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Discussion forum for current, past, and future students of any discipline completing post-graduate studies - taught or research.

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    Discussion forum for current, past, and future students of any discipline completing post-graduate studies - taught or research.


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    Practicum and vacation


    I am currently in a counseling program and will be doing practicum next spring. I am looking into booking a trip for 10/11 days and it would technically be after the semester has ended. The semester ends May 18th and I would be leaving end of may. Does practicum end right when the semester ends? It’s a total of 120 semester hours. Not sure what the schedule looks like as we haven’t been told to look into practicum sites yet.

    I’m worried about there somehow being overlap between practicum hours and when I’m supposed to leave.

    How did your practicum go? Did you guys have a summer between practicum and internship ?

    17:03 UTC


    Can you get 2 masters while doing a PhD?

    From my understanding, you can get a master during the first 2 years of studying for the qualifying exam as long as you fulfill the master requirements. (or does it also depend on schools?)

    My question is can you still take classes for another master during year 4th or 5th for example, or you have to strictly work in lab? The 2 masters are in the same field ofc, Statistics and Data Science for example.

    Question for US based schools. Thanks in advance!

    1 Comment
    16:51 UTC


    Where could I apply for Grad Art Programs? Scholarships?

    I've been out of school for approx 15 years, now. I graduated with my B.A. in Visual Art from the University of Iowa some time ago and I'd like to go for my Master's now. Where could I apply?? I applied a while back, but didn't get into any of the super-hot programs and only got very trivial scholarship offers - You know how it goes...

    I'm literally open to anywhere that will give me a scholarship (preferably full ride). I'm in the midwest and am a total foodie, so Chicago would be cool, but I know it's really competitive down there - which I don't mind - I just know my chances of scholarship would probably be pretty slim. I'm also a recording/ audio engineer and performing artist (singer/ guitarist), so somewhere that supported that would be sweet, but honestly, I don't care - I'm literally open to anywhere. Even the tiniest, no-where town... I'll probably go for drawing/ painting, but I also do some experimental darkroom photography stuff, so perhaps a Mixed Media emphasis, but I'm still undecided on that. Would I get some time to narrow down my focus once I get there??

    Thanks, everyone.

    16:49 UTC


    Where could I apply for Grad Art Programs? Scholarships?

    Hi, everyone. I've been out of school for approx 15 years now. I barely graduated with a B.A. in Visual Arts from the University of Iowa - really by the skin of my teeth. I applied for grad programs once before, but didn't get any scholarships, and didn't get into any of the super sexy schools - You know how it goes...

    I'm back and I'd like to get my M.F.A. - Where could I apply?? Really, I'm down for any place that would give me a scholarship. I don't care at all. I'm near Chicago and am a total foodie, so that would be cool, but I know it's really competitive down there - which I don't mind - I just know that my chances of getting a scholarship (ideally a full ride) are really slim.

    I'm also a performing musician and recording engineer, so a scene that could encourage that to some degree would be excellent, but I really don't care.

    I'm literally open to anywhere.

    Thanks, All!

    Oh - I mainly do drawing and painting. Some experimental darkroom photography stuff, too, so maybe a mixed media emphasis, but I don't know yet. Probably just drawing or something basic like that. I would need a little guidance narrowing my focus probably once I get there...


    16:40 UTC


    Judge my chances of getting a decent University for masters

    My profile

    1. Undergrad from a 3rd tier college in B.tech CSE with honours in AIML. CGPA 7.49 out of 10
    2. Published research paper in IEEE
    3. One year job experience in Samsung as an Engineer
    4. IELTS band 8, R-8,L-8,W-7,S-7
    5. GRE 290-300 (I am giving GRE tomorrow but I don't think I will score good so telling average test score) :/
    6. Decent SOP & LOR

    Would you I be able to get top colleges because of my job experience in a good company even though if I score bad in GRE???

    I would like to apply to US & UK for masters in CS or AIML

    1 Comment
    16:31 UTC


    How are y’all doing PhD without debt in high COL areas?

    I’m planning on completing a PhD and am prepping for the upcoming application cycles. I’m primarily applying in west coast states of the US (WA and CA). Trouble is, every single university on my list has extremely high COL. I could cover tuition with the TA or RA stipends just fine, but I don’t know how I’ll afford rent/eating without debt. One bedroom within a shared home often costs up to $1000-1300, and that’s not including utilities. I’m in the social sciences, so $$$ grants and scholarships aren’t super widely available.
    I feel like most people in this sub are saying they aren’t having to take out any federal loans, but I just don’t quite understand how. Any advice is appreciated!

    14:06 UTC


    Is it a good idea to make a deal regarding PhD employment with a potential supervisor?

    1 Comment
    09:59 UTC


    Search paper by country?

    Hello. I am looking for research labs in the USA that work in the field of my interest.

    Can I find a research paper by country?

    08:32 UTC


    Help! Got accepted and made $500 down payment.. now unsure if I should go

    I got into a masters program for “counseling psychology” now I keep getting intrusive thoughts that I shouldn’t go & that it will be a mistake & huge waste of money (70k). I’m not 100% sure I want to be a therapist… but there’s nothing else I want to do I need a good job especially in this economy 😭 idk bro but these intrusive thoughts are not stopping. No one has told me I would make a good therapist since getting in… and I know quite a few people. Also, I obviously struggle a lot with my own mental health (which I know is common for people who want to pursue this but idk bro). Idk I’m 26, no job, no idea what I’m doing with my life & feeling very inadequate.

    Also feeling very unsure if I would make a good therapist. When my friends have been opening up to me since getting in I overanalyze my responses and I do not have good shit to say.

    08:04 UTC


    Which MBA Specialization Should I Choose: Accounting, Marketing, or General Studies?

    Should I get an MBA with a specialization in marketing, general studies, or accounting? For reference, I'm an undergrad accounting major, and my plan is (for now) to work in public accounting and take the CPA exam after grad school. Will choosing to specialize in accounting help with the CPA exam? or Should I choose marketing because I find it interesting?, or go the general route for a mix of everything?

    06:51 UTC


    Asking for ADHD accomodations




    Hey everyone,

    I'm a freshly second year master's student and I was diagnosed with adhd three months ago after almost losing my mind. I became super desperate and went to a psychiaytrist after avoiding it for years. Thankfully, I did get a diagnosis and started treatment. It's not going perfect, but I have a different question.

    I know that adhd is in fact a disability and accomodations are available. But I feel like it would be entitled of me to ask for them because I was able to get this far despite all the difficulties.

    I'm also a research assistant and help a professor with whatever he might need. I deeply respect him and appreciate him for being so understanding so far.

    But often times I push deadlines far too much and seeing the expression of disappointment on his kills me. It's what I feared my entire life. I have always disappointed people I loved and respected. Now as an adult and a grad student it has gotten worse. Because I think I should be more responsible.

    I didn't talk to him about my adhd, and frankly I'm a bit hesitant. I don't want to be judged or gaslit. He might not know much about it, or he might know a lot and it might affect his opinion of me.

    Do you think I should talk to him about it? I want him to know that I want to do so much better and that I respect him a lot. Is adhd a valid excuse for such a request?

    Thank you.

    05:31 UTC


    Asking for recommendations within only a month of knowing me

    I'll be starting my one year masters this October and I'm planing to immediately apply to the US universities, I will need to ask for recommendation letters from my German professors within November/December.

    From your experience, will they write me recommendation letters within a short time of knowing me? Is it weird to explain to them I'm planing to apply and there are deadlines?

    1 Comment
    03:52 UTC


    Did your company pay for your masters?

    We all know that masters are usually not funded. But that's also because a lot of students go for their masters directly after their bachelors.

    I also know that companies pay for this stuff. Can anyone please tell me your story of that's the case? How did you convince them? Did you pitch them with a complex problem statement that you can help solve in collaboration with a university? And they agreed? Why would a company agree to fund your masters? Whats in for them? How long did you have to stay after your masters at the company?

    All of the conditions are kind of aligning my case. I have never seen my company fund a master's but maybe I can be the first one? We have a lot of complex problems whicb need a huge research support. Just brainstorming tbh.

    Any thoughts would help!

    03:19 UTC


    Hello. Just want to make a survey for those who are taking or finished their PhD. What is your program, university, and how long have you been staying in your program or how long did it take for you to finish your PhD? Thanks

    1 Comment
    01:59 UTC


    How can I pivot from Technical Communication to IA or Cybersecurity?

    Hello all,

    Thank you for letting me join this forum. I’m trying to make a change from working under the Communications side (I’m currently working as a Content Specialist/Data Analyst working mostly in Excel spreadsheets and Access databases), but I believe my main strength is writing in plain language. I currently have a BA in Technical Communication, if that helps. I’m also not great at coding (very much a novice) but understand that HTML/CSS/Javascript/Python are essential in the realm of tech.

    I originally wanted to switch over to UX Writing or Information Architecture, but I worry about the future of the UX field. I’ve seen cases IRL (a UX Designer friend of mine lost his job recently) where UX peeps are getting laid off and read online about how many companies are going to be relying on AI to generate designs, logos, wireframes, aid in user research, etc. Please correct me if I’m wrong because I would honestly love to work towards IA!

    However, I’ve also been considering Cybersecurity, reason being is that I would love to learn more about how cyber attacks work and how companies identify and mitigate threats now that AI robo-calls are on the rise, which I know will only improve in believability as time goes on. I’m not sure if my current degree will hold if I want to pursue a Master’s program in either Information Architecture or Cybersecurity. Can anyone in these fields shed some light on each industry for me? How did you get into your respective field? What did you enjoy most when pursuing your degree(s)? The least?


    1 Comment
    01:55 UTC


    Masters or PhD out of undergrad?

    I'm really conflicted right now. I'm 100% wanting to do graduate school, but I'm not sure if I should go for a PhD program or a masters.

    Ultimately, my goal is a career in informal/non-licensure education (but also entertaining the idea of becoming a professor). I found some great masters programs of interest to me, but also a PhD program that fits my goals perfectly (STEM+environmental focused). I have research experience, am completing a thesis for undergrad, and I'm not necessarily scared of 5+ more years of school... But I am concerned about the jump from an undergraduate work load to the intensity of a PhD. For people who've gone straight to PhD out of undergrad, was it worth it? What was your experience before hand? Would you recommend it? Honestly, any advice from anyone would be helpful at this point!

    01:17 UTC


    Thinking ahead: What are options if my depression comes back full-force in a PhD program?

    I'm thinking ahead towards grad school (I want to get a PhD in the mathematical sciences) and want to understand my options for how to navigate my depression if it comes back in full force during my program. Obviously, there's a lot I can do to be proactive and try to prevent it, but I have Persistent Depressive Disorder and PMDD, and there's only so much I can do. While working full time, at the moment, it's not a problem. With work, I can get through for a few years at a time and then FMLA leave is an option if I need to take a couple months to get back to a healthier depression level (I've found that going on a specific med, doing TMS treatment, and going to an IOP/PHP program really help me), but I wasn't sure if there are options like this in a PhD program. I'm not really open to the idea of not pursuing a PhD because I've had to put off these plans for years due to other health problems, I'm really passionate about this next career step, and I'm very motivated to seek ways to accommodate myself and seek help in ways I may need help. Any advice?

    00:09 UTC


    Feeling immense regret for letting my anxiety stop me from graduating on time?

    I was suppose to graduate in Spring 2024 but extended my deadline to Fall 2024. My anxiety really got the best of me during that last semester and I'm so dissappinted in myself because I was so damn close to finishing my thesis. I really wished I could have pulled myself together, finish my degree, and graduate with my friends. I just feel so stupid because my thesis is literally about burnout and overcoming anxiety and I feel I couldn't even listen to my own advice in that moment. I know no one cares when I graduate and this won't even effect what job I would get in the future. But it's just something that is really bumming me out and been on my mind for a while. Just wished my grad experience could have been perfect.

    23:42 UTC


    How do you guys afford doctorate degrees?

    Currently starting my master's in a few months. Doing a doctorate degree, particularly my EdD, would be a dream, but it would cost me around 50k even with a partial scholarship. How do you all pay for it? I'd love to do one but I don't want to take out more loans (already have 40k loan debt). I'm getting my master's for free because I work at a university but they don't offer that for doctorate.

    23:26 UTC


    PhD in Education or Education Psychology

    Hi, I’m looking to connect with students pursuing Education/Education psychology. Preferably PhD or Masters. I’m applying this year, and I need insights/advice. Please DM or comment here, I’ll reach out. Thanks.

    23:03 UTC


    Please stay in touch with your undergrad professors

    I cannot write you a recommendation to med school if you haven't stayed in touch for the past six years. I don't remember you.

    It's up to you to stay in touch via LinkedIn, email, a Christmas card—anything. I have no idea what you've been doing since I saw you in 2018.

    22:20 UTC


    Loan options

    Federal unsubsidized loan at higher interest rate or a private grad school loan from Sallie Mae at 5.5% fixed? I’m going into elementary education, which is high need field but I’m not finding much in the way of grants for graduate studies.

    21:24 UTC


    Submitted my very first paper, had one very harsh review out of three, is this normal??

    Hi all,

    So as the title says, I submitted my very first paper. The first two reviewers suggested accepting with minor revisions, the third absolutely tore it apart. He said that it was "This manuscript contains no contribution, and is a major step backwards from the literature" . He stated there were more up to date efforts and made other claims but did not include any Citations at all in his review. Ultimately the paper got rejected. Is this typical? I feel extremely discouraged at the moment.

    21:21 UTC


    Grad school or job?

    I have a job I'm considering, but it is imperfect. The location puts a strain on my relationship, and I'm concerned about the politics of the person running the office.

    So would you take a job that has some significant drawbacks or go to grad school, if those two options were the ones you were facing? It seems like grad school is the avenue to go if the job market isn't shaping up the way you like.

    20:57 UTC


    Looking for Masters recommendations

    Hey everyone So I graduated from Political Science 3 years ago and have been really meaning to jump to a masters degree (preferably online) but have had a tough time looking through programs and finding colleges.

    My interests lie in international relations/Law, by any chance, are there any recommendations that you all could provide? Thank you so much in advance

    19:58 UTC


    Application/Admissions Help

    Hi everyone! I just wanted to post here since I had used this subreddit in the past for help with my applications. I offer application help for graduate students looking for anything from personal statement editing to mock interviews. I keep my rates cheap to specifically help out lower income students and just because we all know how expensive these application fees can be. I added my credentials below:

    • Multiple PhD acceptances, including top 10 programs, specifically in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Cancer Biology

    • Multiple Doctor of Medicine (MD) acceptances

    • Experience conducting mock interviews for current PhD and MD students

    • Experience editing personal statements, STEM research specific essays, secondary application essays, extracurricular description essays, and more program specific essays

    • Video/Phone call to walk students through all essay edits ensuring their next draft is heavily improved

    Feel free to shoot me a DM if your interested! Thank you guys!

    17:16 UTC


    Help making a decision for an MSW program

    TLDR; I really need support/advice in making a decision on which school to attend. Both have compromises and pros and cons that do not make the choice clear. My tuition is completely covered so debt is not a factor aside from living aid.

    I was offered acceptance with two MSW programs and have been on the fence with both of them. I spoke to an administrator and she mentioned I could wait until August to finally make a decision, but I am getting aid from DOR (department of rehabilitation) so I need to put in my decision ASAP to lock in the aid.

    I will have to compromise on something either way, but I'm trying to determine what that should be. Here are the pros and cons:

    School A:


    • allows me to register before paying which gives me allowance for the DOR
    • really beautiful campus/I would enjoy attending and using the amenities
    • same distance as other school but easier traffic wise
    • they've sent be out for a couple practicum interviews and clearly value my skill set. One of the practicum sites only had spots for two interns and is typically for 2nd year, but they made an exception. It also paid 15k a year (sadly the supervisor was an external investor and was highly inappropriate with me so I had to decline).


    • horrible experience with the practicum department thus far. I've been sent on two interviews and one of them was highly inappropriate (I had to file a report with the school.

    The other one I lacked the foundational requirement of being bilingual. I was offered a position with the first one and the second one said that they would've taken me in a heartbeat if I were bilingual and they were upset with the department.

    School B:


    • in closer proximity to a cooler neighborhood
    • ranks as one of the top schools in my state for social work
    • supportive faculty and staff


    • school is very run down and a bit depressing - there were also recently violent attacks due to protests
    • haven't sent me on any interviews and I feel more like a number. They seem to value my skill set a bit less.
    • can't register until I pay which makes it hard to set a schedule
    • applied for a stipend I didn't receive

    I was waiting for the school to give me the most opportunity (for instance, the better internship/practicum site or funding) but it seems as if I won't be aware of those opportunities until I actually start. It seems there is no clear answer here for me. Any ideas on how I can try to deliberate further without the additional information?

    16:20 UTC


    I just got an NIH fellowship - can I call myself a fellow?

    15:58 UTC


    I need advice for a motivation letter.

    I have a bachelor’s degree in chemistry from a Latinamerican university, and won a scholarship in 2020 for a master’s degree in chemistry at a European university. I had a really hard time because of some mental health issues, and although I followed all the courses, I did not do my thesis and did not graduate.

    After that, I decided to study another master’s degree in something more “applicable” and with more job opportunities. I am now finishing that master’s degree in another European country.

    I found that there is a great institute in the country I am currently living in, where they offer a very interesting master’s degree in chemistry, and although the first time I did not do well, I want to pursue it, because I keep thinking about having a life dedicated to research in my field. In order to apply for this program, I have to write a motivation letter.

    Now, the question: should I mention all this in my motivation letter? They will see my CV and wonder about all the changes in my studies, and I do not know if explaining them would be a good idea.

    1 Comment
    09:28 UTC


    Help with deciding future plans

    I apologize if this is a long post but any help is appreciated.

    I am currently a rising senior pursuing mechanical engineering student at a t20 university in the US. I also had a computer science minor. I finished a 2 internships last 2 summers.

    I took a few CS classes and loved it. I eventually dropped my minor and made it into an additional CS major to hopefully pursue a CS career. I am still able to graduate in 4 years due to the amount of credits I came in with. The problem is I am not sure how to proceed from here.

    To describe my situation more accurately, I have been reading up on computer vision and I find that field very interesting. I made one project using openCV (nothing to complicated to fancy but it is there on my github). I am trying to work on another project to give me more leverage and looking for hackathons to participate in next sem. I am looking into grad schools for computer vision but since I have been working towards getting a manufacturing/CAD job, I am not sure what to do to become competitive for a masters in CS. I am hoping to get a research based masters so I am able to get it funded (do not have money to pay for it).

    I am also open to getting a job and returning to grad school a couple of years later. I think this option makes sense since my application for grad school is extremely weak. But on the other hand, I doubt Ill be able to land a job where I can make a good app for computer vision or ML.

    I am wondering how did people with relatively weak applications decide on schools to apply to and/or what steps did you take improve your application and show your research potential. I am not only lost about what to do but also how to figure out what to do.

    If anyone has thoughts specifically about applying to schools for computer vision, this is a brief look at my applications:

    Majors: Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science

    GPA: 3.2

    GRE: not given yet

    Application stuff:

    1. Research related to computer vision but in a interdisciplinary field (biostatistics): It has been a month since I started working in this lab. I am kind of slow and trying to pick things up but so far not as well as I'd like. My friend joined his lab and has made so much more impact since they joined the lab, I worry I will fall behind. As for the work I have done, I have done preprocessing and managed to train one model I was asked to evaluate.

    2. Senior Design: Making a positioning system for a device that will be used for research in a National Lab. Used CAD to design said machine and I am using C++ to program its functionalities. Hoping my second letter of recommendation comes form this client.

    3. Formula Club: Worked there a year ago. Used CAD to make parts for various purposes and run simulations occasionally.

    4. Jobs Held: Fast food worker in freshman year making sandwiches, Resident assistant for a year and a half, 2 summer internships, 1 more summer internship going on (more related to electrical engineering as I am working with AutoCAD, suppose to go on for a year)

    5. Course Work: Introduction to Machine Learning (A), Neural Networks (B), Big Data Systems (AB), (taking optimization and software security next sem and plan to take OS and Data structures and algos the sem after that)

    06:47 UTC

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