
Photograph via snooOG

This subreddit is dedicated to providing a space by trans people and for transgender people to discuss, question, or complain about all things Christianity. While the focus of this subreddit is on trans Christians, trans non-Christians and cisgender people are absolutely welcome to participate.

Please leave transphobia at the door.

This community is dedicated to exploring transgender identities, Christianity, and all their intersections. Though /r/TransChristianity is by trans Christians and primarily for trans Christians, everyone of any gender identity or religion is welcome to participate. Personal posts, news, prayer requests, questions, and discussion threads are all welcome!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • Read this wiki for a short explanation of terms.

  • Here's a list of further reading on Christian faith/theology and transgender people.

Community guidelines:

1. Always use people's pronouns. If you are unsure, either ask or use their username. Persistent and/or intentional misgendering will result in temporary or permanent banning.

2. The use of anti-trans rhetoric (transphobia, transmisogyny, non-binary denialism) is strictly forbidden.

3. In addition to rule #2: homophobia, racism, classism, ableism, and other oppressive discourses are strictly forbidden. Repeat offenders of rules #2 & #3 will be banned.

4. Please observe the posting policies.

5. No anti-trans proselytizing. Don't try to convince others to not be trans or to not live out their gender. A good way to avoid doing this is by asking honest, good-hearted, non-rhetorical questions.

6. Cisgender people should avoid "playing devil's advocate" here. The devil already has enough advocates.

7. Overall, be respectful and non-invasive (for God's sake don't ask people about their genitals. It gets old before the first time.)


Why does this subreddit exist?

While /r/OpenChristian, /r/RadicalChristianity, and /r/QUILTBAGChristians exist, there are no subs which specifically and exclusively cover transgender issues and Christianity. Transgender issues are different enough from issues of sexuality that they warrant more specific attention, rather than just being lumped in with sexuality as they often are, both in LGBTQ circles and Christian circles.

Meet the mods!

Related subs:

Trans LifeLine

/r/asktransgender's Suicide Resource List


7,669 Subscribers


The Affirming Christian Discord Community - Sanctuary in Christ

You are invited to join Sanctuary in Christ, Discord's largest LGBTQ+ affirming Christian server. We seek to create a strong community through Christ of believers and non-believers alike.

We have:

  • The most friendly Christian community on Discord.
  • Casual and serious places to chat about any reasonable topic, from chats about hobbies, to discussions about faith, to places to post pictures of your dinner.
  • Places to ask difficult questions.
  • A great staff team capable of keeping the community safe and welcoming.
  • Community events such as prayer events or game nights.

We do NOT have:

  • Meaningless arguments or debates
  • Anti-Christian or Anti-LGBTQ Rhetoric
  • Bullying of any kind

If you have any questions about the community, feel free to comment below. If you want to join, go ahead and join at https://discord.gg/sanctuaryinchrist

21:29 UTC


Where is the limit?

recently I've went to youth at church and we've been talking about idolatry. Now, the whole reason I'm Trans is because another female inspires (still to this day!) to seek who I feel I really am.

But with this, I don't want to feel alone in being female, so I have a few females that I guess I idolize but God says not to do this. I've been feeling that idolatry is my number one big sin lately I just don't know how to let go.

I'm in a broken home where I only get to be myself half the time (even then in private) and I feel very confident this is my path in life. But it's just stressful trying to figure out how to live normally with my home situation, my religion, and my deep feelings. can anyone help?

02:21 UTC


Christianity, Queerness, and What it Means to Love

I recently saw a video by youtuber Kat Blaque on the "He Gets Us" campaign, particularly the ad campaign from the 2023 Super Bowl. She showed a small compilation of Christians reacting to the ad, and said Christians were not having it. They all expressed the sentiment that Jesus loving us all is not the same as Him condoning sinful lifestyles, which of course was about anything that isn't heterosexual or cisgendered or conservative, one of them even said that accepting or even tolerating certain persuasions is actually hate and real love involves condemning others for "living in sin" which again is just anything queer and/or leftist. Of course I don't agree with this, yet there's still a part of me that expresses doubt, that as a transgender pansexual radical leftist I am going against Jesus and His teachings, that standing up for and with the marginalized is condoning and accepting sinful behavior, my most rational side does not quell that doubt. I think it best to bring this up with fellow queer Christians, hence why I am bringing this up here. What do you think?

20:13 UTC


If you are Trans or Christian please listen to this sermon. You are loved! There is room for you!

11:49 UTC


(RANT) How come my life is perfect but this one thing...:((

Hi, I was on here not to long ago but something has been bothering me lately. This is yet another rant, but if you read all the way through I can't thank you enough!

(Little update from last post, you can skip this if you want.) My last post was about someone in my life who calls me a sin and more and a little update on that is that they at least started using my preferred name so that's plus.

On to why I'm making this post. Why was I given a good life? I just got a really awesome job that I love, I love my family, (most are supportive of me) I have two amazing cats I get to see every day, and most importantly a roof over my head and it's no small one either.

I want to be happy and grateful for all of these things but I feel like self inflicting myself (me go bye bye aka) and it's because of my gender (bio female.) I can't appreciate everything else because this one thing is ruining everything for me, I want all of these things but not as a female:(. I don't want to be a miss, I wanna be a sir, I don't want melons I want to be flat, I don't want this dumb high pitched voice or my lower half. I just wish I could ask god why give me a life as good as this, if your just gonna change the last puzzle piece.

I feel like I don't deserve the life I live. My friends tell me I'm lucky and it makes me feel like I can't cry because of that, and I kind of just wanna end it all at this point. If I go to hell I go to hell because according to everywhere I read (besides my last post), being trans is a sin and so is self inflicting so I'm going to hell anyway yk.

Thank you so much for listening to this rant that's all over the place. If you read this far you are amazing and I just want you to know how much I love and apreciate you! God Bess🙏

00:52 UTC


trans christian artists?

does anyone know of trans Christian artists?

im trying to listen to faith music more, and id like to listen to some artist who also represnt me.

02:26 UTC


Is this ok or is this offensive? (Question from cis ally)

Hi, I’m a cis ally (though I thought I was transgender for a long time but I realized I wasn’t) and I have autism/Asperger’s. I’m an objectum romantic and asexual and my autism is linked with how I am attracted to action figures/dolls. I’ve dated real transgender people in the past before and they have had such a strong and positive impact on me and my life. I feel so comfortable around you all and I forever support you all. The few transgender people I’ve known in my life have been so kindhearted and make me feel loved when my family doesn’t even compare. Sorry for the long paragraph but here’s my question: I was wondering if I can say my doll partner is transgender female when people ask me about my partner (even though I don’t bring her out in public). I can’t have regular relationships with people because of my severe autism so I’m wondering if it’s ok if I can call my object partner a transgender partner because of my support for you. Thanks. Here’s a picture of my partner btw

22:05 UTC


A Prayer to the (Unfollowable) Risen Christ

I know a lot of us have a complex relationship with the Faith. For me, it has been a source of both deep pain, and of profound relief. But in the end, I recognize in retrospect that my journey as a gender pilgrim have always been shaping and deepening my faith in turn.

Contemplating the Risen Christ this Easter season -- the first since I've been given the grace and courage to look directly at these mattes in my own heart -- I have been continually startled by Christ as he appears on the other side of the Tomb. He is ungraspable, yet he invites us to put our hands in his wounds. He eats with us, demonstrating the reality of his flesh, and yet he passes through locked doors. He walks and talks with us unrecognized, yet then, in a flash, we know him. He breathes on us, and opens our minds to receive the Scriptures. He says to the women, "Go proclaim!" and to the men, "Wait in Jerusalem!" He is utterly unfollowable -- his both his work is unique, and the physical properties of his Resurrected Body are unique -- and yet he says, "Follow me."

Here is a prayer I penned to this unfollowable Christ. It's for a general audience, so I've not made any specific reference to my trans identity. But I anticipate many of you may recognize and resonate with some of these states of heart, soul and spirit.

Risen Lord Jesus, how great is the mystery of your Resurrection!
In your earthly ministry, you called disciples to come and follow,
but after your Resurrection,
you defied all ability to comprehend or anticipate your movements
in that strange Risen Body,
both wounded and divine.

We too hear your voice and desire to follow you,
yet fall down also in awe of your unfollowability.

At times you come to us through well worn-means,
through the ancient words of Scripture,
through the blessed company of two or three,
through the abiding sacraments of your Church,
in the distressing disguise of the outcast and the poor.

Yet at others, you burst forth unpredictably,
chasing us down behind locked doors,
or on crooked and deserted roads;
interrupting our routines and religious projects,
revealing unexpected grace and love,
in the midst of our secret garden of shame.

Forgive us for the many times we have tried to tame your Resurrection power,
to press you into the mold of a safe religion that salves our conscience
but never confronts our deepest poverty.

How we long to be masters of our own transformation!
To re-make ourselves in your image (as we think it ought to be)
through our fervent efforts and rigorous imitations.

But you refuse to be constrained by our pious idolatries.
Instead, you meet us in our helplessness
with a love that transcends our brokenness
in ways we dared not hope for or expect.

Grant us faith to surrender to your unfathomable grace.
Where we are perplexed by your apparent absence,
give us peace to wait and trust in your unseen workings.
Where we are confounded by our inability to change,
open our eyes to your power made perfect in weakness.
As you manifest yourself through the ordinary stuff of water, bread, wine and community,
may we exclaim with wonder, like the Ethiopian eunuch,
"Here is the truth for which I've longed! Why should I delay in entering in?"

Draw us ever deeper into the joyful paradoxes of your resurrection life,
where death is conquered and yet ever before us,
where you slip through locked doors
and reveal an intimacy nearer than our next breath.
Lead us to that eternal rest which is already among us, if we have ears to hear it.
For you alone are the Way, the Truth and the Life.
All praise, honor and glory be to you,
forever and ever.

19:42 UTC


In need of an affirming church but not ready to go in person check us out!

I wanted to post for anyone in need of a safe place to either explore their faith or further their journey with God without feeling condemned. This is an affirming Church that God has placed for anyone of all walks of life because the Kingdom of Heaven is for everyone and anyone who puts their faith in His Son Jesus. There gospel is not for a select few but rather it is inclusive for anyone who believes! God placed this ministry in my heart and it was birthed out of a need that I had being gay and loving God. I need a safe place to be loved and accepted and shown the love of God. I went through a lot to get to where I am today. But now I have the honor of offering this safe place to anyone who has felt like me. Whether you are questioning your faith because of your sexuality or identity you have a place here. We are here for you. The name of the Church is Safe Haven Church and its a safe place where its ok to not be ok people misunderstand why we say that it has nothing to do with sexuality or identity but rather that this is a safe place that if you feel broken or lost we won't judge you but rather help you and love you through it. I needed a place like this for so long and I pray that when you see this ministry you see that God is building His Church were everyone is welcomed and loved and that he Is for us and not against us. I will post my story below and the church site. I pray you see this and see that God is doing a thing.



Church page


1 Comment
16:41 UTC


I want to love god but I just can’t.

I struggle with romantic love. I’m not saying that I’d love god romantically but I definitely struggle with loneliness. I just want god to answer me and make me genderless. I know only god will make me whole but they’ve abandoned me. It also doesn’t help that I don’t have a strong support base of transgender friends. I only have one transgender friend and she’s a great person.

11:54 UTC


Is eunuch a valid gender identity? (Serious question)

I feel like that’s what I am. I saw a transgender psychiatrist who talked about eunuch gender on a YouTube video and I’m wondering if that’s a valid gender identity. I feel like that’s the only label that resonates with me.

22:16 UTC


Queerfully and Wonderfully Made A Guide for LGBTQ+ Christian Teens


ALA 2021 Rainbow List Pick

Are you LGBTQ+? Not sure? Whether you're queer or questioning, understanding sexuality and gender identity can be confusing. And if you're a Christian, questions of identity can be even scarier. Is there something wrong with you? Will your friends accept you? When should you tell your family? What about church?

Queerfully and Wonderfully Made: A Guide for LGBTQ+ Christian Teens has answers to all these questions and more. You'll get insight and support from an amazing group of LGBTQ+ professionals, as well as testimonies from young adult queer Christians who've recently been exactly where you are. You'll walk away with a lot of answers, prepared with tools to help. But most importantly, you'll hear the good news: God loves you exactly as you are. No matter your identity or where in your journey of self-discovery you find yourself, you got this.

I know a lot of you need this so see if you can't find it locally or digitally at your public library. God loves you.

19:49 UTC


Eunuchs, Love, Jesus, and Transition. A Oddly Trans and Beautiful Service. From Saint Marks Episcopal Cathedral, Minneapolis Mn.

Today's service was about Phillip and the Ethiopian eunuch. Abiding in love, and knowing true love of God. God was speaking to me about some of the struggles I've recently been through and some of the things I heard I needed to hear. After Dealing with Bigotry from another church.

It was also oddly about "Transition"! While our old Dean/Archpriest is leaving we do love him dearly.
But theres just little hints in the words of the archpriest and the Bishop and The Gospels that hint at a message to my trans siblings and me that we all need to hear.
I highly recommend you watch it. This church is a treasure we dont have a lot of money compared to a church i went to recently with bigoted priests but the people have hearts of Gold there.

The Episcopal Church is Beautiful. It is the Safest Place for all of my trans brothers and sisters. It is a Church that is the closet thing to western rite orthodoxy that is trans lgbt affirming and kind. The values of equality radiate in the episcopal church. If you can find one with a church that is loving please do so. I just wish we had more icons and censures :p

1 Comment
18:44 UTC


I just want to tell you about an incredible dream I had, and I'm 99.9% sure that Jesus sent it to me (and that I probably spoke to him). If you are in denial about being trans I recommend you read it.

I'm 17 years old, I'm FTM, Brazilian and my evangelical parents pulled me out of the closet in September last year. Ever since this happened I was scared to death of going to Hell, of Jesus not loving me anymore. I've been told horrible things, from: "God will kill the person you love and hurt you to change your mind" to "if you see yourself as a boy, you'll want to "cuddle" your sister" 💀 from the people I love.

About 3 weeks ago, my mom had a conversation about how she'll never accept me and said these things that conservative transphobes say about "permissive love" and that you're going to date trees?

But the thing is, after that discussion, I was really stressed (like, I've been keeping everything to myself for 7 months), so I kind of attempted suicide with 8 or 7 dipyrones (it didn't work, I must have just gotten a little high). . I don't remember if it was from that night to the next day, or two days after that, but I simply asked God to tell me that everything would be okay and for Jesus to hug me.

So I had this dream: I was looking at the window of my house, the day was beautiful, suddenly a different wind came. He was coming from my right, and looking up I noticed Heaven coming to earth. I quickly started praying in a panic, saying that I know I was wavering, but recently I've been trying hard to be a better person and love others more.

The trial began, and depending on what the person committed, the number of flies surrounding their head varied, in my case there was only one (which both relieved and worried me). Jesus started to judge me, he told me that my sin was m*sturbation and that I faltered in the part where I should read the Bible (it was not something on the same level, but a mistake that I should improve). I agreed and said yes, I made a mistake and really faltered in these parts (I'm an ace and I don't have much interest in things like that, but in high stress, anything is heaven).

He stated and suddenly I started having a normal conversation with him, and in a way that made his heart feel warm and give him a happy smile. We talked about faith and love and probably other things that I don't even remember anymore, when I had a little break to breathe, I barely noticed that she was gone (What does sins purged/forgiven without pain mean). He also had a feeling that everything would end well, even that everyone would be forgiven. The dream ended a little while later as I happily followed Jesus.

Honestly, I think the amazing thing about this dream was that it was a dream involving the end of the world that really wasn't that scary. Of course the beginning scared me, but then everything was so comforting. And the best of all was that it wouldn't make much sense for it to happen like that, I have a lot of internalized transphobia and fear of being rejected by Jesus, but what happened was the opposite extreme.

HE TREATED ME LIKE SOMEONE NORMAL! HE DIDN'T TOUCH THE FACT THAT I WAS TRANS, HE TREATED ME AS NORMAL AS A CIS PERSON! Which honestly makes me believe that being trans is a neutral factor for salvation, just like being tall, thin, white, black, male or female.

Honestly, I'm really thinking that if my parents come to talk to me about the subject of me being trans and justify it by saying "you have to see how God sees you" and among other things, tell them about my dream. It's a shame they would probably believe it was the Devil manipulating me, but I'm sure if it was the devil, I wouldn't feel the comfort in the end and Him telling me to do the right things.

Do you also believe that this dream could really have been sent by Jesus? I mean, I really have high chances. Sorry for writing this essay and God bless.

02:12 UTC


Bible study tonight!

Hoping you guys will join us tonight for bible study we are an affirming Church Hope is just here to create a safe place for anyone looking to understand the word of God more and share with others who are wanting to know more about God. Send me a direct message if you are interested and we will send you the link! Hope to see you there!

19:00 UTC


Where to get top surgery letters???

I had a consultation with Dr Gabriel Del Corral back in October of 2023. They sent for my insurance approval and i didn’t hear back for a few weeks. I called back and they told me they needed two therapist/behavioral letters for approval. The thing is, the place i go to for therapy/ psychiatry told me they don’t write those kinds of letters….so where in the hell do i go now?? I don’t have much money and ever resource I’ve seen for letter writing charges hundreds of dollars which i do not have. I’m desperate for top surgery but my insurance won’t approve me until I get those two behavioral letters. Is anyone able to help me? Please 🙏🏼

00:21 UTC


In-person community in Upstate NY


Online communities have been invaluable for so many of us as we’ve shifted in our faith and our views on the Church. But for some of us, sharing our life with people regularly in-person is still something that we’re searching for.

We are creating a spiritual community for people in the Capital District of NY (Albany area) who either aren’t interested in church anymore, or maybe have been burned by the church, but are still interested in connecting with people who care about love, and justice, and faith, and other things that matter in life. This community is “Open Source” and it will grow and evolve to become whatever we all need it to be based on what we all bring to the table.

We’ve made a Facebook group, just to help organize and connect everyone, but our intention is that the community will grow to include regular real-time and in-person spaces.

Check it out and join us if it's something that sounds worthwhile to you!


21:16 UTC


Hey first post here... bc I might get grounded and need advice and prayers

So basically I've got undiagnosed split personality disorder (meaning I think I have it but not gotten tested yet) and one of my ults (a different personality) is a girl and who wants to change my body (male) to female but I'm personality against that bc I'm happy and fine being male plus im a Christian but she is sometimes very loud and hard to deal with so I cave and let her buy/wear thing or sometimes I'll just wake up and be in different clothes have taken a shower made plans or talked to people without know how/when it happens but anyway that all content the main thing is that I have some woman clothes bc of my ult and while doing laundry my parents found it and started questioning and threatening to kick me out and all this shit so now I'm really scared and could use your prayers and advice (also I don't have enough money to move out and in between jobs but almost got one) (also 19m)

07:43 UTC


hi pleas do my questionnaire to understand the challenges of being a transgender person and or their parents of family on living with a transgender Child

04:53 UTC


Towards transgender recognition in Christianity

21:44 UTC


Wanting to get into Christianity

Hi, I’m 15,trans man and bisexual. I have been thinking about joining Christianity, but it’s just so overwhelming and confusing. Where do I even start ??

20:36 UTC


Deuteronomy 22:5 thoughts

I typed this up as comment to another Deut 22:5 thread, but reddit kept saying "unable to create comment."

I think transgenderism and transexuality goes way deeper than Deuteronomy 22:5. Deuteronomy 22:5 barely even covers the depth of transexuality/transgenderism. I'll let you be like the Bereans (Acts 17:11) and fact check my words for yourselves.

  1. Clothing found it's origin after the Fall. After they ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, "Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves." (Genesis 3:7)
  2. God replaced the fig leaves they made for themselves through the blood sacrifice of an animal. This future references the blood sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. "The LORD God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them." (Genesis 3:21)
  3. Tunics were worn by both sexes throughout the bible from Genesis to Revelation.
  4. Western culture automatically associates a skirt with female clothing. But if you do a word search for "skirt" in The King James Version in the Old Testament, it appears 10 times. Each time it references a garment for male (King James Bible Online dot org word search)
  5. When you go to the Hebrew text of Deuteronomy 22:5, the Hebrew word for man is gheh'-ber. This Hebrew word for man is used only twice in the entire book of Deuteronomy (see KJV verse count column). In the whole book of Deuteronomy, the word "man" appears a total of 95 times. But only 2/95 of those times is the Hebrew word gheh'-ber used to mean man. This is significant. Why did the author use gheh'-ber and not these?

eesh (65 occurrences in Deuteronomy)

en-oshe' (15 times in Deut)

math occurs (6 times in Deut)

aw-dawm' (6 times in Deuteronomy)

baw-khoor' (1 time in Deuteronomy means 'young man')

In this case, geber means man, strong man, warrior (emphasising strength or ability to fight)

  1. The Adam Clarke Commentary on the Bible reads

“it is very probable her that armor is here intended; especially as we know that in the worship of Venus, to which that of Astarte or Ashtaroth among the Canaanites bore a striking resemblance, the women were accustomed to appear in armor before her. It certainly can not mean a simple change in dress whereby the men might pass for women, and vice versa. This would have been impossible in those countries where the dress of the sexes had but little to distinguish it, and where every man wore a long beard.”

  1. Even the Jewish historian Flavius Josephus in Antiquities 4.8.43 wrote

Take care especially in your battles, that no woman use the habit of a man, nor man the garment of a woman

  1. If one were to read Deuteronomy literally, then we must only wear sandals and tunics, literally. We must go back to riding camels, drawing water from a well. We must obey all of the law too and not cherry pick which parts we want to live. James 2:10 reads, "For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it."

  2. Man can not be justified by following the law. Galatians 2

"15 “We who are Jews by birth and not sinful Gentiles 16 know that a person is not justified by the works of the law, but by faith in Jesus Christ. So we, too, have put our faith in Christ Jesus that we may be justified by faith in[d] Christ and not by the works of the law, because by the works of the law no one will be justified*....*21 I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing!”

  1. If man attempts sanctification by the law, he is obligated to obey all of the law at all times to achieve it. Also Galatians 3

10 For all who rely on the works of the law are under a curse, as it is written: “Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law.”[e] 11 Clearly no one who relies on the law is justified before God, because “the righteous will live by faith.”[f] 12 The law is not based on faith; on the contrary, it says, “The person who does these things will live by them.”[g] 13 Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a pole.”[h] 14 He redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus, so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit.

  1. My interpretation of Deuteronomy 22:5 is avoid spiritual role inversion in marriage relationships. After the fall, God approached Adam first. Why? Because Ephesians 5:23 states "For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior." Also don't invoke the Spirit of Ahab when in relationships with females who could also be invoking the Spirit of Jezebel to achieve their ends. Stay in the right lane like Jehu who toppled Jezebel or Elijah who toppled Jezebel's baal.
23:33 UTC


Looking for friends from the twin cities.

If you are a trans Christian friend or a queer Christian friend from the twin cities feel free to contact me. I'm trying to create a support network.

This Sunday at st.marks episcopal in Minneapolis we have our monthly LGBT potluck.

10:13 UTC


What is your Gender Identity?

This wont be an amazing poll, but I notice many trans boys and men tend to be more religious I find this fascinating. Sorry if my options are confusing I'm trying to include everyone. If one of my options is rude let me know so in the future I can correct this. Feel free to comment if you are not listed.

View Poll

01:53 UTC


How to honor Deuteronomy 22:5?

I know we're probably tired of this verse, but i'm a little stuck. I believe the whole Bible is inspired by God. As a gentile Christian non-binary person, how do i honor the spirit or intent of the commandment about gendered clothing while living in Jesus' freedom from exactly following every commandment? Is this command about morality or maintaining distinctiveness as a nation of priests? I feel uncomfortable with the idea of completely passing as another sex because of this passage. Thanks!

20:56 UTC


Questions about being transgender and christian

I'm FTM and I am really struggling on the subject of if its okay to be transgender, and I have read lots of things claiming that it is okay but theres just a few more questions lingering around (also im sorry if any questions seem obvious or stupid):

  1. Is it okay to take testosterone, Is that disobeying G-d in terms of he made this body for me and that I'm altering it strongly

  2. In "Deuteronomy 22:5" I've read that it's referring to men trying to escape the war or cross dressing for sexual purposes and women trying to get into the war by dressing as men, Well something like that I forgot the exact meaning lol but it's not referring to trans people from what I've heard but what if we are just altering the Bible verse meaning and it actually is referring to trans people?

There's probably more questions I had in mind but I can't think of any more right not but if they do come up I'll probably post them 👍

10:55 UTC

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