Battle maps are an essential part of many tabletop RPGs. They can be as simple as a single room or as complex as a vast underground dungeon. Both simple hand drawn and extravagantly artistic battle maps are welcome here. Tutorials describing map creating tips and tricks are also welcome.
Check out the weekly megathread for discussions and requests!
Be civil with others. Follow reddiquette. Hateful, vulgar, or otherwise offensive content and disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated.
Helpful critiques are perfectly fine, if not expected. But by no means should you be rude, vulgar, or disrespectful to posters or commenters. Follow reddiquette.
This subreddit is for the posting and discussion of tabletop Battlemaps. Original maps should ideally be posted by their creator(s). Posting a map without crediting the original creator is not allowed. Discussion, help, resource, and meta posts are also fine, so long as they are flaired appropriately. Things such as region or world maps are better fitted in subs such as r/dndmaps, r/worldbuilding, or even r/cartographersguild.
(e.g. not behind a paywall or online store).
Allowed without approval: Shoutouts to patreon, or shops ONLY if the post includes a useable map.
Not allowed (unless pre-approved): Posts without useable maps, such as partial images, pre-placed tokens, or watermarks that render the map unusable by blocking major portions of the usable map, etc.
These and certain other domains are banned by Reddit Admins globally to prevent scams and spam.
If your map is made with AI generated images such as Midjourney, Stable Diffusion, DALL-E, etc., it will be removed.
All posts must use appropriate flair.
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One of my first maps. Thoughts greatly appreciated
A relatively small map (5×8 squares), this two-bedroom apartment sits above a shop on a busy street.
Drawn by hand with sakura micron pens. My favourite parts to draw were the little potted pants.