We are a community of Scorpion enthusiasts that welcome fellow keepers! Post your pictures, memes, videos, and questions for us to awe at and answer!
What do we think?
Looking to buy a Arizona bark scorpion does anyone know a website that sells them
Got anything for me MacroButhus?😁
I bought what I thought was Emps from reptilepetsdirect, the millipedes i got from them were as described but it was obvious the emporers were just asian forest at emporer prices. Smooth slender claws, dark black body, darker venom bulb. They didn't even match the picture they have up... I sent them an email but what would you do? If they ignore me I am considering a chargeback just on the scorpion end of things... at least the millipedes were what I wanted.
I breed the dang things and they try to pass these off to me, it was 5 scorps I doubt it was an honest mistake... venting and annoyed really.
Edit : Side note, does anyone know any reputable Emporer sellers in the US? The group I had years ago is no longer with me and finding them now seems difficult based on their import ban.
my buddy Cairo seems have a case of the mites, I check on him during feeding time. Tonight, I was filling up his waterbowl when I noticed some mites, I feel like this are just soil mites, but I would like someone more knowledge to confirm or help identify them!
Thank you
I will be doing a clean tomorrow!
So, I ordered 5 C. hentzi a couple months ago, and 4 are dead already. They have just been kicking off one by one, and I have no idea why.
Any thoughts?
Not using a heat source since the room they’re in is 75-77 and it’s pretty humid in there. I have 5 various tarantulas in the same conditions that are doing just fine, so I can’t imagine it’s environmental?
(Full grown dubia roach for scale)
I don't know what type of roaches this is but it's terrorizing my AFS. I thought he may try and go after it after a day but he keeps climbing up to the grate and running back and forth in the enclosure, he's currently hiding from it any way he can and it's obvious he's just as confused as I am. Can anyone please help me out on this and tell me how I can get it out?? I'm so worried for him
I currently keep my WS in a 3ish gallon tank. But he is a juvenile. I read they can get very large legs spans. So I bought a 36x24x18 habitat. If I have enough cork bark and other furnishings is this going to be too large for him? Once I realized my tank was 47 gallons I kinda had a freak out moment of regret once I put his home together!
Ordered this female death stalker and the package arrived a day and a half late. Temps are about 55 to 60 degrees here. They included a free Androctonus but both appear to be dead. Really bummed out and wondering if I should dispose of the bodies or leave them to see if they start moving?
What do y’all feed your scorpions I’ve been trying to feed my Asian forest scorpion crickets I’ve been putting it in its pincers but it won’t get it
I have 2 tarantulas, ive always wanted a scorpion can somebody tell me the best beginner species? And do they need a big cage cause my parents do not like big enclosures 😓
Hello i want to buy an Aegaeobuthus gibbosus i like the biom where this species live and i dont find good youtube videos how to care for an Aegaeobuthus gibbosus can some one help and is this species very active at night 1/10?
Hello, I'm the new owner of an H. spinifer. I have plenty of experience with tarantulas but this is my first scorpion. She's been pretty defensive so far which has me wondering, do I need to be mindful of her running up my tongs the way an upset tarantula can?
My male diesel is really lethargic and slow, since I've had him he's been active and alert. Temps and humidity is fine. He just seems very limp and off.
its a very active scorpion that regularly comes out and makes an appearance but acts scared of food and lets crickets walk all over it and wont strike. i was told that it was fed crickets prior to buying, but i don’t understand why it wont eat. suggestions? species is flinders range
potentially my difficulty in this is just due to unavailability, but im trying to track down a list of moderately venomous, high-humidity scorpions to do some preliminary research on before ordering them. ive been keeping herps for over 20 years, but its been a long time since i kept invertebrates. i am building a high humidity vivarium and, although i am totally content with getting ASF or cbb emperors, i eventually want to work myself up to bark scorpions and fat-tailed to prepare myself for *that* specific Buthidae species of notorious name, and yes i know they are desert dwellers. my thought pattern with this is that with hot snakes, you can sometimes find a someone that keeps a species you are interested in keeping to train under, but that doesnt really exist for scorpions. ive heard that red clawed scorpions, despite still being only mildly venomous, are notably more defensive that asf and emperors, so maybe that's the one for me, but to me it sounds pretty dumb to go from a tricolor and emperor back when they were like $12 to jumping straight in to medically significant ones. a lot of the moderate-tier venom seems to be desert or low humidity species. as i live in the middle of the desert in a relatively isolated area, keeping forest-style enclosures is pretty much the only way i get tropical views in my life so it is extremely important to me that some of the scorpions on this journey are rainforest dwellers. essentially the venom level i am looking for is the kind of like a black widow - that is, it wont kill you, but you'll be miserable. im not going out tomorrow to buy one, so its not like any advice given here is going to result in some noob getting stung, but i would greatly appreciate some direction in my search.
thank you
I stepped on this in my house. This was the aftermath.. is this a molt or the scorpion?
Dose anyone know if dune scorpions are good for beginners I saw them at my local pet store and I have this big bag of sand I was going to use but not anymore
I upgraded my scorpions enclosure since the first one and added moss is this good for it
Just bought this guy yesterday wanting to see if it’s possibly Gravid? Sold as an asian Forrest scorpion.
currently researching the arizona bark scorpion anything I need to know? any tips and tricks? I've had a tarantula if that's similar?