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Whatever your reason to lose weight you've come to the right place. You can discuss all things regarding healthy fat loss, strength training here!
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Unlike weight loss techniques, cutting does not have a particular Goal weight or Start weight, and is more focused on body fat percentage and general aesthetics.
This is done by reducing the levels of fat storage on your body at the best ratio between fat loss and muscle loss.
This subreddit will focus on different cutting techniques, impressive macro-recipes, progress pics and ways to retain motivation during the cut.
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(22M - 22/10)
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All posts must be related to cutting and must promote discussion, please direct rapid weight loss posts to /r/loseit
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Bench press 3 x 8 DB curls 3 x 12 Leg curls 3 x 12
Pull-ups 3 x 8 Seated rows 3 x 12 Plank 3 x 60 sec.
Squat 3 x 8 ? Hanging leg raises? More ab work
Sorry for formatting. I’m on mobile. But each group of three is a superset.
I eat 1800-1900 cal per day and burn 3000-3300. Doing this for a few weeks now and now i'm not able to cum since a week. is that a common sympton that u experienced? I get hard but no orgasm. Since today i have upped my calories to 2400, hope that changes this now, starting to also feel a bit weaker day by day. also have no libido since a few weeks.
Hey guys was just wondering why people on cuts or bulks never worry about sodium?? I was always told to cut sodium especially for cuts as its juste overall bad for your health and you carry more water weight with high sodium which leads to high blood pressure... But now im slowly looking at some anabolic recipes for my lean bulk and they put like 10 g of seasonings in on meal which would bring me way over the recommendation of 2,000mg sodium a day... So id be holding alot of water.. Any thoughts?
33M 145lbs, lean. Training on off since I was 18 and made moderate gains but have accepted I have not been getting enough protein for years. For the last 4 weeks I have consistently hit my goal of 150g+ of protein per day and trained 6x per week and feel great, I also think I have made more progress in last month than I did in the last months.
I'm currently working on my diet plan and am hoping to find something affordable and low effort with roughly 40g of protein and 50g carbs,, at or under 500 calories, preferably not an RTD shake as I already have one in my plan. I'm Canadian so hoping for something readily available in Canada, especially at Walmart or on Amazon.ca
My current rudimentary diet plan is:
1500cal, 160g protein, 149g carbs, 32g fat
Breakfast Brüst dark roast coffee 20g protein, 4g carbs, 0g fat, 100cal 2 Fiber One Bars, 4g protein, 52g carbs, 7g fat, 260cal
Snack Fiber One Bar, 2g protein, 26g carbs, 3.5g fat, 130cal
Lunch Premier Protein Shake, 30g protein, 5g carbs, 3g fat, 160cal
Snack Fiber One Bar, 2g protein, 26g carbs, 3.5g fat, 130cal
Dinner 750mg Cottage Cheese, 102g protein, 36g carbs, 15g fat, 720cal
Obviously this is very "plain" and very packaged, I'm a picky eater as is and I prefer to have the same thing every single day, with minimal effort put into cooking as I'm very busy. Previous diets have failed because I don't want to cook all the time. I also don't eat vegetables.
End goal is roughly 2000cal, 200g protein, 200g carbs, and 45g fat.
Even when I was still barely losing a pound or 2, the bench press just stayed the same while my pulldowns, squat, curls, everything still going up :/
Currently only down 5 lbs bodyweight
Bench was going up linearly every week pre-cut, so I don’t think it’s technique or programming issue. Anyone got any insight or experience with this while leaning down?
Is it normal to not loose weight on calorie deficit in one week. I have been tracking since Jan 3rd to Jan 21 it dropped from 192lbs to 184. But from 21 to 28 I’ve seen no change. PS: I started loading creatine on Jan 18th.
66kg (145.5lbs) pretty lean. I eat from 12-6pm and like fasting as it keeps me sharp, suits my lifestyle, and keeps me lean all year round. I do struggle to get my 150g of protein in though in this time frame. I know one way is to have a big protein shake but I do try to eat food instead. I feel like lately though the shake is the only way of hitting goals. Any tips?