
Photograph via //r/Lightbulb

A community for sharing ideas, inventions, and plans.

Show off your ideas, inventions and innovations! This a subreddit for anyone who needs opinions on their ideas. No matter the sort, even theoretical ideas are acceptable. Hopefully we can make differences in this world, one step at a time!


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Rule 2: Posts must be contain an idea.

This subreddit is mainly for brainstorming ideas, but you can post other related things as well.

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What if you could feel natural euphoria on demand?

Would you want to know how?

This is possible through the conscious activation of your Life force.

Unfortunately the higher-ups have set up this society so that we completely lose our connection to it.

Whether through the toxic/irradiated food we eat, the drinks we consume, the highly detrimental substances we put inside of our body and the innumerable number of adult content tempting us to reset this vital energy.


Because the higher-ups know what we can do with our conscious activation of it if we ever develop a high/healthy source of it.

01:42 UTC


A symbolic language based on the way thought can be manipulated.

A symbolic language based on cognitive processes (mainly thought). I don't know if this idea exists, as I am not well educated in cognitive science or psychology. I know about heuristics which are similar, and some heuristics are included in what I am about to suggest. Symbolic logic is also similar but from my understanding symbolic logic is only used for arguments. This entire idea could not lead anywhere, and I am aware of that.

The idea is, there are certain things you can only understand or problems you can only solve through certain methods. For example, the idea of counting has some intrinsic functions that can only be understood if you can understand certain things like what a symbol is and what a sequence is. If you look at counting in ascending order 0 through 9 it has some internal functions, I know people usually start counting from 1 but I need to include the 0 for this example.

So, you start with 0 which is a symbol that represents nothing, then you get 1 which represents 1 thing, already for you to understand this you need to be able to understand what a sequence is because the 0 is followed by the 1, so a sequence is an internal function of both the idea of counting and the mind which could either be learnt or innate. We get to the number 2 which is two 1’s connected, the reason why I say connected is because if you didn't understand that the number 2 is two 1’s connected any one thing would just be seen as 1 thing. For example, a mind that didn’t understand that principle of a two would see 2 apples as 1 individual apple and another individual apple. Next is the number 3 which is three 1’s connected; the number 4 is four 1’s connected, and nothing special happens with the numbers until you get to the number 10, where the 1 and 0 is reused as symbols and represents ten 1’s.

What I am trying to say is can we find other inventions of the mind that share similar qualities to counting in ascending order. For example, the English alphabet is 26 symbols in a certain sequence, maybe a mind that can understand and learn counting can also learn the alphabet which could mean that we could maybe find patterns in thought by looking at things constructed by the mind.

How would the language work? It would basically just show how certain mind constructed things work by putting symbols next to each other in the way the construction works. For example, the alphabet only has sequence (s) and symbols (sy) in its internal functions which were constructed by the mind. So, the alphabet would be described as, sy + s. The reason as to why I'm using letters even though if someone were to make an actual language out of this, I think it would look very different is just for simplification.

How would a symbol be constructed? The way a symbol would be constructed would be if you could invent something where the task can only be understood and solved through a certain way of thinking. Guessing doesn’t count even though it probably should have its own symbol as an outlier. For example, if you constructed a game like “spot five differences” where the only way to solve the problem is through this thing, we call comparing then you have a new symbol called comparing.

What inspired this post was I heard about the replication crisis in psychology, and I thought that maybe one of the reasons as to why psychology is in that crisis is because they don't have a field like mathematics that they can fall back on like physics has math. Another reason was I watched a video of Noam Chomsky titled "Noam Chomsky - the mysteries of nature" talking about the limits of human understanding, and I thought if there is a limit to human understanding then there can’t be infinite different ways of human thought to “act”.

Hopefully this makes sense I could try to explain more but I didn’t want to make too long of a post. the reason I'm posting this in the lightbulb subreddit is because I wanted to share this idea and I think the psychology and cognitive science subreddits would take it down judging by the rules.

23:09 UTC


An app called bUSk for buskers.

It’d work similar to the TikTok lives where you could purchase coins and then send them to the people hosting the live. The lives would be of people performing some sort of talent.. instruments, singing, juggling, etc

00:51 UTC


Throughout history, humans have proved that supernatural abilities such as healing and more is a birthright for anyone of us.

If animals like salmons with their tiny brain use the earth magnetic field like a compass and their highly developed sense of smell to go back to their birthplace or bats use a sonar system to travel at night and not hit things or dolphins communicate telepathically through echolocation, is it so hard to believe that we were also given ''supernatural'' abilities?

Many countries and cultures (that existed before the Americas) all documented, acknowledged, and witnessed human beings like you and me use a type of psychic energy that allowed them to do "supernatural" things.

Fast forward to today, there has been a controlled narrative, on this subject in the educational system, media and the mainstream web, so that you can't see past the box that was created to keep people on earth from breaking free from the illusion of life that would come from accessing these abilities.

10 years and counting of research, bridging gaps between different cultures, practice and experiments helped me discover a "Life force/Vital Energy" that is behind the supernatural abilities any human can do.

Abilities that, with the use of that same vital energy, helped me learn how to, lift my consciousness out of my body (breaking the illusion of life and death), develop and access psychic abilities, see through my closed eyelids or even manifesting physical buildings, people and desired life situations through its conscious activation and more.

The closest our society came to uncover this truth on its own was when the term Frisson and Spiritual Chills started to be used to describe people experiencing, physical goosebumps at times accompanied with a euphoric/ecstatic feeling. This was quickly manipulated and swept under the rug as 1. Something we can't all experience and only a few ''Open to experience'' people could do and 2. As it being a sign of a confirmation from "non-physical beings"

If you google the term "spiritual chills" or ''Frisson'' those are the main results out there that will come up. What I discovered after all these years was that that is only the tip of the iceberg with what you can experience with the conscious control of your Vital energy.

The best way you can recognize your Vital energy in action in you is when you feel a blissful wave that can most easily be felt/recognized as present while you get goosebumps from positive situations/stimuli. This is what people experience as ''Frisson'' and during an ''ASMR'' session.

Eventually, you can learn how to bring up this wave of euphoric energy without the physical reaction of goosebumps, feel it over your whole body and increase its duration. This is the euphoric feeling that people experience during the ''Runner's High'', in meditation, when practicing Tai-Chi, with specific breathwork like the Wimhoff method or pranayama, after cold showers and on drugs.

If you are interested in learning more about this energy, it has been researched and documented under many names like Bioelectricity, Life force, Prana, Chi, Qi, Runner's High, Euphoria, ASMR, Ecstasy, Orgone, Rapture, Tension, Aura, Mana, Vayus, Nen, Intent, Tummo, Odic force, Kriyas, Pitī, Frisson, Ruah, Spiritual Energy, Secret Fire, The Tingles, on-demand quickening, Voluntary Piloerection, Aether, Chills, Spiritual Chills and many more to be discovered hopefully with your help.

Here are three written tutorials going more in-depth about your vital energy and how you can begin your mastery of it to later use it for incredible feats.

P.S. Everyone feels it at certain points in their life, some brush it off while others notice that there is something much deeper going on. Those are exactly the people you can find on r/spiritualchills where they share experiences, knowledge and tips on it.

19:09 UTC


A toolbar which allows people to register any webpage they want into the toolbar's database and then to add tags to the registered webpage, which can then allow those webpages to be looked up via the same toolbar using the tags if anyone wanted to find a webpage matching their envisioned description

i.e. an infinite indexing toolbar

04:40 UTC


A legal drama in a Star-Trek-esque space opera setting

01:37 UTC


small drawers for employees

A fixture/set of small drawers for employees, in addition to or instead of lockers, large enough only for things like the employee's name tag and a few face masks etc

Something like this

So it looks like the idea itself exists, but I guess I wish that my place of work had this in addition to the lockers maybe

update edit: to answer the commenter - we have the mini lockers as well, i think they're close to that size. i guess i was thinking of something like the linked product, as, with the lockers, there's a possibility of water leakage or stuff like that, if someone's drink or something accidentally falls over, like a place where a drink or anything like that cannot fit, so it could only be used for small things like, in your case a phone, and or, maybe face masks (which is sort of something that you want to "keep to yourself" and not grab from a "communal box" or a bag that sits out and gets dusty somewhere. so, yeah, the existing lockers are good. i guess i probably should have maybe posted this in a different subreddit.

00:49 UTC


A printer, but it actually fucking works

No low ink errors, no spasms, no patchy or liney prints, it just takes electronic files and turns them into paper versions of them

15:27 UTC


Need help with lighting idea

Here’s the question, is there any type of small light bulb socket that is battery powered that could power an Edison bulb?

I am trying to create something for a project with a specific look, but don’t know if there is some sort of rechargeable base that could be attached to a light bulb socket and power an Edison bulb for a few hours.

Any and every help is much appreciated.

I hope this is the right place to ask.

Wishing you all a great weekend

05:45 UTC


Needing some original idea for College project

Hello y'all, we need to develop a somewhat complex web app for our web dev course at school that needs to use Tomcat servlets. This app needs to use a publicly available API (need not be unlimited access but still abundant requests per day) that returns new data hourly or daily and has a social aspect to it so that we can have users interactions. Lame examples include: sports news site, uni's calendar app, some original ideas include: betting on trains' schedules, etc.

13:36 UTC


Adult targeted vita-sleep-mineral-caffeine-fatty oil mixed gummy packets.

One a day was only because consuming six hard vitamins pills a day made you feel weird. Gummies are tasty, eating one or two is not satisfying, and overindulging in vitamins can cause medical issues if done regularly. So why not redesign the composition to accommodate the form factor.

Hence gummies with only one vitamin added so you get packs of 8-10 gummies that you can indulgently snack on. You can even have AM and PM packs with sleep/wake aids paired with vitamin cocktails tailored for sleep/wake.

03:17 UTC


We should have society work or go to school 3 or 4 days at most but longer hours with breaks, almost sleeping in your car or there. And being free the rest. Nine to five needs to be murdered.

Like if we could engineer society into a different collective location. It would be good I think.

23:44 UTC


Fasting really shows you what is your true energy

You know that good feeling that's present when you experience Frisson or during an ASMR session or while experiencing the Runner's High ?

Well turns out that it's been observed by people all over the world for ages and all of them have came to the conclusion that's it's basically our Vital energy/Life Force in action.

Which makes sense because when I fast, I don't have anything else in my body but I feel this activating with no effort while giving me goosebumps, Its intensity is a lot higher and I feel it "purer" kind of like really appeasing burning ice in my body.

Now, of course when fasting our body uses other sources in our body for energy but my point here is that this Life Force has been proven to be activated during many other times ( Runner's High, Voluntary Piloerection, Frisson, Prana, Qi, Tummo, Pitī ), and fasting activates it effortlessly at higher/purer levels.

You can easily learn how to consciously bring up this euphoric energy to help you during your fasts and that's only the half of it because turns out you can also do a bunch of spiritual things with it too.

Even if you're not fasting, you can definitely benefit from this, conscious activation of your Spiritual energy which is just another term for it.

You might have even felt it before, it's that blissful energy that is most easily felt and recognized with your goosebumps (but not dependent on that Physical reaction) and can be learned to be felt all over your whole body and for the duration you choose.

Different terms from all over the world for this life force are Bioelectricity, Life force, Prana, Chi, Qi, Runner's High, Euphoria, ASMR, Ecstasy, Orgone, Rapture, Tension, Aura, Mana, Vayus, Nen, Intent, Tummo, Odic force, Kriyas, Pitī, Frisson, Ruah, Spiritual Energy, Secret Fire, The Tingles, on-demand quickening, Voluntary Piloerection, Aether, Chills, Spiritual Chills and many more to be discovered hopefully with your help.

If you are interested, here are three written tutorials designed to help you clear out any blockages in your energetic pathways and going more in-depth about this energy to help you feel it everywhere, whenever you want and for the duration you choose.

P.S. Everyone feels it at certain points in their life, some brush it off while others notice that there is something much deeper going on. Those are exactly the people you can find on r/spiritualchills where they share experiences, knowledge and tips on it.

19:07 UTC


A Free energy device PR-LASER

My idea is an application of an already invented device used as a pseudo free energy device, similar to a type 2 perpetuum mobile.

What represents a free energy device or perpetuum mobile type? Is a device that extracts work from ambient temperature, or a device that doesn't need a cold and hot reservoir.

Second law of thermodynamics says that the heat spontaneous goes from hot to cold, and in order to extract work must exist a flow of heat. No flow, no work so in conclusion from ambient temperature work can’t be extracted.

A normal heat engine is W = QH - QC or heat pump that is QH = QC + W, work is needed to be used or generated.

In the case of this device that is already invented and used in a new way, it spontaneously moves heat from cold to hot or two reservoirs that have the same temperature, this device will move heat and create a gradient without work input. After the difference is formed the reservoirs can be hooked up to a heat engine to extract work, decreasing the overall system temperature.

The reason that it not breaks the second law of thermodynamics is because it transfers the heat through the negative temperature. The heat expressed as the total sum of the different aspect that keep energy, rotation, vibration, velocity at the molecular level this device spontaneously change one aspect from positive temperature in to negative temperature and the heat transfer towards hotter reservoir as radiation, and this radiation also is thought as having negative temperature. The device that is already invented and used in a new way as a free energy device is a laser. A special laser where the gain medium is pumped by the thermal radiation or the far infrared emitted by the enclosure. And if the gain medium is a gas it must be matched with the infrared flux by reducing it’s density to maintain population inversion. To maximize output, the cavity must be long and narrow, how narrow depends how much time does the medium gas stays in metastable state. It has two ways to increase it’s flux, one by increasing it’s length, secondly by focusing. It has a minimal working temperature dependent of the energy level necessary for lasing, for example, the peak emission wavelength at 300K is 9.6 microns, going bellow this in temperature the laser will stop working, so it must be designed for the minimal temperature of the environment that is working in and the trade that it has less specific power or requires to be bigger for the same energy flux.

I don’t know if other than gas for gain mediums are possible because of the thermal energy of the interactions between molecules that will disrupt the metastable state. That’s the second reason for a low pressure gas.

This in essence is a perfect refrigerator.

I call it PR LASER.

21:17 UTC


Google should replace the "I'm feeling lucky" button by a "Gemini Ai Chat" button

Google should consider replacing the "I'm feeling lucky" button by a "Gemini Ai Chat" button on the search home page. This would allow Google teams to collect more data to fine-tune Gemini and probably make OpenAI worried.

New Google search home page prototype :


21:31 UTC


Looking for 60W light bulbs which looks as close to incandescent ancestor as possinle.

I have got a Sylvania LED soft white 2700K 750 lumens from Amazon. It is still way brighter than the original old school incandescent 60W. Can't bear the brightness. The bathroom fixture has 4 bulbs and it gets too bright.

04:52 UTC


A educational website that publishes amateur science experiments with full methods and results

Basically like 5th grade science fair projects rules. All results must use the scientific method and results are clear. Could be index searched

Would be fun to find all the weird things someone has ever subjected a potato to

1 Comment
02:00 UTC


A music video that doubles as a PSA for mental health.

Basically, my idea would visibly highlight some warning signs that someone who is suffering from severe depression would put out and what to look for along with a painful reality of what can happen if said signals go unnoticed. (The characters in this music video unfortunately don't notice these signs because these signals tend to be subtle by nature)

1 Comment
22:28 UTC


This world can turn you into a puppet and diminish the link to your true spiritual self.

Too many people people in this world fall victim to the traps set up in society to make them lose control of their spiritual energy.

A simple definition for spiritual energy is that blissful wave that can most easily be felt/recognized as present while you get goosebumps from positive situations/stimuli.

Eventually, you can learn how to bring up this wave of euphoric energy without the physical reaction of goosebumps, feel it over your whole body and increase its duration.

That's when it becomes your spiritual energy.

It really is your spirits energy because of the many supernatural things that you can use it for, which you probably don't know yet. It has been known/documented for thousands of years in the east, is mentioned in the holy books from the three Abrahamic religions and many different cultures over the world have their own "term" for it.

Now, you might wonder, what are those traps that stop you from activating this power at the level that is needed to access your spirits abilities?

The list is considerate, from the hypnotic advertisement of detrimental substances, the "food" pushed out there, toxic sources of "energy" made to look fun consuming, the inumerable amounts of lustful content (that all originate from the plan of keeping you from ever having enough spiritual energy to access the senses from your spirit) and etc.

This energy has been researched and documented under many names like Bioelectricity, Life force, Prana, Chi, Qi, Orgone, Rapture, Tension, Aura, Euphoria, Ecstasy, Mana, Vayus, ASMR, Nen, Intent, Tummo, Odic force, Kriyas, Pitī, Frisson, Ruah, Spiritual Energy, Secret Fire, The Tingles, on-demand quickening, Voluntary Piloerection, Aether, Chills, Spiritual Chills and many more to be discovered hopefully with your help.

If you are interested, here are three written tutorials going more in-depth about what keeps your spirits energy from amplifying, how long does it take to recover and it's many properties.

P.S. Everyone feels it at certain points in their life, some brush it off while others notice that there is something much deeper going on. Those are exactly the people you can find on r/spiritualchills where they share experiences, knowledge and tips on it.

18:28 UTC


Mushrooms that grow out of your eyes starting from the iris

In 2013 i met a man with a frightening countenance and he made me scared

22:04 UTC


Please help me

Im on fire

1 Comment
22:02 UTC


A spray that attracts the good nature of the common woman!

Some sort of spray that mimics nice smelling pheramones that hurt people with lung conditions, ive just been using anthrax but its been dwindling numbers of women recently

22:02 UTC


Robot ladybugs

You can see through its eyes and control it from a computer like a video game. But it’s a physical actual thing you can put in your garden. And you can do anything a ladybug can, like fly around, maybe communicate with ants or bees, hang out on grass blades etc. And safety things should be taken care of too so it’s not used to spy on people. So you can only use it in your garden or idk how it’d be made so you cant do evil things but somehow that would be figured out. But yeah basically you get to live life as a ladybug 🐞✨

13:20 UTC


Bug repellent drink

So itd be non toxic and not harmful for humans and like all animals. But for annoying insects, like mosquitoes and flies, when you drink it, it creates like a cloud of poison for them around u. They only die if they get too close so they still have the chance to escape. But theyll leave u alone so itd be nice for summer.

1 Comment
13:04 UTC


Car fuels that balance each other out

I should preface by saying im not thinking realistically at all.

But the idea is: There could be several types of cars/car fuels and itd be balanced in the amount of each in world/every country. These cars all emit emissions that balance/cancel each other out.

Thered be the typical ones that mainly emit carbon dioxide. Then one that cancels that out and emits something else. And then another type that cancels that something else out and so on and so forth. So then the world would be healthier.

We probably have to start by creating healthier car emissions which is not easy ik. But if we simplify it to saying that the main issue is carbon dioxide.

12:48 UTC


I have this crazy idea called "Would you do it for a dollar?"

I have had this idea for a while and it is called "Would you do it for a dollar?"

People could ask or dare each other by asking: Would you do _______ for X dollars. At first it seems very harmless and innocent, but it could turn dark very fast. People can start asking each other to do nasty things like cutting themselves, furthermore it would be hard to filter out minors.

I always come back to this idea because it is thrilling and interesting, but too afraid to make it happen.
But maybe it can be pivoted in something useful like doing chores or something

18:43 UTC


Consult random players on game design choices

Game companies are starting to make worse and worse games, they should start consulting random players on decisions regarding balance, story, and other key aspects. Not only would the games be better, the companies would probably make more money

16:39 UTC


Drive Through Chocolate

I'm sitting here on my lunch break thinking how I'd like to pick up some chocolate after work. ('Cause it's Friday and it's been one of those weeks.) I don't want to go in the store though. I'd like to stay in my car and pull up to a little place that sells chocolate of all different forms and types. I give them my order, pay, and off I go to happily enjoy my chocolate at home with the equally delightful accompaniment of a good book. Goodbye cruel world! For a couple of hours anyway. Drive through chocolate. A girl can dream.

20:34 UTC


When searching symptoms in Google show most common diseases first, not most serious

Background is, emergency rooms are overcrowded as ppl go there often unnecessary for harmless conditions as they think it's life threatening

19:34 UTC


A mold kit to create a pacifier the shape of the mothers breast for babies who refuse traditional pacifiers.

Bottles would be an interesting option too. Many babies take traditional pacifiers but there are many that don't and families that struggle. It could be beneficial for helping tired parents soothe the baby but also reduces the risk of sids.

15:20 UTC

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