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[TOMT] An alt rock music video from the 80s or early 90s where the singer is wearing a red hat (backwards I think?). They may also have a guitar. Maybe shot with a fisheye lens? I remember the song being kind of strange. I keep thinking meat puppets. Feel like it’s in that vein of music

maybe fisheye lens? I remember the song being kind of strange. I keep thinking meat puppets

22:06 UTC


[TOMT] popular reels/tiktok song with the lyrics "at the funeral.."or something similar

I heard this song often before now I don't. And can't find it. It's a typical Indie pop/rock song. I think it's kinda sad lyrics maybe.

22:08 UTC


[TOMT] Chill song in Kickboxing match

22:07 UTC


[TOMT][FILM] Invisible aliens captured on an island

Hello! I remember watching an alien movie as a kid and maybe someone here can help me identify it. I think it is an old movie, maybe from the 70ies / 80ies. The movie plays on an island, in the beginning there is a scene with a captured alien inside a building / lab and I think it is tortured by some human agents / military. Later the aliens escape or get help and I remember that they can be invisible and can do some kind of electro shocks. The very last scene is on a ship (I think the humans try to escape the island) and suddenly an alien space ship or something appears. In the end, the aliens didn't seek revenge and fly away.
That is all I can remember, does someone know this movie?

22:05 UTC


[TOMT] What is this movie?

My brother is trying to figure out the title of a movie we used to watch as kids (which was largely the 80s, possibly 90s). His description is "it was like a movie where they wore suits and stuff but spoke like they were in the 1920’s. I feel like I remember an office building and a woman with like red curly hair. But it was kinda mocking the 20’s style and dialect. Not a cartoon, real people." It was not Who Framed Roger Rabbit. I'm so lost lol help?!

21:59 UTC


[TOMT][SONG] need help finding the name of a song in a YouTube video.


timestamp: 28:04

edit: fixed link

21:57 UTC


[TOMT] A comic strip in which a man makes a woman laugh through all the stages of a date and they end up in bed together while she is still laughing

As per title, can’t find anywhere!

21:53 UTC


[TOMT][Movie][SAW][2000s - 2010s] I'm looking for the name of either the trap or the saw film the trap is in?

I remember seeing a bit of the trap on TV

It was a saw film had just started and it opens with three people

2 male 1 female hanging from the ceiling of a small white container with glass on the other side & are in view of the entire public

in front of these people these rotating saw blades start appearing out of nowhere and these people have a timer counting down which if beaten it would allow them to escape before these saw blades cut through their stomachs and then jigsaw on the TV says you have a specific amount of time to get out

then as the 3 of them are talking the puppet jigsaw says that the female has bean sleeping with both of them without either one of them knowing so they say to kill her instead but it doesn't work and they all die in front of the public

21:39 UTC


[TOMT][VIDEO][2010s?]Man roughs up kids at play park with padded pillows

There was a video I saw on YouTube some time ago of a grown man roughing up kids with padded pillows. Don't be alarmed the children weren't seriously hurt. The video was shown in conjunction with the ever-popular clip in Star Wars of Anakin killing the younglings. The video is fairly short; two minutes max.

21:53 UTC


[TOMT][MUSIC]I don’t remember the name of the song. I heard it in the first 20 seconds of a video in the background.

The song is in the first 20 seconds of the video, I’ve heard it a lot lately on the radio (in Italy), but I can't remember the name of the song.

21:51 UTC


[TOMT] [SONG] [2010s] please help me find this song

I don't really remember much about the actual song, more the music video since it's been so long. it had this woman with I think curly hair who was living in a foreign country. she took the bus a few times in the music video (I think the bus was blue) by the end of the song she becomes happier and teaches the children how to dance. it was more of a rural environment and I'm pretty sure the children had darker skin. I think it was more popular in the later 2010s (2016 onwards) because I remember listening to it over and over again one summer. any help is appreciated! :))

21:23 UTC


[TOMT] [BOOK] 90’s or 00’s non fiction childrens hardcover book probably for older kids (8-12) that were medical in nature with real photographs and information

the topics I remember were: Diabetes, Cerebal Palsy, Spina Bifida, Asthma, Down Syndrome and they had images of kids on the cover with the diseases/syndromes

21:41 UTC


[TOMT] [Cartoon] [1980's or prior] Cartoon Songbird

I'm looking for a cartoon I saw in the 80's, though I believe it was older. Maybe one of the Looney Tunes or Merry Melodies. I don't remember the plot, or any characters except for one: A female bird is in an old fashioned hanging cage singing "if I were free..."

Vocaroo https://voca.ro/102YUQB1wgn1in

21:37 UTC


[TOMT] [COMMERCIAL] with family in a fancy restaurant. They all order *brand name* of product, then one family member, with a country accent, orders *not brand name*. And the restaurant is agasp.

[TOMT] [COMMERCIAL] with family in a fancy restaurant. They all order brand name of product, then one family member, with a country accent, orders not brand name. And the restaurant is agasp.

21:34 UTC


[TOMT] this is going to be a weird one. But it’s a cartoon on YouTube. There’s a guy on roids at some point gets upset w/ someone else and crawls into the guys b***hole.. fights a turd… and like explodes out of it. It was called like yo or something. There’s two parts I think.

I think that might be the second part. The first has some girls talking at the intro. I’m like certain this is all I can remember. It’s very simple 2D drawings.

21:35 UTC


[TOMT] [MUSIC/SONG] [YOUTUBE TOPICS] Some spanish music named "Por ti"

I remember a shazam'ed a track named "Por ti" and then searched on Youtube as topic autogenerated video and saved to my playlist. Now I accidently deleted it and want to get it back, but there is a ton of another songs that called exactly same. So, it has a cover that looked like a beach, maybe with starfishes on the sand, and the perspective look at the ground, and it's like 50% sand, 50% water. The most similar example to this track is "Censored X & BINNE - Feel So High", it has summer house genre or whatever.

21:33 UTC


[TOMT] which episode of the Eric Andre Show dose he feed the purple wall/logo?

21:29 UTC


[TOMT] I saw this movie about 10 years ago or more.

I remember that main character was a girl between 20-30yo, who lived pretty ordinary life until someone hired people to kill her father (possible its not accurate).. There was some Pope involved in the storyline who fell ill with cowpox or something, but it wasnt ordinary.. Sewers were contaminated with disease or something. Also I remember mc was in a desert at some point (??) with a guy, searching for some sort of disc or amulet(?) It reminds me of a frisbee

21:26 UTC


[TOMT][KID CARTOON] a cartoon kids show with three brothers, who probably were bears, learning about the Berlin wall

I can't for the life of me remember the name of a show I saw as a kid. I have a feeling it's just some kind of fever dream, but I vividly remember a cartoon about three bear brothers or close friends. They learn about the Berlin Wall and how families are split by the wall before it's knocked down. I had it as a VHS as a kid and I really wanna find it! Please help, my husband thinks I'm insane haha

I solved it - Alvin and the Chipmunks - The wall

21:21 UTC



Hey guys! I was born in ‘04 and one of my first memories as a kid was this movie I saw on TV. I have no idea what the name is or when it came out. From what I got, It was a movie about strippers or dancers who are trapped in their “job”. They’re abused or worse when they don’t obey their “bosses” and they can’t leave. At the end of the movie one of the blonde ones escape after attacking one of the men. I think another girl almost escapes with her but locks the gate back to protect her? The outside of the club was very dystopian and dark and CGI. I’ve tried looking it up but can’t find anything. Can anyone help?!

20:57 UTC


[TOMT] [MOVIE} East Asian artsy horror movie

I'm looking for a movie that I watched between 2010-2014. It was kinda modern at that time, but could been have made somewhere between 2000-2010.

I think it was an Asian horror movie. I know that "Asian" is super generalizing, but the reason I can't remember what country it was from is because I used to watch many dramas and movies from various Asian countries (mostly Japan, South Korea and China) at that time so some of the movies are a bit blurry in my memory. This one is one of them.

What I remember is the following: A young woman ~20 yo was the main character. She was some sort of doll? I think she woke up or lived at some sort of wasteland. As I remember it she stood on a pile of trash. A man found her.

I mostly remember the style of the movie, that was a bit cold, gloomy and had cold colors. That is what I mean with "artsy", it felt like it had a certain style. A little similar to Sucker Punch - but it wasn't that movie.
Don't even remember if it was really a horror, I think so?

I also don't remember if I rented in on DVD or if it was Netflix. But I live in Scandinavia, and somehow found the movie.

21:12 UTC


[TOMT] Computer Game from late 90s

I am trying to think of a computer game I would have played in the late 90s, maybe early 2000s. The setting was a big open space where you were raising this little fuzzy bouncing creatures that were different colors. You had to figure out which ones got along and which ones didn't and build fencing to herd them accordingly so the ones who didn't wouldn't fight.

21:09 UTC


[TOMT][2010’s?] YouTube cover singer

I watched this alternative girl sing random covers on YouTube in the 2010’s. I cannot remember her name or any of the covers she did. But I did just randomly remember her and wanted to look her up again. She had long black hair and snake bite piercings and I am pretty sure her videos were in black and white, at least sometimes.

21:08 UTC


[TOMT] [Song] Portuguese song from around 2015-2018, male singer, calm/melancholic melody

I've been trying to find this song for a long time, but I can't remember the title or artist. Here’s what I recall:

Language: Portuguese (Portugal, not Brazil)

Time period: Likely between 2015 and 2018

Singer: A male singer with a soft but powerful voice, similar to Pólo Norte or João Pedro Pais

Genre: Pop/rock with a melancholic but hopeful tone

Lyrics (as best as I remember):

The song repeats a word that sounds like "gonzo" three times: "Gonzo, gonzo, gooonzoo"

After that, there's a soft instrumental beat (something like "tum tum tum tum")

I also recall a line that sounded like "sentimento das palavras bravas do céu"

Another part repeated "gonzo, gonzo" again

Other details:

The singer stretches out words like "seeentimeentoo" and "palabrabrabas" and together all I remember is: "gonzo, gonzo, gonzo. Sentimento das palavras bravas do céu a gonzo gonzo".

I think it was popular enough to be played on the radio (RFM or Rádio Comercial in Portugal).

Here's a recording I made of what I remember from the song (sorry for the bad quality): https://youtube.com/shorts/Pzbjycfsfw8?si=p_IG6hcDNochceXX

I've tried Shazam, asking radio stations, and searching online, but no luck. If anyone has any idea what this song could be, I'd really appreciate it!

21:07 UTC


[TOMT][Doujin] Doujin comic series about console girls

21:09 UTC


[TOMT] Name of a Meme guy (/Zelda Character?) who speaks funny and has a mustache

So there's like a meme of this figure waving his hands around and he's speaking funny

He has a mustache and a funny shaped face, but I can't quite remember his name. I thought it was something like 'Marshu'? But I didn't find anything

There's like a 4 day long video where a cover of his voice reads the entirety of The Bible I want to find it

20:59 UTC


[TOMT][Video] Sprite animation of pixelated video game characters in a long chase battle

Watched this YouTube animation involving pixelated sprite characters in a chase around 2012/2013, so it’s most like made from the late 2000s to early 2010s. The animation’s characters were mostly (if not, all) from Nintendo, including Kirby, Sonic, Link, and Eggman. It might’ve had Mario?

All I can recall is that there was huge emphasis on Sonic and Eggman. Specifically, Eggman was the main villain attacking all of the other characters. There was a particular scene near the end of the chase, where Link plays his Ocarina to reverse time.

Tried my best to find it. Even attempted to use the “before:” method on the YouTube search bar to narrow the date, but still couldn’t.

20:57 UTC


[TOMT] [Animated Movie?] [2000-2010s?]

I've been looking for the source of a quote/scene that's been stuck in my head for a while now. From what I remember it's an animated movie. In the part I'm thinking of there are two main protagonists who are either trying to break into some high security facility  (maybe trying to break in to steal some sort of important artifact or something?) The duo consists of the older one, a mentor? more serious, gruff, no nonsense type of character, and the younger, fun loving, more naive comedic character.  The scene plays out with them receiving walkie talkies for communication during the "heist." The younger character getting super excited about this, blabbing about cool spy stuff etc, and saying they need cool code names, coming up with one for themselves and the older character, much to the older ones annoyance. They split up, the older once sneaking around. Getting multiple transmissions from the younger character, the younger character making a big deal about having to say “Over” after each sentence. The older is annoyed by this saying it's not necessary, and the younger asking how they are supposed to know when they're done talking if they don't say over. Then the older gets over a fence or something, and says I'm over. The younger responses saying “Do you mean Over as in you're Over? or Over? Over!” 

Lol any help is appreciated!

20:47 UTC


[TOMT][Short Movie][2019-2021] Short horror movie on YouTube about alien invasion in Australia

Around 2019-2020 I saw this film on YouTube. Runtime as I remember was about 20-30 minutes.
Story: We have husband and wife. I am not sure but the film could have been a found footage filmed from the husband's camera. I have doubts because I also kinda remember a shot of earth from outer space, as meteors containing aliens crash on Australia, and also some scenes showing husband from third person angles, and these would be out of place for found footage movie. Anyways, this couple is outside, at first everything's normal, and then aliens arrive. These aliens I'm sure were humanoid creatures, with long claws. One of them was able to cut the wife too. Middle segment of the movie was chase sequence and I don't really remember much from it. By the end however the couple find shelter in some building. Now there are two differing memories I have: either the wife was pregnant from the beginning and the fetus got infected by the alien's cut, or she wasn't but she got pregnant by the alien. In the shelter she starts to give birth, but dies in the process and I think the same happens to the baby too. The final scene is the husband with axe (not too sure about the weapon) beckoning several aliens standing outside the glass door to fight.

Aliens: they basically descended with meteors, like death angels in "A Quiet Place". They were humanoid creatures, with long and sharp claws, grey skin and green blood. Final shot showed a few of them together, and as I remember different aliens had differing heights and faces.

20:53 UTC


[TOMT][BOOK][>2018] collection of children's fairy tales

So when I was younger, some time before at least 2018, I had this very heavy, thick book of fairy tales. The title was something like "500 fairy tales for girls" or something along the lines of that, and there were a bunch. I wanna say the number ranges from 50-5000, but it definitely was a 5. The spine and maybe corners of the cover were like a light teal/cyan, and the cover was a light pink with I think a blonde girl with a crown and purple dress, and her hair was very long and took up most of the cover. There was glitter on the cover.

The book itself had I think around 6 varying art styles, but one I distinctly remember was where everyone was drawn in thin, dark lines, they were kind of tall, and it was somewhat similar to the sort of design of Maria from the Book of Life movie, or even the girl on the cover of the Poison Apple book "This Totally Bites".

Of the fairy tales from there I can remember, there was the one of the princess who lived in a tower with around 12 windows, and said if someone could hide from her and she couldn't see him from her tower, then she would marry him, one where there was princess kidnapped by a hydra?, one similar to the story of Psyche and Cupid from Greek mythology (where she isn't allowed to see his face), one where three princes had to shoot arrows and whoever returned their arrow they would marry and the youngest prince's arrow was returned by a frog who was actually a princess. A majority of the stories were I think more "underground" fairy tales, nothing like Snow White, Cinderella, etc, and I think some of them got pretty graphic.

I can't seem to remember if there was even an exact author, because there might've been multiple, and I also don't know the range from when it could've been published, because I believe I got it from a used book store (I could be wrong). I believe I sold it to a different used book store in 2023.

Can anyone provide the exact title and the author, or even a link to where I can purchase it?

20:36 UTC

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