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I need an advice

Im eleven grade student (in Uzbekistan it is max at schools) and failed August SAT test (1170). Applications for universities opening if im not mistaking in November. I want to get into top 300 uni and can study there only if I got full scholarship, Am I can do that?! Otherwise I will have to study here. But I really wanna study abroad!😭 What should I do? I have no time left.

04:59 UTC


What colleges in the midwest should I apply to?

High school: distance education religious school

GPA unweighted: 4.0. No APs, honors, or dual enrollment. Took a few health related MOOC courses. top 10% in school. No APs offered at school

SAT: test-optional

Intended majors: Bio-related, public health. may minor in business/entrepreneurship

ECs: part-time homeschooling siblings, local retail store volunteer, local bakery volunteer, works as a teacher's aide at religious center, volunteers to teach Arabic to new learners, will do doctor shadowing and hospital volunteering, cooks for low-income immigrants, self-study religious text, does speeches at local community center.

Demographics: Low-income, first-generation African American, Female

04:41 UTC


Tax Data for US Citizen Applicant Living Abroad (both US and Japan tax returns filed)

Title should say "CSS Tax Data"; Fairly complicated one, looking for any advice folks may offer.

My high school senior child has a US passport but our family has lived abroad in Japan for the past few years. We file both a Japan tax return and a US tax return each year. As residents of Japan, we pay the full tax amount to Japan on both Japan and worldwide sourced income. Then, when we file the US tax return, we take a Foreign Earned Income Exclusion and also a tax credit for foreign taxes paid. The net result is that we pay a very large tax bill in Japan (Japan is a high tax country, higher than the US) and then in the US, due to the Exclusion + credit, a very small tax bill.

When filling out the CSS, it will ask me for the amt of taxes paid, and I assume it will reference specific lines on my 1040 form. However, the tax paid in the US would hugely understate the actual taxes paid, because most of our taxes were paid to Japan. How should this be handled? Should we only use the Japan tax doc numbers (and submit translations) as that reflects much closer to the full story? Or, should we COMBINE the tax amts paid for both Japan and US?

Similarly, the CSS docs presumably will ask for the AGI from my 1040. This AGI will be favorably low due to recaptured losses from a business that closed in 2023. However, the same recaptured losses don't reflect on the Japan tax return unfortunately. Ideally I can use the AGI from the US 1040, even if we use the total tax amt for both returns (or the JP only tax amt). Would this be acceptable?

1 Comment
04:31 UTC


Best colleges for International Relations major

Hey, guys! Do you have any recommendations for colleges with acceptance rates of around 30% - 60% with good international relations programs? Every time I look for good colleges in this field the same extremely competitive ones appear, along with American University and George Washington. I want to diversify my college list so if you have any tips please help me!! Thanks

04:20 UTC


Violin in Activities Section??

I've been doing violin for years now, so I have several things I want to put under the extracurricular of violin but don't really know how to format it in the common app. Here's everything I want to include:

  • All State Orchestra (9, 10, 11): Ranked top 15, placed highest in my region
  • Regional Orchestra (9, 10, 11): Ranked top 3 and 10 all three grades
  • City orchestra (11, 12): First violin ensemble - Every Sat 3.5 hrs
  • Music Org Youth Advocacy Council Rep (12)
  • School Honors Orch Section Leader: 9, 10, 11
  • School Pit Orch (10) : First violinist, pit orch won awards for state
  • Tri-M Honors Society member (10, 11)
  • Private Lessons: Every week 1hr 30 min

I don't even know how to tackle putting hour counts to all of these, or how to distribute all of these into one singular ec. Also, does it look bad I had to drop regional and school orch due to school sponsorship credit issues? Should I add this somewhere? Should these all go in separately? idek anymore PLEASE HELP ME THANK YOU!

04:14 UTC


About Non-Profits/Projects

I’ve seen a lot of posts about how non-profits/organizations made by high schoolers are bad and such because of they fact that they are all show, and not passion, and that they also take resources from existing non-profits. But I do want to ask, and I apologize if this is a stupid or ignorant question, if like passion projects are good. For example, I co-founded an organization with a friend of mine- but for this organization, we aren’t doing any social media stuff and whatnot- but we are planning and putting a lot of work into a genuine passion that we have and that we want to share. We are making our own curriculum for the project with unique spin on it that we want to implement in our school and region. Tbh, we only made the organization formally for college apps, but we would’ve done the work anyways whether for college apps or not. That’s how passionate we are about it. But I just want to ask if it’s like I don’t know morally acceptable to do? Cause I’ve seen so many rants and such about these organizations made by high schoolers, and if it’s such a bad thing I really don’t want to be the cause of any negative consequences. Sorry for the trouble and thank you for reading this far.

04:00 UTC


Syllabus App

Are there any apps that take a syllabus and turn it into a custom calendar and daily todo list?

03:56 UTC


Is it ok to write about a passion essay, but there’s no growth really?

Ive been told that it's best to write an essay that's personal, and reflects your actual self, but my essay is about a passion that doesn't really show growth or leadership, although it is personal. I'm writing about how creating short films throughout my life has allowed me to express my emotions, but I really don't have any real growth shown in it, more so how it's just been my passion. Would this be an okay topic to use? Or should I use something like work related/ leadership thats less personal but shows off growth

1 Comment
03:50 UTC


what colleges should i apply to?

prefacing this with the fact that i’m a sophomore so this won’t be my full profile obviously i just wanted some opinions besides my parents, my friends, and mine.

also for grade stuff ill be using my stats from freshman year because we’re like a month into school so nothing i have rn is permanent

weighted GPA: 4.5 unweighted GPA: 4.0 AP scores: human geography - 5 planning to take: 15 APs, 7 honors, 1 in school dual enrollment class and 5 out of school community college classes

personal: female, public high school, california

major: biology/marine biology

ECs: mock trial, electric/acoustic guitar, marine biology club, JV basketball, an exclusive art group, doctors wo borders club, and 167 hours of community service as of now

03:47 UTC


John Locke essay competition

I just received a merit award after being shortlisted in the John Locke essay writing competition, how prestigious is this award in terms of ranking of other awards ?

What’s the weightage of this award in terms of college applications?

03:36 UTC


Anyone doing Caltech STEM Portfolio?

I am planning on doing a Caltech STEM Portfolio but I can't seem to find the specific instructions on the limits of it. For example is there a limit to a video length or number of files uploaded? Is anyone planning on doing a STEM Porfolio?

There are very few examples online, I've only found like 5 of Caltech portfolios so I don't really know what they are looking for. If you could share what you plan to show it would be greatly apprecaited.

03:35 UTC


Is having a 29 fine for in state early admissions to UGA?


1 Comment
03:32 UTC


“IB Scores” for Top Schools

Hey so I’m a senior in the DP program and I’m wondering what too colleges like Yale and Harvard mean when they say you can send in your “IB scores” as a substitute for SAT/ACT scores. Because my exam is in May of 2025 which is gonna be wayyy past the deadline for college app season, especially for RD.

I asked a friend this question and they said to add in tbd (to be determined) but I Harvard said to add in a predicted score. Also if I did send in a predicted score and I meet below that score by May, would the school revoke my acceptance or would they not care about it?

I hope someone in the comments can fill me in on this situation!

03:32 UTC


Can I put that I qualified for a national level competition in the honors section…even though I didn’t attend?

Based upon a score in a state level completion, I received an invite to the national level of the competition. However, I did not accept the invitation and did not compete in the national round. Can I still list the qualification as an honor?

03:25 UTC


Should I ED 1 to UChicago?

UChicago has been my top choice for years now, actually a story time of why it is my first choice but that’s for another day!

But, I’m concerned that the AO will just look at my application and throw it away. My GPA is a 3.5 unfortunately. I have circumstances that explain it, I had mental health problems around my freshmen year and it was post Covid so middle school I learned nothing so I was behind academically then my grades started increasing dramatically to mostly As by the end of my junior year. However, I was never able to get a 4.0 since I have to work a lot of hours and also have a lot going on so it’s hard to be caught up on assignments. But I think everything else about my application is good, I have good ECs, LORs, hopefully a good essay? (Writing is my strongest suit) but I’m not sure if UChicago is worth applying Ed1 even though I’d do anything to go there, looking for some insight! :) I’m applying under a Psych and/or Music major.

03:16 UTC


UC Applications: Homeschool and Community College

Hey all,

So my brother is a homeschool student in CA (thus my parents gotta make their own transcripts for the application). He completed the UC A-G requirements using community college courses, all of which he got a C or higher. However, he did get a D in an intro chem class in the community college (which is why to clear the science requirement, he used physics and biology).

So my question is, on the homeschool transcript that is submitted for the UC application, does the parents need to report that grade?

Yes, in the end, the grade will be shown via the official transcript from the community college, but if it would hurt his chances of getting in, it wouldn't make sense to submit those grades right? Moreover, the class wouldn't even transfer over to the community college at all, so why even report it on the homeschool one?

Also on why he didn't just take chemistry again to get rid of the D, he just doesn't get it.

03:16 UTC


Do second semester senior grades matter AT ALL?

So I’m under the impression that once you’re accepted into a school, senior grade second semester are basically not even booked at/considered, and schools will not rescind your application unless you fail/cheat. But my parents still want me to lock in and get all As though?? I’m trying to convince them that these grades don’t matter, right?

03:14 UTC


Should I put Morehead-Caine Nominee on my app

^. Here’s my awards so far, lmk if u think i should switch them

  1. National Merit Commended
  2. Cum Laude
  3. President’s Volunteer Service Gold
  4. College Book Award
  5. John Locke Summer Certificate of High distinction, commended
02:58 UTC


Can someone explain the difference between private and public universities?

I’m an international student who wants to apply to a premed programme. I’ve recently started researching universities and I’m not too sure on the difference between private and public uni. Are private universities more “prestigious” in a sense that they are more widely accredited when applying for medical school or is there not that drastic of a difference? For reference I was researching University of Miami, Florida International University and University of South Florida.

02:47 UTC


What are some good websites that can edit my UC PIQs

Hi guys, basically I need some sites with really good essay editors for the UC PIQs (I'm only applying to UCs so I don't need other colleges). I got suggest nextadmit so far but I was wondering if there are any better sites with better editors or should I just spend my money on nextadmit?

02:45 UTC


How to write awards on UC application?

I am lost on how to describe some of the awards I have and I presume many of you, either applying this year or have already applied, have a better idea on how to write them. The awards I am unsure of how to describe on the UC application are AIME qualifier and getting some place at the Princeton university math competition. I just don't know what to write for eligibility and what did you do to achieve this part. Any help?

Also would winning something at the Princeton university math competition count as a city, state, regional or national thing? It is held at Princeton but people come from all over the US so I have mixed feelings.

02:42 UTC


Common App 'Career-Oriented' on activities list

Hey guys,

Wondering what constitutes a career-oriented activity? I have a club/activity I participated in as well as volunteer work which pertains to the career I want to pursue, but there's also sections specifically for volunteering and clubs/activities

02:33 UTC


How to Apply as Test Optional to UNC via Common App?

Hello. I am applying Early Action this fall for fall 2025 start (I am a senior in high school) and was wondering how I would go about applying test optional to UNC. I am out of state, so my 1350 is not high enough. Do I just delete my scores on the common app when I apply or do I have to do something on the actual UNC admissions portal after I send in my common app?

02:29 UTC


Uchicago ED0 SSEN Results

Did anyone get their SSEN/ED0 results back yet? I heard it's supposed to be given 3w after you applied, but I haven't seen anyone talking abt it.

02:28 UTC


Can I reassign my recommender as a teacher?

I was planning to have a physician I shadowed write me a LOR for my Common App. Naturally, I listed him as an other recommender. Come to find out, none of the schools I’m applying to accept other recommenders. I feel like he’s a big part of my application, so should I just re-invite him as a teacher?

1 Comment
02:27 UTC


Is this a make or break for Georgetown?

So , Georgetown is like the only college to ask you to submit your entire testing portfolio. And lemme just say this, mines kind of weird. I went from a 1530-1530-1490. And even though all of them are above their 50%, since I went down would I be at a huge disadvantage and should I even bother applying. Thank You for any and all responses !

02:26 UTC


How detrimental is one ‘B’ grade for transferring to UCLA?

I have gotten all A’s for two years with the exception of one B from a GE class from the beginning of freshman year and is looking to transfer to UCLA for political science major

Does UCLA mainly only accept transfer students with 4.0 gpa?


02:19 UTC


is it ok if my umich community essay isn’t about a physical community im in?

i originally wanted to write about my fascination with collecting data and graphing/analyzing it but i'm not really part of a group who does it together, nor do i know other ppl in person who do this. would this topic be alright to use in my community essay?

02:17 UTC


Toefl ibt prep help!!!!

Hello everyone, las week I did the Toefl ibt. I still haven't recieve grades for speaking and writing, but in the speaking part I got stress since I tried to use youtube templates, but I got plenty of time left, so I started speaking nonsense things. I know I did wrong. In reading I got a 14 out of 30, and in listening 20 out of 30. In order to get into my masters I need a 90, so I need to retake the test, which I'm planning to retake it in January.

I only prepared with Juva videos, but it seems maybe I need a little more practice? I wanted to buy some ETS Toefl stuff, but Im overwhelmed since there is so much, and even if I want to buy them all, I don't have enough money to buy all ETS material. Can you tell me which material is worth it please. Is Magoosh prep better?

Please any advice is helpful, I really need that 90 to take my application in consideration.

02:12 UTC


Resume on CommonApp

First-gen here
If the school offers too, should you submit a resume?
I feel it's redundant but am still willing to make one if it's for the better

Most of the schools that I'm applying to are t20s

02:05 UTC

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