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Beating Dark Shiva easily

I recently restarted playing FFX after years. I have almost finished the game (I defeated Yunalesca, and I need to enter Sin). At a later stage I will try to complete different sub quests like Monsters Arena, Dark Aeons, etc. However, I like playing Blitzball and unfortunately I let Linna go by accident after her contract expired (I didn't think of restating the game from the latest save point). I read that she now she seats at the entrance of Macalania Temple which is guarded by Dark Shiva. Now, I am completely unprepared to fight her, so I cannot recruit Linna back. I have Yojimbo so I was thinking using Zanmato, but so far no luck. What is the best way to let him use this technique? Thanks

20:50 UTC


Disrespecting Seymour in this save file

First fight we get to use Seymour, I had him unalive himself with Fira before finishing the Sinspawn.

First fight against we just disrespected him completely by overkilling him on both phases and overkilling Anima.

Second fight against he kills himself with a spellcast.

Third fight on Mt Gagazet, finish him with a 250 damage Rikku slap to the face.

When we fight him in Sin the fourth time, it will be after beating Penance. How to finish him off with the ultimate disrespect? A Lulu 99999 basic attack?

16:06 UTC


I picked this CD up in Disc Union in Shinjuku Tokyo, it’s an original 2001 pressing, 4Cds.

12:46 UTC


What are the benefits of the expert sphere grid? Why use it over regular?


05:02 UTC


What's the difference between the sphere grid and the expert sphere grid?


04:37 UTC


Aaron’s look doesn’t make sense

If Auron died 10 years ago, you tf did he age (and look like he’s 45)? Shouldn’t he look the same as 10 years ago? Make it make sense

04:22 UTC


Yeet the Sand Worm 🪱🥴

Haha the sand worm goes yeet 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪

02:10 UTC


How hard is it to go back in the Sphere Grid if I mess up?

Because the thing is that I don’t understand how it works as I’ve been experimenting with Yuna’s Sphere Grid, and I don’t feel satisfied with the results, so I want to know if I can sort of have a do over.

Like for instance, if I can still have her use Auron’s grid if I mistakenly moved her grid over to Tidus’s grid.

21:01 UTC


Friendly Fire 🥲

The petrify though is disrespectful.

20:58 UTC


Do I dare?

I've beening thinking about doing fan art of ffx because why not. Also thinking about doing ffx-2 even though it's not as popular...but it's vury pretty stuff.

16:03 UTC


I'm back for more ! (Spoiler up to Macalania forest boss post scene )

Like the title says, I'm back for more ! So, last time, I stopped at the Mi'hien agency, after beating the chocobo eater (and getting the prize for throwing him down the cliff). I'm still not too sure about spheres, so I keep most of those I get (like the one won by beating the Goers, and boy was that satisfying, despite the lack of gloating thrown in their faces. Shame, that.).

I started Ronso boy towards steal, got it, and now I backtracked and I'm ready to go down Lulu's path. Black mage Kimahri with steal should be fun.

So, after Mi'hien, I went towards the next area (and I absolutely could feel in my bones the frustration Donna felt when Seymour let Yuna's party go through the check point at the end onf Mi'hien road. it was glorious. I almost regretted not having my cat on my lap at this time to feel like a Bond villain who just got a small victory).

Just to say, but after all the talk with Seymour on the road between Mi'hien and the special operation, my dislike for him only grew. I liked the way he explained things, but his relation with Yuna always creeps me the hell out up to eleven. * Shivers *

Speaking of the operation... as much as the result brought no surprise in this total defeat of the alliance crusaders/Al Bhed (and I loved the fact they worked towards a common goal), I absolutely loved the cutscenes. Sin is a beast. And he's apparently also 100% Jecht in there. Damnit.

And Luzzu died. Yeah, that happened. Seeing Gatta completely break down and inform us of the death of his mentor, that was heartbreaking. Poor guy. Though after all I learned about the drama between Luzzu, Chappu, Lulu and Wakka, I'm sad that Luzzu won't get more punches. Too bad.

One thing that I did not like is the fact I only got exp for the second fight against the spawn thing (the one with Seymour). In the first one I rotated everyone, and all for nothing ? That was weird.

After that, Djose temple, welcome Ixion. I'm mixed about this Aeon. I don't know, he's nice, but I put him a little below Valefor in my interest. Ifrit is still the best though (no clue if he's going to go down the ladder in time. I hope so, because that would mean even more awesome aeons. What to ask more ?). Of course, I got the destruction sphere in this temple too. Oh, and I met another summoner ! Isaru, I think ? With his two little brothers as guardians. I'm rooting for them ! (well, less than Yuna obviously, but, yeah, I wish them the best !)

After that, the way to the moonflow. I met Belgemine again, for another curbstomp against her aeons. Always a pleasure (Am I talking about meeting her or destroying her ? Both ? Yeah, sure, both ! Both is good !).

Oh, and I met those two Ronso again. They seem to take some serious pride in their horns. Poor Kimahri then. But this thing about missing summoners was worrying (Isaru already mentioned it though, but it's important enough to be talked about again...).

The moonflow was beautiful. However, there is something that started a little earlier that was reinforced here. And my gut is seriously not liking that. Not at all, sirs and madams. Nope. But I'll talk about this at the end of this post, because it's important.

Then... RIDE THE SHOOPUF ! (Oh, and apparently, Jecht stopped drinking there and then after attacking the shoopuf. Go figure, moron.)

And then... Really Al bhed ? So, that was them who kidnapped the summoners ? Yeah, of course. Just like in Luca. Should have known. But more importantly.... RIKKU ! She's back, and she's staying ! Awesome. I love stealing with her. I already got the achievement for this. Every fight, steal ! And now that Kimahri got it too, double the fun, double the gains ! /o/

The Guados creep me out. I don't know why. Or at least, Seymour and his butler creep me out so much. The other, they seem a little... isolationist ? Is that a word ? English is not my main language, so I'm not sure. They don't seem to view other people than guados very highly. Not exaclty racists but... huh, perhaps that's exactly the word, after all ?

I loved the exposition about old Zanarkand, Yunalesca and Zaon, though. It was so interesting ! But Seymour, of course, used that to creep even more on Yuna. Damn him. And then, he freaking proposed to her ?!? What the actual hell ?!? I don't like him. I don't know if I've said it enough, but I really don't like him. At all. And Tidus doesn't either (smart guy about that).

I loved the part about the Farplane. It was very sad, and brought another weird thing (I'll mention with the last paragraph thing). But yeah, I still liked it. And then, it was time to go towards MACARENA TEMPLE ! (Or just Macalania and Tidus is still a moron about most things).

The thunder plains were not a place I like very much. I beat the monsters without too much problem, but the constant lightning was a little irritating. I saw someting about 200 lightning dodges, I tried the crater trick (yeah, one of the thing I heard about before even trying, though it did not make much sense at that time). I only managed a little more than 50 (or 60?). I'll try later, eventually. I decided to go forwards.

Once in the woods, I met Barthello who lost Donna (really Al bhed ? I'm sure it's on you !), and then there was the Sphere boss. I took a little time to get the gist of it, but still managed to beat it on my first try. And then, Jecht sphere ! I heard there were a few of them in Spira, so I backtracked fully to Besaid. Yeah, that was quite the walk. Once I was there, I found a new sphere (I got the one in the Thunder plain while going back). And something in it added more conviction to my gut feeling I'm going to talk about soon.

But back to Besaid, I had a thought : why not start to build a blitzball team? So, I found someone there, Vilucha I think is her name (lvl4 I think ? Why did Wakka miss her for his team when she lived next door ? Is he stupid ?). Now, I'm trying to build a team, but I have no clue who to add. I could play with the original Aurochs, but... Nope, not this time. Perhaps eventually. But I need to find good players to build a team with Tidus and Vilucha (sorry Wakka, it's not about you but... yeah). Would you have some advice about this ?

Once I left Besaid, I took the boat, snagged the Al Bhed manual I did not get earlier. Then I found spheres in the boat to Kilika, and one in Luca's stadium. Now, I'm still there, because of Blitzball. I though that Luca should be a nice place to find nice players. There's a guy on a bench, a guard, and the reporter woman. I don't know who to ask, to be honest. Perhaps there are better players out there I can already recruit ? That's why I would be very much open to advice, if you have any wisdom to impart upon little old me.

NOW ! Now, I'm going to talk about this gut feeling I mentioned several times earlier. It started In Djose temple.

I'm talking about the scene when Yuna woke up the morning in Djose temple, with bad hair, and everyone was laughing. However, Tidus said that later he realised he was the only one really laughing at this moment.

Then, there was the scene on the bank of the moonflow, when Tidus said they should come back once Sin is dead. The silence, the acting, I could feel the tension, the bad feeling in the air.

After that, there was one of the Jecht spheres, the one in Besaid. At the end of it, Braska asks Auron if he could bring Yuna there after the pilgrimage. WHY ?!?

All of that makes me think that... If a summoner fights Sin, to defeat it, they have to die. I guess the technique/summon used asks the life of the caster as a price. That would make sense. And... Did Jecht take part in something about that ? Is that why he's Sin ? Did he become the faith for some ultimate Aeon for Braska to call and kill Sin, only to be turned himself in the new Sin ? Is that what Sin is all about ? I remember Seymour said Yunalesca and her husband were the first to defeat Sin. Or something like that. Did Yunalesca use her husband as a faith before sacrificing her life, making her husband the next Sin ? Did this happen with every High Summoner ?

My mind is absolutely reeling with all those theories, and even more... Can dead people stay on Spira without turning into fiends ? Because... I thing Auron is one. Between the talks with Kinoc and Seymour, and his reaction to the Farplane, I'm seriously starting to wonder. What the hell is going on in this crazy world ?!?

Anyway, I think I'm done with this post. I love this game, but the more I go on, the more I'm dreading what I'm about to learn the next step on the road. So, that's about it. Thanks for reading, and like I said earlier, I'm open to some advice about Blitzball. And as usual, please don't spoil me about future things. Thank you, and have a wonderful day !

Edit : Typos.

15:26 UTC


Still hits the feels 😭😭😭

I half assed the game when I was 16 years old. I'm now 39 and went back to it. 300 hours later, spehere grid fully wiped, max stats every character, every celestial, ribbon/bhpl armor for everyone, nemesis whooped, dark Aeons whooped, Penance whooped, every achievement done. My FFX journey is complete. This moment still hits the feels though.

15:03 UTC


Can I play the PS2 version and experience all the content in the game or is some stuff exclusive to the remaster?

I’m planning on playing Final Fantasy X for the first time as well as X2 and I’m curious, can I play the PS2 version or is there any bonus chapter or stuff exclusive to the remaster version? I’m gonna play through PCSX2 as well

12:22 UTC


SS Liki Sinscale farming

Currently at 14.5 hours with a turbo controller will call it a day at 16 hours and report results from memory I should obtain around 40 S lvls

11:30 UTC


Expert Grid Help?

Just started a new game, haven't played FFX in many years. Pretty much have no memory of the grid system, and the last time I played, the remaster didn't exist, so I think that also means the expert grid was not a thing.

On to the question, sorry if it is a stupid one, but I have been trying to find recommended builds for various party members, a well explained path, or images of someone's build. I have seen people typically say, finish that characters path until the end, and then go off from there head towards <Party Member> side of the map. I just want to know exactly how do you tell what a party members path is? It isn't really clear exactly what any characters specific path is supposed to be before you branch off. Can someone explain?

23:16 UTC


Anyone else here love FF music? I couldn't find a decent relaxing FF playlist so I decided to just make one myself. FF & similar chill vibes. Thought others here might appreciate it too~

1 Comment
22:04 UTC


I usually don't buy themes but I couldn't resist. As soon as I heard the song and the sound effects, I knew it was worth it

21:54 UTC



I can't seem to get a straight answer googling this, but how much luck do I need to crit any enemy in the game (Dark Aeons/Penance) IF all other stats are maxed?

21:23 UTC


My hopes for Kimahri in an FFX Remake

This post is about my hopes about a potential FFX Remake in the same vein as the FF7 Remakes. Specifically about what I hope for the character of Kimahri. I realize that this game is minimum 6-7 years away IF they were to move directly on to this after FF7R-3, but I am already thinking about it.

I would like for Kimahri to have a stronger identity of his own in combat. Kimahri is one of my favorite characters and I would really like for him to be able to do more in combat that seperates him from other characters. I would propose a few things that expand on the enemy skills that made up his one unique gimick. I think this would make him much more interesting to play with.


  1. The combat system will be somewhat similar to the system that we got in FF7R, with basic attacks and skills mapped to the square and triangle buttons, while bigger abilities and spells require a build up of some form like the ATB bars. Overdrives will be built up over a longer period like limit breaks. Both of these mechanics could function slightly differently than FF7R to better fit with the OG mechanics, but that's a different topic.
  2. The sphere grid will still exist and progressing through it will function pretty much the same as in the OG, although the actual structure of the grid may be changed around somewhat (new nodes, abilities and spells moved around, characters starting in diffeent places, etc).


  1. Start him off at a new place in the sphere grid rather than right in the middle. This would give him his own unique path. His path could start with the lancet ability, and then have very few or no sphere grid unlockable abilities or spells along his path. Instead he would only have stat increasing nodes along the way, until late game where you could unlock key spheres and move to other characters' paths. Others can learn Lancet if they move to that part of the grid, but only Kimahri would be able to learn enemy skills with it, just like the original game.
  2. Divorce enemy skills form only being available as overdrives. Some very powerful enemy skills can still be overdrives. Potentially two or three of them to match how many overdrives that otehr characters can get. The rest should be regular abilities that require 1 or 2 "ATB" bars or even MP costing spells that require "ATB" as well. The important thing is that these are distinct from the spells and abilities that are aquired through the sphere grid, and that they can be done more regularly throughout fights. Some would need to be nerfed a little if they are available for more regular use.
  3. Increase the overall number of avilable enemy skills from the original game. Since his sphere grid won't contain many or any spells or abilities, there need to be enough enemy skills to give him lots of options.
20:35 UTC


Update on the broken sphere grid

I think I know what started the problem. I'm playing on my jailbroken ps vita, and on it, there is a cheat code that allows you to switch between the Standard and Expert sphere grids. I remember saving before I trying it out of curiosity, but I guess that didn't affect anything as my save was messed up, and the node on the grid disappeared, but I recently went back to a previous save and got back to the part where you get rikku and everything seems to be fine...in other words curiosity killed the cat lol

20:22 UTC


Auto Protect vs Defense +20%

Hey peeps. I tried searching for this in google but didn't find any convincing answer. So which is actually better for armor between these two assuming i only have 1 space left, at 255 stats and preparing for endgame (penance & dark aeons). Im playing on hd remaster btw.

18:05 UTC


I finally dodged 1 lightning bolt 🥹

16:28 UTC


X-2 Platinum with only creature capture?

Hey everyone! I've been searching a lot online but can't seem to find information on if this is possible.
Coming back to this game I found that I'm a little bit annoyed by the battle system and was way too used to FFX turn based, so it feels weird for me, but then I stumbled upon creature creator and saw good guides on teams to make early on which can pretty much do everything in the story.

I'm wondering if it's possible to get the platinum with only fiends, neglecting to level YRP. I know Trema is beatable with only fiends but I've seen a couple of trophies like hitting for 99.999 damage, doing a 99hit chain, use mix 30 times, learn 5 blue bullet skills, use bribe 30 times, complete one ability set and roll same number on gambler's dice that I fear not using YRP will leave me without a proper way of doing them.

Can anyone confirm if they've gotten the platinum with only creatures or if it's possible and what things to look out for? I'm just looking for a faster easier playthrough when going for it, and it seems the creatures do simplify most of the combat out and turn everything into a cutscene.

Thanks in advance!

13:43 UTC


Finished this game when i was a kid

34 now, finished the game a looooong time ago.

I never understood… why did the faith need to dream up fake zanarkand? Whats the point here?

13:21 UTC


How close am I to the end?

Title. I don't mean for this to be an insult or anything, I like the game! I just got to the point where >!the Al Bhed airship launched!< and the game's grasp on my frail millenial attention span is slowly weakening

08:26 UTC


Why Did Rikku ChangeHer surnamed 2times

I thinkOnetime OK. but thenIm confused..

08:12 UTC


Trump Jumpscare

We're gonna build a wall and the Al Bhed are gonna pay for it

03:02 UTC


So if Part 2 was not needed, then why did Square greenlight it?

I ask as while I am still early on in Final Fantasy 10 Part 1, one thing that I tend to see on gaming forums is that Part 2 was trashy, but if that’s true, then I don’t understand why it got approved anyway.

Almost every Final Fantasy fan says that again there was no need to make a sequel, so I am curious as to how it happened anyway.

01:52 UTC

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