Things that make you go AWW! -- like puppies, bunnies, babies, and so on...
Feel free to post original pictures and videos of cute things.
Things that make you go AWW! -- like puppies, bunnies, babies, and so on...
Feel free to post pictures and videos of cute things.
No "sad" content, such as pics of animals that have passed away (try /r/petloss), animals that have been injured/abused, or sob stories (e.g. found him in a dumpster). more ›
No comics, captioned pictures/videos (try r/lolcats, r/cute, or r/animaltextgifs), or photos of just text. more ›
No post titles asking for upvotes, approval, or interaction. more ›
No slurs or harassing comments. more ›
Posts must link to sites on our approved list.
No NSFW/NSFL content. This includes not only inappropriate images but also inappropriate text, innuendo, or inappropriate jokes in comments. more ›
No asking for donations, sponsorship or adoptions (try /r/care or /r/assistance). more ›
No bots, bot-like behavior, or spam. Don't submit more than 4 posts in 24 hours. more ›
Original content only. No false claims of content ownership. more ›
No social media links or personally identifiable information. more ›
We're here to help, but please provide a link/URL when you modmail us.