This is the subreddit to discuss Cichlids, both in the hobby and the wild! Share your tanks, ask any questions you might have, and contribute to other people new to the hobby or those of us that have been doing it for decades.
Remember to be polite!
This subreddit is for all cichlid fans
Cichlids are the most beautiful freshwater fish. This subreddit is a place for information, discussions, ideas, pictures, videos and even bragging. Come one come all cichlid lovers. Whether you're an S/C American, African or Asian cichlid lover, you're welcome here.
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He was a baby (fry). It’s so rewarding to see them get bigger
My partner owns a convict cichlid and we keep hearing it jump and I saw it jump once. There are some artificial plants, a Groot bubbler, a chest, and a filter that is causing a current in a corner of the tank and that's where I saw it jump. The tank is 20gal. It gets fed every day.
Got these 2 today from a pet store. They seem to be just sitting in a corner. They are in a 75-gallon with 2 Angels and tetras and Cory. What can I do to help them? Acclimated for 20 mins before putting in the tank.
Water parameters normal, got the black one 3 days ago, he was hiding until I got this one
They’ve been going at it for about 20 minutes ever since i picked up a few rocks that fell down. and the other fish are starting to get annoyed by it and involving themselves.
I’m currently in the process of changing up my 75 gallon. It’s home to well over 10 (probably more) fat kuhli loaches. The loaches are about 3 years old. Would a blue acara work with them temperament wise? Could a kuhli fit in to their mouth? Thoughts?
He’s so violent. We raised him as a baby.
Taken from the end of my 75 gallon tank.
Hello all, I currently have a 40 gallon breeder with a 5-6 in JD in it. I am going to be moving to a house where I can have a specific room for my tanks and will have room for my 90 gallon tank that I have in storage. I'm pretty sure my JD is done growing because I've had it for about 4 years and it hasn't gotten much bigger in the past year or so. I'm wondering what other tank mates I could add with him? I was thinking maybe a couple more cichlids? Like a fire mouth, or convict, or maybe green terror or red devil. What do you guys think?
Sorry about the dirty glass, it's in the far corner for me that my reef tank is kinda blocking, hence the salt spray lol
Hello My Mbuna tank had a clown loach that started twitching and acting weird, I moved it to my hospital tank and it did not make it through the night, now my Mbunas are acting strange and twitching, rubbing on rocks, no ich or spots. All my water parameters are perfect, any ideas. I also shut down electrics to see if I had current in the water, no difference. Any advice appreciated. Thanks
Hey there,
Posted this on r/AfricanCichlids as well but it looks like there's quite a few more members here so thought I'd ask here as well.
Just looking to get some advice on a new tank. I just got a 60 gallon tank set up with the plan of getting African Cichlids. I've had the water going a few days already but am realizing the KH is around 180. Ph around 7. Whats the best way to get the KH to go down before I toss some fish in? I've read that Fluval peat can help but it'll tint the water. I have a Fluval 407 so I can add some different media if there's anything out there that'll help?
Not sure if it matters but I used one of those organic substrates you don't have to rinse that comes wet since I'll be doing some live plants in the tank.
Any advice is welcome and appreciated.
Just got a baby Oscar from petsmart, around 2 inches or so, this is my first Oscar though I have owned fish before, tank is fully cycled, ph is around 7, ammonia 0, nitrites 0, nitrates like 5-10, have live plants, driftwood, and a little hiding spot, when I first got him he was swimming around for a while and sometimes laying on bottom, now it is day 3 and for the past 3 days he is hiding behind heater/filter at the top of tank, sometimes even laying horizontally not moving, I even turned off bubbler and flow machine and turned down filters. He is eating but has not moved for 2 days
The tank boss is a Fusco and I have 2 venustos lets see hat happens.
Noticed what looked almost like scrapes or scratches on my blue acara's head. Is this the beginning of hole in the head and if so, what can I use to treat it? I've googled it and seen that hith is bacterial but I've also seen that it's a parasite so I'm not really sure what to do. Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks
Hey Guys I have 4 Mbuna Fry ( Maingano Male mate with Brown Hybrid Mbuna Female) in a 2.5 Gallon right now. And they get along pretty well as well as mbuna can. I was thinking once they are not just jelly looking fishes (No pigment) would a 10 Gallon suffice till they are close to an inch and a half. Once they get that big I will then place them into my 55 Gallon tank with the other fishes I own that are fully grown. I don't want to put then in something too big as if I only have 4 in a big aquarium they will be able to chase eachother to try to off eachother.
I have a 20 gallon long neolamprologus multifasciatus colony that I absolutely love. It's currently a species-only tank. The one problem is I fear the fry population looks like it might be starting to get out of control. I started with 6 adults and it seems every time I look at the tank, there's a new generation of fry. The total population must be pushing 40 or more by now.
To other shell dweller keepers, what are some signs to look out for to tell if the colony is truly overpopulated? Aside from testing the water, I'm not sure what else to be looking out for.
I have 2 LFS that sell multies for $18-20 a pop when they have them in stock. So I guess my first option would be checking if they would take some for cash or store credit.
But failing that, what are my options for population control? Would a bristlenose eat the eggs? Maybe some small synodontis? Or should I add some more rock work and add 1 or 2 smaller julidochromis? Maybe even 1 smaller compressiceps/calvus type fish?
Eager to hear opinions from experienced shell dweller keepers. Many thanks for your insight!
sorry he won’t slow down this guy has always had a little black on his head now he’s getting more black on his body i’m trying to figure out what’s going on.