Dobro došli na r/Serbia, najveći srpski kutak na Redditu. Upoznajte zemlju fascinantne prirode, dobrog provoda i još boljih ljudi.
Welcome to r/serbia, the largest Serbian community on Reddit. Explore a country of incredible nature, great parties and even better people.
Please read the rules below, if you have any questions feel free to contact mods by clicking here
DAILY | Random discussion |
MON | Media, TV, Film, Books |
TUE | Education, student life, employment |
WED | Tech, Finance, Shopping |
THU | Health & Fitness |
FRI-SAT | Politics OR Special |
SUN | Women's corner |
No racism or hate speech
Do not insult other users, make personal attacks, flamewar, or flamebait.
Do not post content that doesn't have anything to do with Serbia (as a country and geographic territory) or has little to do with Serbia.
Do Not post low effort Memes even if they are closely related to Serbia
Do not editorialize non-clickbait titles in any way, shape, or form. Clickbait articles should be given a simple unbiased title. // PRAVILA ZA NASLOVE NA SRPSKOM
Do not make click-bait titles for your posts and do not use ALL CAPS for your titles. Do not change the original title of videos or other content.
Site-wide rules apply
Do not post links that require account for viewing the content you linked (Facebook etc)
Our rules and guidelines are available in English and Serbian. Ignorance of the rules is no excuse.
/r/AskSerbia - za pitanja (for Q&A)
/r/StudentiSrbija - studentska pitanja (student questions)
/r/pravnisaveti - pravni saveti (legal advice)
/r/finansije - finansijske teme i saveti (financial advice)
/r/koderi - Programiranje alpha release v0.2 (programming)
/r/creativeserbia - kreativnost, dizajn (creativity, design)
/r/ekologija - ekološke teme (ecology)
/r/SrpskaIstorija - istorija (history)
/r/AskBalkans - ask the entire region
/r/mimovi - mimujte ovde (memes)
/r/SerbianCringe - krindžara
/r/SerbiaMusic - muzički spotovi i diskusije
/r/SerbiaGaming - kutak za igrice
/r/Igre - regionalni podreddit za gejming
/r/serbian - learning the language
/r/vojvodina - Autonomous Province of Vojvodina
/r/kosovo - Kosovo*
/r/srpska - Republika Srpska
/r/bih - Bosnia and Herzegovina
/r/croatia - Хрватска
/r/montenegro - Crna Gora
/r/MontenegroCrnaGora - alt Crna Gora
/r/mkd - Makedonija
/r/slovenia/ - Slovenia
/r/Yugoslavia - Nostalgia
/r/romania - Romania
/r/bulgaria - Bulgaria
/r/hungary - Hungary
/r/albania - Albania
Tema za druženje uz priču, za kratka pitanja i odgovore, za govnoobjave i kukanje o njima, za pohvale i žalbe, za sve, i za svašta.
Spisak prethodnih sveopštih diskusija sortiranih hronološki možete pronaći ovde
ENG Random topic discussion, get whatever you like off your chest or ask a short question that's not suitable for its own separate thread.
Podelite svoje recepte ili slike onoga što ste skuvali sa drugima!
Imate neko pitanje u vezi kulinarstva ili savet? Ovo je mesto za to!
"Ogromno" sniženje u Lidlu par dana posle bojkota . Kada ćemo,kao i ova deca ,da pokažemo da smo ozbiljni i da ih stvarno izbojkotujemo?
Studentski protesti će po značaju za Srbiju biti rame uz rame sa I i II ustankom. Da li bi simbolično organizovanje u tim mestima dalo dodatnu vrednost borbi? Mišljenja?
Planiran je novi skup na Korzu
“Okupila se kritična skupina građana iz Rijeke i okolice koja osjeća potrebu da kao građanstvo iskaže solidarnost sa studentima u Srbiji, koji se već tri mjeseca bore za bolji i pravedniji život”
studenti riječkog Filozofskog fakulteta prvi su u Hrvatskoj, još sredinom prosinca prošle godine, organizirali mirni prosvjed u znak podrške studentima u Srbiji.
Hi all, I would love to visit Serbia again this year to attend the Guča Trumpet Festival 2025, but I checked online, and I have found many websites giving different dates of the event. Some are in Serbian and I don't fully understand them.
Can you help me finding out what are the official dates of the 2025 edition? Maybe give me a link to an official website?
Thanks! See you there!
Direktor Užičke bolnice, istovremeno i odbornik SNS-a, čovek koji vrši jaku opresiju nad medicinarima Užičke bolnice, danas, usled gradonacelnicinog obstruiranja sa SNS odbornicima da se odrzi sednica sa najavljenom jednom tackom dnevnog reda "razresenje gradonacelnice"- "uhvacen" kako u žurbi napušta zgradu opštine kako ne bi postigli kvoruma.