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The cardio benefits are insane

I've been working out primarily with kettlebells for about the past year. Strength focused. Heavy-ish doubles with auto regulated rest has been the common theme, and I almost always turn the workouts into metcons.

I recently had to relocate for work and won't have all of my stuff moved until the end of the year. Couldn't find a good KB setup anywhere nearby and the closest 'gym' was an Orange Theory Fitness that's on the class pass work gave me.

For anyone who's not familiar, Orange Theory is HIIT style workouts (treadmill & rower half the class, dumbbells and body weight second half) with a heart rate monitor to target specific zones.

During the first class, I was shocked at how hard it was to get my heart rate into the target zones and how fast I would recover. The coach even thought I wasn't following her instructions at first.

I'm a dude that's a couple months shy of 40 who hasn't trained running in years and I had to set the treadmill to 7 for baseline (recovery), 9 for push (75%), and 12 for all out (95%). 12 is a 5:00 mile pace and it actually felt good. I'm looking forward to doing a mile benchmark and seeing if I can crack 6:00, which I haven't done since highschool.

To be honest, the whole WTH thing seemed lame/fake to me, lol but I definitely said it when I realized what was happening.

I don't want anyone to think KBs are pure magic. I ran competitively when I was a kid, have done a few triathlons over the years, and was working in zone 2 jogs 2x per week for most of the summer. Though, regular KB workouts that keep my heart rate up seems to have had a massive impact on cardio/running that I totally was not expecting.

21:39 UTC


I'm doing only long cycle (double clean and jerk for endurance) and jump rope, any other minimalists here?

Right now I'm trying to work out six days a week, alternating jump rope and long cycle. It's super simple, fun, hard, and I feel like gets me pretty insane general fitness.

18:35 UTC



Hey all, I've recently made the transition to primarily kettlebell training, coming from a mostly powerlifting style split (5/3/1 and APRE8). Mentally my motivation is largely supplied by progress and tracking and I feel like I'm kind of floating in the sauce without any real structure.

TLDR; looking for a basic kettle program for generally improving technique and putting on some mass. I've got bells up to 70lbs and fairly proficient with swings, cleans and snatches up to 53lbs.

16:32 UTC


Ethos brand at Dicks

Just ordered a couple of 16kg bells. It was cheaper to select “shipping” than in-store pick up. They give you a 15$ shipping credit AND free shipping.

Thought I’d drop that knowledge here. They’re not bad bells!

14:59 UTC


New here: weight recommendations?

Hello, I am new to fitness and I was recommended to buy some kettlebells along with some other home gym equipment to start to get in shape, strength train, and lose body fat. I haven’t worked out in a few years, and have no basis for knowing what weight sizes I should start with. I’m a 6 foot tall man at 220 Lbs and 34 years old. I am out of shape. Should I simply start with the lowest weight available? Maybe the 26 Lb Rogue kettlebell? Thank you.

14:53 UTC


Looking for tips for kettlebell swings

I recently started doing kettlebell swings and I am feeling it in my lower back. I try to engage my glutes and hamstrings..but I also have hypermobility (knees extend backwards) so not sure if that could be a reason too.

I want to be able to do this exercise but I cannot seem to get it right. Any suggestions on how to slowly build up to it?

10:50 UTC


Snatch is as strong or stronger than Clean & Press

Whats up with that? Snatch comes very easily and whenever I train them they almost immediately catch up with my C&P and feel like the stronger movement.

Even when doing high pulls and heavy cleans, I can very comfortably high pull more than I can heavy clean.

Should I consider it a leverage thing and not worry?

03:08 UTC


Looking for video on a deleted post.

3-4 days ago there was a an instructional video posted of a guy showing fun boxing-like kettlebell exercise movements like quick side punches and presses. There were also some exotic around the worlds. I really liked the movements to shake things up a little in my routine and I saved it, but today it appears to be deleted.

Does anyone know who posted it, or on what platform I can find this guy’s kettlebell videos?

Thanks in advance.

02:57 UTC


single vs double kb exercises

what does everyone use most of the time? what are the main exercises with doubles i have both from 12kg up to 48 kg in doubles 12,16,20,24,28,32,36,40,48 and i have one 96kg for deadlifts and low rep swings. i’ve been lazy with my beloved kettlebells lately,i’ve only recently discovered kettlebell reddit. also hate clanking double kettlebells together, i lift for strength and not so much endurance

kettlebell lovers unite!

00:23 UTC


Help! Just purchased a 40lb kettle bell

I work seasonaly doing a pretty physical job and I want to keep in shape during the winter. What would be a great beginning program for kettle bells. Ideally I want to build strength to protect my knees and back.

21:17 UTC

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