
Photograph via //r/quilting

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Adventureland quilt!

01:52 UTC


This realisation hit me like a ton of bricks! Can confirm I have another hobby now.


01:16 UTC


Rainbow log cabin

One of my favorite quilts I’ve made. Makes me smile every time I look at it. I couldn’t choose what colors to stop at, so it hits the floor on both sides of the bed 😂 but we still fight over covers

00:56 UTC


Quilt Labels/Signatures

I heard someone say a quilt is not finished u til it is signed- or has a label. I was thinking to just hand embroider in the corner of a quilt I made, but then I saw someone posted a label they made and it’s very beautiful. Would y’all please post pictures of how you label or sign your quilts? Thank you!

23:42 UTC


Need help finding a pattern to use

Hello! I had a super lucky find while thrifting the other day, and came across a quilt kit with some pretty fun fabrics. A quick Google search and I found this website for the kit as well as a 'link' to the free pattern, but when I clicked the link it lead to nothing. I was wondering if anyone here may know where I could find the original pattern to download/buy or could suggest an alternative one that I could use the fabric for?

23:25 UTC


Quilting Layout Help!

Hello! I haven't been quilting for very long and I am looking for opinions on the way I should layout my quilt. I have three different layout options that I like and I can't decide which one is better. I'm unsure if I should include all my colors in one block, alternating with two colors, or have solid colors around the mushroom fabric, which is the main focus of the piece. What do ya'll think looks the best? (I'm also open to new layout ideas as well!)




22:42 UTC


Surprise for my Husband

This is my second completed quilt and a surprise for my husband's August birthday. He's a big sports fan, and we both went to Washington State (the collegiate fabrics). I worked on it in little chunks during his office days while juggling our four kiddos and their whims and needs. I'm really happy with how it turned out! No full pics yet because I tucked it away right after pulling it from the wash.

22:33 UTC


Flower table runner for my grandparents

The table runner is all pieces together and ready for quilting!

20:40 UTC


Do I take it apart and fix it?

I started the top part a week ago and did a different seam allowance so it's way off 🤦

19:21 UTC


Juki Tension Issues

I just got a Juki TL machine a couple months ago and really do like it. But for some reason, I keep having to adjust tension when piecing! Like it'll look pretty good one minute, and then halfway through the same sewing session, the top tension will get funky - not quite a straight line but pretty close.

I've tried everything I can think of - re-threading a million times, trying a new bobbin, rewinding the bobbin to make sure it's tight enough - even adjusting the bobbin threader height thingy to make sure the bobbin is even, changing the needle, cleaning out lint... the list goes on. Usually I can get it to look okay but adjusting the tension but it just seems like something is wrong if I'm having to adjust mid-project. Any tips?? Or is this normal?

19:05 UTC


Scared of shapes

I'm still technically a newbie, working on my second quilt, and squares and rectangles are working great for me. However, I've got Christmas on the brain and want to make something for my MIL, who taught me.

The problem is in the title - I'm scared of making other shapes! I wanna try triangles or hexagons or other styles but they intimidate the crap outta me. I'm not opposed to trying out paper piecing, but the less materials I need the better, since I don't do most of my sewing at home.

If anyone has any (preferably free) resources on how to make these shapes without staying scared, I'd love them!

17:21 UTC


I should have bought a pattern

I was definitely influenced by TikTok a few months ago and decided to make a hexie flower quilt. Problem is I have no idea how to figure out the layout for this thing, which largely determines how many more flowers I need to make. I’m drowning in the fabric flowers of my own making. One six inch circle at a time. And of course I thought it’d be “special” if none of the flowers repeated themselves.

These flowers seem way more difficult to arrange compared to hexagons or other shapes I’ve worked with. To be fair, I’ve never worked with a pattern before and figured I’d just wing it. I fully realize now that that was a mistake. Any suggestions on resources or patterns to help with layout for this shape would be appreciated.

The fabric the flowers are sitting on is the backing, which is folded in half.

16:58 UTC


Quilting mistake

I’m in the middle of quilting my first baby quilt. I made a mistake in the quilting about half way through the quilt, so the thread is broken. I’m rather new to sewing. So is my only option to take out all the thread where my mistake or am I missing an easier quicker way?

15:47 UTC


I got my very first square done ever. My I didnt keep everything perfectly lined up. But I don't think its too bad

15:26 UTC

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