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Would you be keen on giving me some advice on my board game design ?

Hi Guys,

I am making a new game and am slated to go on KS in September. But before I present the game to the world, I would like get a little advice from you about the design of the game. Lemme know if you guys would be keen.

1 Comment
08:00 UTC


Board Gaming is an adult affair ;)

Gone are the days when people thought that board games were for children, according to data from Meeple Mountain, the majority of hobbyist board gamers are between 25 and 54 years of age, with 35 to 44 the largest demographic.

07:40 UTC


Is hegemony lead your class to victory worth getting for solo play ?

Is it worth buying this game for playing solo with automa only ?

1 Comment
07:01 UTC


Secret Hitler - Red Dawn Edition

Hey all,

I wanted to share a new expansion for Secret Hitler I have been working on. SH has been a group favorite for many years along other games like Werewolf, but gameplay has been getting a bit stale. I saw a number of expansions and new rules online and really like the idea of adding a 3rd party/team to spice things up.

One problem I had was the rules didn't seem as tight as the core gameplay and in some cases didn't make sense. I started cherry picking the rules I liked and repackaging them into the original rules to make the game stand on it's own and easier to explain. I also wanted to have clear and distinct win conditions for each team.

The game is still work in progress but far enough along to share. My focus has been rules and fun gameplay so no print & play yet, but honestly the assets from Socialist or XL expansions will work for now.

I put the rules in Markdown so easy share and update:

Let me know what you think.

06:58 UTC


Daily Game Recommendations Thread (July 18, 2024)

Welcome to /r/boardgames's Daily Game Recommendations

This is a place where you can ask any and all questions relating to the board gaming world including but not limited to:

  • general or specific game recommendations
  • help identifying a game or game piece
  • advice regarding situation limited to you (e.g, questions about a specific FLGS)
  • rule clarifications
  • and other quick questions that might not warrant their own post

Asking for Recommendations

You're much more likely to get good and personalized recommendations if you take the time to format a well-written ask. We highly recommend using this template as a guide. Here is a version with additional explanations in case the template isn't enough.

Bold Your Games

Help people identify your game suggestions easily by making the names bold.

Additional Resources

  • See our series of Recommendation Roundups on a wide variety of topics people have already made game suggestions for.
  • If you are new here, be sure to check out our Community Guidelines
  • For recommendations that take accessibility concerns into account, check out MeepleLikeUs and their recommender.
05:01 UTC


Thursdays at War - (July 18, 2024)

Spanning the gamut between Ameritrash and Euro, light and heavy, there are tons of war games out there. So if you are Twilight Struggle-ing through a Time of Crisis in your life and feel the need to say Here I Stand, a proud war-gamer, here is your weekly topic.

What have you played this week? Any great plays or good stories? Any new acquisitions? What are you going to try and get to the table in the upcoming week?

1 Comment
05:00 UTC


What do you do with instruction booklets in foreign languages?

Do you throw them away? I know I’ll never need them, but it seems so wasteful when they’re beautifully printed?

04:33 UTC


La Granja First Game Modules

So,this classic has been laying on my shelf of shame for a while now and it's finally going to hit the table on Friday.

I'm getting ready for the teach for a four player group and was wondering if there are any modules that can be included for a first play? All 4 of us love our games the more crunchier they are and complexity is not an issue. Having said that of course I don't want to layer in tooooo many things.

In summary, my question is: Are there are any modules that can be included in a first play that add just that little extra to make it spicier?

PS: If this makes it to the circlejerk sub, please tag me so I can partake in the lulz.

1 Comment
03:01 UTC


6 nimmit Strategy/Tips

I have recently started playing 6 nimmt and I usually play with 5+ players. I get rid of very low and very high number first but sometimes it is not working and I ended up getting 20+ points in a round. I was thinking of playing the game bunch of times on BGA and then replaying the top players game. Other than that, are there any specific strategies/tips I could try in order to win?

02:12 UTC


Alphabet top lists. Why?

Why do board game content creators do a top list based on letters of the alphabet? I.e. Top ten games that start with the letter A. We watch these videos for game reviews and recommendations and I don't think we've ever gone to a board game store looking for the best game that starts with the letter B . We appreciate lists like top 10 racing games or top 10 area control for example. But why the alphabet? Feels like an adult episode of Sesame Street. "Today's top ten list is brought to you by the letter C".

00:51 UTC


Deeprock Galactic question

Hi guys!

My brother has the Deeprock Galactic boardgame and we've been having fun with it! But we're having some trouble interpreting the way the attack of the Driller works.

My brother interprets the targeting rules and the way the attack is phrased as being able to choose where to assign the dice. So you could theoretically assign all three dice to one space (one enemy). Or assign the dice over three different spaces.

I interpret the phrasing as having to assign each dice to a different adjacent space.

A third way to interpret the phrasing is that every die can be assigned to different spaces. So that means that if you roll two damage then you can assign that damage to two different spaces whereas if you roll one damage then you can only assign it to one space, meaning that at maximum you can only assign 3 damage to one space and 3 damage to another, or 3 damage to one space and 1 to 3 others, or for instance 6 damage to 6 different spaces.

How does the Driller attack work? We cannot figure it out haha.

23:10 UTC


Does Chicken themed Co-op board game exist?

Please someone tell me the name of this game!

I was recently dead scrolling on instagram reels and a game review or sponsored video came across my screen. It was a chicken themed game where you start as chicks, as do the monsters and they can mature into full grown chickens to roosters. The player cards look like a hand held notepad as do the monsters. You can flip to the next one when you level up as well as the monsters. I have been trying to find this game for the past hour so I can buy it, but literally can’t find it anywhere. I believe it was crowdfunded and comments said it was around $90. I don’t know if it’s new or not fully released, or if it even exists at this point. I feel like I’m going insane.

Does anyone know what I’m talking about?

22:35 UTC


Does zero count as "second most"?

In Sushi Go, the player with the most cards of a certain kind gets points, and the player with second most gets fewer points, but say one player has two of those cards, and the other player has none, in a two player game.

Would the second player receive points?

What if neither player has any of that card? Would they tie for first (and split points)?

Probably a stupid question, but the instructions don't spell it out and I don't know how that sort of thing normally goes in card games.

22:33 UTC


Did anything ever come of that tower building card game?

Some time ago there were a series of posts about a game a design from somebody here, where you build towers - each card represented a section of a tower and there was a mechanic of trying to build the best one with the cards you manage. I thought it looked like lots of fun and the aesthetics and mechanics were both interesting, so now I’m wondering if it ever made it into production or if anyone here can remember/point me at any progress info?

22:25 UTC


What are single sided card sleeves called? And where to buy?

Hi, Where can i find 44x68 sleeves that have one side that you cant see through? what are they called and where can i buy them in europe?

22:13 UTC


Games like X-Wing?

We all know X-Wing/Armada are miniatures games, but at the same time, they have that "board game" quality of being playable out-of-the-box. I especially lust over the fact that they come pre-painted! Which seems pretty rare.

However, I am not a big fan of the direction those games went, and tbh the "Star Wars" license became a pretty big turn-off for me over the years....

Are there other such games? I would love something Warhammer, but so far it all seems highly inaccessible to me. If there could be another Armada-like pre-painted miniatures game on the market, I'd be super curious to try it!

21:32 UTC


Space Base question about end game

Hi everyone, have a question about my last space base game played. Player 1 passed 40vp, and on my turn (player 2) I completed the "You Win." card. Who gets the actual win? IMO "You Win." trumps vp.

20:53 UTC


Deluxe versions with better production quality just highlights the base game's shortcomings

There are certain games I'm interested in (Castle of Burgundy for example) or own (Last Light) and I know the gameplay is good but the art is so-so and cardboard pieces are just cardboard pieces. I'm a sucker for production quality, the nicer it looks and feels the more I'm into it.

Then I see this special edition or deluxe version and it looks amazing! Every issue I have with the art and production quality is fixed! It's also expensive, too expensive for what I would give for a game and it just highlights the shortcomings I have with the base game.

Last Light I got for my birthday from a friend so when I look at a review or a how to play they all have these nice plastic miniatures and nicer looking tokens and I'm just sitting here with my cardboard, it already puts me in a negative mindset.

I don't think I'll ever get CoB because the special edition is difficult to get and expensive and the base game just lacks in the quality department.

If those games didn't have a super fancy version I'd get it quicker or not be so negative about the art and quality but now it's difficult for me to ignore.

Everdell and Lost ruins of Arnak have nice looking tokens on their own so I'd sooner get that than CoB or any other game with a special edition.

20:23 UTC


High Heavens Problem and Expansion

I purchased High Heavens a while back, and had fun playing it with a friend. After a couple of games, it became apparent that the game was a bit one-sided (it's been a while, so I forgot which mythology it leaned towards).

Because of that, we eventually stopped playing and it's been collecting dust.

I was wondering if:

A) Anyone here has played the game and had a similar experience


B) Is getting an expansion worth it? Does it help to balance the game?

C) Any other thought?

19:22 UTC


Help identify board game components

Hello, could anyone help me identity these tokens? I found them near my Nemesis box but I can't find them mentioned in the rulebook.


18:49 UTC


Onenight ultimate ONUW

I just played a game of onenight ultimate wearwolf, and we also mixed som characters fro daybreak and vampier. We used cupid, and the minion and the wearwolf became in love. Its obvies that if the minon dies the wearwolf and the minion lose, bcs both og them will die. but for the second wearwolf… will he also lose? I can understand if not, bcs the second wearwolf died of heartbreak, not bcs og voting. But the wearwolf also dies and the goal is to not let any wearwolfs die. any toghts, or anyone that know who wins here?

1 Comment
18:39 UTC


Get A Feast for Odin or wait?

Debating on A Feast for Odin. I see it recently came back in stock. Any chance this will go out of print soon or am I safe to wait? Also would this be a good price to pick it up at or is it likely to hit a lower price? Debating between this, Paleo, Grand Austria Hotel, or the new Ezra & Nehemiah. Thanks!

18:16 UTC


Big Boss vs Acquire whats the difference between the two? Which is more fun?

Whats the diff between Big Boss and Acquire? Is it worth to have both or is one much better than the other?

17:51 UTC


Is the playmat useful in Tainted Grail?

I am considering buying it if it's useful, like in Eclipse 2nd Dawn. Thanks in advance.

17:50 UTC


Rome In A Day is incredible

We all know not to judge a book by its cover, but with the wealth of board games these days we often don't have a choice. There's so much out there and no time to learn the rules and discover how the game plays. Last night, someone brought Rome In A Day to the table and the first impression was nothing new. Hexagonal tiles and little buildings. Is this really it? Then I learnt the true value. The "I cut, you choose" mechanic.

Here's the game in a nutshell: You take five hexes from the pile. Two of them contain buildings, the others are empty. You split the group of tiles in two and offer them to the next player who gets to choose. If they pick the smaller "half" they get a bonus gem (worth points at the end). The rest go to you. You then look to the previous player and choose your share of their split tiles. Now you get to make an island of the tiles you've collected. You want to collect buildings and lands of the same colour and arrange the island into colour groups. Then you repeat for 3 more rounds. I can't describe the giddy tension that courses through my being when I'm trying to split my group of tiles so that I don't give my opponents what they need while also aiming to keep tiles I need. Sometimes small games do it for you, and Rome In A Day did it for me.

17:41 UTC


Signed Kaijudo cards - Help ID?

Posting here since the Kaijudo sub is pretty much dead.

I found these signed Kaijudo cards and was hoping someone could ID the signature. I don't think its Ryan Miller, but then again idk what his signature looks like. They are set premiers #P16 & #P17.

Edit: I got these years ago at a local convention. A team was in the board game area handing out the cards and doing some kind of demo. The signatures /could/ be completely unrelated, but that just would be weird I think.




17:17 UTC


First session of John Company went badly

Buying John Company was something that I had hesitated to do for quite a while. The game seemed overwhelmingly complex and very dependent on luck,, which my family (who are also my bg group) isn't fond of.

But a few months ago, I did pull the trigger, and today we finally played it for the first time.

It was a trainwreck. Even though we played almost co op, we had terrible bad luck with the dice, to the point of not earning any money for two rounds. I even failed a roll with 5 dice in round 4, which was our last chance of keeping the company going.

I was very disappointed, mostly because I was very stressed by having to teach the game so I couldn't really enjoy playing it, and because I had been looking forward for weeks to playing it, only to have it end in such a disappointing manner.

Luckily, my family promised we would try again. But frankly, I think that will not be anytime soon.

16:58 UTC


Scythe documentary

Hello everyone!

I made a ficticional documentary within the Scythe universe.

Love to hear what you think!

16:43 UTC


Heroquest Add-on: Megaquest Core Monster Pack

Megaquest Core Monster Pack should be going public on DrivethroughRPG any day now. I will leave the purchase page link and BoardGameGeeks page here for anyone interested.

DrivethroughRPG link: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/486162/Megaquest-Core-Monster-Pack

BoardGameGeek Page: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgameexpansion/424956/megaquest-core-monster-pack/images

If you don't already have it as well I have a full rework of the Hero creation system in Heroquest as well. Links below.

DrivethroughRPG Link: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/470862/Megaquest-Hero-Pack-20

BoardGameGeek Page: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgameexpansion/417747/megaquest-hero-pack

1 Comment
16:42 UTC


Why does Amazon uk only have the French version of Mlem space agency?

Why does Amazon uk only have the French version of Mlem space agency?

16:38 UTC

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