/r/catloaf: for cats sitting in the classic bread-like loaf position.
Share pictures of your Catloaf (cats laying down in a loaf-like position) and engage in riveting discussion about loaves of cats!
1. Do not claim others' content as your own. We love original content here, but if your submission is not something that you created, please don't claim or imply that it is.
2. Please keep it civil. We ask all users to stick to the Reddiquette. Please be civil and friendly when you participate.
3. Keep reposting to a minimum. If a piece of content was posted in /r/Catloaf recently or was very popular when it was first submitted, we ask that you refrain from submitting a new copy.
4. Avoid self-promotion and spam. Please do not use this community as a platform to make a profit or drive traffic elsewhere. Linking to your storefront or product page is not allowed. If one of your primary purposes here (on /r/Catloaf or on Reddit as a whole) is to gain followers, sell products, or self-promote, you may be banned from the subreddit.
If your post isn't showing up in /new after a few minutes, please message the mods with the link! It may be stuck in the filter, and we would be happy to approve it for you.
Please visit our friends for more cats at:
/r/PeanutWhiskers for adorable cat cheeks and whiskers
/r/CatKicks for kitties kicking stuff
/r/teefies for kitty teeth
/r/jellybeantoes for kitty paws!
/r/catbun for curled-up kitties!
Want something different? Check out other friends of the loaf for more good times!
Want even more cats? Check here for a list of cat-related subreddits!