A community for trans people in Northern Europe
From Iceland to Lithuania, this is a sub for everyone looking for information, advice, support and community on transgender issues in Northern Europe.
DISCLAIMER: This community isn't qualified to give professional medical or legal advice
Other Subs
* r/asktransgender
* r/mtf
* r/ftm
* r/nonbinary
* r/transgenderUK
* r/germantrans
Hey guys! Im honestly looking for some real life stories from the shortkings out there... my fyp ended up giving me a lot of videos with women bashing short men and now I feel like that both as a transnan and as someone there's only 5'3 - that nobody is ever gonna want me as a hookup? Idk.. I feel like my personality is fine, so I guess I can talk someone into being my partner(joke) but I just don't know if I'm ever gonna experience random kissing at the club again. It probably sounds dumb and it really is a third world problem, but do you guys pull when you're out? (Specifically people that pass but are short)
Hi! So like the title, my boyfriend was taking T for around 6-7 months in 2019 when he was 16-17. His ex was awful and gaslit and guilt tripped him into stoping. He wants to get back on it and we’re trying to mentally prepare for possibly having to do it all over again.
Has anyone here ever stopped and gotten back on T? How was the process? Did you have to get re-diagnosed? Was it easier or harder to ”prove” yourself?
TLDR; want to see peri results from dr mårtensson as i can’t find any and would like reassurance.
hey folks! i’m getting top surgery with dr tuve mårtensson soon. i am under the belief that i am getting peri-areolar as i am getting gynecomastia and liposuction procedure and i have a small chest. he didn’t explicitly say peri but what he described would happen was very much like peri.
i haven’t been able to find any keyhole or peri pictures of his results anywhere and i was wondering if anyone in this community has received peri/keyhole from him and if u could share the results with me, either here or privately. or if u have a link to someone’s post with the results that i’ve maybe missed. i would be super grateful if anyone could do this!
i am just getting the pre surgery anxieties that it won’t be the results i’m looking for and i’d like to see others results as reassurance.
thanks so much for reading :)
I am getting top surgery at Reformklinikken soon and am still on the fence about the DI option versus nonbinary reduction (to leave just a little bit of tissue for a more androgynous look). However, I cannot find any results from them with a nonbinary reduction. Has anyone had experience with it in this clinic?
Hi! I am Swedish and will go on a trip to visit a friend in Gothenburg next weekend. We are thinking of taking the ferry over to Fredrikshavn on a daytrip as well. I have a prescription for utrogestan 100 mg but it is not available in Swedish pharmacies (only 200mg and up is available). I thought this trip could be an oppurtunity to retrieve it in a Danish pharmacy. I heard that it might be available in Denmark. Is that true?
Japp, kan inte få vård, blivit segregerad från vård samhället. Blir erbjuden att bli påsatt av killar konstant. Och könsvården jag påbörjat och psykiatrin totalt vrider på allt jag säger och könsteamet har dubblerat andra besöket alternativt i definitivt. Inte en kråka på att jag är labil från början av allt till att bli ett Det. Heja Sverige, utan anhöriga och vård för ens basala saker för att direktiv inte finns för en person som gått på hrt i mer än 1,5 år gör att ansvaret faller på Kim team och dem ignorerar det. Att gå från så glad och frisk full av hopp till att vänta ut när nästa katastrof händer eller att prostituera sig igen för att överleva 😅 Att jag ska till urolog som jag fått 9 remisser till på grund av besvär är bara en undersökning nu och kom står som andvariga för vården trots att dem inte kan säger dem. Skulle haft mitt andra möte runt dec. Nu är det till sen vår sommar. Första gången jag kastar in flaggan och säger att jag har gjort allt jag kan, och vänta på ett mirakel
Some time ago I was given time for a meeting in one of the clinics for trans people here in Sweden. I have some trauma from my past which include seeing my mother be abused by her boyfriend. I’ve been one queue for almost five years now, when I went to the meeting she told me they weren’t going to help me anytime soon, I was to young and I needed to mature.
This much I understood, I’m seventeen and because of how it is here in Sweden I didn’t expect any help until I was eighteen but it doesn’t I’m even going to even get help then. Before this we had talked about my past in another meeting, where I told her about my trauma. I’ve had some trauma counselling but when my psychologist quit her job I wasn’t given anyone new to talk to. She said that I needed more counselling, I told her that I would do whatever they wanted me to do so I begin hrt in the near future.
She then accused me of being trans because I saw my boyfriends mom hit her, meaning that I was trans because I didn’t want to be hit. I said that men can be hit too, she seemed slightly taken aback by what I said and changed the subject.
This woman who was telling me all this has been in some news articles before, she had quit her job at the clinic before because of the guilt of working with trans children, after reading that article I was honestly terrified. I felt like I was proven right to be worried when she acted like that. I’m not sure if she even acted wrong but it felt wrong.
I’m kinda terrified now, it feels like I will never get help.
TL;DR mental health help in Estonia
Siin ei luusi küll vist palju eestlasi, aga proovin õnne.
Olen omadega üsna augus ja arvatavasti vajaks mingisugust abi. Ehk siis nõustamist, psühholoogi, mida iganes. Arvan, et juba lihtsalt võimalus professionaaliga ausalt rääkida aitaks palju. Ei tea otseselt, kust alustada. Kardan, et satun kellegi sellise otsa, kes ei mõista ja kelle jaoks oleks see probleem, et trans olen. Samas ei saa seda ka mainimata jätta. Lisaks soovin vältida seda, et õige inimese leidmiseks pean mitmed kabinetid läbi käima ja igaühele ütlema, et trans olen.
Oskab keegi mingit kindlat inimest soovitada, kellega on hea kogemus olnud? Või ka nt kedagi, keda pigem vältida.
Jeg har prøvd å utforske forskjellige måter. Jeg forstår lite, men dette er inntrykket mitt:
Dette tar lang tid pga ventetider og psykologisk evaluering.
Dette har også lange ventetider, og tar litt tid også.
Dette har kortere ventetider, men hormonene koster mer, siden evalueringen ikke er gjort statlig.
Jeg vil anta at alternativene tilgjengelig i Norge ikke er like bra som de i mer befolkede land.
Hvilke av mine antagelser er riktige/feil?
Er det noen flere alternativer for hormonbehandling?
Hvor lange er de ulike ventetidene jeg nevnte?
Does anyone have any recommendations for tucking underwear? I've looked on sateenkaarikauppa but most of them don't have reviews there and I'd like to know if they actually work properly before buying, but I don't really know where else to look so figured this would probably be the best place to ask
Hey so I had to talk with my girlfriend yesterday in which we talked about being trans and the experience of that.
She pretty of handling talked about how people in Denmark are pretty tolerant specifically in regards to people from the countryside. In general I agree but I have also have only lived in Copenhagen.
so I'm curious if any trans people have any experience with anything outside the cities or for that matter inside I haven't been openly trans long and am usually seen as a gay man (I am MTF) so any experience is appreciated ❤️
I think the only thing I can really say that I have experienced myself it's a family members who obviously don't care much for the whole concept. They are not deliberately cruel although they certainly don't gender me correctly or use my name. and of course the horrible medical system
Edited spelling mistakes.
Näin jotain vuoden takaisia ketjuja. Mikä on tämän hetkinen tilanne, jos kukaan tietää ja palveluja käyttää? Toimiiko ne niinkuin pitää, saako respetit ajoissa ja lääkkeet ostettua? On niin järkyttävä tuo hinta mikä pitää maksaa, ettei viittis lähteä köyhänä arpomaan saako rahoille oikeesti vastinetta. :P
Hej! Jag var precis på Apotek Hjärtat i Märsta och de vägrade ta emot receptet. Har någon något tips på vart man kan gå?
Have had 2 appointments with psychologist and now was sent to gynecologist from cki. Has anybody else experienced this? Why is this and what to expect? I'm a transman
Hey y'all!
I've been meaning to post but I've had a lot going on in my life at the moment. I've been working on a post about Imago and GenderGP and basically summing up prices and such. I quickly found out that it'd almost be more confusing in text format so you're getting a whole document. Possibly with graphs 😂
But yeah, I've been recovering from my revision top surgery and uh, turns out it's might have an infection. When I took the surgical tape off today there was lots of VERY stinky yellow puss and I suddenly had wound holes by the incision I didn't have before which worries me. I called the clinic and they said it was nothing which was very disappointing. I tried talking to more people but no one really took me seriously so I'll call my GP tomorrow.
Tw: mention of cancer and health stuff (no, i don't have it don't worry)
Another thing that's happened is I got diagnosed with GERD (acid reflux) somewhat recently. It wasn't too surprising but the fact medication isn't helping is the bad part, so I might be reffered to have surgery for that and hope it'll actually help. I also researched and apparently i have a 10-15% chance of getting Barrett's esophagus (which means cells change cause of constant damage) which would seriously suck, because once you have Barrett's esophagus it make you approximately 50 times more likely to get esophagus cancer.
And esophagus cancer is one of those you can't cure, you just die 🤷🏻 As it is now i think I'm like 10 times more likely to get esophagus cancer compared to healthy people but yeah. That's a lot to digest (no pun intended lol)
And neither GERD nor Barrett's esophagus are things you can cure, you just manage it 🫠 But considering the max dose of meds aren't really managing it for me means I'll probably end up developing Barrett's esophagus eventually. Either way tho, let's just hope i don't get cancer 🤞 I'm finally starting to enjoy life so I'd like to keep living it ya know
On a more light hearted note, if you got any information on Imago or private blood tests in your country and prices I'd really appreciate it cause then I can add it to my document 🙏
Hey just coming here to ask if anyone has any experience with HUS hormoni poli. I came accross their website and there it said that they are also responsible for hormone treatments for transgender people. So just wondering if any of you are with them and if its easy to get in? :)
I’m a 20y old girl trying to do my HRT. I have gotten hold of some estrogen supplements (gel) but not any T blockers. Should I start taking this even though I’m not in hold of any T blockers? What effects will it do?
tja! jag har min top surgery inbokad 20 november med Andrea Stefansdottir på Art Clinic i Uppsala. är det någon här som fått sin operation gjord av henne och har några bilder på sina resultat? när jag var på akademiska för konsultation i maj så hade de på sjukhuset bara 2 resultat att visa så tänkte att man kanske kan hitta några här. :)
if i were to go diy route where would i be able to do blood tests and for cheap since im a student and i dont have alot of money to throw around.
ive seen that some people have said that traveling to tallinn would be cheaper idk
Det är ett år sedan jag började min utredning och det går långsamt. Jag har för mig att på första mötet nämndes det att dom gärna inte vill att man tar hormoner under utredningen (dom sa också att utredningen skulle ta ett år men här står jag och är knappt halvvägs). Jag har möjlighet att börja med testosteron via Imago men är livrädd om detta skulle riskera min utredning på något sätt. Har läst att Anova inte har några problem med att folk går privat väg, men hur ser det ut i Linköping? Någon som läst/hört nått eller har egen erfarenhet av deras syn på just detta? Jag har varit ute i flera år och utredningen har gått bra än så länge. Jag kan inte vänta i flera år till på hormoner men jag kan heller inte riskera att dom kickar ut mig från/förlänger utredningen. Tacksam för alla svar!
Update: Thank you so much for all the responses! I've had many more people reach out to me than I anticipated, so for now I will put a pause on gathering more participants. However, if you'd really like to partake you can still email me and I will do my best to make more time. Thank you all for all your kindness and support <3
Hi there! My name is Leigh (they/them), I’m a master’s student of anthropology at the University of Copenhagen, and I’m doing my thesis research on the lived experiences of trans* and genderqueer persons in Denmark. My research has two primary focuses: (1) practices of gender-affirming care–which I define very broadly as any care practices that affirm one’s gender, not limited to biomedical means, and (2) trans futures, and how they are imagined and invoked.
I am looking for people who are willing to participate in research interviews, with the possibility of further involvement if interested (demonstrating practices of gender-affirming care, group interviews, or attending queer community events and sharing your experience). All participation will be anonymized unless you would like to be referred to by first name. Participation is compensated with coffee, cake, and queer comradery.
Whether or not you have sought biomedical transgender healthcare within the Danish system, I am interested in learning about your experience as a trans person in Denmark, with regard to gender-affirming care, social life, personal life, and cultural values. You do not have to be Danish to participate, just have lived in Denmark for at least 6 months.
Ultimately, my research seeks to bring attention to trans people's experiences with gender-affirming care, how they navigate barriers to care, and how a more liveable future can be achieved. If you would be willing to help me in this pursuit, please reach out through my email zgn666@alumni.ku.dk and I will provide further information. In an effort to keep this post short and sweet, there are certainly details missing, so if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.
All the best,
Leigh W.
(Note: this research is independent, solely my own, and unassociated with any organization or research group, aside from the fact that it is for my studies at the University of Copenhagen. The extent of its circulation will likely be within the Department of Anthropology at KU, with a small possibility of publication in an academic journal.)
edit: changed wording to be more clear about my population interest (trans people writ large; sorry if my use of genderqueer confused or turned anyone away)
Hej! Jag letar efter en ny psykolog, och efter sååå många misslyckade psykolog-matchningar tidigare vet jag att det är ett absolut måste att hen är trans, eller åtminstone hbtq själv. Dessutom har jag vänt mig till mottagningar som inte velat ta emot mig pga tidigare suicidförsök, så antagligen måste det vara en psykolog som har någon specialisering inom psykiatrin, eller som iaf är bekväm med att jobba med patienter som rört sig i psykiatrin.
Är det någon som kan rekommendera någon?
Hello everyone!
I am a Transwoman from Germany and am currently playing with the thought of moving to Sweden in a few years. Id be very thankfull if someone could give me the break down on how the situation regarding medical care and legislation is currently. Ill start HRT next year and will be able to change my name and gender in my passport in a few months.
Thank you very much for any advice!
Hi, so i have a nurse's appointment scheduled at the trans clinic in January, and afaik it's the last before we move on to surgery. What's the timeline I'm looking at? From the appointment to surgery? Gotta make some plans yknow. Anyone who's had top surgery, tell your tale, ty bless and good morning
Hello! How do yall inject undecanoates at home, those who do? Ive read and watched videos but id like some input. Mainly id like to know step by step and gauge sizes before i pick stuff up at the pharmacy today. . Thanks!
Moikka, oon transmies ja pitäis päästä käymään gynellä. Oisko kellään suosituksia yksityisestä gynekologista, joka ymmärtäis transsukupuolisuuden ja hormoonikorvaushoidon päälle, ettei tulis kiusallisia tilanteita siellä. En oo siis mitään lääkkeitä hakemassa, vaan ihan tarkistukseen pitäis päästä.
I've hade a little problem with getting out my prescription for utrogestan 100 mg capsules in sweden (got everything else though :) and on hrt day 3 ). The pharmacist said it wasn't sold here in that kind of package. What is the alternative you can suggest to the pharmacist for progesterone? Help much appreciated here.
Hyvin jaksoin sinnitellä diagnoosiin asti, mutta en ole vielä päässyt hormonipolille ja lähete mastektomiaan on pelkkä kaukainen haave. Eikä mielenterveys kestä enää. Kärsin vissiin jonkin sortin elämäuupumuksesta ja apua olisi pakko saada - mutta en voi riskeerata sitä, että oma medikaalinen transitioni hidastuisi. Tuntuu että pakko pärjätä. Onko minun mahdollista hakea tukea terveydenhuollosta? Mitä voin sanoa työterveyslääkärille asiasta turvallisesti niin etteivät potilasmerkinnät koidu kohtalokseni?