Thunder, Thunder, Thunder, ThunderCats - HO!
ThunderCats is an American animated television series that was produced by Rankin/Bass Productions (the same that created the SilverHawks, TigerSharks and The Comic Strip) debuting in 1984, based on the characters created by Tobin "Ted" Wolf. The series follows the adventures of a group of cat-like humanoid aliens. The animation was provided by Pacific Animation Corporation. Season 1 of the show aired in 1985 (65 episodes), followed by a TV movie entitled ThunderCats - HO! in 1986. Seasons 2, 3 and 4 followed a new format of twenty episodes each, starting with a five-part story.
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[Snarf is Lion-O's nanny.](/spoiler)
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Does anyone know if we'll get a snowmeow ultimates action figure since we have snowman just wandering if we'll get snowmeow
Hello I am looking for the 2011 animation in French if anyone has reliable links I am interested I searched I did not find it
I bought the first season on DVD. And wanted to get the rest. However… I see there are two versions. A 2008 release on 24 discs, and a 2019 release on 12 discs. Does anyone know if one looks better than the other?
Would it be better to get the blu ray? (It seems like the only one is the English and German blu ray?
Or stream it somewhere? I am in UK so not sure where it can be streamed here…?
I want to watch the best quality version.
And advice would be greatly appreciated.
I remember this panel of Snarf talking about being enslaved and forced to work in the mines. Anyone else remember this?
We had 2011 and Roar but do you all think we will ever get another series ? Also who actually fully owns thundercats is WB or someone else
The first one is good
We don't have confirmation that they will crossover, but multiple times I've heard Shalvey say they are part of the "ThunderVerse" which makes me think they will crossover at some point. Issue 2 of SilverHawks was revealed today. If you're interested, checkout the SilverHawks subreddit https://www.reddit.com/r/SilverHawks/
If/when we do get solid news that they are indeed going to crossover, I will of course make a post about it here on the ThunderCats subreddit to let you know when it happens. Until then, all SilverHawks news will be on the SilverHawks subreddit.
I would choose Lion-O not only because he is hot and muscular but also an incredible leader.
Probably the best way is to pay for the ad free plan instead of classic Hulu. I remember when this show was on Hulu there was no breaks .
the only rips ive ever been able to find are either DVD or fairly low quality online. is there a way to watch the 80's series in hd? if not then are there plans to restore it?
Those are the uncut way to watch the show.
I have searched the Internet trying to find a full size replica of the panthro nunchucks to get as a Christmas present for my boyfriend's father. He has been so great to me since moved away from my family and moved in with his son. His all time favorite show is thunder cats and his favorite character is Panthro. I thought it would be such a great gift but I cannot find it anywhere. All I've been able to find is the scaled down replica and a cheaply made plastic printed one that is full size but it's $250. Im really looking for something nice, with actual metal for the chain. Does anyone know where I can find one or find someone who can make one? It has to be perfect.
It should definitely be up there with other classic hits such as Transformers, but sadly it’s not.
I think at the time of its run, it was definitely popular. The only problem is that they just didn’t really do anything with the franchise moving forward. Of course there’s been a talk of a live action film for years and years, but it’s never happened. Then we had that animation revival in 2010 but that didn’t even get its feet off the railway.