
Photograph via //r/bettafish

A subreddit for all things related to our colorful finned friends. Check the wiki for care info!


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1. BE NICE. We're all humans with real human feelings. (Most of us.)
2. No spam, selling, advertisements, or social media. This includes selling equipment, fish, or linking to YouTube channels, seller pages, blog posts, Facebook, Instagram, fundraisers, etc. When it comes to posting on this subreddit, we limit this to two posts per day. If you want to post multiple images, please use an album. If you have videos/gifs to post, please use v.reddit.com, imgur, gyfcat or streamable. Please follow reddits reddiquette.
3. No posts or comments praising or advertising betta fighting. Seriously, do we need to tell you why?
4. Please include water parameters and tank info in your help posts. If you have a question or problem, please add a CLEAR picture and some details (tanksize, equipment, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels etc.). "Everything is fine" is not a tank parameter!
5. Don't post discussions or pics to complain/hate/shit on bad betta tanks/products/care. This includes bad care in fish stores, bad novelty bowls, someone else's bad betta care. Posts that ask for input on how to deal with someone's bad care are allowed.
6. Don't post irrelevant stuff, ok? If it doesn't involve a betta fish, it doesn't belong.
7. All posts but memes must be original content. So no artwork/photos from other artists (known or unknown), or breeder pictures (except when used in a side-by-side comparison of the advertised betta to the one you actually received). Repost those memes, though, you know you want to.

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  • Temperature: 25 -27 °C / 78 - 80 °F
  • pH: 6.0 - 8.0 (or 5.0 - 7.0 for wild-collected)
  • Hardness: 18 - 268 ppm


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Need help Feeding the fry and keeping them alive

i have tried to culture infusoria to no success we dont have vinigear eel starter in my country i have cultured green water, daphnia and artemia but daphnia and BBS are not small enough for my fry to eat green water didn't do the trick either i have some cyclop cultures,fed it to my fry but still casualties any suggestions?

1 Comment
22:31 UTC


New Owner

First time betta owner here! Here’s my conundrum-my friend gave me a betta fish and a 2.5 gallon tank for my birthday. I started setting up the tank yesterday and it said wait 24-48 hours to transplant the fish from the little cup it came from to the tank. That being said, I read online that a 5 gallon tank is really ideal for a betta fish. I ordered a 5 gallon tank but it won’t be here for a couple days. So I guess I need to know what option will cause the least amount of stress for my fish.

A. Go ahead and transplant it to the 2.5 gallon tank now and a few days later transfer to the 5 gallon tank or

B. Leave it in the little cup thing it came in and transplant it to the 5 gallon when it gets here and set up (maybe 3-4 more days).

I really want to give this betta the best life possible so any advice/help on how to care for him is appreciated!

22:31 UTC


Some of these posts...

Some of these posts in this sub or so awful, people banging on glass, neglect, improper care that is straight up abuse, ect. I can't imagine not caring for these fish, it's my hobby and my passion. Some of these people make me sick. How could you buy an animal you don't know about or care about and then ask reddit instead of doing actual research ??

22:23 UTC


Healing tear

Pls excuse my spelling I’m dyslexic and auto correct can’t tell what I’m trying to spell

Woke up this morning and O’Leary had two tears in his fins, nothing sharp in the tank and the filter flow is extremely weak.

Advice on how to heal?

I was late for school so only have time to take a video

(He’s acting hyped up in the video cause he thinks he will get food)

21:46 UTC


New tank

My tank has been running for about a week, i just added drift wood and began putting a little bit of fish food to help start cycling. It is a little cloudy is that normal and what else do i need to do before getting fish.

1 Comment
21:42 UTC


Does my baby look too thin

21:19 UTC


New Betta!

I haven’t had a tank going in awhile but decided to start one back up and then got this guy today!

20:53 UTC


Help please

I just got my betta fish. It was fine 15 minutes ago. and Now its staying at the top. It is alive. Swims very lazily and stays at the corner. What is wrong?

20:48 UTC


Name for my baby

I've got a betta and I've already fallen in love. Do you guys have a name suggestion? The one with the most upvote will be his name.

20:32 UTC


Moving to new aquarium?? Help

So I’m upgrading my 25l tank to a 55l (14gallon) Is there anyway to skip the nitrogen cycle? Was wondering if I just took the water biomedia,decor, plants and substrate from my old tank and added it to my new one if Iit would sustain enough bacteria so the cycle wouldn’t crash? I don’t wanna wait months or do a fish in cycle.

20:32 UTC


My little boy Vinny

20:29 UTC


Blueberry 🫐

My three year old betta passed away a few weeks ago and I was depressed looking at an empty tank, so I got this little man today! I’d like to introduce little Blueberry! Went from a tiny pathetic cup to a planted 10g all for himself (and a three year old mystery snail named Bagel 🥯).

20:27 UTC


What is that?

Hi all! My 5 gallon housing my betta, two yellow shrimp and two dwarf frogs suddenly gained this filmy substance over the branch I put in. This tank is a few days old (I used water from a different tank where my betta was originally housed - so should already be cycled). Is that algae? Could my filter not be working well? I just saw it today (was fine yesterday) so I want to fix it quickly. Thank you!

20:01 UTC


Betta sofreu acidente

Por uma irresponsabilidade minha, acabei machucando meu betta, onde metade da cauda dele acabou sendo arrancada desda base da cauda, chegou ate a sair sangue. Gostaria de saber se a parte arrancada dele, vai voltar a crescer de novo?

Betta Injured

Due to my irresponsibility, I ended up hurting my betta, where half of his tail ended up being ripped off from the base of his tail, and blood was even coming out. I would like to know if the part that was ripped off will grow back again?

20:01 UTC

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