
Photograph via snooOG

r/SaskatchewanJobs is sub is meant to be a resource not a site for job posts, here you'll find links to job boards, job search and recruitment agencies, reddit resume assistance, training info, scholarships, grants and financial assistance info too. I only share the odd job post I'm not seeing anywhere else.

Hello and welcome to Saskatchewan Jobs, the best sub for job seekers, anyone looking for info about recruitment, scholarships, financial assistance and much more! I hope you find the material here helpful.

This was an abandoned sub and I actually joined reddit so I could request to moderate it.

Also note Info may change periodically as new material is added and stale dated posts are removed.

If you're looking for a sub to discuss your job hunt, have questions or articles you'd like to share please visit r/SaskJobSeekersForHire/. It was originally started as a place to post "for hires" but this seems to make more sense.

If you have any questions or suggestions for anything else you'd like to see in this sub or a link is no longer working, feel free to message the moderator.

reddit remote work/telecommute subs





reddit resume help



Saskatchewan subs shout out:





Special Interest:




Sask Unis

University of Regina

University of Saskatoon


9 Subscribers