A subreddit devoted to working out at home.
Welcome to r/homegym. A subreddit devoted to working out at home.
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Still a bit more to do. I underestimated how big these rolls were, they also came a little longer than the 12' lengths so I'll have some trimming to do. Wondering if I should put some ramboard down between the mat and the LVT plank flooring.
Home gym bench
Hey all I’m new to lifting looking to gain some size/muscle so I picked up this bench off Facebook marketplace as I don’t have transport to regularly get back and forth to a gym, going in blind here so can anyone recommend a routine or a video on YouTube or something for what sets I should do with this bench and its attachments. Thank you
Current basement gym set up. Most things were purchased used on market place. The rack, bar and bumpers were a unicorn $200 bundle. We will eventually be moving it into a spare bedroom and down sizing a bit; sell the treadmill and get some pegs for the rack to store plates.
Hey guys this is my part 2 of my home gym. I took some advice and swept the place up a litlle and got some old tires as extra weight.
Photo from a few weeks ago
Converted my balcony to a home gym. Any recomendations
Ethos 1.0 rack barbell etc off of FB marketplace. More commercial grade bumpers for $/lb. Looking to add a pulley system and dip station next.
Quick DIY by attaching a pulley on the bench frame. Will probably refine the end connection, but was smooth as can be.