
Photograph via snooOG

A subreddit for those looking for information, care tips, general advice on mantises. Discuss mantis and the mantiskeeping hobby. Share pictures, seek advice, trade, have a good time!

a community for mantis lovers, and owners to share pictures, articles, discuss breeding, trade nymphs and oothecas, DIY projects and everything inbetween this wonderful hobby!

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The Mantis

  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum: Arthropoda
  • Class: Insecta
  • Subclass: Pterygota
  • Infraclass: Neoptera
  • Superorder: Dictyoptera
  • Order: Mantodea

Faqs and useful info





  • list of commonly kept mantises

  • is it legal in the US to own an exotic mantis?

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    my leaf has finally molting

    08:48 UTC


    Are young mantids more jumpy/easily scared than older/mature mantids?

    I'm curious if age is a factor when it comes to how jumpy or scared mantis tend to be.

    I own 4 mantis, one is L2, one is L3, one is L4, and then a mature female giant asian.

    The youngest is insanely jumpy, can't even get near it without it running, the second lets me hold it but is easily startled, and third is insanely jumpy and runs away before I even attempt to hold it, and my adult female is so so docile and friendly and lets me do whatever.

    Does the way they act when they are younger determine how jumpy they will be forever? Is there a way to make them calmer for handling? I feel like when my giant asian female dies I won't be able to hold any of them peacefully like her and it makes me sad. I love her so much. She has only been scared like once in her life when she was around L4 but ever since then she's been so calm and sweet.

    1 Comment
    06:33 UTC


    Not eating much?

    Luden (thats a ghost in the picture) hasnt eaten in 3 days. He seems interested in food, he just hasnt been able to catch anything, sadly. I have even moved him to a smaller box for the „dinner time” but there hes not interested in a roach. Is he getting ready to molt? His last molt was 16 days ago. If not, what am i supposed to do? I have only turkish roaches to feed him. Im worried he will starve :(

    06:33 UTC


    Molt problem

    Hi there,

    My patellifera just molted this night.

    Only problem is her eye and antennas.

    Please see picture below.

    Will she recover from this ?

    All the best to everyone one and every mantis here !! :)

    05:31 UTC


    Why did my spiny flower mantis die halfway thru eating?

    I fed my adult boy mantis Travis a fly and a moth last night, and he ate them like normal. I did notice halfway through the moth he was just holding the moth in one foreleg and opening his mouth over and over, like he was chewing, but it went on for a while. I put him back in his container and he hung upside on the lid as he finished up. I just checked on him right now, about 22 hours after I left him, and he is frozen, still hanging on the ceiling, holding his half moth in one of his forelegs. :( my poor little boy. Did I poison him with a bad moth/fly? He molted into adulthood about 3 weeks ago. How long do adult male spiny flower mantids live after their final molt?

    2 pictures attached (one dead hanging from ceiling and one alive on my hand)

    02:16 UTC


    What to feed after fruit flies in Canada?

    Hi, I need some help generating ideas/suggestions from others in Canada on what to feed my mantis babies when they’re too big for fruit flies. The usual suggestions like dubia roaches are illegal here. I know crickets are not really safe especially from a pet store.

    I can get meal worms, but I know they’re high fat/low protein so not optimal for feeding mantids. Any ideas for what to feed next that has good protein? I know wax worms turn into moths, so I can probably feed those later but they’d be too big right now.

    A lot of people use pesticides here so I can’t do wild caught. Suggestions, ideas, sources( to buy feeder insects in Canada) much appreciated.

    1 Comment
    02:06 UTC


    Can anyone tell me if this is a male or female? Thank you!

    00:49 UTC


    I’m confused on what i should get for my first mantis

    Hi yall my friend got a mantis and I’ve been thinking about getting one. but i don’t know what I should get for it, or what kind i should get. I’m thinking about a ghost mantis because there very pretty and I’d love to have one, but I know there very small. I think the best bet is a normal Asian mantis but I really don’t know. If i could get any price range I’d really appreciate the help.

    21:10 UTC


    If I hatch an ootheca for garden pest control, will they reproduce and come back yearly or likely die off?

    I think it would be great to have mantids for natural pest control.

    Would I have to hatch them yearly for it to be effective always, or will they breed and continue to show up year after year?

    20:27 UTC


    Is it normal for my mantis to be a bit shy and not active at first?

    I got him today and he seems to just be super shy and inactive, just not moving around at all. i was wondering if this was normal for mantids?

    17:48 UTC


    Do I have an adult on my hands?

    This little one is the only one of a group on my porch that is brown. He (I think) loves to hang in the dahlias. Am I right thinking I'm seeing the beginning of wings?? ☺️

    03:51 UTC


    Hands-off care for Carolina nymph released outside?

    Hi all,

    I recently purchased 2 Carolina mantis juveniles (Stagmomantis carolina, native to where I live in VA) and released them in my garden after a few days of feeding/observation. I would estimate both were probably L3 when I recieved them, each molted once, and are now out in my sunflower garden, still as juveniles.

    One has hidden itself in a neighboring boxwood bush (fair lol) so I'm not concerned. But the other, the more robust and energetic of the two, has taken up its perch on the bud of one of my ~6' sunflowers and is currently demolishing leafhoppers and unlucky flying insect visitors (yesss!).

    I'm obviously thrilled since this is the reason I got them, but I want to know: how can I best care for this little one as it grows into adulthood? Birds are scared of this sunflower patch and don't come near, but we've been having HOT and dry weather lately. I try misting the leaves around the little one in case it gets thirsty, but it seems uninterested so I assume it's hydrated via prey intake.

    My question is: is there anything else I can be doing to keep it healthy? It always looks at me curiously (but not fearfully) when I come out, and I've become so super endeared to it lol :,) I just want to see it grow up happy and healthy!!

    Thanks in advance for any advice 🥹🫶

    00:48 UTC


    Keep wheel bugs/ assassin bugs? Advice?

    Have any of you kept wheel bugs or assassin bugs in terrariums, similar to keeping and feeding mantids? I've had good success with mantids, but this is my first try with a wheel bug. Advice?

    1 Comment
    23:09 UTC


    Wants out of his cage

    Had this little guy for 3 days now, caught him eating bugs by my porch light. First day I fed him two crickets and he didnt finish the 2nd cricket. Discarded about 1/3. Did not eat yesterday and molted to (I believe) L4 last night. Whenever he is active he just headbutts and scratches the wall of the container like he wants to be free (in video). He will watch prey but still hasn't eaten since the first night I had him. I thought he would be starving after the molt. Should I be concerned? Or is he just working up an appetite? First time mantis owner so any advice is appreciated. I know crickets aren't ideal but their all I've got right now. Been checking crickets for hairworms in a glass of water before feeding.

    17:49 UTC


    My Handsome Guy

    Watching him eat close up is insane

    1 Comment
    17:48 UTC


    My first pet mantis, chilling on her plant 🌿

    16:39 UTC


    What gender is this mantis?

    14:30 UTC


    Who is this little dude?

    I’ve recieved a random mantis in addition to my order, but in the package there wasnt any info about the species of this mantis, nor how to take care of it. Im pretty sure its a L1, but i dont know about ideal temperatures and humidity in the enclosure. Its my second mantis so i would be grateful for any general tips. Thanks!

    12:46 UTC


    Sashimi (my zebra mantis nymph) giving me a little baby kiss. 🥹

    1 Comment
    12:39 UTC

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