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Header Image: Dithmarschen by u/flobiwahn r/de_header
Hey, I know this subreddit is about Germany, but I read the news every day and feel that what’s happening in the US will seemingly have an impact on other parts of the world, including the EU and Germany. Considering the coordination between the AfD and Elon Musk, I wonder if there are others who are also watching the situation in the US and worrying about it?
(Moderator: Please feel free to delete this post if you think it is inappropriate.)
Hey everyone,
I recently graduated with a B.Tech in Electronics and I really want to pursue a master’s degree in Embedded Systems or Automotive Engineering this winter semester in Germany. However, I’m feeling stuck because of a few concerns:
My CGPA is 2.83(which is in srilankan system) , which I know is on the lower side.
I don’t have two years of proper work experience—I’ve only worked for about a year.
I don’t know how to strengthen my application to make up for these weaknesses.
I’ve been looking at budget-friendly universities and possible scholarships, but I’m unsure which ones would realistically consider my application. I really want to break into the Embedded Systems or Automotive field, but I don’t know the best way forward.
Has anyone here been in a similar situation? What would you recommend in terms of:
Universities that might accept me despite my GPA.
Ways to improve my profile (projects, certifications, research, or networking strategies).
How to make my application stronger (SOP, LORs, or any special considerations).
Alternative pathways if direct admission seems unlikely.
Any advice, success stories, or guidance would be hugely appreciated. I really want to make this work, but I’m feeling lost on how to move forward. Thanks in advance!
Hello! I bought my wedding dress in a wedding shop in Bautzen and it was a horrible experience. I left a negative review on their Google reviews and it was take down due to defamation. The shop also has a FB page. I wanted to ask, if I paste it again on their FB reviews page, will the same thing happen? Will it just get taken down by her lawyer? Or are FB reviews harder to take down?
Any input on this is much appreciated! Thank you!
Es wäre schön, wenn dies nicht nur an die nicht-Rechten Menschen ankommt.
Ich frage mich wirklich, was die AfD sich dabei denkt – wie soll Deutschland in 20 Jahren aussehen, wenn wir weiterhin den Klimawandel ignorieren oder sogar bestehende Maßnahmen zurückdrehen? Sie versprechen den Menschen jetzt Komfort, aber was passiert, wenn unser Klima sich so stark verschlechtert, dass das Leben hier kaum noch möglich ist? Was tun sie, wenn unsere Ressourcen immer knapper werden?
Ja, in ihrem Parteiprogramm steht, dass alternative Lösungen erforscht werden sollten – aber wie lange wollen sie noch warten? Irgendwann wird es zu spät sein.
Und was denken sich eigentlich AfD-Wähler dabei? Alice Weidel behauptet, Hitler sei Kommunist und links gewesen . Muss ich dazu was sagen? Was passiert, wenn die AfD tatsächlich mehr Macht bekommt? Hält sie sich aktuell sogar noch zurück mit ihrer rechten Ideologie und wird so richtig radikal, wenn sie an der Macht sind?
Mich würde interessieren, wie Menschen, die die AfD wählen oder zumindest deren Politik verteidigen, sich die Zukunft vorstellen. Wie soll das langfristig funktionieren? Wenn ihr Komfort braucht, warum nicht die BSW wählen?
I see this comment on a lot of German news source videos on YouTube.
How true do you believe this to be ?
From my outside perspective it seems to have a grain of truth to it but it somehow totally overlooks the anti Muslim racism of some Jews and the apparent eagerness of Israel to use America to destroy Muslim countries it doesn't approve of.
Hi everyone Im planing to visit cologne after my business event, there will be free 3 days But I'm tired of searching and looking for a good plan to visit Germany. So, how to make the most of the stay please. Thanks
I found an apartment via wg-gesucht, the owner asked for my email to chat, here is the full transcript.
Ich freue mich, dass Sie sich für meine 1-Zimmer-Wohnung interessieren, und die folgenden Details erzählen Ihnen mehr über die Wohnung.
01187 Dresden Plauen
Zimmergröße: 35m2
Etage: 3. Stock und verfügen über ein eigenes Bad und WC.
Die Wohnung ist sauber und komplett eingerichtet mit einer schönen Küche, Waschmaschine, Badewanne und Internet. Die Zimmer sind mit einer Doppelbettmatratze, einem Lesetisch und einem Kleiderschrank ausgestattet. Es ist zentral gelegen. Das Zimmer kostet 550 EUR pro Monat, was bereits zusätzliche Kosten für zusätzliche Kosten zuzüglich einer Kaution von 600 EUR beinhaltet. Die Kaution wird am Ende der Miete zurückerstattet
Me: Can I visit the apartment tomorrow afternoon around 5:00 p.m
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Owner: Danke, dass Sie zurückgeschrieben haben. Die Wohnung ist noch offen und Sie können so schnell wie möglich für die gewünschte Zeit in die Wohnung einziehen, aber die Herausforderung besteht darin, dass die Besichtigung der Wohnung zu diesem Zeitpunkt nicht möglich sein wird, da ich im Moment nicht in der Stadt bin und die einzige Familie, die ich habe, in Jena lebt und es sich nicht leisten kann, zu kommen und jedes Mal, da dies viel Zeit und Geld kostet, weshalb ich die Wohnung vermiete und die Wohnungsschlüssel bei ihm sind. Mein Vertrag läuft hier bis Dezember 2028, weshalb ich beschlossen habe, die Wohnung zu mieten. Ich kann Ihnen mehr Bilder von der Wohnung schicken, damit Sie sie sehen können, damit Sie eine bessere Vorstellung von der Wohnung haben.
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Me:Ok, dann schick mir bitte die Bilder bitte.
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Owner: Wir können die Unterzeichnung des Mietvertrags hier abwickeln und ich werde die Wohnungsschlüssel an Ihre aktuelle Adresse schicken lassen, die an Ihrer aktuellen Adresse oder innerhalb von 24 Stunden nach der Post der Wohnungssicherheit von hier aus durch die Aramex-Logistik, die ich für Ihre Abholung verwende, an der Wohnungssicherheitspost eintreffen sollten. Ich brauche nur Ihre Daten für die Vorbereitung des Vertrags, der Vertrag wird vorbereitet und an Sie gesendet, den Sie ausdrucken und unterschreiben und dann an mich zurückscannen müssen, damit ich auch meinen Teil des Vertrags unterschreiben kann, und sobald wir alle notwendigen Vertragsvereinbarungen abgeschlossen haben, werde ich Ihnen die Schlüssel mit der Tracking-ID schicken, damit Sie wissen, wann er ankommt.
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So, I was watching this possible migration policy change debates in Bundestag, I know already what Union was thinking about Afd and I was just shocked about this cooperation of Union and Afd about migration. My question is how did these news affected your view to Union? Are they still a center-right party or are they slowly turning into an another Afd? Do you guys think this election will be a turning for point for you to not be like US sometime soon.
Although the German Bundestag have rejected the controversial bill on immigration that was proposed by CxU with the support of AfD. What is your thoughts on how would it affect the upcoming election results. Danke :)
Hallo alle,
ich lerne Deutsch seitdem ich 14 bin. Erstmal war die Schule, dann das Studium. Ich bin im Jahr 2016 nach Berlin gezogen und mein Jurastudium angefangen. Das erste Jahr war ein Horror. Ich habe von der Vorlesungen und von der sonstigen alltäglichen Kommunikation kaum was verstanden. Dennoch lies ich mich nicht entmutigen und habe Tag und Nacht gelernt. Glücklicherweise habe ich mein Studium sogar in der Regelstudienzeit erfolgreich abgeschlossen. Nun befinde ich mich auf der Arbeitssuche und hatte bisher einige Vorstellungsgespräche. Das was mich immer noch außer mich bringt sind meine Deutschkenntnisse. Zwar beherrsche ich die Sprache ziemlich gut sogar sehr gut aber nicht mal annähernd so gut wie ein Muttersprachler. Ich möchte auf dem Arbeitsmarkt konkurrenzfähig sein und nicht immer hinterher laufen zu müssen, weil ich keine Muttersprachlerin bin. Was soll ich tun?
P.S. mein Partner ist deutsch.
Hey I'm foreign in Germany and I have a German friend who is a woman, and she is extremely German. She is even more direct than most of the Germans I know and comes from the middle of the country. Most of the time when I talk with her, she tells me when she feels excited or interested in something because she is not very expressive otherwise.
The problem is, when we are talking, I’m often unsure if she is interested in what we’re discussing or not. She doesn’t take the initiative to ask follow-up questions or give clear signals that she finds the conversation interesting. However, in most cases, I’ve learned that she actually is interested. But I really need some advices. We are friends since a year or something like that and we talk constantly at least two or 4 days of the week but some times it is tired. But I appreciate lots her friendship.
Sometimes I would like to say it to her but some another friends have advice me to don't do it because that's something only boyfriends do.
Hallo Leute!
I've heard many times that it's kinda customary to bring a cake or something to the office on your birthday. I know it's not mandatory at all, but maybe is like a nice gesture? It's going to be my first birthday while working in a German office and I'd like to know what do you do usually for your birthday, like bringing cake, or some sweets or just nothing.
Thanks in advance for your answers!
Hey everybody, I hope you had a great day.
Currently Im preparing for the university exam in my country (Which is Non-EU) and after I pass it, I will hopefully enroll in a university there. I don't know German but I'm willing to learn at least B1 level regardless of my taught degree being German or English since I realized from my previous internship experience at Hannover, learning German would make my experience drastically better. It's no surprise though, well, not anymore.
So I'm a 23 year old man, and I did mistakes in the past by studying a major just- Anyway I don't want to waste anybodys time so I'll move on. To save my skin, my plan for the upcoming few years is to, study Computer Engineering in Germany while working and then right after I graduate, either to move and work in NL(Netherlands), or to work in DE(Germany) for 1-2 years then move and work in NL. Then, after I gain some field experience and save some money -let's say 4-6 years-, I wanna go to USA and open up my own small business there. -----END OF MY UTOPIA-----
So, I have 2 main paths for me to choose and both comes with personal worries :
Path 1: I don't know German but I'm gonna learn minimum B1 before arriving. I want to study English taught programs since I want to work abroad when I graduate anyway. Although, I have to work, probably at day jobs while studying and after the first year If things go well hopefully, I want to start working at a job about my major.(Have to be part time unfortunately since students are allowed to work 20 hours)
But my worry is, that according to my research, despite English taught majors are on par with German taught majors quality wise, If you graduate from an English taught program, It will be way harder to lend a job, they say. And the other is like I said, I will have to find a job during my stay to make ends meet and I worry whether If B1 would be enough to find or not. Also I heard they are hard to find. Is there any website to search for specific university and their specs and reqs? I already did research but still, I suspect I'm missing anything.
Path 2: I don't know German again and I want to study in German taught majors, so I need to learn at least C1 German and according to the internet C1 is like 600-750 hours. Plus I'll be needing it for work in a job. somewhere( although I suppose B1 is enough for working, right?) So, after the university exam, I skip 2025 winter intake and start learning German for 6 hours a day and enroll at March 2026 which is irregular I suppose.
My worry with this path is, If I fail to achieve C1 on time, I don't want to waste months on prep class and start studying in 2027. And my other worry is that since the terminology and the count of delicate points to learn is potentially huge, If I have to study in an English-spoken country in the future, I'm afraid that I might have to relearn everything, in English( even though It might be an easier language to learn compared to German)
For the record, I want CE, not CS not CSE, just CE, I'm a bit prejudiced against majors that try to mix 2 majors, I prefer specializing over variety but I might be hella wrong
So what do you think? Any relevant view would be appreciated.
I'm Nilson. I'm from Brazil and I'm going to Germany in the 14th of march, and I need to use public transportation until 29th of March. I'll be staying in Walldorf and I need to go from Walldorf to St. Leon-Rot and back around and then go to Heidelberg and back around too, everyday.
What is the best way to get around?
I was planning to use mo.pla's Deutschlandticket, which has the "pause" button. But I'd buy it on the 14th, and as it is a subscription, I don't really understood how it works or if there's an issue with me buying it on the 14th.
So... I'm not quite sure on what to do since I didn't understand how the ticket works. Is it as simples as buying the ticket on the 14th and cancelling the subscription right away, so it doesn't renew on the next month? Or mo.pla works other way?
Thanks a lot for the help!
I recently applied to few universities for master’s degree in AI. Could you guys help me figure out which university is the best to study in?
I hoping to get admitted in these unis, which one should I go for?
Hello everyone , I’m EU citizen was working in Germany for few years ? I was seasonal worker even though I was having sparkasse bank account with credit card . Later one I was having -1200 euro in the card I didn’t turn back on time and didn’t coming back in Germany since 2021 during some problems later. However I was going through the country changing airplanes and going throughout with a car didn’t have problems with this. I read in Internet some people says - you can be arrested soon as you start job , some other people says you will be messaging after few months when you start a job from inkasso firma and will ask you for turn money back for a few months . Yes during the years I was received from inkasso firma on my email everything I need to know about the payment and they loook for the money I just write to them I didn’t have the job at the moment and I’m not in Germany anymore and they stopped to send me anything back then.
So the real question is - if im coming back again for seasonal job for sure I will not have acces to any bank account in Germany to open right? But still I can recieve salary in any EU konto in Europe , I want to ask if someone know is it true because are been 4 years nothing can happen I mean I can’t been arrested soon as I start work or they can do something like that ? Or they will try to freeze my full salary ? I really need more information unfortunately this inkasso company didn’t write my anything when I’m asking on their email ….. I think I didn’t need to call sparkasse for this because it’s not the problem and they sell it to inkasso firma.
Please if anybody have some sort of situation or actually know what can happen ?
Best regards
I feel like life in Germany, while still more affordable given salaries than in other countries, is becoming less and less affordable. All I hear are companies moving abroad and people loosing their job.
At the same time parties on the left seem to just give benefits to the people to be elected. It's simple math that giving out money while you already don't have any will just worsen the problem.
Why does no party publish a serious plan to get back the companies, cut energy costs, get innovation to Germany and revitalize the country?
Hi what do you think is a good income range(netto) assuming you're single and no kids to have the "financial" right to own a luxury car. Not the ones like Ferrari but the cheap luxury one if there's a term . Like Mercedes or etc,
Assuming ur not in the large city ofc so rent would be not high..
P.s. let's say my average spending before car is 1500-2000 for everything and my income is 3500-4000 netto
I've been living in Germany for about three years now. I came with a student visa and recently finished my MBA in Tourism Management here. I also studied Business Administration in my home country, and now I'm looking for a job.
At the moment, I have a job seeker visa that allows me to work full-time. I completed a one-year internship at SAP in Walldorf. I have a C1 level in English, Spanish is my native language, and my German is somewhere between B1 and B2.
I apply to one or two job postings daily with a customized CV and motivation letter, but I keep receiving "Leider nicht" emails.
I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. Any thoughts? Does anyone have tips or recommendations?
ich habe es irgendwie geschafft, direkt beim Release der 5080 eine Karte bei Cyberport zu kriegen – allerdings ohne Nutzerkonto.
Telefonisch sind sie leider nicht erreichbar.
Die Bestellbestätigung habe ich per Mail erhalten, aber ohne Konto kann ich den Status ja nicht so leicht verfolgen.
Hat jemand Erfahrung, wie lange Cyberport bei solchen Bestellungen für die Lieferung braucht? Besonders bei solchen Produkten wie neue Grafikkarten?
Calling out Physician Assistant out there
Hi! I'm a nurse from the Philippines. I'm interested in Physician Assistant after working for 3 years Heard it's a small but growing positively profession
Can an auslanderpflege proceed to PA? No ausbildung but recognized ofc.
How much is the salary considering i have experience? Brutto
If i take the part time course, how long is the duration and how's the schedule like?
Since it's Medical stuff, is the study hard since it's only part time? What's the curriculum like
What's the best school there? Heard many people going to carl Remigus Medical school
Can a PA in Deutschland work in other countries as well?
What are the job prospects?
Vielen dank!
Does watching german YouTube videos help even though I can understand very little.For example I watch alot of Jules and does watching his videos help me learn the language?
Is there a slang word in deutsch equal to butter face. The term used to describe someone who has an attractive body but not their face. My German wife said that English has more mean slang and I am convinced there has to be a word for it.
Hello, I am planning to give my German A2 level exam from Goethe.
I would request your help in few things.
Please note, I am not a student at Goethe institute so that discount will not be applicable to me.
hello everyone
I downloaded some videos in Germany, not knowing that they have an extremely strict policy on that matter, my question is how long does it take for the fine to arrive at my address,days week or monts
German asking Germans here: Do you put people who vote for her in the same camp as AFD Voters and if so, why?
Hi wonderful Germans,
I took a package for a neighbour 2 weeks ago and he hasn’t collected it. His name is not on the doorbell.
I’m moving to a new apartment in a few weeks. What do I do with the package? Because I signed for it, is it technically my responsibility if i put it downstairs and it goes missing? Thanks!