
Photograph via snooOG

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Name Date
CrossFit Open Feb 29-Mar 18
Quarterfinals April 17-22
Age Group Semifinal May 8-13
Far East Throwdown (Asia Semifinal) May 17-19
French Throwdown (Europe Semifinal) May 17-19
Torian Pro (Oceania Semifinal) May 24-26
West Coast Classic (NA West Semifinal) May 24-26
Renegade Games (Africa Semifinal) May 31-June 2
Copa Sur (South American Semifinal) May 31-June 2
Syndicate Crown (NA East Semifinal) May 31-June 2
CrossFit Games Aug 8-11
Master's CrossFit Games Aug 29-Sep 1
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Market Monday - 06 May 2024

Come on in and post whatever you're trying to buy or sell or any sales that you might come across!

Reminder that affiliate codes are not allowed

05:00 UTC


Daily Whiteboard/Quick Questions Thread - 06 May 2024

Come on in and ask any quick questions that you're burning for an answer to or just talk about your workout today!

Please remember to [check the Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/crossfit/wiki/index#wiki_frequently_asked_questions) for answers to some common questions, and to use the search!

04:01 UTC


How does your gym post their workouts?

My current one does anytime between 9pm the night before to 2am the day of.

My old one did mayhem and posted the whole week Sunday night.

So how does everyone's gymcpost theirs and how do you prefer theirs to be posted?

For me, I prefer night before day of

01:51 UTC


Good Gym Jump Ropes

We need to replace the class jump ropes at our gym. What's a good brand of gym rope that won't break the bank? Also, if you have or have seen some good ones at your gym or others, what were they?

I'm talking about gym-owned ropes for use by the classes.

01:24 UTC


Grips/Apple Watch Ultra suggestions

Hey guys, just curious if anyone has successfully worked out a way to wear grips at the same time as an Apple Watch. Fine if just doing bar work but in a workout where there’s HSPU, PU or jerks I end up hitting the button and either start Siri or going into emergency mode. I have loosened the strap and pushed it up my wrist a bit but still happens. Wasn’t as bad with my old smaller Apple Watch.

01:09 UTC


seeking 40+ male partner for ACC

3-person competition coming up in the Daytona Beach, FL area at the end of May. My partner and I are looking for a 3rd for the competition (our original 3rd is injured)


Anyone interested? Please DM me

01:08 UTC


Recovery Physiology

I came into CF as an old guy never having gone gonzo at fitness. I had done long day stretches of work hiking, paddling and skiing, but nothing like the intensity of CF.

When I got sold on CF and started coming every day, coaches kept saying YOU NEED RCOVERY DAYS. But I ignored them, cuz I was having so much fun learning, and rarely had any of the soreness others report. Seems like most people go at it harder than I do.

But it's catching up to me. Last Friday, my previously fabulous kipping pullups were gone. I felt exhausted, and slept 9 hours the next morning. I'm pretty sure it's because I was on an 11 day stretch of daily WOD + other drill, ever since finishing the QF workouts.

I did 5X10 KPU in the Open like it was nothing. But I was rested.

OK, so I get it, pretty much. Recovery is not just letting strained muscles recover. But what else is it, exactly, physiologically, when it's exhaustion, not muscle strain?

1 Comment
23:08 UTC


Help Getting Basic Gymnastics Skills

What the title says. My lack of skills like handstand pushups, consistent toes to bar, chest to bars etc are holding me back. Time to fix that.

I have 3 days each week where I can set aside time to work on my weaknesses - I'm just wondering how to structure this for success.

Any good programs out there? Any tips or advice based on what worked for you? Thanks!

22:54 UTC


Shoe Recommendations

I love my Xero HFS 2 shoes. They are my favorite shoes that I own, however at work I am on hard unforgiving surfaces indoors for 10-15 hours a day and I am looking for something comparable in fit with a bit more stack height. Does anyone have any thoughts?

22:21 UTC


HWPO thoughts?

Wanting to work more with functional fitness and be overall fit rather than just strong.

20:39 UTC


Good gyms in the chicago suburbs?

I’m in Hinsdale, looking for a gym that’s got an overall friendly competitive vibe. I’m looking for a gym near me that’s got a younger athletes etc with some people that make it to regionals etc. That kinda vibe where people are putting up good numbers and are serious about improving.

20:20 UTC


Getting back to CrossFit at 50 after year hiatus

Just came back to CrossFit after a year hiatus and am interested in people’s tips and thoughts.

Started xfit in 2015 and gradually got good enough so that I qualified for quarterfinals in 2022. Have always been stronger with the lower body lifts and weaker on snatches and other overhead movements. Then I herniated a disk in early 2023 and had minimally invasive back surgery.

My surgeon recommended staying off CrossFit so I did f45 and then BFT for about a year or so. Body was feeling pretty good and felt like there was something missing in my fitness routine so I was pulled back to the dark side and rejoined xfit just this last week.

I wasn’t surprised to see that my conditioning and strength are probably about 70 % of where they were at my peak (though I did manage to string together a couple of ring muscle ups).

The question I have going forward is- can I get back my mojo and get back to my previous strength and endurance while being safe and smart about it? I’m nervous but also excited to be back in it.

20:16 UTC


Rogue echo bike speaker help

My echo bike speaker makes a hiss or light cackle when not in use…not constant but enough to be irritating. Bike speaker works fine when in use. Has anyone encountered this or know how to fix? New batteries just made it louder….

19:35 UTC


Sugarwod mobility

Just recently signed up to sugarwod to add to my daily wod 7 with the gym. I'm not finding it the easiest to understand 🤷🏼‍♀️ Can any one tell me what the 1 min mobility is in the morning sweat club? Please

19:31 UTC


Any Crossfit retreats in Europe?

Everything’s in the title, I’m looking for Crossfit retreats to join in Europe. Thanks all!

18:57 UTC


Favourite pre-workout snack recipe

I usually have a “larabar” pre workout (it’s basically fruits and nuts smooshed up) which is quite natural, and I’m not averse to the sugar hit pre-workout, but I’d like to find a cheaper and possibly healthier option that I can make myself, such as energy balls.

I’d also like to find some protein snacks to replace protein bars, maybe muffins or brownies.

Hit me up with your favourite tested and recommended recipes!

16:42 UTC


Watches for sleep and recovery

Hello fellow athletes,

Recently, I've started doing crossfit and I want to focus more on sleep and recovery. Which affordable sports watches would you recommend for this purpose? I want to track my sleep well since I often feel tired during the day, and I want to monitor my workout recovery to know when I should take rest. This is important because I can be stubborn and still want to exercise.

What are your recommendations? I've seen a Fitbit 6 for a reasonable price, maybe a Garmin could be an option too?

15:39 UTC


I have an idea/pitch. How can I make it happen?

I love track and field. When I stopped running after college, I immediately picked up CrossFit to scratch that itch. I recently began coaching track at my old high school and immediately re ignited that love again.

For adults, your only option to compete in track and field is essentially competing semi pro, or running by yourself at low level college meets.

If the CrossFit brand picked up track and field, it could make a brand new league for low to mid level amateurs. Sure, the best of the best will compete professional and semi pro, but now they can create a global federation of people who now can compete at any age or level. Local affiliates can get deals with local high schools and colleges to use their tracks during summers.

How could I get in front of CrossFit people that matter to make a pitch?

Am I just a crazy guy who loves track and field too much, or is this a decent idea?

15:11 UTC


Prediabetic/ Macro split

Hey there, I'm confused about my latest blood test. For the 3. time I'm since 9 months I'm in the range of status of a pre diabetic... I already reduced my weight and was hoping to get back on track... But nope... I had a classic macros split of 30% protein/ 40% carbs and 30% fat.... My doctor told me I would have to reduce my carbs intake to a minimum. Sure I understand why. But my question is now: how should adjust my macros. My first idea is it to switch to 25% carbs and 35% protein and 40% fat. But I'm afraid that this effect my training in massive way. Any suggestions for your guys. I remember paleo was the thing in CF and nowadays is always carbs, carbs...

12:55 UTC


New coach-should I give feedback?

There’s new coaches at my gym. I’m not sure if they’re testing them. As there’s always an experienced coach around. I never complain about classes, sometimes I think it’s a me problem if something goes wrong. But last Friday was the worst class I did. I know I wasn’t there mentally. I had just given very bad news but like always I thought getting into the gym is good distraction and I get to do something for myself. But the whole class felt like I wasn’t there. I’m ok with changes on the workout and because im aware of what I can and can’t do I try to ask or suggest changes. But never happened that I was only looking at others doing a difficult movement without being given any alternative movement. I asked about weights to choose for the wod. I was doing the scaled version and indication was to go “heavy”. I got no help on that..other than just try and see. Fine, I sorted it myself. But what pissed me off was that during the workout, I was doing the amrap version instead of the emom the advance people were doing, at the moment for them to rest they’d stop the music, while I had to keep going. I know it may sound silly but like I said I was already in a bad place mentally and I felt as it was the same being there or not, so what’s the point? I got exhausted physically and mentally and had to sit down the last two minutes of the workout. Only at the end when we were putting things away, I had the owner to come and ask if I was ok, not the coach giving the class. But what if I hurt myself? Don’t you come and check everything is alright?

09:40 UTC


R.A.D. R1

Hello everyone

I looked everywhere for a review or user feedback on R.A.D. R1 running shoes but no luck. I would be very happy if you can give your opinions on this shoes?

07:49 UTC


Daily Whiteboard/Quick Questions Thread - 05 May 2024

Come on in and ask any quick questions that you're burning for an answer to or just talk about your workout today!

Please remember to [check the Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/crossfit/wiki/index#wiki_frequently_asked_questions) for answers to some common questions, and to use the search!

04:01 UTC


Book on nutrition for CrossFit

Are there any nutrition books suitable for individuals seeking to grasp nutrition concepts at a basic to intermediate level, specifically tailored for CrossFit or sports in general?

23:29 UTC


Advice for becoming a Personal Trainer?

I'm training to be a PT. I have a volunteer/participant/case study for the practical part of the Level 3 qualification. Since I'm new, I want to ensure the advice I'm offering her is as good as possible. Maybe once I'm qualified she'll become a paying client of mine!

I met her in the Performance Box. She trains 4-5 times a week doing Hybrid classes (no Olympic Lifts).

She had a baby about 18 months ago and said her pre-baby figure was better than now. She started doing these Hybrid classes to lose the body fat she's gained particularly around her waist since/post pregnancy.

She works hard but said her body hasn't changed much and is close to giving up.

A typical 1 hour Hybrid session would look like this:

  • Warm up (5-10 min)
  • Strength (20 min) - Mon is squats, Wed is deadlifts, Thu military press, Fri bench press. This is built into a training block and the rep ranges start high and each week get reduced with the focus being closer to 1RM.
  • WOD/Metcon (30 min)- Might be EMOMs, might be AMRAPs. Includes typical exercises like wall balls, box jumps, burpees, knees to bar, lunges, farmers carry, sled push, db thrusters, db push press, db snatches, kb gorilla rows, american kettlebell swings, butterfly sit up, row erg, ski erg, bike etc
  • Cool down (2-5 min)

Then Saturday class is conditioning so lots more running. A bit like a Hyrox.

Her diet and sleep is pretty good on the whole although she doesn't eat much and wouldn't eat before these morning classes.


  • Aesthetics: To get back to her pre-baby body. Ie mainly lose body fat but also gain a little muscle.
  • Get more confidence understanding how to structure a workout to do them independently. She likes the Hybrid classes as the coach tells her the workout and what to do. She doesn't think she has the confidence to independently do workouts herself without a coach.

What would you suggest?

  • I was going to suggest she experiments ever so slightly with her diet but nothing drastic. Ie eating something small before her morning Hybrid classes, upping her calories slightly as I think she's undereating which is slowing her metabolism, and getting into a structured routine of eating high protein, high fat, low carb meals at more set times so her body knows when to eat/be hungry and also fuel her workouts. Also to see how her body responds to this.
  • Since she's only doing Hybrid morning training, I'd introduce some bodybuilding evening workouts If necessary dropping 1 Hybrid workout if she feels like she's overtraining or doesn't have the time (especially since she'll need to organise childcare for her kid).
  • If she does 2 bodybuilding evening sessions, 1 would be lower and 1 upper. If she does 3 then I'd do 1 legs, 1 chest/shoulders, 1 back.

What do you think of my plan? I'm new so even if you disagree I'd rather you politely explained why rather than downvoting as it means the post won't get seen so I won't learn from the constructive criticism/discussion with others. Thanks

21:12 UTC


Rogue Foam Games Boxes

Does anyone have experience with both Rogue soft box offerings? They list a ‘Rogue Foam Games Box’ and a ‘Rogue Echo Foam Games Box’.

Obvious price difference and I can see a weight difference. Does anyone have experience with both? Any suggestions for gym (not personal) use?

20:59 UTC


Why can I all of a sudden do a strict pull-up?

Hi, 36F here. I’ve been doing Crossfit for 6 months and personal training + gym for years before that. Could someone explain why all of a sudden last Monday I managed to pull myself up to the bar without a band? What changed between that time and my last pull-ups two days before where I needed that band? What did I unlock in my body? Thanks!

19:51 UTC


How to prep for competition?

I’m going to do a M/F comp with my wife in about a month. We know the three workouts already. My question is, how often should we try it out before? Should we do a deload or rest phase before? If yes, how long? Should we do Murph 6 days before the comp? We don’t have to win, actually I don’t care to much about the outcome, I just don’t want to do something stupid, that may impact our performance negatively. We don’t have a lot of competition experience. Any advice is appreciated.

15:42 UTC


Goal setting for a new guy

I am about one month into doing CrossFit. I started because I started dating a girl who is a competitor, in elite shape, and I found it inspiring. I did one class with her shortly after we started, and I found it a humbling experience.

I'm 42, and have been an athlete since high school. I wrestled for a very competitive (ranked first in the country) team, and we did a lot of training that could have been considered CrossFit-like. I powerlifted in high school, and have been doing traditional strength training and cardio for the past 25 years pretty religiously. I had not been doing leg strength, but rather endurance type stuff like running and cycling. No squats since powerlifting. Similarly, no heavy back lifting probably since college.

I continued to bench though. While I haven't done a max in quite some time, it's probably around 315 (I'm 5'10", 175-180). That is almost certainly more than my squat, and possibly more than my deadlift. Some of the Olympic lifts I have never done at all. So I have a lot to learn.

In the past month, I've discovered that while I have a very good level of starting fitness, there is so much I can learn and improve on. But I don't have any idea how to set goals and whether it's even worth it. I tend to be an overachiever so I want to get better at everything. I have been sore throughout my entire body. My core strength is lacking, and my quad strength is lacking. I assume a lot of this will build over time.

At present I am mixing CrossFit classes three days a week with two days of my regular workouts. If I had to guess, these are the things I want to get better at, and I have no idea at this point whether I want to compete. I'm old by CrossFit standards, so outside of a "master" division (nice way of saying old) I am not sure it's even worth it. Though I'm a competitor by nature, I feel like if I stuck with it regularly I might be competent enough in a few years to manage some competition workouts.

  1. Gymnastics movements. I have a lot of the component strength for things like muscle ups, but can't do them. I can do 20 strict pull ups and probably more strict dips. I can do a weighted pull up with 45+. I can do ring push ups, ring dips, and stuff like that with no problem. But I can't kip. In fact when I've tried, I made it harder, not easier, so I'm doing it backwards. Would it be better to work towards strict? I tend to think so since I'm wired that way, but I don't know. Things like kipping and butterflies are important for timed events and competitions, but for strength and fitness I don't see a benefit..

  2. Olympic and powerlifting lifts. I am pretty strong already and can do Rx for most of these. Being wired strict it's annoying, since I can push press 185 when I'm supposed to be making it much easier on myself by doing a jerk or something like that. Half my problem with front squats and cleans is the forearm tension (who knew?) and the technique. How much does this grow? I guess the way I am used to training it would seem like going up in weight is going to be slower if you're doing these lifts once a week, sometimes less. But you're working the same muscle groups more often, so maybe not.

  3. Other stuff like wall walks, handstand push ups, double unders, handstand walks - some of this I can do pretty well (HSPU and wall walks), some I can do a little (can't really chain more than a few double unders and don't have the technique), and I can't handstand for more than a second, let alone walk.

I guess what I'm trying to figure out is how to set a reasonable expectation and how to get better at my weak spots. If the answer is just "stick with it" and it will get better over time, that's fine. I'm still new. But I have been really impressed with how much muscle activation I've been getting that I haven't in many years, if ever, so I want to improve.

13:31 UTC


CrossFit & fitness passport AUS

Any affiliate owners in Australia find it hard to get on the fitness passport program? I get asked if we offer it all the time yet every time I email them they say I’m a “premium” service and they don’t offer to us at this time. Other CrossFit gyms in the area are on it.. doesn’t make sense? Had 30+ people vote for our gym in their yearly secret vote too.

12:58 UTC


Back squat and neck pain

Hello, I'm kinda new to cross fit. Everytime I do some kind of exercise where I have to put the bar on the back of the shoulders I always get a bad pain in the neck in the next days

I read that you have to put the bar on the trap and even the coach correct me, but I get pain anyway. Maybe when the load is heavy the bar slip on the neck.

Is there some protection that I can use? Or some exercise to ease the pain?

11:19 UTC

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