
Photograph via //r/bettafish

A subreddit for all things related to our colorful finned friends.


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2. No spam, selling, advertisements, or social media. This includes selling equipment, fish, or linking to YouTube channels, seller pages, blog posts, Facebook, Instagram, fundraisers, etc. When it comes to posting on this subreddit, we limit this to two posts per day. If you want to post multiple images, please use an album. If you have videos/gifs to post, please use v.reddit.com, imgur, gyfcat or streamable. Please follow reddits reddiquette.
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4. Please include water parameters and tank info in your help posts. If you have a question or problem, please add a CLEAR picture and some details (tanksize, equipment, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels etc.). "Everything is fine" is not a tank parameter!
5. Don't post discussions or pics to complain/hate/shit on bad betta tanks/products/care. This includes bad care in fish stores, bad novelty bowls, someone else's bad betta care. Posts that ask for input on how to deal with someone's bad care are allowed.
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  • Temperature: 25 -27 °C / 78 - 80 °F
  • pH: 6.0 - 8.0 (or 5.0 - 7.0 for wild-collected)
  • Hardness: 18 - 268 ppm


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i’m his biggest fan

i love my little man! i’ve had socks here for about 4 days and this morning at feeding time i felt like we really finally bonded ❤️ he let me watch him eat and he even got excited and did a little flaring and swimming around the tank

14:43 UTC


His favorite place to relax

1 Comment
14:31 UTC


Filter help

Hi! I got a ten gallon tank with a betta, the filter was part of a kit. I want to get a sponge filter but I’m too dumb to figure out how to get tubing - air pump - air stone all separate. Is there any electric filter on the market with all the pieces together already?? I’m so confused about what an air pump is. :/ I think the filter I got from the kit sucks

14:11 UTC


Stress stripes Or?…..

Hey guys I got this betta fish at petco (Willard) i need some help identifying these stripes on his body.He shows no signs of stress or illness and swims around his tank just fine(gunna put him in 20 gallon tank soon)he swims up to the surface of the water excitedly for some food when he sees I’m up, also interacts with everything in his tank. I do weekly water changes right now due to not having a gravel vacuum but will get one soon😔. I get the water tested when I’m not sure and it comes out perfect. Idk what these stripes are and it’s worrying😥

1 Comment
13:58 UTC


One of my new girls just came in the other day

13:40 UTC


Cotton wool treatment help please !

13:26 UTC


What has more beneficial bacteria, gravel or filter media? Which is better for seeding a new tank?

1 Comment
13:11 UTC


Betta Fish babies.

Hi everyone. I have these siblings in one tank, I breed them, (first time). When should I separate them and how to identify a male and a female?. They are 3 months

12:46 UTC


New fish woes

I have just gotten a new betta buddy exactly a week ago. I've had bettas over the years but I haven't had one since I lived where I do now. I cleaned everything that was to go in his tank, used the water treatment drops, acclimated him to the water before putting him in the tank.. he's eaten some food here and there but he mostly just chills in the top corner of the tank. I'm getting a lamp to put near him so he can get on a better day/night cycle today. But question is, why is he just staying in that corner? What can I fix for him to make him happy and want to swim around? Thanks for any help!

12:10 UTC


New is betta lethargic, breathing rapidly, and jolting

Just got my new boy in the mail 2 days ago and he doesn’t seem to be doing too hot. I can’t figure out if this is just stress being in a new place or something more serious.

When he first got here, I drip acclimated him and matched temps before I added him to my tank which took about an hour. He was moving pretty slow, would stay in one spot for a while (either laying on plants or substrate or staying at the top) and was breathing heavily since he got here which I believed was just stress since his parameters were good and the tank has been fully cycled for a while. I’ve had the lights turned off and added seachem stressguard and an Indian almond leaf to help him settle in.

Today, I noticed when he would move from his spot he would “jolt”, almost like he was twitching or having a spasm, before he would find another spot. I’ve never had a betta that moved like this so I’m pretty concerned that this might be more than just stress. If so, does anyone know what this might be and how I can help him?

12:09 UTC


PSA: If you fast your betta they might eat your malaysian trumpet snails

My boy had been getting round so I decided to fast him a few days. He is very greedy. I also have malaysian trumpet snails.

A few days after my boy started to look very bloated and no poop to be seen in the aquarium that I could find. He didn't have any pineconing or anything and was acting normally. I kept a really close eye on him for a while day and no pooping! More bloated.

I suspected constipation as he was acting normal but suddenly he started acting very weird. He was moving erratically around in a way I had never seen before! I became scared that these were his last hours and that something very serious like organ failure was happening.

Well I decided to stay close to the aquarium for this day and a few hours ago I noticed something that was NOT poop coming out of his anus. I kept an eye on it. He kept on trying to push it out. It didn’t move.

There it was. A baby malaysian trumpet snail 😟

He had eaten snails when I fasted him for a few days!!! He has never done this before! Or even been interested in my snails!

But the issue was the snail seemed stuck… He kept on trying to push it out and his anus started to slowly show signs of a prolapse.

I consulted a vet student friend of mine who also has fish of her own. She told me to try to help him and gave some things to try.

I took him out of the aquarium and transferred him on a very shallow flat tray with water. He seeme very tired of trying to poop and due to that he stayed very calm. I very gently pressed around his stomach. Very very gently. No pressure, just to see if the snail shell would move out more with manual manoeuvre. It came a bit more out. I grapped clean blunt tweezers and slowly was able to pull the snail shell out! The anus seemed to stay protruded out but my friend told me to give it some time.

Well. He hid for a few hours and seemed to breathe very aggressively.

Soon an another (bad) suprise. A second snail shell poking out of his anus!!! 😭

But thankfully he suddenly was able to poop it out and them came some actual poop!!! Hurray!!

He has been looking and acting normal after all that and the small prolapse has gone away 🤩

11:27 UTC


What type of Betta is this ive had him for 3 months now and he got huge

10:43 UTC


Rehabbing a sick fish, need advice!

My sister in law reached out to me because their class fish was looking bad. She's a female betta and she looks very small, but not quite like a baby. Apparently they got her a few weeks ago and her last water change was the day they got her. She was laying on the gravel and breathing heavily when I got her. I suspected ammonia poisoning.

I took her home, cleaned out the tank and filled it with fresh water. Replaced the gravel with sand. The only decor I have in there at the moment is 2 large silky plants that I had laying around at home and an anubia from one of my other established tanks.

I'm working on establishing a cycle for the tank (I've done many fish-in cycles so I don't need advice on that front), but my main concern is that she's still laying at the bottom of the tank and breathing heavily.

Are there any additives I can add to the tank to help her? I added IAL, but I was wondering if I should add stress coat or anything like that. What's the best protocol to help her, just keep the water clean and see if she gets better? Just don't know if I should be doing anything more proactive. Thanks again for any advice!

10:14 UTC


TankMates for betta

I was wondering what individual or pair fish can you keep with betta. Im not looking for schooling fish.

08:15 UTC


Tips for finding a peaceful betta that goes well with my shrimp

I have a 55L shrimp tank with 70ish neocaridina shrimp, 2 amanos, and an apple snail. It's heavily planted, with a lot of lush moss in the back, thriving, filterless, around 25 degrees celsius and has no flow. Established for about half a year now. I want to add a male betta.

I know this can be a bit tricky because bettas can be aggressive and from what I read I should try to get a betta with a relaxed temperament.

Do you guys have any tips how to select one in the shop?

And maybe any other tips for keeping a betta with neocaridinas?

I don't mind if he eats the occasional baby but I don't want all my shrimp to get eaten.

07:37 UTC


My betta has ich. Need some comfort and guidance.

I was in denial about a spot on his fin, but now he has a spot on his head and I know it is ich. I have Herbatana. I have plants in with him, 1 nerite snail and 1 bladder snail (may be more in gravel but betta likes to eat the little ones). 6 gallon tank. Can someone give me a bit of step by step guidance for helping him? Dosing and when to change water? I'm working on getting his fins grown out again, we're making good progress, and I really want to heal him. we've been together since last fall. I feel like have failed my previous bettas when they fell ill and I feel discouraged now, seeing him fall ill. He is a very active guy, I feed him once a day, he's always looking at who comes in the office and going crazy when we look at him- "where my food, human!!!" I appreciate any reassurance available in this community. Thank you.

06:53 UTC


idk what he’s doing

also he isn’t stuck he does this sometimes i just think it’s funny

06:33 UTC


For the German betta lovers: Does any of you have good shop recommendation with a variety of betta fish in Berlin?

Looking for a new guy or gal for my 60L, living near Berlin, Germany. I had to euthanise my last guy Momo who sadly didn't improve.

I would love to see a shop with a variety of betta fish, not only 1 or 2, since we drive there quite a while and I sadly don't have unlimited time to go betta shopping every week until one presents itself.


06:26 UTC


Does your betta fish sleep?

I don't know if mine does. I turn off the tank light whenever I go to bed. I hope he rests cuz I know they can't see very well in the dark. Do any of you turn off the light?? The only time I think I saw my betta tired was when I first got him. He tried laying underneath this little piece of wood I got.

1 Comment
05:30 UTC

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