Discussion and photos relating to WWII aviation.
Be civil and respectful to each other.
Historical images that have been manipulated (colorized, upscaled, or otherwise edited) must be tagged and include a watermark on the image itself. This requirement can be satisfied by, for example, putting a small text annotation in one corner, or with your personal logo. For the rationale for this rule, see here
This rule is not meant to restrict images with period edits, such as censor marks or original hand tinting
Russian URLs banned by reddit:
Some domains, especially .ru domains, will trip Reddit's comment spam filter, even with the filter set to 'low'. This includes many Russian aviation sites like ava org ru, topwar ru, and aviadejavu ru. To the best of my knowledge I have no way to disable this, or even to manually approve these posts once they appear in the spam queue.
If you plan to reference these to these, you'll need to do so without linking them.
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Flight Sims:
Hello there,
I wanted to give you a tip if you are looking for documents on German airplanes.
They offer all kinds of digitized original documents on German aviation between 1928 and 1945. I couldn't find anything better in terms of the amount of files and information offered. The quality of the digitized documents also speaks for itself.
Maybe it will help some of you!
Sweden acquired aircraft from all over the place as storm clouds gathered over Europe but to maintain strict neutrality began to concentrate on their own aviation industry.
Aviation Deep Dives: https://youtu.be/plbQsWoslO0?si=1AQHcyaO8sg81MeT