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[TOMT][MUSIC VIDEO][2000s] Looking for a techno/electronica song that I remember seeing the music video around 2005-2008. There were hot zombie ladies covered in black fake blood in the video.

Thanks for helping me r/tipofmytongue

Help me find this song. It was electronica of some variety, I think a minimalist techno dark-wavey song of some kind. I remember the vocals were interesting, possibly a vocoder effect, though the lyrics were short and simple.

Specifically the music video is burned in my brain because of puberty (I'm only a man what do you want from me). There were a bunch of hot zombie women with black blood and those crazy white contacts. There may be two similar music videos by the same musicians I'm confusing and there may have been a zombie lapdance in what seemed to be a meat freezer based on the amount of plastic sheets hanging. I remember the musicians were these white dudes (or one guy?) wearing aviators and possibly had shaved heads.

The look of the video was very blue/green and stark. I remember the music video from my high school years (2005-2008) but I'm not sure if the video was contemporary to the time.

Anyways, I really digged the music back then and I'm trying to remember how it sounded. Please reunite me with this earworm.

17:22 UTC


[TOMT] [MUSIC] Paramore sounding song from early 2000’s

Been trying to find this song for quite a long time, the lead singer is a woman that has a similar voice to the lead singer of paramore or no doubt.

The only thing I can remember is a small set of lyrics that were “But the phone was dead” (or “The batteries were dead”) it had a sort of emo feeling to it, kind of like the song Misery Business and was on alt rock radio stations around 2005-2010

Edit: The beat slowed and quieted down a bit during those lyrics

17:28 UTC


[TOMT] [music] trying to find a song from 2011-2014 EDM era. I can remember the music video but not the artist. Details inside.

Trying to remember this one music video. EDM artist, indie vibe. White guy. I’m almost positive he went by his full name and for some reason I thought he was Canadian. The song is a slower song. I remember a high pitched gong sound throughout the song. The music video features him visiting around south east Asia, he visits temples, street markets, etc. has a bit of a spiritual vibe to it overall. My mind keeps going to Mat Zo but I don’t find the video when I dive into his discography.

17:27 UTC


[TOMT] Reddit story about the sea as a killer

Hi there! Looking to find a Reddit story I read awhile back on r/nosleep I believe. The story is told from the POV of the killer and talks about how it’s been here before us and it’ll be here after us, it’s not its first victim… I cannot find it for the life of me and I’m trying to show it to someone!! :)

17:26 UTC


[TOMT]Help me find an obscure cartoon from my childhood

It was about a rescue team that consisted of different pilots each of them had a numbered vehicule that specialized in something like one had a green plane with the number 2 on it and one had a submarine with the number 4 and one had a space shuttle with the number 3 (cant remember the rest) they lived in like a secret base on the side of a mountain and each time one of them would embark on a mission they would do a really cool montage of them getting their ship ready and leaving the base. It was 3d animated and was set in the future since they did space rescue missions. I vaguely remember an episode where a father and his son were doing undersea mining but some thing malfunctioned in their ship and they had to be rescued by the yellow submarine guy and then the green plane came to pick them up. I don't where the show aired for the rest of the world but here in North africa it was aired on mbc3.

17:24 UTC


[TOMT] searching a (I think) kids anime

Hey all, I’m searching an anime but know like nothing. There was some skeleton thing in a glass jar that talked and I think a ton of others monsters in glass jars and then there was some sand mountain / cliff and I think all the glass jars with the monsters were in some wooden hut idk. It was on German tv a few years ago so it can’t be anything to niche. Maybe it Was a kids thing but could’ve been some pg 13 stuff idk. Thanks for everyone trying to find this

17:22 UTC


[TOMT][BOOK][pre-2001]Librarian seeking help finding a book!

One of my patrons has a scanned sheet of a page of a book with a note on it saying "2001-10-23". I believe this means the book was published before 2001. They don't know what book it's from and want the context. It's page 219 and appears to be in large print. Here's the excerpt:

"Sad to say, it doesn't usually work. Change depends upon the willingness of the person to meet our needs. The only thing we can truly count upon is that we can change our behaviors in order to accommodate their abuse, thoughtlessness, and cruelty. A friend of mine was convinced that her love was strong enough to make her very nondemonstrative husband more outwardly loving. Her husband, having been brought up in a very loving but nondemonstrative family environment, perceived compliments, tenderness, and demonstrated concern as feminine traits and felt uncomfortable in expressing them. After thirty years, my friend still feels love starved. She complains amply and bitterly to him. She calls him a "cold fish." His response is simply that she knew what she was buying when she accepted the merchandise. Even though her husband is wonderful in most other ways, she feels cheated and wronged. She remains determined to change him. She believes her relationship is a failure until she does. Most of us are aware of what others need. In many cases they are really asking little of us. If we truly love them then we are willing to relinquish a part of ourself for their joy. We, on the other hand, get pleasure from..."

I ran it through ai and they gave me like four different answers, so I do not trust it to give me an accurate answer. Thanks in advance!

17:21 UTC


[TOMT] Help me find a 2015 independent game.

Hello ! I would like to know if anyone remembers a video game that a YouTuber would have made the gameplay and posted on Youtube around 2015/2016 Or maybe more, since im French the gameplay I saw was in french but it wouldn’t surprise me if any english youtuber did the gameplay too. I don't remember the names anymore and I was 8/9 years old when I watched it. Unfortunately I have very vague memories of it. It was a puzzle game, which talked about the grief of a grandfather from the point of view of his grandson/granddaughter. It was in 3D and it wasn't in bad quality. I remember two specific scenes: One where the protagonist opens a wooden gate that lead onto an alley of small pavilion houses (Don't ask me why i remember it but it was probably before the end of the game), And the last one where he climbs old steps to go to a town hall, where he lets a kite fly away before leaving. There was no villagers in the village the story was happening. I know it was about the death of a grandfather but I won't be able to give more information on the story of the game. The game was poetic a bit like "What's Reminds of Edith Finch" but that's not it. It was quite orange and I think independent? I don't remember if there were voices. Please does anyone have a vague memory? It could really help me because this game has been haunting me for several years and I know that the gameplay video is on YouTube. I asked on the reddit lost media french and english i even tried on the « what’s this game name » reddit and no one seems to know what i’am talking about. Thanks to anyone that would try to help me.

17:21 UTC


[TOMT] (Trashy?) Show set in a submarine with creepy stuff??

So when I was a kid (must have been like 2010-ish) my dad left the tv on after leaving for some kind of work event and a show set in a submarine came on. I remember they were finding bodies of the crew drained of blood and there was mention of Egyptian goddess Set (?). Shit traumatized me back then even though now I realize it must have been some weird low-budget show. I googled up and down the web searching for this in the years since but nothing. So does anyone remember the name of the show or even the specific episode I'm referencing or am I going insane?

17:08 UTC


[TOMT] Need help locating YouTube Rabbit Hole

Hi, I'm new to Reddit, not really the type to make posts or engage all that much with the site. However something happened today that I need to ask someone that may potentially be aware of something regarding this case.

For context that may help with this, back in 2020-2022, a YouTube channel was discovered that has videos of a guy, clearly malnourished being hung by the wrists; Seemingly in random places, with text carved on their body talking about conspiracy and politics regarding the 2016 elections if I recall correctly.

Afterwards another channel was found, seemingly connected, where it shows the man being interviewed in Spanish, being asked ridiculous questions of stuff he by himself couldn't have accomplished, all regarding political events, where all of his questions the man replied with a no, as he looked oddly in pain.

Afterwards another channel was found, this time it was full of videos with nothing but black screens, of a woman interviewing this same man, getting asked the exact same questions, but replying to them by saying yes.

This was a huge deal on YouTube, and people were talking about how it may be related to a disappearance of a man who stoped a cyber attack on Latin America, it's ties with a university in Mexico, and other such claims.

And today I was thinking back at this and came home wondering if anything had come about from this case and if it was resolved on if it was an ARG or something. And I've spent looking for hours now, and all evidence of it seems to be gone.

No videos, no Reddit threads, it was as if it never happened.

The reason I bring it up in Tip Of My Tongue is because maybe all I need to find it again is to locate the original channels names, or any YouTuber who may have talked about it in a video. Because either I'm an idiot who can't find a hyper specific youTube rabbit hole, the search concluded in such a disappointing way that they just privated the videos, the videos were taken down because of them having footage of a man brutally carved on, or they were right all along and the government censored all info.

TL/DR; need help locating a YouTube channel name that may or may not be proof of mass censorship.

17:13 UTC


[TOMT][ANIME] anime with a dude can summon guns

i saw a clip of this anime where this dude's friend got killed or severely injured and he seems all calm/angry while the enemies are trash talking and he like summons guns or cannons or something like that and airs out the whole colosseum it looked like.

17:08 UTC


[TOMT][Movie]Existed around 2014, Crazy construction crane fight scene

When I was little my parents watched a movie and I remember a few scenes, one of the biggest ones was I think a guy chasing another guy and they each got into a huge construction crane and were using the crane arms to try and knock down/kill the other guy. I think the (maybe bad) guy also managed to knock off the (maybe good) guy’s crane arm. It was night and maybe storming too. The other scene I remember was a scene in the day where the (maybe good) guy was dressed nice in an opera or other setting with a girl singer and I think was decorated to be very white colored. The singer was singing and eventually hit a very high note and held it, I think some glasses shattered in the place and when the (maybe good) guy touched his ear he found blood. I think I remember the scene being tense because the singing was broken up by action taking place somewhere else like it was somehow correlated, like the (maybe good) guy was also fighting someone somewhere else at the same time. This is really faint but the scene was something like he got injured in this alternate place and the injury came through a little to where he was at the opera. That other place that feels like is was somewhere enclosed like a tunnel and dirty too. This has been nagging me for years and I’ve really been wanting to find it but I have looked everywhere so I came here.

17:05 UTC


[TOMT] [Song] I am looking for a rather popular albeit older electronic music hit, lyrics are sung by a woman

I am no native speaker so the short lyrics are hard to understand. They are sung by a woman and go something like this:

"Uh ther now walking, uh ther now, uh ther now walking, uh ther now, uh ther now walking..."

The beat is driving, electronic music fans would see it as a classic anthem.

There is a remix of this song mixed with "Tainted Love" by Soft Cell.

17:06 UTC


[TOMT] cartoon strip about others thinking bad of you

it was a cartoon strip with a dialoge between two people. One was saying something along the lines of "Sometimes I think you hate me" and the other replied something like "Why would you think that of me, it hurts me that you dont think I like you".It is not verbatim, but the vibes where those.

I think the drawings were like stick figures, or a really simple design.
Thanks in advance

17:02 UTC


[TOMT] I'm searching a game I played as a kid

It's a 2D computer/telephone game where you had to do damage to a man with various weapons such as mines, crossbows, spikes, portals, etc. a little like "Beat The boss" game, and earn money to buy more of this equipment. You also had little missions like “keep the character in the air for at least 30 seconds”, and this was done in a kind of laboratory/testing lab like in the Portal games. 
16:57 UTC


[TOMT] Help me find a meme video of a lady complaining to a Chinese restaurant owner and him saying ok fxck outta here, in English please!😂😂

Please help me find it, the shit is so funny if this helps its a really grainy short video and the walls of the restaurant were like a reddish color I think.

16:58 UTC


[TOMT] [MOVIE] [INDIE MOVIE] [DARKPSYCHOLOGICALMOVIES] its abt a hot nerdy guy who meets this new mysterious girl but shes a psycho and who drugs him and makes him self harm for her

my friend saw this movie back on 2020. she saw an edit on tiktok and comments said it was super disturbing.

it was abt the a nerdy hot "outcast" guy mc who met the new mysterious attractive girl on school. they started dating and he became obcessed with her. she doensnt recall much of it but girl mc worked at this pet shop / veterinary. there she drugged him and made him self harm for her cutted him too. all sorta disturbing messed up things went on until her mother finds out because she already know how messed her daughter was. this how the movie ends.

the movie had this Pretty Litle Liars vibe so it's probably not older then 2016 and it was not known aswell. i tried to look on tiktok, youtube even ai but nothing came up which is weird since it was trending 4 years ago.

please feel free to ask questions if needed but i really wanted to find this film!

16:39 UTC


[TOMT] [ANIMATED CARTOON] [EARLY 2010's?] help me find the name of this cartoon where the protagonist is a girl with short hair and bangs, her friend is a ginger who always uses an inhaler

i need your help!! i remember watching this animated cartoon back then. it had a pretty unique art style in the sense that it all didnt have the traditional cartoon style since some background textures were realistic (kind of like gumball or flapjack?) i remember the protagonist was a girl with short hair and bans. they had semi realistic faces but the proportions were still cartoonish. i clearly remember her having a friend who was a ginger and i think he wore eyeglasses too?

16:46 UTC


[TOMT] Looking for a reddit post (video) about a guy developing a game with his brother. It was a zero-G space combat game where you moved around using a grappling hook.

I believe it was a year ago, or so. The mechanics of the game looked so slick. The movement was really fluid and fast-paced. You used a grappling hook type mechanic to fling around corners and what-not. The character was sort of like doing this baseball slide type of thing while moving around.

Thanks for any help :)

16:43 UTC


[TOMT] need to find a music video

I haven’t seen it in years, my main memories is that I believe it was a rock song, the music video was animated. I believe it takes place on a diorama of sorts and there’s a normal sized dude watching wars take place throughout the ages, eventually it gets to ww1/ww2 era and a soldier is holding his fallen comrade, he looks up at the regular sized guy and flips him off. Been thinking about this music video all day for some reason and I can’t find it. :(

16:34 UTC


[TOMT][POST][REDDIT] Guy posing with his waifu in Jerome, Arizona

Looking for a post where a guy is posing with his waifu (edited in) in front of the scenic roads on the way to Jerome, AZ. The guy is sitting in the bed of his black Chevy S10 truck with a can of red bull. I think this post was in r/waifuism in about 2018-2022 sometime, it seems to have been deleted since then, but i can't find the deleted post. There is a [fanart rendition](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/89139679)

16:38 UTC


[TOMT][CARTOON MOVIE][2000s]Christmas animated film (with singing) about an ex music teacher and orphans(?) learning to love music

In the late 2000s in East Europe I watched this animated film that I would love to watch again, but I can't find it online so I might have some of the details wrong.

From what I remember the story takes place in winter / on Christmas and I think it was about orphans whose teacher/caretaker used to be a music teacher or a musician.

There's a scene where the kids make Christmas garlands out of popcorn and use it to decorate a very sad looking small Christmas tree because they're too poor to buy a big tree and Christmas decorations.

I also remember a scene where a kid plays music on the xylophone.

I think the teacher was hiding his music past from the kids because of some sad backstory, and singing wasn't allowed in their orphanage. But over the course of the movie the kids discover music and by the end of the movie the teacher is writing songs/music for them and they all sing together.

16:32 UTC


[TOMT][Meme][2020s] Gif of identical singers coming out of a machine on a conveyer belt

I think it's from some 3d animated movie. Was used a lot a few years ago. It was used to describe something generic or mass-produced

16:25 UTC


[TOMT][TV][2000s] Cancelled after 1 or 2 ep, group of friends sending video messages, one is in the army

I've tried searching for it online, but cannot find anything with the combo of different of keywords I've used. Hopefully someone can help me.

This TV shows was first released probably between 2002 to 2006. It was before streaming was a thing, and I'm pretty sure it was aired on a major TV channel (ABC, CBS, NBC most probably) because I lived in Quebec and we mainly had those 3.

I got cancelled super quickly, either after the first ep aired on TV, or maybe they aired the first and second one back to back. I remember learning long after that most of the season was already filmed and the channel might have put them somewhere for people who were interested, but with the tools we had at the time, I'm not sure. Might also just be that when you find it on imdb, there's the whole season in the episode list, but most of them never acutally aired.

Now my memory is super fuzzy on a lot of details, but to the best of my recollection, the show was about a group of 20 something to 30 something that were sending video messages back and forth. I don't think it was live video messages as it would make little sense in the early 2000. I think the "poster" for the show was a typical group shot in some kind of frame. I also think the title was only one word.

The vibes were mostly upbeat. I think they were sending updates about their life mostly, though I don't remember if there was a purpose to it (a reunion?). I do remember there was one guy out of them who was in the army, possibly deployed in Afghanistan. I seem to remember the first ep ending on a possible cliffhanger as to if he was ok or not, because his last video ended on a strike on his encampement, but that could be my memory acting up.

I checked "Quarterlife", and though some of it feels like it could be similar, the whole drama-vibe is not it. It was really way more upbeat, and there were more than just one girl talking directly to the camera. Also, it wasn't "meta" as in I don't think it was talking about the medium it was using all that much (online video). It was mainly friends talking to each other about their 25-35 yrs old lives.

16:19 UTC


[TOMT] [MUSIC] music that shares melody with coffee homeground

Hey everyone. So the instrumental part at the start of Coffee Homeground by Kate Bush sound really familiar to me and I think it’s the same or at least similar to an old classic melody. I can’t figure out what it is. Can anyone help me identify it? I’ll link the song.


16:20 UTC


[TOMT]What is the name of this movie??

Hey guys! I'm trying to remember the name of a movie that I'd like to see again. It was a strange movie that involved a grandson getting an inheritance. The stipulation was that he had to have sex with seven different women in seven days. I think it was seven days. Obviously, the kid does it, and there was supposed to be some kind of lesson in it or something. Despite the plot sounding like a porno, it isn't. You don't see any penetration, but there was some full frontal nudity. I didn't recognize any of the actors, and I think that the movie was most likely made during the 70's or the early 80's.

There was one scene that I somewhat remember. The kid was sleeping with a beautiful black woman in a mattress store while it was closed. A security guard started patrolling the store, so both pretended to be mannequins. It fooled the guard, but he touched her down there and commented "How life-like!" and then continued on with the rest of his patrol.

That's as much as I remember. But also, it took place in New York City I believe. That's about it. Any title would be great! And I first saw this in the 80's, so the movie is pretty old. I've also done a few searches, and it might be a foreign film, but it was in English.

15:26 UTC


[TOMT] girl has lost guardian angel?

i really miss this book and cannot remember what the title is! i’m pretty sure it’s a one word title though. please help!!!

this is a y/a book and i remember clips of it extremely clearly.

the first scene i remember is a younger girl running, jogging running not fear. and she keeps feeling like there’s someone next to her, especially in the wind. she eventually sees a man who is buff or more “built”.

whenever the two of them physically touch, they transport mentally to a bridge with a sunset and it’s their safe place.

he’s an investigator of some sort who works with another person and he’s investigating her because of loss of a guardian angel i think?

i remember a scene of them falling asleep in his truck and there’s an ongoing investigation to find her. he brings her to her uncle’s house and he’s apparently a bad guy but not bad?

i know this is all over the place but i really want to find this book

16:17 UTC


[TOMT] An old cartoon about two boys spinning globus and randomly picking an location on it and then going to it

  1. Premise:

The cartoon featured two boys, one taller and one shorter.

They would spin a globe and, by stopping it with one finger, randomly choose a location to travel to.

Each episode involved them traveling to a new place based on where the globe stopped.

  1. Style:

The animation was 2D and likely hand-drawn.

It had muted or poor colors, possibly black-and-white or minimal color.

It did not have any dialogue, relying on sound effects and music instead to tell the story.

  1. Distribution:

The cartoon may have been on a CD, possibly as part of a collection of cartoons, though you aren’t completely sure about this.

It may have been part of an educational or entertainment collection aimed at children.

  1. Era:

The cartoon seems old, likely from the mid-20th century, fitting the style and animation techniques of that time period.

It could have been a European or Eastern European production, possibly aimed at promoting geographical knowledge or adventure through visual storytelling.

  1. Format:

The cartoon may have been part of an anthology or collection of short films, available on CD in the 1990s or early 2000s.

It was not a game or interactive content but a simple visual-based series.

16:09 UTC


[TOMT][Tumblr? post][pre-2020?] Similar looking white actors

I'm looking for a post most likely on tumblr or maybe twitter that went something like this:

OP: Several photos of white male actors who look similar. It might have actually been the pic from this: https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2015/11/american-horror-story-hotel-men-look-alike ? Or perhaps a photoset like this https://generically-handsome-white-men.tumblr.com/post/147151651594/eridoucheampora-desidere-im-laughing-so-hard

I don't remember if the OP contained any commentary or just the images presented without context, but then there's a response along the lines of:

Commenter: don't do [??? Henry Cavill?] like this

OP: girl he's not even here

Commenter: OMG nooooo😭

This wording is probably completely wrong but this is the general idea.

Searching for mentions of Henry Cavill has not yielded anything so I'm starting to doubt this was the unnecessarily defended named guy, but I seem to recall most of the photos were of guys who are best known for works that were insanely popular fandoms on tumblr such as the MCU and superwholock-y shows, and the defended guy was from something that was still popular but not such an inescapably huge fandom. I think Jensen Ackles was in the photoset but I could be completely making that up or thinking of a different post.

I am not sure when this was posted but it feels like something I saw several years ago. The date range I saw this is about 2014 - 2020 I think. There is a chance this was a conversation from twitter or another website that was screencapped onto tumblr but I feel like the convo more likely happened on tumblr itself.

No luck so far reading through the notes of the posts on the linked blog or reverse image searching that pic with Matt Bomer.

I know there are a lot of posts that just have a bunch of actors that look similar, but I am specifically looking for this exchange between the commenters. Thanks for any help!

16:09 UTC


[TOMT] Movie about a caveman/Neanderthal who eats a bunch of fermented berries and laughs at his own farts.

Lol at the title, I know, but I do have this distinct memory of a movie from the 1980s but can't remember the title. Guy is wandering all alone, like he's looking for a clan or something and at one point he comes to a little grove of trees and eats a bunch of the berries, gets intoxicated and goofy, laughs at his own farts, and then passes out at the foot of a tree (I think). I haven't rewatched any of the older prehistoric films but remember bits and pieces from Quest for Fire, The Clan of the Cave Bear, and Iceman. The fermented berries scene might have also come from the same movie where a bunch of people were sitting around a campfire and one of the women began... um... wafting her scent and one of the men couldn't help but initiate some mating right there in front of everyone.

I've looked into each of these movies but cannot find the scenes mentioned. Any help?

15:57 UTC

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