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How has your dating experience been in different parts of Europe?

So I live in Luxembourg which is a very peculiar and niche place and it's clearly not for everyone. Pardon my prejudices, misconceptions and lack of experience, but along with me a lot of people feel that dating is very difficult in Luxembourg, mostly for the following reasons:

  1. Dating is segregated by the languagez Luxembourish community, French community, German, Portuguese, etc)

  2. Very small population

  3. Very superficial crowd (we are a finance and banking hub 😂)

  4. Almost no one plans on staying in this country in long term and the ones who do can't afford it.

So my question is:

  1. Does according to you dating experience varies by geography?

  2. Which European cities (and perhaps you can answer about other western countries and rest of the world as well) are the Good, the Bad and the Ugly and why?

  3. Also how does it vary if you are POC or LGBTQ+?

1 Comment
10:23 UTC


What are the top 3 classical music pieces that represent your country?

After national heros and all that, let's get to some music. What are the top 3 musical pieces that you think instantly evoke or represent your country? Kind of like how I instantly think of the UK when I hear "Rule Britannia" because of movies.

For Hungary my top 3 pics would be:

Rákóczi march (the most famous version orchestrated by Berlioz)

Liszt Ferenc - Hungarian Rhapsody no 2

Johannes Brahms - Hungarian Dance no 5.

09:24 UTC


What‘s the price for a regular 0,5lt glass of beer where you‘re from?

Coming from the recent question about tourist traps, someone from Ireland said that a glass of Guiness costs 10€ there. This made me wonder how the prices can vary that much within Europe, so, how much do you pay (and how do you get drunk if beer is to expensive)?

I‘m from Rosenheim, South Bavaria, and a 0,5 Helles costs between 3,80-4,20€ in a bar/restaurant.

07:17 UTC


How "foreign" is Western Europe to Eastern Europe and viceversa?

And if it is, how so? Or how is it not?

22:07 UTC


What is the biggest political figure in your country and why ?

Good morning can you tell me what is the biggest political figure in your country and why ?

04:49 UTC


Daily Slow Chat

Hi there!

Welcome to our daily scheduled post, the Daily Slow Chat.

If you want to just chat about your day, if you have questions for the moderators (please mark these [Mod] so we can find them), or if you just want talk about oatmeal then this is the thread for you!

Enjoying the small talk? We have a Discord server too! We'd love to have more of you over there. Do both of us a favour and use this link to join the fun.

The mod-team wishes you a nice day!

04:01 UTC


What country do people in your country consider as a model to be followed

I mean, a country where everyone is always envious when talking about or a country that is widely considered as much better than yours.

12:36 UTC


What is the most dangerous roads that exist in your country ?

Good evening, I would like to ask you which is the most dangerous road in your country?

17:12 UTC


Would nominating von der Leyen as Commission President be politically feasible without the support of Germany's government?

The European Council nominates the future Commission President with a qualified majority, this is clear, formally there shouldn't be too many roadblocks to nominate her as future Commission President before she gets put up to the vote of the European Parliament, when the EPP, S&D and ALDE have a qualified majority among EU's head of states/governments (as they do).

Each country gets one commissioner, Germany as it does currently would be losing out on holding a "normal" commissioner as vdL is from Germany.

Germany is currently governed by a coalition of SPD, Grüne and FDP (so an SD/Greens/ALDE coaliton), seen from a domestic German politics POV...I doubt Scholz will be thrilled to support vdL in the European Council as vdL belongs to the CDU, which is the fiercest competitor of the SPD for head of regional governments in most states and most probably also for the chancellorship after the German federal election in 2025. VdL became Commission President, when Germany was still governed by CDU/CSU/SPD (EPP/SD coalition).

Obviously Germany can easily be overruled in the European Council, if they won't give vdL its support, but is this actually politically feasible to nominate someone whose own country doesn't stand behind, while also losing out on having a "normal" commisioner on its own?

16:28 UTC


What are the biggest "tourist traps" in your country?


13:42 UTC


Why is France's economy doing worse than Britain's post Brexit?

As a non Brit and non European I'm struggling to understand how Brexit will be worse for Britain versus staying in the EU. I read that Brexit will ruin British industry and it'll fall behind countries in Europe, but the economic numbers don't seem to back that up.
When Britain left the EU in 2020 its GDP was USD $2.7 trillion, while France was $2.65 trillion.
Four years later in 2024 Britain's GDP is $3.5 trillion, while France is $3.1 trillion.
The IMF is forecasting that by 2029 Britain's GDP will be nearly $4.65 trillion while France will be $3.65 trillion, so over 9 years a $1 trillion gap has opened up between them.
Can someone explain why Brexit seems to be much worse for France than Britain, and why Britain is seeing such rapid economic growth?

13:17 UTC


Basic words that surprisingly don't exist in other languages

So recently while talking in English about fish with a non-Polish person I realized that there is no unique word in English for "fish bones" - they're not anatomically bones, they flex and are actually hardened tendons. In Polish it's "ości", we learn about the difference between them and bones in elementary school and it's kind of basic knowledge. I was pretty surprised because you'd think a nation which has a long history and tradition of fishing and fish based dishes would have a name for that but there's just "fish bones".

What were your "oh they don't have this word in this language, how come, it's so useful" moments?

EDIT: oh and it always drives me crazy that in Italian hear/feel/smell are the same verb "sentire". How? Italians please tell me how do you live with that 😂😂

13:02 UTC


It's almost the weekend - what are your plans....

It's raining all weekend where I am so I'm just doing some diy and having a couple of friends over. Might boot up the old playstation too. That's about it for me.
What are your plans?
Most interesting one gets the Reddit Cup.

Edit - you're all beating my plans

10:22 UTC


What is life like for the aging/elderly in your country?

What is the experience the elderly have with life in your country? Are the programs they depend on such as healthcare, pensions, etc. adequate?

06:38 UTC


who is the greatest national hero of your country and why?

Good morning, I would like you to tell me who is considered the greatest national hero of your country and why?

06:30 UTC


How popular is or was Pokemon in your country?

How much hatred towards Flareons exists in your country?

05:41 UTC


How much affiliation do you have to the sports teams in your local area?

Let's hope I don't start yet another riot between Liverpool and Milan. Or AC Milan and Inter Milan.

In America, they surprised me by having a very good idea for a sports team ownership in Green Bay. They always sell out tickets to their stadium which has over 84 thousand seats in a city of 600 thousand people. People literally enroll their infant children onto the lists for tickets and give their own away in their will and testaments.

They have had a ridiculously loyal fanbase for over 100 years now. They have 5.2 million shares, nobody is allowed to own more than 200 thousand of them ($5/each for any new shares) which is just under 4% of them, over 500 thousand people own shares, and you don't get dividends from the shares, but you do get some neat perks like the ability to attend annual general meetings, vote for their board and other motions and resolutions, and they can buy exclusive merchandise. Nobody wants to sell off the team in Green Bay, I can only assume it constitutes high treason, subject to hanging, and even if they did, the profit would go to a charity and not to any individual person or group of owners. They have 45 board directors of whom 7 form an executive committee, so it's hard to be oligarchical with a structure like that.

It feels to most people in Green Bay that the team genuinely belongs to them in a pretty much collective way, much more so than my own local hockey team feels owned by my own city and is particular to it. Contrast to other sports teams here where a team might literally pick up and move overnight, because that is exactly what happened to the Baltimore Colts which moved overnight when the state government passed a bill in the dead of night to expropriate the team and send in the state police to obstruct their move if they were an hour late in the move.

Green Bay does call it football not handegg but I think we can forgive them for that given how democratic they are.

05:40 UTC


Daily Slow Chat

Hi there!

Welcome to our daily scheduled post, the Daily Slow Chat.

If you want to just chat about your day, if you have questions for the moderators (please mark these [Mod] so we can find them), or if you just want talk about oatmeal then this is the thread for you!

Enjoying the small talk? We have a Discord server too! We'd love to have more of you over there. Do both of us a favour and use this link to join the fun.

The mod-team wishes you a nice day!

04:01 UTC


What are some foods from your country's food cuisine that invented during harsh living conditions ?

I am looking for foods that made by cheap or easy to find ingredients to feed people most efficently during hard times.

Many foods in Turkish cuisine invented this way. "Omaç" is a good example. It is a dish from central Anatolia region for breakfast. It is basically crumbs of a bread similar to a leftover tortilla fried with eggs and butter.

Thank you for your answers.

16:50 UTC


I have question to those who are from the ex warsaw pact nations. What happened to figures or families who had close relations with the communist party?

Like mentioned above anyone with a knowledge of that region can answer.

What happened to well off or powerful families who had political power /influence during the warsaw pact/communist ruled year's(the ruling elites).

Are there folks from those background who are involved in modern day politics .

What do the average people think of these families and figures who benefited from the party rule. Is there a form of despise towards them.

08:01 UTC


What rarely talked about character from your country’s history deserves a movie?

As a Yank my money goes to William Walker, the President of Nicaragua, President of Baja California and President of Sonora (All Unrecognized). Imagine being the reason why your country had create laws explicitly saying you aren’t allowed to invade foreign countries on your own.

10:27 UTC


What is your favorite book made by an American?

I saw a question earlier about “what book is the most influential in your country”, and just thought about what books yall like that are written by an American.

12:18 UTC


How common is religious fasting in your countries?

Not a very large percentage of Orthodox and Catholics strictly adhere to religious fasts, but many restaurants offer lenten dishes (without meat, dairy products and animal fat). Weddings are not held during Lent. I have known people who did not listen to music during Lent.
I'm not religious, but usually fast on Good Friday and Christmas Eve to maintain tradition.
Is there something similar in your countries?

14:51 UTC


Would you be willing to reduce your international travelling for the environment?

Even if this was not reflected in the behaviour of the richest? For example, Taylor Swift travels more in her private jet in a year and thus outputs more CO2 than any of us in our entire lives. That said, even if we couldn't/didn't obligate the rich to also change their behaviours, would you sharply reduce your travelling habits?

13:16 UTC


What was your countries worst Eurovision mistake?

For Finland, it has to be the jury sending Nina åström to the 2000 Eurovision instead of Nightwish who had won the public vote.

09:00 UTC


Would You Ever Want an Eternal Summer?

I live somehwere near the equatorial line and I just now learned how cold European summers actually are. Like laughably cold honestly. wow. I can't believe it. Always thought summer was a hot and sweaty period, turns out it's actually cold. Living in my country would probably feel like an eternal Summer (only 2 seasons in a year). Always thought I had an eternal spring tbh, rarely bothered by the temperature here.

the coastal plains averaging 28 °C, the inland and mountain areas averaging 26 °C, and the higher mountain regions, 23 °C.

15:29 UTC


Is it acceptable for you family to sunbath / play in a pool nude in a Suburban Garden

What do you think if you had neighbors like us ….Spring coming and garden privacy for sun nude sunbathing?

AITA, Just trying to gauge general opinion. We live in a small market town in the middle of England and are as normal as any other family with kids. We live in a 1980’s small detached 4 bed house, with a lovely garden the previous owners made before us. In the summer although we’re quite overlooked, the trees and shrubs give us a fair amount of privacy, but not completely.

We are also naturists and go to a naturist club with a pool, forest and amazing camping facilities. But on the weekends in the summer when it’s hot, we like to spend some time sunbathing naked in our garden. We have a semi private area where only one house can see us and have built a privacy screen to try and avoid and direct views of us sunbathing, but there’s always a chance if someone was nosy they could probably see through the bushes. Our kids and us often are nude in the pool too (large paddling pool).

Do you think what we’re doing is reasonable, and would anyone be offended if they caught a glimpse of a nude neighbor, just relaxing in the summer?

Would you expect to be asked if it’s ok by the neighbor first?

Would you complain to the neighbor?

Would you have a positive mindset about it if it came up in conversation with the neighbor?

Thank you in advance for your opinion.


06:41 UTC


who is the greatest basketball talent that has come out of your country?

Good morning, I would like you to tell me who is the greatest basketball talent that has existed in your country?

04:34 UTC


Daily Slow Chat

Hi there!

Welcome to our daily scheduled post, the Daily Slow Chat.

If you want to just chat about your day, if you have questions for the moderators (please mark these [Mod] so we can find them), or if you just want talk about oatmeal then this is the thread for you!

Enjoying the small talk? We have a Discord server too! We'd love to have more of you over there. Do both of us a favour and use this link to join the fun.

The mod-team wishes you a nice day!

04:01 UTC


Eurovision is around the corner. What's your favourite entry of all time?

Eurovision 2024 final is in less than 2 weeks. So, what's your favourite entry of all time?

23:25 UTC

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