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I overhead press twice a week.
- Just completed 10x10 overhead press with the 16kgs. I needed around 3-4 mins resting time between sets after set 6.
- Working on 7 reps for 5 sets with the 20kgs.
These are the only weights I have. For reference, I'm ~ 63kg. I've been progressing these in a linear way for the past few weeks and that's been working good. I'll continue doing this with the 20kgs, but unsure what to do with 16kgs as those rest periods are getting long.
How would you suggest I progress with the 16kgs?
I remember reading somewhere on this sub that because muscle grows faster then tendons, the larger 8kg jumps between the classic 18/24/32 bells is actually going to support tendon growth more. Because the jumps in weight are so large, you spend longer on each bell and that gives a chance for your tendons to catch up to your muscles.
Does anyone have more information on this? I’d like to learn more but can’t remember where I saw this.
Hey guys,
Long story short, need to find a gym with a pair of 32kg bells for a few weeks in March. Wondering if anyone has recommendations on the north side. Also perfectly willing to rent from a fellow redditor if you have a set of 32's to spare.
Hello everyone!
After a year long hiatus (I lost my job and my vigour for life went with it - including hitting the bottle hard), I did my first workout of the year!
Admittedly I'd have like to start earlier but I've also just come out of a bad patch of peroneal tendonitis - ouchie ouchie ouchie!
Just a 30 EMOM session with a 20kg - 12 reps and then ~35s rest per set.
I'd like to stick to it, and the sobriety is really helping in that respect.
Have a wonderful week ahead everyone \o/ :)
My goal is to be able to do 32kg clean&press, swing, tgu and overhead squat. Currently I'm doing:
3 times a week 100 swing, 10 tgu
Clean and press + some random
Everything seems fine, but i just can't switch to 24kg on left hand for strict press. I can do 5x5 16kg ladder. Do i need to focus on that for couple of weeks or is it normal and i need to just go on ? That situation is going on for like 6-8 weeks already (since my first 5x5 16kg)
Hello everyone, I’ve never trained with kettlebells but want to try it out! I’m a 31 year old male in decent shape (I try to lift/run about 5 times a week). I’ve got a few questions:
What weight kettlebell should I get to start? Should I get one or two? I’ve heard that dumbbell weight doesn’t really translate to kettlebell weight so I don’t have a good starting reference.
How do you incorporate kettlebell training into a normal lifting/running routine? It seems that kettlebell movements are all compound and work multiple muscles at once. Do people isolate different muscle groups on different days or is every kettlebell workout a total upper body/lower body workout?
Any links to some good kettlebell workout routines?
Thanks everyone!
Growing up, I had a great routine based on labor. I chopped wood, pushed wheelbarrows full of rock and dirt, climbed hills, walked for miles, carried 50 pound bags of feed on my shoulders, bailed hay. I went to college and gained the freshman 15, plus 85 more (I'm male, 6'2") from 160lbs. In all that time, my upper body grew, but my legs never did. My shoulders got wider, my biceps bigger, my back was crazy. For some reason my legs just never gain size or strength. Every single time I've put effort into my legs, I have DOMS for at least a week, to the point where I can't move.
I started using kettlebells, but my legs are in my way. I can do one exercise, like squats or lunges, and my legs are gone for days. I started going small and trying to work up, but they never get stronger. It's like the strength the rest of my body has stops at the top of the leg. And it's been this way my entire life. Even when I look back at my younger days, when I had endless energy, 10 bodyweight squats would sap my energy incredibly fast.
Now, I'm 40. I still have big arms, shoulders, and back, and my legs are still trash.
What I'm looking for is advice on what to do. I can't go all out at first because I'll have to skip workouts due to soreness. If I start small, I still get sapped, and I never feel a benefit. What can I do to help me along? I know strength is progressive and the legs can take a beating, bit mine can't and seemingly never could. I need a plan that I can stick to that won't destroy my legs each time, but will build strength slowly over time until I can do multiple sets, or multiple exercises, for the legs. I'm at a loss.
Also, I'm not on trt or anything. I have no issues with strength outside of the legs, but I do have a predilection to low back pain due to inflamed muscle, but this can be fixed with dry needling, and has been before. It's literally just my legs giving me issues, and not endurance. Just weight, and for as long as I can remember.
Thanks for any tips, I'll try anything at this point.
I want to add double clean and press into my work out but I don't have two bells of the same weight. I currently have a 40lb and a 45lb. Am I gonna cause issues if I do double clean and press with them? I'd alternate sides on each set so as not to work one side harder than the other.
My scientifically wild ass guess would be that the weight imbalance might actually be a good thing, forcing my core to fire in order to compensate kind of like when doing single C+P. Am I dumb for thinking that?
Ideally I'd buy another 45lb bell, but there's no stock locally and where I live makes shipping stupid expensive.
Edit: Thanks for the feedback everyone! I'm going to go with and crank out some presses.
Figure 8, around the body, and side bends feel so good to wrap up my workouts.
Inspired to try the 10k swing challenge with my 24kg after reading Dan John's Kettlebell Companion.
I had a really bad chest DOMS from doing too many push ups, so I dropped to 16kg but tried to challenge myself by incorporating snatches and clean & jerks instead of just swings...it's been great m for me- so I've been throwing this in periodically instead of the 10, x, 20, x, 30, x, 40 format.
Just thought I'd share the format, whole thing is done in 50mins.
5 mins unweighted warm Up/mobility
EMOM 5 Rounds
Min 1: 20x Hand to Hand Swings Min 2: 1x TGU each side
E2MOM 5 Rounds
Min 1 - 2: 20x Clean & Jerk (Left) Min 2 - 4: 20x Clean & Jerk (Right) Min 4 - 6: 20x Snatch (Left) Min 6 - 8: 20x Snatch (Right)
Total Reps for the workout
200 Clean & Jerk 200 Snatches 100 Swings 10 Turkish Get Up
My core is to weak to do front squats and goblet squats properly, but I can do farmers walks and front rack walks alongside with swing pretty comfortably.
So are they enough?
What’s a great program or circuit, I have a single 20lb and a single 35lb. Thanks