This sub is for the (eventual) Google Fuchsia Beta Program.
Post your questions, feedback, ideas, and just about anything else about the latest Fuchsia Beta here! Posts about dev/alpha/beta apps are welcomed here as well (although you may want to wait until the non OS beta season)!
1. Do not be rude/abusive to other previewers.
3. Do not repost.
4. Do not spam.
5. Do not downvote people because you think they asked a dumb question. Just because you think that someone has a dumb question, doesn't mean that it is dumb to them.
Reserved User Flairs |
Be the first to post about a new beta! |
Android Developers |
Android Police |
Droid Turf |
XDA Developers |
If you are a developer, a Google/Android worker, a reporter, or anything similar please contact the mods for special flair. If we do not have the right flair for you, we will add it.