This is the subreddit to discuss Cichlids, both in the hobby and the wild! Share your tanks, ask any questions you might have, and contribute to other people new to the hobby or those of us that have been doing it for decades.
Remember to be polite!
This subreddit is for all cichlid fans
Cichlids are the most beautiful freshwater fish. This subreddit is a place for information, discussions, ideas, pictures, videos and even bragging. Come one come all cichlid lovers. Whether you're an S/C American, African or Asian cichlid lover, you're welcome here.
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I know not a cichlid, but my BPC likes to harass him/her sometimes and I’m curious what flavor catfish it is. Thanks. Sorry if not allowed.
Had this feller for a while, wondering if it's a hybrid
I've been feeding omega one pellets and omega one brine shrimp
Currently I have 5 yellow tail acei, 4 females and 1 male. 4 yellow labs, still too young but I’m pretty sure I have 1 male and 3 females. 4 mainganos, 2 males and 2 females and I also have two peacocks in there. There was definitely some aggression, mainly from the really dark male maingano but after I added the 5 yellow tails and the blue peacock, I haven’t seen any chasing and everyone seems to be pretty chill. I know peacocks require more protein in their diet but they seem to be doing well with what I’m feeding them which is the extreme cichlid pellets at 38% protein. Let me know what you guys think
The Fishiest Fish, Micro Organism, Middle and Little ALL LOVE their new tank setup! They love the caves and the sand!
I've come to realize I have at least 4 different mbunas in my tank. They're all fairly young. I was educated by people claiming to know what they were talking about to sadly find out, they did not. They told me to over stock my tank and said any Africans would do fine together. I have found out this is not true. They are not fighting yet. But again, they are still young. How bad is this going to get, and how can I fix this? Fish store wont take any back (it's been months since bought) and I don't want to kill any. How can I keep my tank from becoming a battle field. 55g 78°f water parameters are all good
Little guy was sold as a "Parrot"
to me clearly isnt a Blood Parrot or even a "True Parrot"
Texas cichlid hybrid with a Jack Dempsey ? What do you guys think
I have one in a planted tank with ample room for it to swim since it was a little guy. Half of the tank is barren with just rocks, sand and gravel. Now he’s all grown up and has completely destroyed everything. It’s like he can’t stand anything sticking out of the substrate. Any plant that he can’t just pull out or snap the stem, he’ll dig until it floats up. I have plants to keep the nitrates and algae in check but it seems this option is no longer viable. How do y’all handle the nitrates and algae in typical cichlids tank?
I’ve been experimenting with breeding Mbuna cichlids lately and have always had a passion with keeping different cichlid species. That being said, I’ve been researching dwarf and shell dwelling cichlids recently, can any recommend a good breeder with more than a few options on stock regularly?
Made some German red aulonocara-albino champsochromis hybrids. And absolutely love them.
I have 10 juvenile German Reds, 2-3 inches, unsexed, no dominant male, no egg spots.
I have 6 juvenile Yellow Labs, 2-3 imches, unsexed, except for one very dominant male.
One German Red is holding eggs as of last week, and one Yellow Lab is holding as of today.
Could they have the same father?
Breeding during water change!
he’s an albino red oscar fish about 3 years old, just recently noticed this on his head and not sure what to do about it.
Red Devil