
Photograph via snooOG

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132,768 Subscribers


Whats under my skin?

So sometimes when I squeeze my thighs this happens, I have no idea what it is? I have a little bit of cellulite too but is this different? Is it normal? I’m kinda scared. I’m young and am on the lower end of a healthy weight.

22:16 UTC


[Mod Post] Please contact the Moderator and Community Manager Team if your verified flair has been changed to include "This flair needs updating, contact the mods", this is because we have multiple template of the given flair and want to remove the duplicate. You will not have to re-verify.

22:00 UTC


[Informative Post] Wound care and infection prevention for minor wounds/cuts.

1. Gather Supplies:

- Purchase wound antiseptic, preferably Chlorhexidine or Cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC). Avoid using alcohol or hydrogen peroxide (they are solvents and they damage tissue). Additionally, buy steri-strips (for cuts), gauze balls, and adhesive compress (band-aid) that can cover the wound(s).

2. Cleaning:

- Apply the antiseptic to gauze balls and gently clean the wound(s). *Do not* use cotton balls as they can leave fiber in the wound. Allow the wound to air dry naturally.

3. Apply Steri-Strips:

- (for cuts) Once the wound is clean and dry, apply steri-strips to close the wound(s). This provides proper wound closure.

4. Apply the Compress:

- Cover the wound with a sterile compress (band-aid) that fully covers the wound(s). Make sure the compress is clean and properly applied.

5. Changing the compress:

- Repeat the wound care process once or twice daily to keep the wound clean and prevent infection. Avoid soaking the wound in water as it can soften the skin and potentially cause the wound to reopen.

6. Use of Petroleum Jelly (Vaseline):

- Once a crust has formed on the wound, apply Petroleum Jelly as needed. This provides moisture (not to be confused with “wet”), forms a protective layer, promotes healing, and may reduce scarring.

7. Alternative Approach:

- If you prefer a more budget-friendly approach, buy unscented soap, preferably one with the least amount of chemicals (The best option is antibacterial soap). Use a sterile compress (band-aid). Clean and redress the wound once or twice daily until a crust forms, and apply Petroleum Jelly (Vaseline) as needed.

8. Use of antibiotic ointment:

- You shouldn’t use antibiotic ointment unless there are clear signs of infection, such as increasing pain; swelling; redness; pus; or feels hot to the touch. The use of antibiotic ointment can lead to adverse-effect like burning; redness; irritation; and potentially increase the time for the wound to heal.

A growing number of dermatologists recommend using Petroleum Jelly (Vaseline) over antibiotic ointments due to its safety profile and potential adverse-effects associated with antibiotics.

Following these wound care and infection prevention steps and being mindful of the choice of antiseptics and ointments, can promote optimal wound healing and reduce the risk of infection.

22:00 UTC


Low globulin and vitamin D levels, is this concerning? (vitamin D test specifically ordered by new PCP and not sure why)

I’m 29F, 5’5” and 118 lbs. I workout 4-5 times a week and have been a vegan for 9 years. I am generally healthy aside from a drinking problem (I drink 2-4 light beers anywhere from 4-6 days out of the week. I know nothing good can come from it and am actively working on cutting back.)

I got my first blood test in years at an initial check up with my new PCP and everything came back within normal ranges except for:

globulins: 1.8 gm/dL

vitamin D 25-hydroxy: 11.2 NG/mL

It appears that my doctor ordered a vitamin D test specifically as I wasn’t tested for any other vitamin/mineral levels. I may be looking too far into this but Is there a reason why she would specifically order a vitamin D test and are the low globulin and vitamin D levels something to be seriously concerned about? Thank you in advance (:

1 Comment
21:51 UTC


Need advice for negotiating medical bills.

My partner had a pretty frightening medical scare one morning, and I guess we didn't know any better, so we panicked and I made the mistake of taking her to the ER. We were there for a couple of minutes, and the doctor took one quick look and said she'd be fine within a few days. We saw the doctor for maybe 3 minutes max. A few days later, we got a bill for $1017. We can't afford that, and it just seems completely unreasonable to us. We asked for an itemized bill, and after some trouble (They sent us someone else's bill first) we got it, and the only charge is for the visit itself. Is there anything we could do to negotiate this down, preferably without ruining her credit?

21:35 UTC


I get a headache the same time every day

It’s like a sharp pain in my right eye area and it bothers me a lot, it also makes my nose feel weird. Literally, I get this annoying headache at around 11:00 in the morning everyday and it usually goes away at night. Thoughts on what this is?

21:19 UTC


What is the likely hood I will get Chicken pox ?🫣

My fiance was just diagnosed with chicken pox he had both of his vaccines and so have I. I also worked in the medical field and had titers drawn in 2021 and got boosted for varicella.. what’s the likely hood I will get the chicken pox from him? We have been sleeping in the same bed. And I read it can be contagious before the first bumps form..

1 Comment
21:18 UTC


48 hours since stepping on broken liquor bottle at the beach. Is it looking fine?

21:01 UTC


[Mod Post] We are looking for more verified users to r/medical. It would be highly appreciated if you have medical education and would verify your credentials - How to is listed in body text:

If you are a medical professional or student who wants to become a verified contributor to r/medical, please message the moderators with a link to your medical ID, diploma, or other credentials. Imgbb.com is convenient, but you can host anywhere. Please censor personal information such as name and picture.

You must include your handwritten Reddit username in the photo.

We do not accept digital forms of identification.

21:00 UTC


shoulder labral tear surgery, looking for anyone who’s had it done, opinions on recovery or helpful tips

Hey guys I’m M31, been doing pro wrestling in my local indies or of MA for about 13 years. About 9 years ago I took a rough bump hitting the steel ring post and messed up my shoulder, being only 22 at the time I didn’t get it checked out, assumed it was a torn rotator cuff…. Took a few months from lifting and wrestling hoping it’d get better, never did, just was less sore and would “click” and I could still lift heavy with shrugs, I could do most typical workouts but it never felt “right” lol. As the years went on it got worse and life also got more complicated as I got married, had kids so missing work was a big problem and not possible…. So never got it looked at Fast forward to now, I’m 32 and working construction still but as a Forman, not quite as physical (some days) but works slowing so i decided to get it checked 2 weeks ago if lay offs are coming anyways. Results are in and “There is a focal tear at inferior chondral labral junction also there is a small focal tear at posterior labrum” I meet with my surgeon Monday to discuss options… how’s the surgery, and any advice with going through with recovery?? I heard it sucks but PT 110% is the priority, so im going to give it my all to come back 110%. Just honestly looking for any input or advice going forward with it. Also any advice on things that might help with recovery or healing you noticed?

1 Comment
20:44 UTC


is this anemia?

Hey guys! For the past year I’ve been having bad panic attacks and anxiety out of nowhere and everyone thinks I’m crazy. I always get these weird heart palpitations, shortness of breath, migraines, needles in my heels and fingers,etc. I’ve been to ER like 3-4 times this year and they always told me that it’s just an anxiety.. I told them no that I feel that’s not it.. I can tell apart anxiety and if something is actually wrong with my body. Finally they ordered just a regular blood test and the results came. Could it be anemia? I get that the hemoglobin is not that low but could this be reason for all of my troubles? Could it be “slight” anemia?

20:38 UTC


Why do so many women have to visit a doctor multiple times to get a diagnosis? The average is 9 times?

I see a ton of content on Instagram about various illnesses. If we're talking specifically about women, the comments section is filled with stories that go like this:

I visited the doctor and he told me to lose weight. Found out I have a tumor on my brain.

Do doctors literally just ignore women?

I am a woman, and I've also had to visit more than one doctor to get a diagnosis. Mine was a chronically torn ACL. I was frequently told, "You have arthritis. you need to lose weight."

Technically, those two things were true, but also it seems weird it took 5 years for a doctor to check for ACL injuries after reporting knee instability the entire time.

What's the deal, docs?

19:52 UTC


Hand swollen because I hit a wall

It is less swollen now and I can close my hand but before it was looking like the picture and after I hit the wall I started seeing black(?) like when I am about to faint And right now I am putting ice on it

1 Comment
19:35 UTC


Anyone know what this is?

I get these around the same spot every few months or so. Usually there is no pus, and if I pick at it like I have been in the picture it just causes a bit of blood. It will go away on its own and stay gone for awhile but eventually comes back around the same spot. It happens on both arms.

I do have eczema, if that helps at all.

1 Comment
19:29 UTC


How do I know it’s a stomach bug or food poisoning?

Hey, so quick context:

Lastnight, at about 1:30 AM, I woke up. At first my stomach was just slightly upset but I was also extremely irritable. I have a palm plant next to my bed and the leaves were tickling my neck and I was getting extremely pissed off. I eventually started sweating and figured out that I was most likely about to start vomiting. I hate vomiting, but at a certain point you know you can’t control it. I went downstairs to get a bucket, and used the downstairs bathroom to maybe take a crap. Before I got on the toilet, I threw up a tremendous amount; like, maybe a gallons-worth of bile came out. I was heaving and this bucket was almost completely full from vomiting just twice. Then, when I got back to bed after feeling slightly better, I started vomiting again. From about 1AM-10AM, I was throwing up seemingly at very accurate intervals of 45 minutes. But then, at about 10 AM, and I threw up what felt like all that was left in my stomach, I stopped heaving and sweating. My stomach was and still is hurting, but not nearly as much as it was when I was throwing up every 45 minutes.

My sister started getting me water with electrolytes every two hours or so and it’s helped a lot.

My question is, how do I know if this is food poisoning or a stomach bug? Because, there’s two more pieces of context that is keeping me from figuring out what it is:

A) there IS a stomach bug going around. As a matter of fact, my brother was throwing up once a day several days ago but stopped. My coworker was also sent home and I had to take his place because he was vomiting. However, these two were not vomiting at the same rate or same amount as I was.

B) I had dinner with my friends lastnight. Homemade tomato burrata with chicken and veggies and greens. I was in charge of the chicken and it was my first time cooking chicken. However I did take precautions, such as checking the temp internally for each piece (165° F at least). I asked my friends if they got sick too and none of them did. However there was also a slice that took MUCH longer to cook and it’s possible I got that slice and didn’t check it as well as every other slice.

I feel like it’s food poisoning but I can’t be so sure?

  1. everyone else with a stomach bug was not throwing up nearly as much as I was
  2. I immediately felt much better after my whole stomach was empty; I feel like a stomach bug would keep you heaving and shit for like 24 hours, regardless of how empty your stomach is.


  • intense sweating
  • abdominal pain
  • vomiting
  • probably diarrhea as well, but I haven’t tried pooping yet.
  • irritability
  • loss of appetite
  • dehydration

Any ideas helps, but since I feel like I’m riding the tail-end of this sickness, it doesn’t matter whether it’s one or the other. Just curious.

1 Comment
19:13 UTC


[Mod Post] To all community members; Please familiarize yourself with our rules!

The Moderator and Community Manager Team is dedicated to creating a respectful and welcoming community here at r/Medical. We kindly ask that you to familiarize yourself with Reddiquette and our community Guidelines, Code of Conduct, and Rules.

  • These guidelines are crafted to ensure a safe, supportive, and informative space for everyone.
  • Remember that ignorance of the rules does not exempt you from them.
  • Take a moment to explore the rules in the sidebar or by visiting our WIKI before engaging in the community. This ensures a positive experience and helps you avoid sanctions, such as: post/comment removal or; in severe cases, a permanent ban without the chance for an appeal.
  • Familiarizing yourself with and following the rules significantly contributes to the quality of the subreddit and the overall well-being of the community.
  • Help us in building a community characterized by respect, professionalism, and collaborative medical exploration.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!

19:00 UTC


Epiretinal membrane surgery

Hi, F24, and I had the above surgery done in 2019. For years vision in that eye was significantly worse than the other, but I was only ever told I had an astigmatism and given glasses to correct the bad eye, which never helped. Early 2019 I started having floaters in my vision, which drove me nuts, so I went to a different eye doctor, who diagnosed me with the epiretinal membrane after some testing, which included injecting dye into my arm that I guess stained my eye for them to examine.

I just have a few questions about what may have caused this, and some things I’ve noticed since the surgery (end of 2020). I was told that it was unusual for someone my age, with no history of eye trauma, to have this condition. No one in my family has had it either, or any major eye issues. Is there a reason that this developed, or is it just one of those weird things that happens every so often?

I actually woke up during my surgery, is this supposed to happen with this procedure? I don’t remember being told as much, and I was so out of it that I just giggled and thought I could see the instruments inside my eye, and then passed back out to my memory. I don’t remember them being overly concerned, but I’m starting to learn im med resistant and it could be from that.

My vision in that eye is still subpar, but no floaters or anything, and my other eye compensates without me having a headache or anything. They did say that I should expect a cataract to develop in that eye in like 3-5 years, but I haven’t had any symptoms. Is this still something I should be aware could happen?

Thank you for any information! Happy to answer any questions if needed!

18:49 UTC


Dark marks on thighs

I've had these marks on my inner thighs for a couple of months now. I originally thought just stretch marks but these just seem too dark to be that. Am I right to feel worried or is it just stretch marks and mine are just darker than others? No pain or anything like that, it just looks concerning

18:29 UTC


Should I be concerned with stool color? I've had a stomach bug for the last 2 days, with a fever, chills, and diarrhea. All of my poops were brownish up until this one. I did have kimchee for dinner last night around 730pm. Its about 2pm the next day. And have been drinking a ton of red Gatorade

1 Comment
18:25 UTC


Bit my cheek Friday night really bad and the band under my tounge Looks white

Is it an infection? Should I go the hospital?

1 Comment
18:13 UTC


[M18] My holter EKG from Friday caught this while I was sleeping and I'm super concerned. Is this a reason to worry about? I'm going to the cardiologist on Saturday.

18:02 UTC


MRI Pelvis Gynae vs. MRI Pelvis and Hips

Hi all,

Just wondering what the distinction between the above is? I have a referral from my doctor for an MRI for an abdominal lump. I have a history of both digestive issues (SIBO) and reproductive issues (hypothalamic amenhorrea).

I had a pelvic ultrasound of reproductive organs which came back normal. The radiologist thinks a Pelvic Gynae MRI is necessary based on my doctor's referral, but not sure if this would cover bowel, colon, intestines etc.?

If anyone can shed some light on what might be the most appropriate it would be much appreciated 👍

1 Comment
17:58 UTC


How to help skin I didn’t want affected by salicylic adhesive? She ugly now

Toe/Skin turned white from salicylic acid adhesive patch- (not on part of callus I wanted to remove) how to help?

She is all wrinkly and sad looking, help): Do I use coconut oil?? Did I damage it? Patch was adhered for 8 hours. Are these safe?

1 Comment
17:50 UTC


Tongue is large and almost touches roof of mouth. Is this normal?

(27) (m) (220) (6’1)

Is this worrying? I assumed it contributes to my snoring, but is it a sign of something worse?

1 Comment
17:37 UTC


Last update until it’s fully healed

17:10 UTC


ALT is 83-high but AST is 30-normal with arbitrary unit total value of 109 eGFR......RBC 5.71-high, RDW 11.8-low, HCT 50.6-a little high

Hello, I'm new here, just curious of something. I'm 26 years old and physically fit and active in sports and always going to the gym with good proper diet. But I don't understand why I have high ALT, RBC and low RDW. No symptoms or anything, I just had shoulder surgery last month and just took medicine for 5days prior to surgery and took tylenol last week.  I ate breakfast 7am in the morning and drink coffee then 2pm was my blood test. Any thoughts? Thank you so much in advance

1 Comment
01:02 UTC


Blood vessels popped in foot?

is this something to be concerned about? looks like maybe blood vessels popped in my foot idk! I did just work 9 days straight all 8+ hour shifts. Not sure if that had anything to do with it but i took my sock off and it freaked me out a bit. thanks in advance!

1 Comment
01:20 UTC

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