r/Yugoslavia is a regional subreddit for all ex-Yugoslav countries. English along with all ex-Yugoslav languages are allowed in discussions.
This regional subreddit is meant for content related to Yugoslavia and/or any of the ex-Yugoslav states. Try to keep the title and the discussions in English or in one of the ex-Yugoslav languages.
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(for browsing all of the above at the same time)
Ivo Andrić was a Yugoslav novelist, poet and short story writer who won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1961.
So, this post go in English because I hope it may reach as many people as possible.
A few time ago I've heard of this documentary, "Trst, Jugoslavija". I won't hide my political affiliations and proudly can say I'm a Socialist. From time to time we hear about "oppression" in Socialist countries (being Juglosvija one of them).
So, look for this one. It's an Italian production showing how people from Jugoslavija could travel to "West" and bring many products. It's focused on clothes, but people leaving in ex-YU can testify that you could bring movies and books from the West and you wouldn't be sent to a "gulag".
Srdačan pozdrav.
The short answer is Slobodan, but the long and detailed answer? Who did it? Who brokered political support for the authors if something went wrong?
Hi everyone, musician and music fan who is looking to watch this movie The Dreamers / Sanjalice (2024) from director Vladimir Petrovic
If anyone has a link/advice, let me know!
Guys, while I was discussing with some libtard on the reddit, he said things like:
I guess Slovenians, Croatians, Macedonians and Kosovars would beg to differ.
Yugonostalgia doesn't really exist in the states that were able to join the EU. And in Bosnia it's caused by the immense destruction of the war and nostalgia for times before ethnic conflict, not nostalgia for a failed economic system.
Whether the Russians go down the same road as Serbia under Milosevic, destroying themselves in a desperate attempt to restore their empire, or accept the new reality, is their choice. And it's certainly not our problem.
and etc.
Do you think it's true or not?
Of course I am aware that Serbs were the largest ethnic group in Yugoslavia and Belgrade being the largest city made it the capital. However do you think Belgrade being the capital made the dissolution to be easier and would dissolution be prevented if there the capital was in another-art such as Bosnia?
Možete li mi reći je li bilo paranormalnih događaja tijekom moje vojne službe u JNA? Zanimaju me paranormalni događaji, hvala vam puno! 🙏
Pozdrav dobrodosli na moj server nadam se da ce vam se svidjeti.
server se zove: [EU] Wobbles PvE/PvP Chernarus Map
Zdravo raja. Da li neko ima iskustva tj da zna gdje bi se mogle kupiti knjige tipa "čarobnjak vode. plodna zemlja." od Viktora Šaubergera i generalno te vrste knjiga, ako me razumijete kad kažem "te vrste knjiga", jer nešto imam osjećaj da se svi algoritmi interneta trude da oteraju pristup tim znanjima. Ili ako imate neku stranicu gdje su u pdf. Poželjno bi bilo da su prevedene, a od stranih jezika engleski samo dolazi u obzir.
postoji li negdje, izuzev sporadično na YT, torrent ili nešto gdje se mogu pronaći stari crtići sinhronizirani na TV Zagreb - "Kaj te muči Njofra", "Kidam nalijevo", "Sajonara malena" i slično.