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Need a new system for a game I want to run.

I'm in need of a new system for a campaign I'd like to run. I'm well versed in D&D 3.5 and 5th edition, but those systems don't really fit with what I want to do. I'd like to run a contemporary horror/paranormal campaign in which the players have full agency and can decide how they want to solve their problems, but to do that I'm going to need a system that has decent mechanics, a decent combat system that includes guns, and I'd prefer the players actions to not be so swingy, so I'd like it to be based on a percentile system. Like, a modern dnd setting based on the percentile system with gun combat would be perfect. Is there anything like that?

00:37 UTC


Searching for specific P&P Rulebook

a friend of mine is looking for a specific pnp rulebook he once saw on Youtube. His cookies rested so he cant find it anymore and he doesnt remember the name. The only things he remembers are the following:

- its an analogy of death metal
- almost everything is in black and white
- only gangs/clans had colorful symbols
- Giant city is the main place
- people cant escape the city once they are inside
- on the cover is a female character with a crop top maybe? Looking like a punk like character

thats all he remembers. Has anyone any idea what rpg this could be? Or was he completly high and just saw a bunch of weird videos and thought it was an rpg?

00:34 UTC


Stars Without Number

What do y’all think of the Stars Without Number system? I’ve been trying to get people on the SWN train for a while, but I can never seem to find people that know the system. Am I crazy for thinking it’s good?

23:22 UTC


How do you get into TTRPGs?

Sorry really dumb question, basically I've always thought ttrpgs sounded rly cool but I don't know much about them and have literally no social skills bcus i'm autistic so I've never rly done any hobby with a group 🥲

I'm just wondering if anyone has any basic info on like how to start getting into them or if there's any way to start them without already having friends haha

23:15 UTC


D&D 2014 online character creator websites

Now that D&D beyond is broken for 5e 2014, are there any other websites that I can give to new players to help them build a char at home? We play in person & use printed sheets, so Roll20 is no good.

I saw "dungeon masters vault" - it seems good but its missing lots of sub-races & sub-classes.

Any others?

22:32 UTC


[Game Recommendation Request] [Solo RPG] The Legend of Zelda


I am looking for a tabletop rpg system request for a Solo RPG. A Solo RPG is a system that removes the GM from the equation and usually uses a system to stand-in for the GM. Like Mythic GM Emulator or Ironsworn.

I am looking for one that would be good for Nintendo's THE LEGEND OF ZELDA.

What does that mean:

Solo RPG Dungeon Based Design that slowly reveals itself, perhaps like in Escape From Demon Castle Dracula Item based solutions Puzzle Design Some detailed combat for bosses A focus on martial ability over magic

Any help is appreciated.

22:15 UTC


What you say long term campagain, how many sessions

I feel like ppl have a very different count when they say long term.

To me long term is 12-ish session

What are your numbers ? Do you guys to the crazy Critical Role counts 100+ sessions?

20:58 UTC


Suggested systems for a mundane setting with progression?

I know this is an insane ask, but a group of buddies who've never played a TTRPG before have asked me to run a game. I asked what kind of story they wanted to play, and the group's consensus was essentially "We want it to be like the sims, where we're a bunch of friends with normal lives that become increasingly tough to manage."

After some more in-depth discussion I'm leaning towards a modern-day paradigm like Rogue Trader, where each of the players have a job related to some shared venture, and liquid cash is both the goal and the long-term indicator of progress.

It'll probably be a touring music act based on the group's brainstorming, so the experience would be traveling from city to city, dealing with weird encounters at rest stops, contending with unsavory club owners who want to rip the band off or refuse to let them play, and so on.

I'm confident I can handle the storytelling side of this, but I'm a bit at a loss when it comes to picking a system that's mechanically suited for this sort of gig-of-the-week gameplay. I'm tempted to just homebrew something out of pbta, but I would love to hear if there is a better, more obvious choice for this kind of mundane setting.

20:47 UTC


Suggestion for a Blood Bowl/ Fantasy Football game

Hello, first of all sorry for the formating I am on my phone.

I am a big fan of the Blood Bowl video games and already tried to emulate matches in a campaign with good enough success... But it was on DnD 5th Edition and I am kinda done with the system.

So I was wondering if there were any game (preferably not tied to a universe or easy to plug out of said universe) that were trying to emulate the action and brutality of Blood Bowl and possibly add things between the matches.

In term of system I tend to prefer things like Pathfinder 1st Edition, but I am happy to try new things.

Thanks in advance for your answers.

19:28 UTC


I'm looking for different test rolls

I wanted ideas for different test rolls to look for inspiration. I'm looking for different ideas for tests that use combinations, like the Wilderfeast tests, which uses hits but in a unique way, or Fabula Ultima with each attribute being a different type of die.

I was researching and came across an idea that consists of having attributes that represent the number of dice that will be rolled and the ability that represents the type of dice to be rolled. I even saw that the Paranormal Order has the idea of ​​being able to use different attributes for skills, but I wanted freer combinations, preferably between two attributes, being able to add the two or make one mean something and the other mean another part of the roll. , or something like that.

Does anyone know of any ideas for test rolls with combinations that are more different? At the moment I'm thinking more about using d6 and using higher numbers, without the idea of ​​hits, but any idea is welcome, I'm more researching inspirations

And sorry about any grammar mistake, English isn't my first language and to write this I'm using a little help from google translate

19:25 UTC


Which Space Marine Chapters Best Represent The Tribes of The Garou in "Werewolf: The Apocalypse"? (Video Essay)

Since so many folks enjoyed The Problem With Pentex, I figured that I'd try to get another Werewolf: The Apocalypse video essay up in relatively short order while I work on some other stuff behind the scenes. While it hasn't exactly exploded in the same way, I put a lot of hours into this one, and I'm pretty pleased with the overall result.

Agree, disagree, or if you want to see a different game covered in the future, let me know in the video comments! And if you enjoy it, consider hitting the subscribe button, because we're on the cusp of 1,500 folks in our audience, and that would be a great milestone to hit today. Thanks in advance!

Which Space Marine Chapters Best Represent The Garou Tribes of "Werewolf: The Apocalypse"?

18:12 UTC


Can you play SW Force and Destiny in TOR?


I'm new to in-person RPGs. I played a few DnD one-shots and never DM-ed anything.

I love The Old Republic and I would love to play an RPG set in that era.

I just ordered Force and Destiny. Can I use it to create something in TOR?


17:56 UTC


Mappa Mundi: Pre-release review

I was recently given access to a pre-launch digital copy of a new rpg called Mappa Mundi (you might have seen it kicking around as it gets ready to go to Kickstarter very soon). In short, it's an exploration and ecology focused rpg with a big emphasis on collaborative world building. I've written up a punchy read-through review that might help you decide whether to look into the project.

Disclaimer: I've no affiliation with the publisher, I was just given the opportunity to review the product pre-release and wanted to share my thoughts.

12:16 UTC


Systems suited for Mass Effect?

Hello! I am seeking TTRPG systems that fit into the universe of Mass Effect, note: I need systems where this sort of conversion works while running in Foundry VTT, so I unfortunately can't do Genesys as I don't think that character sheet is customizable enough.

Also don't recommend me Mass Effect 5e. I tried it and didn't enjoy it.

10:33 UTC


How to find the moment/confidence to speak/interject?

I've played in a few short campaigns and some one-shots, but still pretty much new to the ttrpg space. In every game I have a problem finding the time to interject actions or words of my character into the dialogue of the other players...

When I wanna say something I try to give people time to finish what they are saying and often it results in moment or a scene moving on... (And I'm pretty ok with that...) But then there is times when people are expecting something out of my character but I don't know what to say in the moment.(and when I process what I wanted or could do or say the moment is gone)

I guess this thing pretty much applies to IRL situations as well, but at the ttrpg table people are more observant on that and want me to be more active, and so do I...

Also, it's easier with more unserious characters but much harder with more serious ones. I like making stories and want to experience that development and moments character can have in an adventure, but every time I feel like I'm interrupting someone or taking everyone's time on something I didn't fully thought out. So it feels wrong to speak.

(I also tried to map out more of the personality and responses for the character, so there was less improvisation to do, but it just makes things worse most of the time, I think... Because if I have it written down I won't allow myself to improvise...)

Any suggestions/tips? I know that the biggest one is "get good" and "get some confidence", but still.

09:21 UTC


I feel overwhelmed by how many games there are! I wish I had a timeturner so I could play them all.

I am in 4 games already, as well as a PbP (but that doesn't count because it is advancing so nauseatingly slow) and I keep daydreaming about other games I have read or have on my backlog. Idk what to do. I keep finding myself browsing almost daily on r/LFG_Europe and the several discords I am in. I think I am developing a mental issue. FOMO for me is real.

And it's not like I don't enjoy the games I am part of. Quite the opposite. I think in my nine months of playing rpgs only one session got cancelled because I was missing (instead of other reasons) and that day I was very ill, like haven't slept for over 48 hours ill.

Of all the games, the only true problems I had were a DnD campaign I joined that turned into a bit of a horror story so I left which disbanded the whole group as others followed suit and a Numenera campaign that struggled to find its footing as the style of the GM didn't exactly match with the system, but as it progressed, he figured out how to give players more and more agency, set very interesting hooks for us to follow, created compelling factions and lore and took advice from everyone. We have reached a point where it also opens up, forfeiting its previous linear nature. I am really happy not to have dropped it.

So, all of my games are currently in a very good spot. I feel something is very wrong with me. Why do I keep looking out for new things? I also read the recommendation threads on this sub religiously and feel like there are so many games out there for me to buy.

08:52 UTC


Diagonal Movement: Yes or No, and Why?

Hello everybody! My friend and I are designing a Turn-based Tactical RPG, and we use square tiles for the battle map.

That said, do you believe characters should be able to move diagonally?

Should be able to move diagonally but perhaps with some sort of penalty (like consuming more Action Points)?


08:26 UTC


What do you keep your dice in?

I use a metal tea box for my dice, pencils, etc. It's perfectly fine but I'm considering a change and looking for suggestions. I'm not keen on bags, preferring something more solid to withstand the rigors of travel. Let me know what you use, and any unusual containers that you may have seen other players use.

07:16 UTC


Looking for Demonic themed TTRPGs

im currently looking for ttrpgs where you play as a demon, such as In Nomine or Demon the fallen. any other recommendations?

07:16 UTC


GM screens - horizontal - customizable - looking for recs

Has anyone tried any of these and can comment?

The Gamecrafter - Horizontal Game Master's Screen (5.00$) https://www.thegamecrafter.com/parts/horizontal-game-master-s-screen

Hammer Dog - the worlds greater gm screen (approx 40$) https://hammerdog-games.myshopify.com/products/the-worlds-greatest-screen-black?variant=45957675712765

Dragon shield, horizontal, one side only (50$ Amazon) https://www.dragonshield.com/p/game-master-screen/AT-50021

Prices in USD.

Looking for horizontal, accepts paper inserts, both sides would be nice but not necessary.

I’m astounded at how inexpensive the Gamecrafter one is… what’s the catch?

Any others I should look at? Thanks for any tips!

1 Comment
07:15 UTC


what ttrpgs would be good for me?

ok so... I want to find some new rpgs to play...
I don't want something like dnd. it's boring and overdone. I want something more like mask a new generation. I would like an rpgs that could fill one or more of the categories.

  1. magic but not fantasy

  2. futuristic

  3. one where you play as tiny people like think the movie "honey I shrunk the kids"

  4. multiverse?

  5. zombie apocalypses

  6. time travel (idk about this one)

  7. aliens?

I also have been looking online and found these rpgs that I thought were fun if you need more info of what I like

  • Sentinel Comics
  • My Little Pony
  • Mutant Crawl Classics
  • Escape from New York
  • Pugmire
  • Munchkin Vol. 1
  • Masks: A New Generation
06:42 UTC


Experiences w/ Spire: the City Must Fall?

Hey, I know this RPG has been spoken about a LOT, (for good reason!) but my hard copy just arrived & the r/SpiretheRPG subreddit is approval-only, so while I wait to be able to post, I thought I'd get some insights here.

I'm still reading the book, but... how was running it as a GM? or being a player? I'm wanting to run it, because, let's face it, finding an open game as a player I won't have to pay a fortune for is slim.

That saidddd, I haven't seen anything explicitly in the rules about ideal player count. Seems death is common. I know it lends to shorter campaigns, but not sure I like the premade campaign start in the core book. How many sessions would you say is ideal? Or how fast should advancement go, since it seems a bit non-linear, with the different levels of advances to give out?

Any tips would be ideal. But impressions of it are welcome as well. I wanted to get more perspectives about the actual experience of it, because most posts I've seen are just going ga-ga over the setting (for GOOD reason! I love it already)

Please & Thanks.

05:13 UTC


Shonen Anime Compatible Adventures

Bit of a weird one but lots of lists of pre-written campaign materials include low fantasy, sci-fi, etc. which do not fit the power scaling and problem solving abilities of a shonen power level and Google just keeps returning results that are not helpful. Does anyone have any good recommendations for pre-written adventure or campaign materials that can support a shonen anime level of nonsense? I'm not looking for system recommendations, I'm specifically looking for campaign contents.

04:15 UTC


Grimwild RPG has some of the best GM resources/tools for campaign managing and it's free!

As the title says but just wanted to bring particular attention to the dice pool system the system uses. Which is easily applied to other systems. It honestly made me want to run other systems but with some Grimwild hacked in.

04:01 UTC


I wrote a moon for Realis, inspired by the art of Greg Fromenteau.

Greg Fromenteau is one of my favorite fantasy artists. I've been wanting to write a setting inspired by his work for ages. As soon as I read Realis I knew this was the right fit.

1 Comment
03:57 UTC


Region Hex Map Tiles (free sample)

I've been working with Dyson Logos to convert snippets of his Autumn Lands maps into hex minimap tiles to create a sample/mock up set of 25. He's planning to start work on a custom set of these soon. I've taken these 25 and put them all in a zip and posted them here.

If you'd like to learn more about the overall project, check it out here. It also includes cards with cool (I hope) art of possible campaign locations and charts of ideas for each. There is also a 50+ card sample of that at this second link.

I'm still coordinating with printers, but we plan to make sets of at least 50 hex minimap tiles and hopefully many more.

02:30 UTC


Non-linear bounties

In many tabletop games, a beginner adventuring party will visit the local town's job board, listing anything from supply requests to the subject of this post: bounties. Oftentimes these bounties are something like "Go to the Leaky Keg and clear out the rats in the basement" or some other direct, linear objective which, most importantly, can be completed immediately.

Something I would love to explore, but have struggled to figure out how to implement, is bounties that are a secondary objective that the players stay aware of and can eventually complete, depending on how dedicated they are to it this can of course vary, but the intention is that they keep an eye out for whoever the bounty is while they travel.

Have you implemented something like this successfully? I think it would be incredibly boring to just say "you see the man from the bounty poster sitting in the corner" when they walk into some tavern, but I'm struggling to think of interesting ways to dispense information that splits the difference between outright telling them and giving hints that they could end up being completely oblivious to.

02:10 UTC


Another system to support FFG's Rogue Trader's setting?


Always liked the FFG s games, but to be honest, Rogue Trader is kind of an unbalanced mess as far as i remember it.
However, the space corsair and his crew going into shenaningans fantasy has a place in my heart.

there a lot of setting agnostic systems but im not at all familiar with it. I know them by name : GURPS, savage worlds , FATE .... but i dont know anything about their respective strengh and niche ( if there are some even).
I suppose im not the only one with this idea so there might already be hacks floating around.

What would you advise as a robust system for space exploration, piracy in a grimdark setting with deadly combat?


01:20 UTC


Play Canadian! 🇨🇦

Trump's imposition of 25% tariffs on goods from Canada is the beginning of a trade war which could be the first salvo in an economic attack on our sovereignty.

Unfortunately, the tabletop RPG industry is tiny, with most Canadian game designers working for American companies.

Nevertheless, it's important that we Canadians can tell our own stories, about ourselves. This is one layer of resistance against Trump and his aggression.

I've reduced the price of my Canadian RPG, Paranormal Affairs Canada, to $0.99 CAD, and made community copies available on itch.io. In this game, you play spooks protecting Canada from supernatural and extraterrestrial threats. It features cover art by Nakawe artist Neal Shannacappo.

Other Canadian games and designers to support:

  • Ross Rifles from Dundas West Games tells the story of Canadian soldiers in WWI.
  • Robin Laws, creator of GUMSHOE, is Canadian.
  • Avery Adler, successful PbtA designer and co-creator of Belonging Outside Belonging, is Canadian.
  • Baroque Space Opera is a Dune-inspired RPG by Canadian designer Mark Kowaliszyn.
  • Daniel Kwan is an Asian-Canadian designer with multiple credits.
  • Canadian designer Jason Pitre has published multiple games under Genesis of Legend Publishing, including Sig: City of Blades, a love letter to Blades in the Dark and Planescape.
  • Slugblaster is by Canadian designer Mikey Hamm.

I'm sure I've missed some folks and would be happy to expand this list!

01:11 UTC



I was scrolling through looking for something new to try and came across this game called Divination. Anyone have any experience with this? How does it work? Is it good? Before I spend I'd like to see if anyone can give an honest review that's played it. Does it come with tarot cards or do I have to buy a set or will any set due?

1 Comment
00:35 UTC

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