
Photograph via snooOG

A place to share your fantasy maps.

Receive feedback on works in progress. Find resources. Learn about techniques to increase your fantasy map cartography skills.

Or, just relax and check out some really nice Fantasy Maps!


A place to share your fantasy maps.

Receive feedback on works in progress. Find resources. Learn about techniques to increase your fantasy map cartography skills.

Or, just relax and check out some really nice Fantasy Maps!

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Rule #1: Types of Posts

  • Posted maps must link directly to the image (or GIF/video, if animated map)

  • All maps posted must be usable. No large watermarks or other obstructions and no paywalls (see Rule 3 - Self Promotion)

  • Other allowed posts include:

  • Requests for maps
  • WIP / Feedback
  • Discussions related to maps and mapmaking
  • Map Collections (cannot be behind a paywall or to a page soliciting money)
  • AI generated maps only when flaired correctly


Rule #2: Mandatory Post Flair

  • You MUST flair your post using one of the approved subreddit flairs.

  • Post Types fall into the following categories: Request; Discussion; WIP/Feedback; Collections; Region Maps; Settlement Maps; and various subgroups of Battlemaps.

  • Choose the flair that comes closest to your intent.

  • AI generated maps MUST use the AI Generated Map flair.


Rule #3: Self Promotion

  • This is a Map Subreddit and content shall be limited to maps.

  • Advertisements must be low key and tasteful or are otherwise subject to removal. A small logo/blurb at the edge of the content are fine, large watermarks and images that render the map "unusable" are not.

  • Remember, anything posted must be free and usable as is. We do not want the sub flooded with ads and links. Links to paywall types of content will be removed.

  • If you are unsure if you are advertising properly, we suggest you reach out to the mods before posting.


Rule #4: Don't Be Intentionally Rude

  • Posts and/or comments that are of a derogatory or personal manner will not be allowed (more).

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  • Do not attack someone for using/discussing AI (more). If they have not followed the rules, report them. Do not leave negative comments.


Rule #5: AI Maps

  • Applies to maps either partially or wholly created with the assistance of AI

  • You may post one(1) AI map per week

  • The Map must have the proper AI Generated Map post flair

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[2030 × 3220] Underground Ziggurat [29x46]

1 Comment
16:23 UTC


Fantasy bridge to temple map pack

1 Comment
14:57 UTC


Ancient Catacombs [30x35]

1 Comment
12:36 UTC


[31x46] Windmill Farm - A Brand New Czepeku Scene/Battlemap Combo! [Battlemap]

1 Comment
11:05 UTC


Sacred Altar Ruins

1 Comment
09:35 UTC


Mega Raft Battle Map 22x33

1 Comment
06:11 UTC


Orzhova, The Church of Deal (Interior) 32x56

1 Comment
01:44 UTC


This is a map that I recently made. I had some issues with the text, which I think looks a bit weird. I might change it :)

17:19 UTC


[30x24] More Than a Map: Beast's Lair

1 Comment
11:15 UTC


[OC] "Just imagine how grand this castle used to be in its prime. It's a shame there's nothing left of it, I'd have had a fine time ransacking it!" - Castle Ruin [25x25] [Battlemap]

11:09 UTC


First timer looking for feedback

About to start my first homebrew world, only ran modules so far. Was mainly looking for a base world with biome variety, and lots of empty room to fill in as the campaign progresses. Pretty happy with the shape and feel of it. Rivers feel a bit wonky. Wanted to get some feedback and tips before I delve into detailing it further ....
The Anthan continent will be the first to see adventure, this is pretty much your default fantasy setting, some mountains, woods, lakes, etc ...
Kesel would host a much more advanced society with more focus on science/magic but militaristic and strict.
Rydark is the unknown wilds, mixture of desert, volcanic, swamps, no exploration has been done on this continent
Cheel'ax might need a better name :p its basically antarctica, no real plans for it yet.



New version:
Some reworked coastlines, fixed some rivers, tried making height differences more obvious

09:15 UTC


The Biblioplex - Scrying Chamber 32x56

1 Comment
01:34 UTC


The Land of Røj

howdy there! first post here. this is the map of my fantasy world Røj [ɾɒʒ]. it took months to finish, much longer than i would have liked, due to software limits (everything is hand drawn digitally) and general burn out, but im happy how it turned out. this world building project is something that i had started years ago, but was able to turn it into my thesis project for my masters degree (basically how conlangs can aid in worldbuilding for artistic purposes). as of now, it has all of the cities named and the 5 seas using the constructed language Xøjitde [xɒʒ.it.dɛ] that i created for the project. things like mountains, lakes, and rivers i will add in after my thesis concludes and i can do it comfortably without rushing.

01:05 UTC


Tips for physical map drawers

You like feeling paper under your hand and drawing a map with out a complicated web page?

Here are some tips.

  1. Foundation, use something to create a look similar to earth, beans, rice or cereal beans, I personally use rice.

  2. Sketch, draw your map marking around the material you used in pen (In my case rice) and then repas it with a marker.

  3. Detail, I personally use use dots for towns, dots in the middle of circles for cities, dots inside squares for important cities and portuary cities and a star inside a circle for a cappital.

Soon, I will be doing another post with more tips, those ones are the basic ones

18:35 UTC


City map of Karad-turum - A prison city residing inside a mountain

18:17 UTC


Wizards Secret Tavern - 25x25 Battlemap

1 Comment
17:30 UTC


My first Map. The king of the gods.

I'm a amateur in drawing maps (and anything realy) But I have dedicated a full week in making this map for a book I currently writing. Please tell what you think.


1 Comment
16:35 UTC


If you like to have (different) music on the background while creating:

15:58 UTC


Siren's Lagoon

1 Comment
15:07 UTC


[33x46] The Grand Duke's Plaza - New Czepeku Battlemap! [Battlemap]

1 Comment
11:33 UTC

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