happy friendly memes about adhd
Please refrain from making posts about recreational drug use. However, prescribed drug use is acceptable.
So I started this new job as a receptionist at a clinic. They are teaching me all of the things and I find myself in a couple of things I’m being taught where I’m just like “uuuuuuuuh this way works better for me” because it’s easier for me to remember if I do it a certain way and I can get it done the same way and in the same amount of time. I find myself holding back a little because I want to do it the way they taught me because I don’t want them to think I’m not listening and following directions. They are super nice so I don’t think they would care if I did it my way but I guess it’s just my past experience of finding ways that work for me and neurotypical people getting after me for it. What are y’all’s experience with this? Whether it’s a job or school or anything!
Anyone else see a dramatic reduction of distraction / restless / anxiety / irritability during a headcold? It's as if my body self medicates to calm itself down. My focus massively improves, and hey, sometimes in the buildup to having a cold I seem to become charismatic...
I’m permanently paranoid of being late if I’m not an hour early. I literally can’t comprehend how long a task will take if it’s an addition to my morning routine 🥲
The Adderall shortage is a bitch.
Everything sounds so exciting and I get all hyped up, by I want to sleep.
“Not worth it at all!” “YESSSSSSSS”