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Where and when would you go? Back in time? Forward into the future? When and why?
For those of you who love to get high/drunk/ wasted/fucked up.... what's your go to? Marijuana? Alcohol? Black tar heroin? 🫨
If so, do you have a particular preference depending on the setting? Personally, I prefer smoking weed but won't do it in a social setting.
And for the record, please don't tell me you shoot heroin, I'm not trying to get anyone in trouble here
Got myself in a bad situation, wondering what other people might do to make the most out of an extra year.
There's this one coworker who--in a group setting--glanced back at me, and she makes subtle ribs/mocking comments about me towards her friends. What are the chances of her actually secretly crushing on me? I wouldn't care if she didn't look back, but she does.
I’m falling for a married coworker/ higher up and I don’t know how to get over it. Help 🥲 suggestions?
Are there any necessary and sufficient conditions for being a man? if so, then what are they? How do you know what they are? how do you know that you have met them?
I'm an immigrant and have lived in the U.S for a long time and crushing it in my career. Amazing job & family, yet I still feel "foreign" and still feel very self conscious. I feel like people don’t take me serious. Anyone in my position?
Just curious if men actually like women that have labia minora or do they prefer vaginas that have little to none? I’m not sure if it’s just because porn pushes a certain type of vagina or if men actually have a preference.
You know that movie that makes you wanna wrestle a grizzly, grow some chest hairs and yell at your grandma?
The women’s rest room at my company has a small table in there with lotions, travel deodorants, a magnifying mirror, and a few other items. Apparently, the women just take turns restocking it when things are running out. I’ve never seen anything like that in an office men’s room.
Trying to find inspiration for ideas, I’m all ears!
I’m 22 years old, I started masturbating at around 15 and I did it a lot until quarantine hit when I did it almost 2 times a day. Fast forward 3 years and I barely feel pleasure when I masturbate anymore. I took like a 35 day pause and resumed but I still don’t feel pleasure anymore. Any ideas what it could be?
EDIT: IDK if this effects this but about a year ago while doing it after I ejaculated my left testicle got a sharp pain in it but it went away after like 2 minutes. Now this testicle is larger than my right and it feels kind of harder too. When I feel like I’m about to ejaculate the cord attached to my left kind of gets clumpy too compared to my right. Any ideas what it could be or if it affects it?
Feel free to give multiple answers
How did your parents or a parent teach you to be a gentleman?
I have a very clear goal in my life: keeping as much personal freedom as possible. Hence, I don't waste any time with dead end relationships.
I do go on dates but i don't tell anyone about them because they mostly end after the first few times anyway. Mostly because I don't want to be 'tied down' and most of them want to tie me down. It's always the same: either child, house, 25 year loan, pay child through college. Or: keep me entertained and sugar daddy the hell out of me.
I did meet 'let's be together single'-people but because I am a travel enthusiast, i just love changing place every couple of years and that's the final no-go for all of them. Living in different places, adjusting to the culture and climate and learn a new language? Seems too big of a deal. It's 'scary and uncertain'. Well yes, that's the reason i do it. It's something to overcome and grow with it.
Anyway, i tried to explain and well, to whoever i talked about it, they smirk and just do that elbow-to-the-side-poke: we know you are gay, it's alright.
I really don't want to have a poser girlfriend or stick some play boy pin up's up the walls to prove it.
Not sure here. Just kinda don't know what to do about it anymore.
And advice?
Me? Im identifying why I make the excuses I make, what is causing them, and trying to only blame myself for my responses and how I feel instead of external circumstances. Letting go of traumas. Taking full responsibility for everything that happens to me, not the government, not family, not past experiences, im responsible for learning how to survive on the cards given to me to create my own reality..
What about you?
Growing up in England/Australia, my father always told me that if I ever got mugged, I should just hand over my belongings because "nothing is worth your life." Now I work in demolition, and my Eastern European colleagues strongly believe that as a man, you must fight back on principle - that it's about pride and not letting someone dominate you.
I'm curious: What's the typical advice about this where you're from? What were you taught growing up about how to handle these situations? What do you think is the right approach?
I am attending a bachelor party in a couple weeks, and I am not a groomsman, however, I am a good friend of the bachelor. The best man and the groomsmen have been planning the bachelor party for a couple months and it’s fairly low-key. I have not been part of the planning and have not engaged much in the group chat, simply because I am not a groomsman. I fully intend to pay my share of expenses at events and pitch in for the bachelors expenses. The conundrum I am in though is that the party weekend is local and the best man decided to get an Airbnb that is a few minutes away from my house. I simply told them that I would meet them at venues and I would go to and from my house. They are upset because I don’t want to pay my share of the Airbnb that I never agreed that I was going to in the first place. They said it was in the group chat, but again I never look at the group chat, which I can admit, my bad, but nonetheless, I never expressly gave consent that I was going to pay for lodging. And my experience of bachelor parties, including my own, we never allowed the bachelor or non groomsmen to pay for lodging, and the best man and groomsmen would pitch in for the expenses. I don’t mind forking up the bill, if I’m pressured to, but I just wanna know what the etiquette is and if I’m being difficult. I’m not trying to cause drama for my Homie. I just didn’t wanna spend 100 bucks when my house is a few minutes away.
A male mongoose to be specific
So all of the information online says to keep the area dry by using a towel after a shower, which is great. That works.
However, how about from sweating?
I mean, I'm pretty much always sweating in the groin area no matter what. Drying after a shower works for about 5 minutes, I even wake up with swamp ass, and I've not found any information on remanining dry throughout the day.
I tried the all cotton underwear, that was terrible. I switched to a synthetic blend which helped, but did not eliminate the issue.
So far none of the medications I've tried have cured it which I suspect is due to constantly being damp.
Showering more isn't really the solution since once dried, I begin to sweat again. Short of bringing a hair dryer to work with me, I'm kinda at my wits end.
EDIT: I am 5'8 140lbs. I appreciate the suggestions to lose weight, but I do not think that would be a good idea.
Advice, book recommendations, or any videos anything you think would be helpful. Thank you!