
Photograph via snooOG

What is a Jarrarium?

Feel free to show off your own jarrariums, as well as get advice and help others set theirs up.

If you want to make a jarrarium, this guide should help. Don't forget to post pictures of it here!


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Can these two live together?

My English Ivy is barely holding on. It had a rough winter. I watered it and it was in direct sunlight with window facing it. It’s in a medium wide, tall, transparent jar but it still dried up and only one branch is green…I am thinking of planting a cool little plant I found called a “Silver Mist” licorice plant and it is a perennial with the remaining ivy branch. I am hoping the new green being will cheer it up. Can these two coexist and survive together?

06:41 UTC


New local mosses jar with added springtails!

21:31 UTC


Any tips for beginners?

I've always liked the look of aquarium full of plants. Just so magical.

Since I wouldn't be able to care for living animals I thought about getting an aquarium with just plants so it requires less professional setup, but gave up on the idea realizing I don't have enough space even for a small one.

Recently I got a small, decorative jar from someone who didn't need it. I was planning to put normal plants in there and leave it open more as a pot than a closed ecosystem, but then I realized that I might as well put some aquarium plants in there, or even in a larger jar, since this one may be too small. It's still gonna be smaller than a normal aquarium and would fit perfectly in my room.

So here's the question:

What plants should I choose that don't require any or minimum setup and are low maintenance, what soil, what decorative pieces such as wood/stones (that are good with water) and basically anything else I should know. I'd appreciate any advice including even the most basic stuff, since I know nothing at all about aquariums and aquatic plants.

06:56 UTC


Nature’s music instrument

1 Comment
13:18 UTC


What is this?

This jar is 20 days old but this thing has only recently appeared, what is it? All materials were gathered from a pond.

01:07 UTC


Remaking a dead terrarium

1 Comment
09:14 UTC


any help?

Sea monkeys

Should I be able to see my sea monkeys on day 5? I have them in a 5 gallon tank. I fed them today since it's day five but I still couldn't see any moving dots! Could you guys tell me what's wrong or if I did something wrong. This is also my first time keeping Sea Monkeys since I've always been interested. I did put packet 1 and 2 in an hour apart because I read on Reditt that it wouldn't affect it badly. I do have a heater and a bubbler but the Heater doesn't exactly tell me what temp it is it just has a green light. There's also a filter in the tank that I don't use anymore. and last there's a LED light that is always on except for sometimes at night.

PLEASE HELP (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)

16:36 UTC


Noob to Jars

How did I do? Nervous that plants won't thrive and mold. I plan on getting some springtails to help out.

I Picked this jar up at Hobby Lobby. It does have a sealed lid. I used organic potting soil, lava rock and screen mesh for drainage. Found a few small rocks outside and used leftover pieces of Mazanita wood from my aquarium builds.

I picked the plants up from Petco. Unsure of the species, but I grabbed a Java moss ball from an aquarium in store, opened it up, and spread it on the substrate.

Definitely need to figure out how to propagate the plant on the left. It's already large.

01:29 UTC


Baby Millipedes!

1 Comment
06:26 UTC


Shout-out to my oldest jar - 10 years today, survived 2 house moves. Xth generation of Ramshorn snails still happily exploring

Old bottle from a wine-making kit, if anyone's wondering

08:44 UTC


Shrimpilled crustaceanmaxxing

Jar I collected from a local pond just over a year ago is teaming with weird little creatures. They can eat a cocktail shrimp tail shell and all in 2 days!

The population of ostracods (the spotted round guys) is a little out of control and they are huge for some reason. They weren't like that when I collected them. Also the scuds only appeared after I started feeding the jar shrimp tails.

17:47 UTC


Is saxifraga rosacea (Irish saxifrage) appropriate for jarrarium?

Hi folks,

I'm quite fond of this plant and would like to include it in a jarrarium. Does anyone know if it will do ok?

I've found information about growing conditions, but nothing about humidity. I see that some other species of saxifrage don't like high humidity, but those species seem more succulent-like than this one.

Thank you in advance.

17:22 UTC


Why are my worms climbing the glass?

A new terrarium, made from a sixteen gallon wine jug. I'm new to making terrariums in general, so this is a new occurence for me. In a previous attempt in this same jar, I had all the worms behaving similarly before they all died, and I'd like to know potential causes and solutions

14:57 UTC


Are these examples AI?

I'm building my idea board and this page has a number of amazing examples:


But I can't find where the images are from or how they built them. Now I'm starting to wonder if they're just fantasy. Are these examples legitimate? If so... how are they constructed??


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00:08 UTC


Purchased the jar three years ago for this purpose but finally got around to making our first jarrarium

18:43 UTC


War of Terra and Aqua in 750ml

I have a lovely 750ml narrow-mouth bottle I'm thinking of turning into a jarrarium but I'm not sure which direction will be more fun, easy, and lovely. From quick perusal, it sounds like anything below 5gal is too small for most of the fun aquarium designs? It's too short for the plants and too small for anything larger than shrimp. But I see tons of designs in the sub-1 gallon size for terrariums.

Is this roughly peoples' experience?

(I love the photos everyone posts. Frankly, that's what got me interested in dipping my toe!)

15:24 UTC


Looking for ideas / tips

This is a jug (still counts as a jar right?) that I estimate to be around 5 gallons. I’m trying to decide what I’m going to do with it - aquarium style, terrarium, or maybe even a paludarium (a bit of both). Here’s some ideas I have but am uncertain of - I would love to have pretty nerite snails in here and maybe even lean towards brackish for them? I have an Amazon sword that will outgrow my current tank for it that I could move into here.

Because of the opening size it should be as hands off as possible - so I’m definitely thinking full walstad if aquatic. Maybe lean more ecosphere style (no feeding). But I want it to look nice not just muddy. Because of its size it may need to be outside (in shade) or in my garage in poor weather. I understand that 5 gallons is quite heavy to move though so I might think of a more permanent location for it that won’t kill everything. (Our outdoor temperatures rarely get to freezing, maybe frost a few weeks out of the year. They can go above 100 F for two months in the summer).

I like the idea of a paludarium or maybe floating island but I am not that confident in my abilities to do anything too complicated with tweezers in here. I’m leaning towards aquatic because if it’s size I could actually get some life in here - maybe even shrimps? Definitely want some kind of cute critters.

Would be super open to any images or videos for inspiration.

22:20 UTC


I wanted to recreate the image from this sub.

11:00 UTC

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