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Welcome to /r/AdviceAnimals
Sound advice from animals anything!
- We're here to have a laugh.
- Follow all Reddit rules. This includes not asking for upvotes and not revealing personal information.
- Follow the general Advice Animal format: Two line joke over a re-usable character.
- Hate speech, bigotry, and personal attacks are not allowed. Participating in or starting witch hunts are forbidden. Death threats and telling others to kill themselves will result in a ban.
- Don't repost. Report reposts by messaging the mods.
- No Cake Day Posts.
- No Verticals, Opinion Puffins or Batman Slaps. Two Advice Animals in a vertical are OK.
- Don't make memes with pics of people that you saw in real life. Ever.
- Link directly to your image. Shortened links, Facebook, Tumblr, Blogspot, etc, will be automatically removed.
- Don't post COVID or anti-vax misinformation - Healthy skepticism and debate are allowed (and encouraged!), but anti-science nonsense has no place on this subreddit or anywhere else on this site. Denial of the plethora of evidence that vaccination is safe and effective is not a reasonable or rational position to take.
- We reserve the right to remove posts, remove comments, and ban users at our own discretion.
or try one of these:
Please keep the 'advice' relevant to the character. Not sure? go to
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