
Photograph via snooOG

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How was it after taking a leave of absence?

To those who took a leave of absence during college, how was it? Were you able to return easily? Did you incur financial problems? Was it harder to go back? Do you regret it? I am asking this because I myself am contemplating on taking a leave of absence in order to pursue an interest of mine and to accumulate money at a full-time job. I want to see how you alls experience to help me make my decision. Thank you in advance for taking your time to respond and share a part of your personal life.

02:22 UTC


my roommates have a weird situationationship going on and it’s making everyone uncomfortable

i have four roommates

room 1: D, G, S

room 2: T & me

over the last few weeks T and S have gotten really close and are always cuddling and shit… there have multiple instances where me and G have walked in on them together and they’ve jumped apart looking guilty… when the five of us hang out together we are usually squished together and they’re somehow more squished than the rest of us??? last night we were watching a tv show and they’ve jumped apart were holding hands/ hand on thigh/ the whole shit

we are all lesbians plus one bisexual and yeah we’re all platonically flirty like friends but they are just not platonic

02:19 UTC


Typo on my degree

I have to fill out a permit application for a big position in an industry that’s hard to get into. I need to send in digital copies of all my certifications to verify my qualifications and meet the requirements for the job. Unfortunately, there is a big typo on my graduation degree that makes it look fraudulent. I did not pay thousands of dollars, sacrifice my health and time for useless piece of paper. It not only invalidates all my hard work but disqualifies me from good jobs too.

After graduation, I realized this University offered sub par education and was so behind on what was going on in the industry I had to pay and take additional classes just to catch up. The least they could was provide a legal document to prove I completed 4 years post secondary education but of course, they couldn’t even get that right either.

I graduated two years ago, so stupid of me to never look at my degree because I thought the transcripts was all that mattered. I tried emailing the grad department but it didn’t go through. How do I get this rectified? There isn’t a contact for post grad specifically and I’m fuming right now

02:19 UTC


First year in shambles due to midterm

I am a first year at a liberal arts college. I am taking a humanities class that I really like. I am good at writing and enjoy the content a lot. I study so much for the class. I do well with understanding the content, but lately I have noticed some things. I took a quiz and got a question wrong. I asked the instructor why I got it wrong (it was an open ended question) and they told me I needed to talk about a topic that was completely unrelated to the paper. I didnt contest it with them because it was the first time that something like this happened.

But then I had a paper due on the topic. I submitted my first draft and got a low grade. I took all of their feedback and scheduled a meeting to better understand where I went wrong to prepare for my final draft. I invested EVERYTHING I HAD into this paper. I read additional resources, I re-did the whole paper and I worked on fixing every single error listed. I invested everything on that paper.

I got a similar score on my rough draft. The teacher had one small criticism. I am so stressed out. I cannot stop crying. I am not used to not doing well, especially since I have been working so hard to understand what’s going on in the class.

I am a first generation student. I am an immigrant.‘I have worked so hard in school and am so upset with myself. I feel like a failure. I care so much about what I’m learning and love the class I am in. I am not sharing the grade but essentially I got a similar grade for both essays and I am in shambles. My confidence is ruined. I can’t stop crying and I’m so scared for my future. I fulfilled all of the requirements.

I can’t talk to anyone about this because my family will be very sad. They worked so hard to get here and now I’m a failure.

I really want to give up on college.

I should’ve listened to rate my professor. People said this professor was not clear enough regarding her requirements and with every assignment from the quizzes to the paper I am seeing that. They’re taking off so many points because of ONE CRITICISM? I am so upset with myself and don’t know how to move on. Please be kind to me I am going through it and please provide meaningful advice.

01:59 UTC


Hunter College vs UNLV

I'm currently attending UNLV(University of nevada las vegas) I am an international student, and thinking of transferring into Hunter college in New York. The main reason is that I want to live in New York. i can't do much things here and it's kind of boring. As a dance major, which university is better?? Should I just stay here or transfer?

00:57 UTC


Missing out

I’m 21, and I currently go to a commuter school near my home. I had a lot of unfortunate home and mental health issues when I was younger that led to me doing awful in highschool. This really limited my choices in terms of college. I don’t hate my school or anything, but going downtown is the only way to have an exciting social life, and even then I feel like it can’t compare to other schools. I’m in Canada, so the classic college experience isn’t really a thing at that many schools, and it’s very expensive. I don’t want to be saddled with student debt either. How can I stop feeling like I’ve missed out by not going to a college out of province and getting the college experience of being 18 and fucking around with friends in a new place for the first time. Even if I could go now it wouldn’t feel right hanging out with a bunch of 18 year olds. I feel like I wasted my college years.

00:55 UTC


School couldn't be any worse: I'm jobless, friendless, my grades are ass...

Hello, my life is going horribly.

I'm in my sophomore year and I've accepted the fact that I will probably not make any close friends in college. My gpa is shit, because I have no motivation to do anything, I hate my school because all anyone does is work and pull all nighters; no sort of school spirit or atmosphere whatsoever, i don't have any job or money. Just got my midsemester grade back and i am completely failing a class that I thought I had a C in. Did I mention that im retaking it? The cherry on top is the fact that there's a quiz tomorrow that I haven't even slightly studied for and my grade is already shit.

Tried to join clubs this semester and still feel isolated and alone. I promise you I'm not introverted, I just am past the point of making friends because everyone has their own groups. I feel like nothing is worth doing, my therapy is not helping, I can't tell if I love or hate my major, I might be on academic probation by the end of this semester, financial aid is shit, my dorm is shit, my face is shit, can't even try transferring because I'm already at a Top 20, hate my life, and am unsure how to go on, still don't have a man or got laid, still haven't sat in the quad with my diverse group of friends.


lol couldn't figure out what flair to use

1 Comment
00:45 UTC


Freshman swapping majors and I don't know what to do (maybe accounting?)

I am a freshman changing majors and I am not sure what I 100% want to do. Right now I am a biology major... but I don't enjoy it very much. Of all the classes I'm taking (bio lecture, bio lab, chem lecture, chem lab), my favorite is my math class. I enjoy numbers and working with them. I also think I'm fairly good when working with numbers.

When I brought up swapping majors to my advisor and my parents we talked about engineering, but we shot that idea down after seeing how far behind I was after missing just one semester. Tomorrow morning I have a meeting with my advisor again to pick classes for next semester, and I was thinking about bringing up accounting because this major doesn't put me too far behind the other accounting majors and it involves lots of math and numbers. How is the job market post graduation for accounting majors? Will I be able to get a job? I'm also worried that accounting is just sitting behind a desk 24/7 working on paper after paper after paper. If that's what I'm doing with the rest of my life... I don't think I'd enjoy it very much. Any other recommendations for majors involving math? This whole scenario is stressing me out and I feel like I'm disappointing my parents and wasting their time and money by taking biology classes. Thanks for the help!

00:44 UTC


College grade, any home I can still pass?

*title typo * any chance I can still pass?

I’m new to college, I’m 33 and recently found out I’ve been submitting my home work in the wrong format.

My professor is very strict. I’m in AP1 and I’ve submitted 2 hw assignments. I submitted them 2 weeks before due date bc I wanted to make sure all was well before the due date and cut off. She accepts no late entries and no redos/makeup and she was clear in the assignment the rules. I’m just new to this and didn’t realize I was using the wrong format.

So anyway she hasn’t been grading anything and we’re well into October now. So I log in to our portal and she graded all the hw last night. She graded the first one and left a note that these need to be a pdf. Then I go look at the next hw and she graded it a zero bc it was not in pdf. She graded each about 3 hours apart which gave me only 3 hrs notice to correct but I would have had to log in to the portal right after work and right before sleep. I check it regularly bc I was wanting the grades to come in, but I don’t check it non stop. Not enough where 3 hrs notice is enough.

So I looked at the syllabus, there will be 4 total hw assignments and they will be 10% of the overall grade. I can’t figure out how to do the math on this. Will I still be able to pass? I got a 72% on or first test. There are 4 tests worth 60% of the overall grade.

I’m devastated And feel so terrible for making such a stupid mistake. I honestly thought I was good on the homework side, I submit so early and she never said anything that what I was doing was wrong. I’m so upset I only had 3 hrs notice to correct something and I’m just mad at myself and the situation. I worked hard on these assignments and it’s like all that doesn’t even matter for a clerical issue.

00:43 UTC


Is 16 credits too much for next semester? (14 by uni standards)

I am planning on taking the following courses next semester to finish out my AA before transferring to university. The community college counts the physics and calculus classes as 5 credits each, so it would be a total of 16 credits. The uni says those classes are only 4 each so by their standards, it would be a 14 credit semester. I do want to mention I am a full time student, no job, but I do have a child to take care of as well. Am I taking on too much? I was wondering if i should cut back and take the economics class next semester or if i should just go for it.

Physics I

Calculus III

Differential Equations


00:22 UTC


i don’t want the year to end

but also . i think im losing my mind lmao i need this to end without actually ending

00:20 UTC


College at 21?

I’m considering going to college (after not committing to it during the pandemic). However i’m confused by several things and the best path for me. Money isn’t a problem and I want to go out of state. I don’t care to get into a “good college”, rather to just attend one and get a degree + create connections and a network. Here are some questions I have.

  • What’s the best way for me to start?
  • Is it likely that I’ll get accepted to a university straight away?
  • During my graduation year, SATs and ACTs weren’t necessary, will I need to take them now?
  • What do I need to have on hand in order to apply?
  • Is there anything I should know before hand?

Thanks in advance for any help.

00:20 UTC


Hard to find friends

I'm a new transfer student to an art school which I'm going to almost entirely to make connections (because the major does not guarantee a job, unfortunately).

I will have 2.5 years here in total, and the last two schools I have attended I haven't been able to I make any new lasting friendships. I am now pretty good friends with one of my roommates after meeting them upon moving in, but they don't attend my school. I have some people I've hung out with from my school, but they all live on campus so it's difficult to do much with them. I'm also a few years older than many of them as we are all taking foundational courses, but they haven't transferred like I have and so they will have 4 years total here.

I also have so many responsibilities, commute times, groceries, homework, and editing a large project, etc that I find it tough to reasonably attend club meetings, but I'm hoping to do that next semester. I'm just usually pretty

Everyone is in these large groups having a good time, but it's not easy to join those groups of friends I feel. I've been able to make friends only in places I spend a lot of time at, like the skatepark.

I know there's a million "college is lonely" posts on here, but yeah, I'm more worried about my future than the present (in the grand scheme of things), but the present at this college is what dictates my future and my potential career I feel. Just sucks that my good friends are multiple states away

23:55 UTC


Is Benedictine university computer science really hard ?

Is Benedictine university computer science really hard ?

1 Comment
23:46 UTC


Academic Dishonesty

Hello everyone,

I’m involved in an academic dishonesty case against me, I’ve been falsely accused.

It’s my first final exam in this country and university(US) and a student accused me of cheating. Professor walked in, watched my phone which had the calculator tab open(as was allowed), then went on to open my background tabs, brought one up to the foreground and clicked a photograph and sent it to the Dean’s office without asking my explanation even once.

Phones were allowed to be used as calculators, which is what I did.

Background tab had material related to the exam subject open(which I was reading before the exam) and the photograph taken has content that is already present on my reference/cheat sheet allowed in the exam. The clicked picture shows WiFi off and airplane mode on, as required by the guidelines.

How strong of a case do I have to defend myself?

If I lose, what is the probable punishment I can get?

I’m an international student on F1 visa.

What are all my options at this point to first prove myself successfully innocent as I am, and in case worst comes to worst what can I do to still stay in the country and get back to uni if I get a suspension sentence?

Roughest time of my life. University life has just gotten started for me here as a grad student.

Kindly let me know. I’m a UCLA student.

23:41 UTC


College Algebra and Other Mid-Life Crises.

I'm 44, taking online courses TRYING to FINALLY finish my degree I started well before most of you were even born, haha (2002, see I wasn't kidding). The last time I passed an Algebra class was my freshman year in high school in 1994, and I got a D, and that's only because a girl in my class felt bad for me and gave me the answers to most of my homework.

I was enrolled in Elementary Algebra last semester, and had to drop after the first three weeks because I had a 43%. Like I knew NOTHING, to include the non-algebra review section. I need a total of 15 hours to graduate, but 3 hours of those are college algebra, and to even be able to take the course, I would have to pass Elementary and Intermediate Algebra, neither of which I think I can do. I'm not being negative, I'm just being honest.

Current situation - I have a good job, and while it's blue collar, I still make north (barely) of $100k /yr. We did our yearly reviews with my supervisor the other day, and I told him I was still interested in a supervisor position if one came open, and I was told, "Well, we really need your expertise in the warehouse." For those of you who may not have been around the block as many times as I have, that's corporate-speak for, "you're too good at your job and you're not going anywhere." This was really the main reason I was trying to finish my Bachelors.

TL;DR - I have a good paying job that I really don't mind, and I have no foreseeable path forward to passing any type of Algebra class, let alone college algebra.

My options at this point are:

1-Dropping out. No harm, no foul, right?

2 -TRYING to finish, but probably realistically taking 12-15(minimum) hrs of unnecessary, unneeded, and very stressful math courses. I'm assuming this, because I'll probably either fail or drop a couple.

Thanks in advance.

PS- the University offers a non-algebra math class that meets the requirements for college algebra, but passing college algebra is a requirement for taking the class. Not kidding.

23:39 UTC


What do you do when overwhelmed by college?

This is my second ever semester at community college, and I recently went through my gradebook (64% in algebra ☹️) and I feel like i’m not just failing the class, but failing everybody else.

Realistically, I know I can raise my grade easily if I just lock in and put in more effort, but I can’t help but feel like its already over for me. Not to mention, one of my other professors explained that she was moving stuff around in the gradebook and this affected the grades for an exam and I went from a 90% in that class to a 55%, so that was fun to look at 🙃

I don’t want to burn myself out by doing 4 hours worth of algebra homework every day, or is college just supposed to be like that? Am I just being lazy? How do I cope with the stress?

23:25 UTC


Why do I not get invited to college parties?

I'm 22 years old, and I'm in my second year of college, studying in a city away from my home town. I do not have any problems with my grades, some being slightly above average. I don't really struggle much with cooking or cleaning for myself. I do weight lifting on the college gym every Thursday and Tuesday. And I get along with almost all of my teachers, the cafeteria, and the cleaning staff.

I cannot say the same with my classmates.

It has been like hell and back trying to get along with classmates. Usually group projects are fine, and I don't have any issue talking to people, but I already gave up on making friends here, a lot of people have done so as well, cause it has been said this career has a somewhat toxic and competitive environment. Still I have groups whom I usually hang out with, and I do have one stable friend who I talk to regularly.

The thing is, my friend does not want to go drinking anymore, because of personal reasons, and I never get invited to parties from other classmates. I thought maybe is because they hate me, but it dosen't make sense cause here, even though there's people who hate eachother or hate making group projects with, they go out drinking or partying no problem.

I thought maybe it could be that I seem like a "teachers pet" or a "bookworm" cause a lot of teachers have praised me for my work, but there's classmates that get way better grades than me, and they do get invited. I also always do my best to make people feel comfortable around me, and listened to. And while I don't have any problems having one on one, or deep conversations with people, when there's a group present I always fade away or get ignored.

On the first year I thought maybe I should just ask to get invited, but then realized I was seen as pushy, so now I don't ask. Still when people say we should go out to drink sometime, I agree, but still don't get invited.

Am I that boring, and forgettable people just don't care about me? Maybe is because I care way too much about anything? Is it because i'm seen as too gullible and "innocent"? So if i start caring less about my assignments they'll invite me? Is it because of the way I dress? But i dress pretty normal, and take care of my personal hygiene.

I really don't know, but i'm tired of it. There's so much stuff I haven't experienced yet, and so little time. My college years will end in 2 years, and then all of it will be over. This is the only time I have left to make friends, and go to parties before giving my life to work, and it seems I will never be able to live my life to my fullest. Cause my golden years are wasting away.

I didn't want to mention it, but It is thought that I'm somewhere in the autism spectrum, or at least neurodivergent, (There's not an official paper saying I have it, so rn is just speculation). Would that be the reason, if it is, what can I do to seem more neurotypical?"

23:22 UTC


Can you pass a p/f lecture without going to any sessions?

One of my mutual friends is taking a p/f course and she's considering just not going at all. See recently, her employer put her on the schedule for WR and that's when her class is. She told her boss that she already missed 2/7 lectures and that it was too late to drop with a 100% (she'd have to pay 50%) but her boss doesn't seem to care though. So my question is, could she end up with a pass without going or would she fail? She's studied course materials and etc.

22:48 UTC


Research proposal scope

I’m currently in a composition class and I’m pretty much done with my research proposal but I’m having trouble with the scope part of this paper. How would I go about writing a scope?

22:48 UTC


should i go to college

Right now i'm 19 working at a warehouse and i'm contemplating college because I want to make more money but i don't know for sure because as a kid i hated school and I didn't apply myself as i should have and never really studied before. And i wouldn't want to take elective especially if they give me algebra because i'm terrible at it. And i don't really have any passions or interest so what do you guys think

22:25 UTC


Running out of financial aid

I have been going to school on and off and I'm starting to worry about my financial aid. I finally know what I want to study, but I'm afraid of not being able to even cover the cost.

I have a program that leads directly to what I want but will take longer or another program that will finish my degree faster and then I can start looking at masters programs. Though the other degree is in humanities and I don't know how to look for a job with an English degree.

Any advice?

21:50 UTC


Did anyone regret going to CC?

I wasn't the brightest kid in high-school. I had some missed assignments and unexcused absences. Not to mention the pandemic held me back with remote learning. I've graduated high school in 2022 with a 3.2 GPA. I took school seriously but not too serious. I've showed up to classes, paid attention, use my time in the study hall to get work done, and catch up on assignments over the weekend. I took some honors during my time in high school and I even took 1 AP class during my senior year.

Originally, I've planned to apply and go to university but my mom suggested that I stayed at home and start at CC instead. I've agreed to go to CC with the stipulation that I will transfer to university after receiving my Associates degree to complete my bachelor's. At the time, it sounded like a good deal. I'll have a chance to improve my academics and get accepted into a university I wouldn't have otherwise. I'll save money by living at home and having cheaper tution. I wouldn't have to go back to sharing a room after I had just shared a room with my brother for 17 years.

Though things quickly got into a slippery slope. I wasn't doing so well academically after the 1st year. Maybe I needed time to adjust but it caused me to anxiously enrolled in classes during the upcoming summer semester. To make matter worse, my grandma got cancer and I were sent to take care of her which meant I could only take online classes during the Summer and Fall of 2023. Taking classes during Summer of 2023 completely backfired on me. I did do better during the Fall of 2023 but I've overlooked a major requirement which caused me to get suspended during Spring of 2024.

Luckily, I were able to take 1 credit class during the summer of 2024 which pushed me back into good standing and I was able to re-enroll as full-time student for this semester. I was even able to get my financial aid reinstated. Though this ain't the end of my troubles. While college tution is cheap, everything else is up. We've been affected by Hurricane Helene and Milton and our house got destroyed. We've been in and out of places for the past few weeks before eventually resorting to a shelter far away because that's literally our only option. It's take 30-60 minutes to drive to my school from the shelter no matter what.

My family had been talking about moving out of the county or even out of Florida which might be great for them but I'll be the one suffering from the consequences. I'll either to complete my AA degree online which I'll flunk or transfer to another college and risk losing my financial aid. I'm already approaching my 90 credits limit for my AA degree, so I'm worried if I transfer before completing my AA, I'll have to retake some classes which will cause me to lose financial aid because I'll be taking too many classes. Not to mention, I'll have to reapply for any scholarships at the new college and out of state tution will be much higher.

Had I known what will happen in the past few years, I would've acted differently. I didn't even bothered applying to any universities while in high school because I was set at starting at CC. Maybe I would've applied to some universities while I still had the chance. I'll probably could've gotten into a 4 year school if I had just applied, I'll probably have to take a loan but I'll wouldn't have to worry about housing or anything else at home cramming my style. Maybe I would've taken a gap year or two to build a solid savings account while working. Maybe I would've look for more short-term training/apprenticeship/trades programs that leads to high paying jobs.

Did anyone else regretted going to CC? I know many people who regretted going to University but never someone who regretted CC. I'm still set on completing my AA degree and hopefully transferring into an university but I feel like fate is really against me going to college.

1 Comment
21:45 UTC


Professor isn’t responding, can’t register for class without her

I’m taking a phlebotomy class next semester, and spring registration opened last week. My advisor said the instructor for this class likes to register students herself, so I reached out to her via email. I sent one email this week and another last week, and then I tried calling but no one answered. Her office hours are at another campus that’s 2 hours away from me and I’m not sure when/if I’ll be able to make it down there. I’m worried that the class will fill up if I don’t register soon.. What should I do?

1 Comment
21:02 UTC


Professors, who looks at course evaluations and how seriously are they taken?

I am taking a class from arguably the worst professor I’ve ever had. I want to know if writing a course evaluation would have any effect to help students that come after me.

I also wanted to know, should I write my course evaluation in a way that shows any faculty or administration above him that reads it how bad of a professor he is, or should I write it more for him to read and improve from. He is a student at the school getting a masters degree, so I’m not sure.

Just some examples if you want to read for more context:


I spent at least 30 hours on an assignment (it’s an art class), learned next to nothing, turned it in to get an 86%, and got no feedback on why or what could be improved. When I asked the professor why I got that grade, he told me to check the rubric as it would have all the information needed. I still have no idea what I could’ve done to get an A. Part of this is on me for not pushing back more, but it still seems ridiculous.

The professor once said that he doesn’t help us when he sees us struggling because that is how we learn and become better. Obviously you’re lacking some context, but what we struggle with is simply a roadblock for our learning. Like if your roadblock in an English class was not knowing how to type properly. The point of the class wouldn’t be to learn how to type, but to learn how to write and organize your thoughts.

There’s a complete lack of acknowledgement as to why we are in this class. He seems to think that we want to walk away with really cool projects, and that is absolutely true, but what we want more than that is to see our skills improve. I don’t feel like I’ve learned anything and he spends about 15 minutes teaching before each project we do. There’s 5 projects in this class.


The list goes on and on. If you read those examples or not is fine, but if you’re a professor and you have any insight on course evaluations, I would love to get some advice on my questions at the beginning of this post.

20:52 UTC


Can you get through statistics class and pass using only mental math?

Really struggling with this bc I used exclusively mental math in high school and it always worked fine

20:20 UTC


I think my whole cosmetology class hates me What should I do?

I go to a cosmetology school with about 50 girls and two teachers. I was recently fed up with how one of the teachers was treating students and how the other one didn’t seem to care. I did talk to a lot of people about it. I’m not gonna lie or play innocent. Apparently upwards of like 10 people reported to my instructors that I was talking crap about them. So my main instructor pulled me into her office told me about the situation. I apologized and I told her where I was coming from and she suggested that I talk to the teacher I thought was being mean. After that, I went to the bathroom and cried, and someone reported me for that too. So then both teachers pull me back into their office and demand that I talk to the teacher about how I feel because they thought that was why I was crying (I was crying because I can’t trust anyone and I have other stuff going on at home) so I told the teacher what was going on and how I felt. They proceeded to tell me they have a drama problem in the school and they don’t want it to get worse so I told them very vaguely about drama related issues that I see between both classes on a daily basis. As soon as I walked out of the meeting, half of one of the classes was standing in the hallway, listening through the door and heard everything I said.. I didn’t say any names or anything about anyone specific I’m more so talked about everyone as a whole, but every single one of those students was looking at me like they hated me even though I guarantee every single one of them have said the same things about the school.

20:07 UTC


How to get through college math using mental math

My entire high school career I basically never wrote anything down, I just did it all in my head bc high school math is easy enough that I was able to do that and never have a problem

Well I’m struggling in college for this reason

I hate math already and right now we’re learning about probabilities

Example: “58% of US adults have very little confidence in newspapers. You randomly select 10 adults. Find the probability that the number of US adults who have very little confidence in newspapers is Exactly 5”

How do I solve equations like that in my head? I don’t understand the formula well enough to put it into a calculator and even if I did my calculator is dead and I don’t have batteries for it so I’m just trying to find a dumbed down way of doing it that will make sense and haven’t been able to. I have a test on this tomorrow.

19:56 UTC


A twisted predicament

So it's kind if a long story but I'm very worried-

For context. I'm a freshman new to all of this so I'm prone to making mistakes and accidents. I am extremely involved around my campus already and in quite a few clubs abd started my own projects too. But this mistake is genuinely stressing me.

I was graced with a 9,000 dollar hold on my account that I cannot pay off currently. So naturally I went to Financial and Student Accounts to sort this out. Come to find out I messed up a part of my tap application thus meaning I don't have tap or pel loans and I missed out on my schools ACE program.

Now here's the big problem. Class registration starts in a week and a half. And i cannot register until I pay these holds. If I was to redo my tap + pel, who knows how long it would take to get the loan put into my account. I'm worried by the time it does end up on my account, it may be too late or most classes will be filled.

I'm looking for advice because I am genuinely worried right now.

1 Comment
19:45 UTC


afraid to go to college because what if I can't handle it and drop out?

I'm a senior in high-school and for a while I've been avoiding college because I'm afraid that I'll go and I'll drop out and won't be able to handle the work load and embarrass myself. I have decent grades but my act score is terrible so im thinking about retaking it. I'm not the best at school but i try. I'm considering college wayyyy more now because I want to get a decent job in the future doing something I enjoy and my guardian really wants me to go to college. my biggest fear is going and dropping out. if you've felt this way before entering college, how have you handled the work load in college? what are some things that have helped you?

19:29 UTC

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