A place for blep.
Wanna discuss the nuances of blep, vote for our Blep of the Month or just share pictures of your cat? Why not join our Discord Server‽
Blep goes in title
Only felines
A lick is NOT blep
No Instagram links
No Facebook links
No Youtube links
No Tik-Tok videos
No Tik-Tok screenshots
Be nice. Trolling or other disrespectful behavior will be punished.
No low effort "check out my sub"-comments. If we like your sub it will be added to the friends list.
No reposts. You can check to see if your post is a repost here.
Please try to post original content if possible. Googling "cat with tongue out" and spamming the sub with your results dilutes the purpose of this sub. Blatant spamming will be punished.
Do not post deliberately photoshopped images or other types of fake bleps. This will result in a permanent ban.
Submissions that deviate from these rules will be deleted. The mods reserve the right to remove posts/comments at their discretion. Any problems, message the mods for help.
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This is my little buddy Loki with a solid blep an hour or so ago.
she has done this ever since she was a kitten 😹