in samsara, conventional practices apply, and dream interpretation magick can be very helpful.

In our conventional lives, we make choices and can change things; that is why we study the teachings, why we practice. As we understand more and become more skilled in our lives, we become more flexible. We begin to really understand the things we are taught: what lucidity is, what is illusory about our experiences, how suffering comes about, what our true nature is. Once we start to see how what we do is a cause of suffering, we can choose to do something different. We grow weary of constricted identities and the repetitive inclinations that lead to so much unnecessary suffering. We let go of negative emotional states, train ourselves to overcome distraction, and abide in pure presence.
It is the same with dreaming magick. There is a progression in the practice. As the practice is developed, we discover there is another way to dream approach life/the magickal process. Then we move toward the unconventional dream practices in which the story and its interpretations are not important. We work more on the causes of dreams wanted goals/circumstances than the dreams wanted goals/circumstances themselves. There is no reason not to use dream yoga magick to attain worldly goals. Some of the practices address relative concerns and lead to the use of dreaming magick for purposes such as health, divination, guidance, cleansing unhealthy karmic and psychological tendencies, healing, and so on. The path is practical and suited for all. But while the use of dream yoga magick to benefit us in the relative world is good, it is a provisional use of the practice.

What do you think?

Edit: Format ​

11:59 UTC


Abramelin operation help

I am looking into this operation and I want to try it but from some of the videos and articles I read they mention having to be alone… I live with family. I would be able to isolate myself and focus on the operation but idk if I have to be COMPLETELY alone. Also can someone’s send me some good resources to look deeper into this operation

04:42 UTC


A question for you all how rare is it for a guy to practice magic by this I mean roughly out of you all how many of you are guys.

The only reason I'm asking is because I'm a guy and the only people I have ever meet who practice magic are girls to be fair it's only one person my best friend but she only ever uses it to curse people.

03:13 UTC


Letter magic in Kabbalah

I have been reading on kabbalah and I've come to the conclusion that the original idea of kabbalah was something which used letters to manipulate reality, a system of letter magic but exactly how? The book sefer yetzirah talks about it but it's too symbolic and allegorical in nature, too much to unwrap. Is there any work or person who has dabbled with this ?

Would be best if it has nothing to do with spirits or any invoking, I prefer not to engage with that.

19:43 UTC


Are there justifiable scenarios, reasons or ways to harvest energy?

In my experience, as a magician you'll have to fight the ego more than just once...

I usually stay on the lighter side of magic and triple check if I'm doing something only for my own personal gain or the collective.

I've started to realize that energy harvesting is a thing and that it happens all around me at concerts and parties, etc. and probably on an even larger scale by people and forces I can't even know.

My question is, could I as an individual use this in a beneficial way myself? Are there moments where taking energy is safe? Can you even siphon energy off someone, if you believe in their right to develop as a person and in their sovereignty?

Then on the other hand there is so much misguided energy...

I would really appreciate your perspectives and experiences on this

10:34 UTC


Plans for the eclipse?

Are you going to harness the coming eclipse energy for your workings? If so what are your plans? It makes a trine with my sen in 9th and a sextile with my aries mars chart ruler in 5th. Plan to do some ritual cleaning, banishing and invoke some fire energy for a new start. I was thinking to consecrate an hypersigil but got late with the preparations and prefer to wait instead of rushing it as its a bit complex multi ritual work.

What about you people?

18:57 UTC


What's your favorite tarot card(s) and why?

For any reason. Joy when it comes up in a reading, the art, it embodies you, anything.

I feel very "connected" to the fool and the magician. Maybe one of the knights.

Fool because it's an attitude towards life.

Magician because what I've been trying to become my whole life

Knights because it's what I try to be in the present?

Haha just thought I'd make a fun post, how 'bout you?

18:38 UTC


Magic altering physical biology

I was wondering if magic can somehow, alter reality working through its own laws of meaning, would it not be able to induce bodily changes in people? If I talk about amputees, biologically it's possible to regenerate but we are far from any knowledge of how to kick off that mechanism of regeneration, but can magic do that? And if some of you are actual practitioners of this field, do you have any experience or knowledge remotely linked to the possibility?

Im just curious, plz don't bash me.

16:26 UTC


Casting Circle Permanent Ritual area

So, I have a place where I do all my magick. I don't always cast a circle for minor things. Is it possible to just set up a permanent or quasi-permanment circle? Something that I just charge every once in awhile?

00:12 UTC


What happens when you start working with a deity?

I started practicing magic a while ago and everybody seems like they have a deity they're devoted to. And I'm not sure which deity should I work with, can working with a deity make your magic more powerful?

17:00 UTC


What's the deal with hand gestures in magical?

I've heard numerous mentions of using hand gestures to cast spells or perform other magickal acts. I think my first exposure was a short story I read when I was a kid about a man who claimed he'd learned how to use special hand gestures to travel, and after he did the gestures, he dropped dead.

Since then, I've heard other references, including a friend who uses small hand gestures while he's performing stand-up comedy to help his performance. He couched it in terms of believing in them gives him confidence.

I feel like I've come across numerous other mentions, but I can't remember them now, other than the most obvious one to me, Dr Strange. But that's also a very cartoonishly literal interpretation (not to knock Dr Strange).

What should I look into if I want to learn more about this?

14:33 UTC


Using a ‘continual’ sigil vs a one timer

This has been something I’ve been trying to grasp, because a sigil can be used in both ways.. so is the process the same essentially? But for the other you use it multiple time and don’t burn it ect? And can be drawn multiple times?


23:20 UTC

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