
Photograph via snooOG

A subreddit for people of every stripe who feel that they don't fit into a preference-binary or gender-binary culture.

  1. This is a subreddit for people of every stripe who feel that they don't fit into our culture's gender-binary. This is a place to share stories, experiences, questions, images, art, poetry - anything to help you through the journey of expressing the real you and meeting others who are like you.
  2. Anyone binary wanting to ask questions because you don't understand something non-binary must search the archive before posting. Odds are your questions have been answered... multiple times. If it's obvious you haven't done this, your post will be removed.
  3. When making a link post, please make the first comment to your post. You can include a summary of the link, an opinion, and/or a discussion question. Thanks for participating!
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  5. We do not allow posts that ask anyone to guess OP's AGAB/assigned gender at birth, whether it is as the main point of the post or a side-note, etc. If you see these posts, please report them to us.

  6. Related Communities:

    Steam Community: Genderqueer

    Header art by /u/M4gikarp and /u/minstrel-girl


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    I'm really sad and I don't know what to do

    (sorry, english is not my first language) Today I was in a party, and a friend (cisman) of one of my closests friend (ciswoman), came out to an other friend (ciswoman) and me as bi. It was such a beautiful moment and I'm so glad that he could find some what of a safe space within us. But the thing is my friends were so supportive of him (they even thank him for it) but when I told them, maybe a year ago, that I was NB they ignore it completely. They still call me sometimes girl/woman, it's so infuriating because they understood completely the need of a safe space (this boy has a group of very straight cis men), but when it comes from one of their very closests friends, they choose to ignore it. We have a common friend group (the girls and me) with again a lot of cis men, and I haven't come out there because it doesn't feel safe. I don't know what to do with this, to be honest. I'm so tired of teaching people and correcting them. This is not a individual example, this happens every time and I have told these friends that i dont want to be called a woman. I'm sorry I know that maybe I'm to angry or I'm just sensitive but idk it feels weird. Also, I'm so happy for this man, I'm really am and I dont want to overshadow him, but yeah thats it. Again sorry for my english.

    06:17 UTC


    Little late to the party but enjoying the Femme rep and just got my first skirt in over a year



    It's been harem pants all day everyday for a while, and it was time to take a bold step. Totally paid off, and all my closest friends agree it's so me!
    Also Reddit hasn't been playing nice on mobile, I thought this posted 2 days ago but I guess not, and posting it now is infinitely loading as I type 😡😡😡

    04:40 UTC


    How to explain to little kid ?

    The other day I (31NB, they/them) talked to my 5 year old (he/him) about nonbinary people. He got it instantly! We’ve talked about not feeling like a boy or girl (I was trying to explain myself to him when I came out a few months ago) before bc I was trying to set the stage for future conversations. And the other day we talked about people that are not boys or girls even if that’s what they were called when they were born. He said “they’re nonbinary!” 🙌🏻🙌🏻

    Lately he’s been talking about “some people think long hair is only for girls, and they’re wrong”, or whatever other thing that society has given gender. He likes to have his hair long and to wear “girl” clothes and paint his nails. In the past I allowed him to wear dresses in the house but not to his dad’s bc his dad is Right Wing Incarnate 😒

    However, this year I want to encourage him to be himself in public, however that may manifest. But how do I prepare him for people that might make fun of him? He gets very upset if he gets embarrassed or if people make fun of him, and he would be discouraged from ever wearing a dress again. I’m not sure if I should let that play out or if I should let him be aware ahead of time so he doesn’t feel caught off guard?

    I just want to be a good mom/ally, especially coming from parents that I don’t even talk to anymore and having a baby with a guy that was the same way. I need him to have someone in his corner and I want to make sure I’m doing it right 😬

    04:28 UTC



    I just found out about tucking, WE HAVE BALLS POCKETS! very handy I recommend looking it up

    04:17 UTC


    Hello :)

    04:05 UTC


    Re-draw them challenge

    1 Comment
    03:19 UTC


    Need some help deciding on a name

    so right now im stuck between my birth name (jack) and a name im trying out with some friends (jade). I've never really had a problem with the name jack, however most of my gender discovery has been through euphoria rather than dysphoria so i thought id give a name change a shot. ive been trying out jade for a good while and in the beginning it did feel really good to be called that. that has worn of now but thats most likely since ive just gotten used to the name with that group. I really like the name Jade but I cant tell if I like it from an outside view or if I want it as my name.

    1 Comment
    03:13 UTC


    Videos to show your parents

    Hi, I've been non binary for a year and my mother is the kind of mom that only responds well to YouTube/Facebook videos ??? No matter how much I explain how it works it doesn't fixate so im desperately looking for a good video that explains how it is to be nonbinary and also parentfriendly? The only extra thing is she is Brazilian and so she speaks Brazilian Portuguese. Who did you show to your parents desperately trying to make them understand you?

    1 Comment
    03:02 UTC


    Only on day 5 of low dose (25mg) Spironolactone and I can already feel some changes (Slight nsfw)

    Tagging this as nsfw as I will talk about my chest, be warned

    I wanted to start by saying that just taking Spiro alone has improved my mental health. My trans healthcare/HRT doctor suggested I take 25mg Spiro due to how bad my dysphoria is and how I couldn't even do most daily functions without wallowing in mental pain

    I can already feel pain in my chest, knowing that Spiro is doing it's job

    My caffeine tolerance has, for whatever reason, lowered. I used to drink 3 - 5 energy drinks a day but now most I can handle is 2. I also feel more natural energy throughout the day and don't feel like I rely on caffeine to even walk and talk

    My skin feels ever so slightly more smooth

    There are some other changes ive noticed but I don't feel comftorable sharing them with strangers on the internet 😅 I guess my body just naturally has high levels of T and therefore this small dose has a great affect on me

    I don't care if anyone says something negative about Spiro, this medicine has improves my mental health and has somehow helped me with my caffeine dependency. My mental health has improved to where I can actually look forward to being alive instead of dreading every second of my existence. Everyone has a different experience with medication and that is ok

    1 Comment
    02:46 UTC


    Problems with visiting family

    I'm not sure if I can post this here but I am really struggling and need some support. My grandparents came to visit for my birthday and my mom decided to tag along for some reason. My mom and I have never gotten along, she's been a user of some drug or alcohol my and abusive, manipulative, and neglectful my whole life. She got clean two years ago and we have been trying to repair our relationship. I am agender and have been out for 4 years and have legally changed my name my partner is also nonbinary and my family knows that, and have said they accept us. They all struggle with my name but I understand and they are trying, I do kindly correct them if they get it wrong and don't correct themselves. I do make sure when I do correct them I am nice about it and I'm not coming off as angry, I am not angry about it. But it is the only thing I really asked that they make a conscious effort to call me my name, I don't ask for them to use my pronouns, it's not worth the fight. Anyway, my mom had been making all these comments all week, about the prices of things (as if I can control that) or thinking I said something I didn't and then getting mad at the thing I didn't say, saying she could clean my house better (I am disabled and spent two months preparing for them to come and she knew that), she had been making manipulative comments about leaving if I said something she didn't like. One night I had hosted my family and my partners family and made a shrimp boil, besides being dead named all day, it was a really good day. Except when everyone left my mom decided to say I was making everyone feel bad for correcting them when they got my name wrong, I said she is being transphobic, which might have been too harsh and I can see how it came off as aggressive. What I meant was if someone got her name wrong she would correct them, so what's the difference between me doing it and her, as long as I'm polite? My grandparents did not think I was being rude when I asked them the next day. She started bawling when I said that and said I'm making myself a victim, I told her to take some deep breaths and we can talk more. She put headphones on and sat on the couch and ignored me so I thought the conversation was over and went to bed, I was exhausted. The next morning I said good morning and asked if she was feeling better she said she was feeling great. So I thought we were over whatever and it was just another one of our stupid fights, we both got overly emotional. An hour later she is on the phone trying to figure out how to "escape" my house, like we were holding her hostage. I have thin walls, it's an old home. I knocked on the door and went in, I told her we can take her to the hotel, I said why don't we just talk like adults, it's not that big of a deal we can have a good day or we can take you back to the hotel you just have to tell us what you want. She said to the person on the phone "these freaks won't get out of my face, these people are freakazoids." And I lost it. I asked her if she called us freaks and what she meant she said it again and I grabbed her hair and punched her, and threw her out into the rain with all her stuff told her to go wait in the road I didn't want her on my porch. I feel horrible for hitting her... I also am so hurt by what she said, is that how she has felt this whole time? And my partner was so kind and accommodating and didn't deserve to be called that when we opened our home and not even ten minutes before she was helping herself to our food and whatever. Not once did she tell us she was uncomfortable. It was just an accumulation of years of trying to make this woman love and appreciate me and being so excited to show her the life I built. And she just brought me back into this chaos, I know violence is never the answer and I feel like a bad person for that, that's not who I want to be. I just needed to get everything off my chest because it was a lot and I am still working through it. Sorry for spelling/grammar mistakes I am doing my best.

    02:45 UTC


    Any Crow fans here 🐦‍⬛🪦 ?

    I didn’t have any of the proper makeup or lipstick 🥲

    02:45 UTC


    HELP, how does raloxifene actually work?

    so I just had my first endo appointment yesterday after a while reading about ways to do feminizing HRT while preventing breast growth, and lots of forums recommend a combination of raloxifene or tamoxifene, spiro, and low doses of E. I told my endo about it and she basically said that SERMs dont just block the E receptors on your breast but all over your body and that it'd be pointless to "give me estrogen and then give me something that blocks it" and that E doses dont actually matter.

    But everywhere I look it says that ralo/tamo "only work on breast tissue while acting as estrogen everywhere else" and that E doses dont really matter that much. so basically what is the truth? how do i read so many enby femme success stories with it or people going higher or lower on E?? My endo was otherwise supportive of me being non-binary even suggested I could have a mastectomy without quitting HRT if it got to that point so i doubt shes enbyphobic, but I dont really have 1000 bucks or more to spare just to take maybe preventable breast growth out. im from south america for context and this endo is basically the best option at least in my city. All of this is also in private healthcare system.

    Thanks for reading and answering.

    02:21 UTC


    New to this ... can I be NB without presenting NB?

    Hi everyone, apologies for what may be a dumb question but I'm not sure what "qualifies" as nonbinary.

    I've never fully felt at home in either gender, though you'd never know it from how I look. I'm happy looking the way I do, I just don't always (or totally) identify with what it represents.

    Can I consider myself nonbinary if I don't make any effort to express it visually, I don't plan to, and honestly I'm pretty comfortable with that? Unless I were to miraculously mutate into a different size and shape, and somehow also become much younger, this is what I feel like I should look like.

    But I feel like a fraud for being basically totally okay not looking anything like my inner vision of my "true self" does.

    01:25 UTC


    Non-binary/Non-gendered version of big beautiful women and big handsome man

    Hi all, I was thinking recently is there a non-binary or non-gendered version of (super size) big beautiful women and (super size) big handsome man?

    Do people have any preferences?

    Do you think (super size) big beautiful person and (super size) big handsome person are acceptable?

    I don't want to mis-gender someone, but I don't know an alternative non-binary/non-gendered version of BBW / SSBBW / BHM / SSBHM?

    I've looked up on Reddit and online, but didn't find a clear answer.

    Thanks :)

    10:51 UTC


    enby stream of consciousness

    I like to write poetry or just whatever comes out on my unfinished sketchbook pages♥️

    20:32 UTC



    00:54 UTC


    Nonbinary key chain :)

    Just wanted to show you all my lil NB charm I just added to my keys!

    00:51 UTC


    My flag arrived and my uni are changing my name on my ID card!!🥹

    Just wanted to share the trans joy with people who get it 😊

    00:20 UTC


    I want to test a theory...

    My friend(gender fluid) and I(enby) were having a bit of a discussion about nonbinary and gender fluid people and I said that I think the majority of both would love to be able to shape shift or charge gender characteristics at will. They disagreed and said that gender fluid people would like that more than nonbinary would and nb people would rather be more static given the chance.

    What is your take on this?

    1 Comment
    23:55 UTC


    Can Nonbinary people call themselves trans? Does Nonbinary even count as trans?

    Title, not trying to come off as rude. Just wondering

    23:11 UTC


    Came out to the government today :3

    Had to get my license renewed soon, so I figured now was as good a time as any to update my gender marker :). I was really nervous, but everyone was really helpful and polite.

    23:03 UTC


    Tldr: I need a mint green androgynous fairytale outfit

    I'm posting this here because I fell like y'all will be really helpful in this decision. So basically I was invited to a party with my gf that's fairytale themed but idk what to wear. My gf is wearing a mint green dress and I want to match her but I don't want to break the bank. I was thinking about getting a mint green sweater vest, polo, mushroom necklaces/hair clip, shorts and boots (think doc martins) but I'm not sure if that's fairytale themed. Please give outfit suggestions or help me decide on something please

    1 Comment
    23:00 UTC


    Photos of non-binary top surgery results?

    Hey all!

    After an attempt to get top surgery twice in the past (once having flown out of state for and testing positive for Covid the night before in 22’) I am finally having my surgery this Tuesday with Dr. Murphy in Denver after wanting it for TEN years (I’m 42.) I’m ecstatic. I am wanting a more “androgynous/feminine” look where the nipples are closer together than a masculine looking chest and also up a bit higher. I am asking for straight scar lines though I’ve had reductions in the past so he can’t promise that end result but will try his damndest. I am having trouble finding post op results when I google or search Reddit. If you are willing to post your results that are akin to this, or to DM them to me (or know of another resource), please do! I’d love to have some photos to show him the day of. Thank you!

    22:33 UTC


    Struggling to Understand my Identity

    So I came out as ftm transgender almost 10 years ago when I was 12. I have never been more confused with my identity in my life. I would've thought by now I would have it all figured out right? I've had 10 years to think about it, been through 6 years of hormones, was male all of high school and college, socially transitioned, etc. I have no idea what I am though. Some days I wake up so happy I transitioned like everything feels so normal and right and some days (like today) I am like shit am I nonbinary? Would I rather be a cis woman than a trans male? Am I even happy? Genuinely I cannot tell sometimes. I think I am leaning towards being a nonbinary person ultimately, but really I feel like the world is not ready for nonbinary people as much as I truly wish it was. I constantly see they/them pronoun debates, people judging the validity of nonbinary people online and seeing nonbinary identities being considered a phase or "too woke." I guess I am just trying to seek validation in not knowing my true identity all these years. Also curious on how discovering other peoples identities went and what solidified in other peoples minds that they were 100% nonbinary. Thanks (:

    22:21 UTC


    Question: How to deal with this?

    Very simple situation.

    I’m coaching a team of U16 girls.

    We’re playing a game, and one of the umpires is non-binary (they/them) but obviously the girls don’t know that because this person doesn’t tell literally everyone their pronouns lmao.

    So, I’m doing my thing, coaching. The girls behind me on the sideline start talking about this umpire, saying “is that umpire a girl or a boy?” and giggling. It goes on for longer than it needs to. In my opinion, it felt disrespectful, like they were making fun of this person’s gender non-conforming presentation, and making a game out of their gender.

    So my question is, that kind of behaviour something that you’d like people to shut down? Or are you okay with people being confused?

    All I did was say “they’re non-binary, that’s enough.” They shut up immediately, and started talking about something else a minute later.

    22:09 UTC


    How did you discover you were non-binary?

    I am questioning my gender so hard right now, on one hand, I do not hate my biological gender but I feel uncomfortable sometimes (specially with swimsuits and those things), on the other hand, I am happy when people misgender or don't assume my gender at first. Sometimes I think it is just me overreacting or thinking too much (maybe I question myself a lot and I give this too much importance). Or maybe I could be trans. So if you could tell me how you came to the conclusion that you're non binary it would help me a lot! Thanks!

    21:34 UTC

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